人教版 高一定语从句之关系副词

发布时间:2016-5-22 编辑:互联网 手机版

Step1 : Read the following sentences and try to sum up the usage of when,where and why.

1. I’ll never forget the day when I joined the league.

2. The house where Lu Xun once lived has become a place of interest.

3. The reason why she looks unhappy is quite clear.

Sum up: 先行词是时间,引导词就用when.



Step 2 Practice:

Please fill in the blanks by using when,where and why.

1. This was the moment ________ Spielberg’s career really took off.

2. Chuck survives the air crash and lands on a deserted island ______there are no people.

3. The reason ______ Steven Spielberg could not go to the Film Academy was that his grades were too low.

4. I often thought of my childhood, ____ I lived on a farm.

5. Do you know the reason ____ he was late?  

6. Winter is the time of year ____ the days are short and nights are long.

7. The primary school__________ I studied in my childhood had very little equipment

8. This is the place __________ we had a good time.

Key :when where why when why when where where

Sum up:


where在定语从句中作地点状语,常常修饰表示地点的名词,如 place,room,house,square等。

why在定语从句中作原因状语,常常修饰表示原因的名词 ,如reason等。Step3: Read the following sentences and try to figure out the different usage of italic words.

1. I’ll never forget the day on which I joined the league.

2. This was the moment at which Spielberg’s career really took off.

3. The house in which Lu Xun once lived has become a place of interest.

4. Chuck survives the air crash and lands on a deserted island on which there are no people.

5. The reason for which she looks unhappy is quite clear.

Sum up :关系副词when , where ,why 相当于介词+ 关系代词(which).


Step 4:practice:

1. Is this the library ____________ you borrow books?

2. This is the room _____________ I lived.

3. I don’t know the reason______________he haven’t come today.

4. Tom still remembers the days ______________they lived in Tianjin.

5. I still remember the date _________ I went to Nanjing for the first time.

6. The primary school ____________I studied in my childhood had very little equipment.

7. The day _____________ I met him first was the first of May on the Great Wall.

8. The reason ____________ it should be so is now clear. I don't need to explain it once more..

key: from which ,in which,for which,in which,on which, at which,on which,for which

Step 5: Please read the following sentences carefully and fill in the blanks

1. I will never forget the day ___________________ I first went to school.

2. I will never forget the day _________________ we spent in Beijing.

3. The house __________________ we visited is being repaired now.

4. The house _______________ Luxun once lived is being repaired now.

5. Is this the factory _________________ we visited last week?

6. Is this factory ________________ we visited last week?

7. Is this the factory ________________ his father works?

8. She won’t forget the days ______________she spent on the island.

9. She won’t forget the days _______________they stayed together.

10. She still remembers the year __________________ she found her first job.

11. She still remembers the year ____________she spent in Jining.

12. Is this the room _____________ you cleaned last time?

13. Is this the room _______________ we lived before?

14. This is the garden __________________ they stayed for a night.

15. This is the garden _____________ they visited last time.

16. Is this the room ___________________ we spent our childhood?

17. I still remember the date ___________ I went to Nanjing for the first time.

18. There are many long rivers in China_____ the Changjiang River is the longer

key : 1.when 2 that3.that4.where5.that 6 the one 7.where 8that 9 when10when 11that 12that13where 14where15that16where17when18among which

Sum up :

先行词是表时间地点和原因的名词时,从句中缺少宾语则用that 或which引导,that 或which在从句中充当宾语;从句中不缺少宾语则用when ,where, why或者相应的介词+which引导,在从句中充当状语。