
发布时间:2017-12-23 编辑:互联网 手机版











1._____is mentioned above, the number of the studentsin senior schools is increasing. [1999年上海卷]

  A.Which   B.As   C.That   D.It 答案:B

2._____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. [NMET 2001年-34]

  A.It   B.As   C.That   D.What 答案:B

3._____ has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.[2003年上海春招-32]

  A.That   B.As   C.It   D.What 答案:B

4.______ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress. [2004年北京卷-34]

  A.It   B.As   C.That   D.What 答案:B



  1.定式的用法:     2.定冠词的用法:

  3.零冠词的用法:    4.固定词组及习惯用的词组中的冠词的用法。




    A plane is a machine that call fly.飞机是一种会飞的机器。


    A boy is waiting for you.有个孩子在等你。


    a lot of,in a hurry,as a matter of fact,a few, all of a sudden,

as a matter of fact, as a rule, be in a position to, a matter of course, all of a sudden, be at a loss, have a chance, have a good time, have a hand in, have a say, have a try, keep an eye on, on a large scale, with a firm hand, take a fancy to, be in a hurry, take a walk, take an interest in,etc.


    What a pity!一个多么大的遗憾啊! He is a success.他是一个成功的人。



    The red book in the desk is mine.


    the sun,the moon,the earth,the sky

  (3)用在序数词、最高级、特定比较级前the first。the tallest,the better of the two

  (4)用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前the Great Wall,the United States

  ① 某些国名前: the People's Republic of China, the United States, the Netherlands, the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  ② 报纸名称前: The Washington Post 《华盛顿邮报》, The New York Times《纽约时报》, The Times 《泰晤士报》, The Observer 《观察家报》, The Daily Mail 《每日邮报》

  (5)用在国家、党政机关、江河湖海、山、岛前the Party,the Changjiang River

  (6)用在姓氏复数、乐器前the Smiths,play the piano


  The horse is a useful animal. the wounded(受伤的人),by the way, on the whole, in the end, on the way to, tell the truth, on the right / left, in the possession of, be in the habit of doing sth., on the spot, the day before yesterday, in the distance, in the case of, for the time being, at the hands of, in the front of, be in the dark, at the back of, to the extent of等.


  (1)星期、月份、季节、饮食、球棋类、节假日前:如:Sunday,have lunch,Teachers'Day, New Year's Day 新年, Lunar New Year's Day春节, National Day国庆节, May Day五一节, Carnival狂欢节,Easter复活节, Christmas圣诞节, Halloween万圣节, April Fools' Day愚人节


  Children like pIaying games.

  (3)物质名词、抽象名词及某些专有名词前。如:Knowledge begins with practice.China,Beijing,love


  Mary,Uncle Wang,Letter From China


  at noon/night/dawn/midnight, in town, in front of, at bottom, in order, in peace, at hand, at home, at last, at present, at stake, at war, by way of, day and night, without result, on top of, in trouble, in sight, from beginning to end, in advance, in haste, in danger, in case(of), in possession of, in fashion, in fact, take part in, take place,by bus,in use,etc.

  高考链接 2005年高考会怎么考。


  (1)月份、星期、学科、季节、三餐等名词前一般的不加冠词,但表特指时应加the。如:the spring of 1992, a Tuesday in October

  (2)"by+交通工具"表示一种交通手段,不加冠词,但表示具体的交通工具时,要加冠词。He goes to school by bike/on a bike.

  (3)turn后面的名词不用冠词:turn teacher.


  ①at table吃饭 at the table在桌边

  ②at sea在海上;茫然at the sea在海边

  ③in charge of管理 in the charge of被管

  ④out of question无疑,的确out of the question有问题,不可能

  ⑤go to school上学 go to the school到那所学校去


  1. 考查冠词的基本用法     2.测试冠词在习语及固定搭配中的用法

  3.考查关于冠词的特殊用法    4.结合其他知识考查冠词

  5. 测试冠词与形容词比较级或最高级搭配的用法

  名题导悟 近年来高考是怎样考的

[考题1] [例1](05北京春季高考卷--25)

________ recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S. would be higher than the number of English speakers by ________ year 2090.   A. A;the   B. A;不填   C. The;不填   D. The;a

  导悟:A 第一空泛指,这只是其中的一份。第二空特指。

[例2](NMET 2004全国卷(I)--24)

When you come here for your holiday next time, don't go to ____ hotel; I can find you ___ bed in my flat.

  A.the; a   B.the;/   C.a; the   D.a;/

  导悟:A 第一空的the表类别,第二空的a表示泛指或数量"一"。

[例3] (04北京高考卷--32)

____ on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is ____ major concern of the country.

  A.The;/   B.The;a   C.An;the   D.An;/

  导悟:B 第一空表特指意义,第二空表示数量"一",因为人们关心的问题很多,这只是其中之一。

[例4](上海高考题) I earn 10 dollars____hour as_____ supermarket cashier on Saturdays.   A.a;an   B.the:a   C.an;a   D.an;the


  Jumping out of______airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _______ exciting experience. A./;the   B./;an   C.an;an   D.the;the

导悟:以元音音标开头的单数可数名词或作定语用的形容词前虧应用不定冠词an来修饰,如上题中的hour、airplane及exciting;表示 "一类"时,要用不定冠词,如题1中的cashier(收银员);作"经历",experience 是个可数名词,前面可用不定冠词 [答案]4.C 5.C


Summer in_____south of France are for______ most part dry and sunny. A./;a B.the;/ C./;/ D.the;the


1.-John,there is_____Mr.Wilson on the phone for you. --I'm in ____ bath. [04NMET-IV--35]   A.a; the   B.the;a   C.a; /   D.the;/

2.When he left _____college, he got a job as _____reporter in a newspaper office. [04天津卷--24]   A./;a   B./;the   C.a; the   D.the;the

3.The most important thing about cotton in history is ____part that it played in____Industrial Revolution. [04重庆卷--32]

  A./;/   B.the;/   C.the;the   D.a; the

4.While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made _____discovery which completely changed____ man's understanding of colour.   A.a;/   B.a; the   C./;the   D.the;a [04广东卷--28]

5.Tom owns______ larger collection of _____ books than any other student in our class. [04江苏--27]   A.the;/   B.a;/   C.a;the   D./;the

6.When you finish reading the book, you will have ___ better understanding of ____ life. [[04辽宁卷--31] A.a;the   B.the;a   C./; the   D.a;/

7.When you come here for your holiday next time, don't go to____ hotel; I can find you____ bed in my flat. [NMET 2004-I--24]

  A.the; a   B.the; /   C.a; the   D.a; /

8._____ on going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is____ major concern of the country.

  A.the; /   B.The; /   C.An; the   D.An;/ [2004北京--32]

9.The Wilsons live in_____ A-shaped house near the coast. It is_____ 17th century cottage. [2004浙江--22]

  A.the;/   B. an; the   C./; the   D.an; a

10.It is_____world of wonders, _____ world where anything can happen.

  A.a; the   B.a; a   C.the; a   D./;/ [2004福建--23]

11.There was_____ time_____ I hated to go to school. [2004湖北--23]

  A.a; that   B.a; when   C.the; that   D.the;when

12.For a long time they walked without saying_____word. Jim was the first to break____ silence. [2004湖南--26]

  A.the;a   B.a;the   C.a; /   D.the;/

13.On_____ news today there were_____ reports of heavy snow in that area [04北京春招]   A.the;the   B.the; /   C./; /   D./; the

14.As a rule , domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid_____.[04上海春招--28]

  A.by the hour   B.by hour   C.by an hour   D.by hours

15.The sign reads"In case of_____ fire, break the glass and push____ red button".

  A./;a   B./;the   C.the;the   D.an; the [NMET 2003--26]

16.I earn 10 dollars_____ hour as_____ supermarket cashier on Saturday.

  A.a;an   B.the;a   C.an;a   D.an ;the [03上海--25]

17.There's_____ dictionary on_____ desk by your side. [NMET 2003北京春招--24]   A.a;the   B.a; a   Cthe; a   D.the;the

18.An accident happened at_____ crossroads a few metres away from_____bank.

  A.a;a   B./;a   C./;the   D.the;/ [03上海春招--23]

19.Jumping out of____airplane at ten thousand feet is quite____exciting experience.   A./;the   B./;an   C.an;an   D.the;the [NMET 02--26]

20.One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain____ good knowledge of basic word formation. A./  B.the  C.a  D.one [02 上海--21]

21.I don't like talking on_____telephone;I prefer writing____letters. [NMET 02北京春招--26]   A.a;the   B.the;/   C.the;the   D.a;/

22.The cakes are delicious.He'd like to have____third one because_____second one is rather too small. [02 上海春招--22]

  A.a;a   B.the;the   C.a;the   D.the;a

23. The warmth of ____________sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ___________wool used. [NMET 2001-29]

  A.The ; the   B.the ; /   C./; the   D./; /

24.A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in____ leg. [2001上海--21]

  A.a   B.one   C.the   D.his

25.Mr.Smith,there's a man at_____front door who says he has_____news for you of great importance. [NMET 01北京春招--22]

  A.the;/   B.the;the   C./;/   D./;the

26.His daughter is always shy in____ and she never dares to make a speech to ____.{01上海春招--22}

  A.the public ; the public   B.public; the public

  C.the public; public      D.public; public

27. 见精典名题导解例 2。

28.Summers in____south of France are for____most part dry and sunny.

[NMET 2000北京春招--8]

  A./;a   B.the;/   C./;/   D.the;the

29. 见精典名题导解例 3。

30.-Have you seen ___ pen ? I left it here this morning. [NMET 1997--7]

--Is it _____ black one ? I think I saw it somewhere.

  A.a;the   B.the;the   C.a;a   D.the;a

31.Many people agree that____ knowledge of English is a must in____ international trade today. {NMET1996--13}

  A.a;/   B.the;an   C.the;the   D./;the

32.-I'd like____ information about the management of your hotel, please.

-- Well, you could have____ word with the manager.He might be helpful. [NMET1995--32]   A.some;a   B.an;some   C.some;some   D.an;a

Unit-1答案: 1-5:AACAB 6-10:DABDB 11-15:BBBAB 16-20:CAACC 21-25:BCBCA

26-30:BBDCC 21-32:AA

05高考预测练习 2005年高考题就在里面

1. The bus is too full. We can hardly make for persons.

  A. a room; three more      B. rooms; more three

  C. room; three more       D. the room; another three

2. What he sent out

  A. an important information   B. important information

  C. an important information   D. an important piece information

3. It's believed that you work, result you'll get.

  A. the harder; the better    B. the more hard; the more better

  C. the hard; a better      D. more hard; more better

4. Tom is fun that we all like him.

  A. such a great   B. such great a   C. so great a   D. such great

5. All the boys are on way to their school.

  A. the       B. their       C. a       D. both A and B

6. "Something in nature" is quite different from "Something in universe" or "something in space."

  A. a; a; the          B. 不填; 不填; the

  C. 不填; the; 不填       D. the; the; 不填

7. What progress you have _____ these days!

  A. a; made   B. 不填; take   C. 不填; made   D. a; taken

8. The people who feel sad.

  A. are out of the work     B. are out of job

  C. are out of work       D. are out of their work

9. -Oh, dear! I wish I had not taken lift.

  --If I had known it would be out of order, I would have stepped up.

  A. the; an   B. a, the    C. a; 不填    D. the; 不填

10. Having received training of the MS. Company, he was offered important position in management.

  A. the; an   B. 不填; an   C. the; 不填   D. a; an11. I gave her some books to read, but after a page or two she would put book down and pick up new one.

  A. the; a    B. the; 不填   C. a; the    D. a; a

12. For many Beijingers, dreams of living in green area are becoming reality.   A. a; a   B. the; the   C. 不填; 不填   D. 不填; a

13. -Are you sure to help me find bed for my new house?

  --Of course, but not now. I'm heading for bed and a good sleep.

  A. a; a     B. a; 不填    C. the; a    D. a; the

15. I often have conversations with John over telephone, while keep in touch with Tom by letter.

  A. 不填; the  B. 不填; a    C. the; 不填   D. the; a

16. Many scientist wants to be second Newton.

  A. a; the    B. a; a      C. 不填; a    D. 不填; the

17. Charley Oakley, NBA star, hasn't lost game in the past three years.

  A. an, a    B. a; the     C. the; a     D. an; the

18. Chicago is on Lake Michigan. There is nothing in the world like Chicago meat industry.

  A. the; the   B. 不填; 不填   C. the; 不填   D. 不填; the

19. It seems to me that little money he earns hardly support family as large as his.

  A. the; a    B. a; the     C. 不填; a    D. 不填; the

20. In face of failure, it is the most important to keep up good state of mind.

  A. 不填;     B. a; 不填     C. the; 不填   D. 不填; the


  1.C room是不可数名词,所以不能加冠词或使用复数形式。"three more persons"意为"另外"三个人 。 more是另外的意思,只能放在数词后面。

  2.C 因为information是不可数名词.不能在其前加不定冠词,如果与piece of组合,piece可有单复数变化,故选C.

  3.A "the+形容词比较级''的意思是"越.….,越….."选项B.真C,D的错误在于形容词比较级前加了more.More放在双音节或多音节形容词前构成比较级。

  4.D fun是抽象名词,尽使前面有各种形容词,也不加a或an,也不用复数。fun在本题中指"有趣的人",such great fun = so amusing.fun也可指"有趣的事",如:It's great fun to swim in summer.该题题意为:汤姆是一个很有趣的人,我们都非常喜欢他。

  5.D 在去……的路上,可用be on the way to也可用be on on one's way to,因此,A,B都是对的,答案为D。

  6.C in nature,in the universe,in space都是固定形式,它们分别是"在大自然里,在宇宙中,在太空"的意思。

  7.C progress是一个不可数名词,前面不加a.make progress是一个固定短语。该题题意为:这些日子你取得了多大的进步啊

  8.C 失业用out of work、out of the job表示。work前不加the,job前加the.

  9.D "电梯"指双方都知道的东西,故前面用定冠词;out of order为一习语,表示"出了问题"。

  10.A training后有定语修饰。特指,前面用定冠词;position为单数可数名词,前面用不定冠词,表示一个霉啦。

  11.A 前面有a page or two,所以后面的书特指;"一本新的"用a new one表示。

  12.A area为可数名词,表示"地区";reality表示"实际"时,可作可数名词。

  13.B "为新屋找张床"中的床泛指;(head)for bed表示"去睡觉",相当于so to bed。

  14.A party此处指双方都知道的,表特指;most=very,不表最高级,a most pleasant atmosphere意为"一股十分快意的氛围"。

  15.C over/on the telephone表示"在电话上";by表示借助某种方式时,其后的名词甩单数且不要冠词,又如by bus(乘车)。

  16.B many a为习语,后接单数可数名词;a second表示"又一(个)。

  17.A star与game均为可数名词。

  18.B Michigan与Chicago均为专有名词,再构成其他专有名词时,前面不再要冠词。

  19.A he earns作定语从句修饰money,前面要用定冠词;family.指"家庭",可数。

  20.A "失败"为泛指,前面不要冠词;a state of表示"一种……的状态"。

  专题Unit---2 名 词


  1.名词复数的构成。       2.可数和不可数名词的用法。

  3.名词的所有格和of格。     4.名词作定语。



  注意:(1)抽象名词具体化现象: Success一成功 a success--一个成功的人/物

  (2)含义不同,可数与不可数性有了变化; paper---纸 a paper--一份论文/试卷


  (1) 规则变化:①一般在词尾加一s;②以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词常加一es;③以"辅音字母+ y"结尾的名词,变y为i,再加一es;④以f,fe结尾的名词,多数将f或fe改为v,再加一es;也有直接加一s的;⑤以"辅音字母+o"结尾的名词,多加一es;以"元音字母+o"结尾的名词,多加一s。

  (2) 不规则变化:①改变元音或词尾;②单复数同形;③合成名词通常将主体名词变为复数,没有则将最后一个名词变为复数;④由man, woman构成的合成词,各部分均变为复数。







  (1)在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补语、定语、状语、同位语、呼语和连词等;(2)名词作定语常表中心词所表事物发生的时间、地点或该事物的材料、用途、类别、内容、性别等;名词所有格作定语一般表示所属关系。如a girlg friend女孩的朋友(所属关系)a girl friend女朋友(表性别)bus driver公汽司机(表类别)telephone card电话卡(表用途)


  1. 名词的单复数变化,尤其是特殊名词的复数;

  2. 抽象名词,物质名词的用法。注意抽象名词和物质名词之间的转化;

  3. 名词所有格和of属格的用法;

  4. 名词的同义词,近义词在一定语境中含义的区别。

  [名题导悟] 近年来高考是怎样考的。


Oh,John!_____you gave us!

  A.How a great surprise     B.How pleasant surprise

  C.What a pleasant surprise   D.What pleasant surprise

  导悟:C 英语中有一类名词一般情况下是不可数名词,但当它们被赋予了具体的含义后,如"一个、一种、一阵、一类……",它们便成了可数名词,这便是"抽象名词具体化"。


He gained his____by painting_____of great writers.

  A.wealth;work         B.weahhs;works

  C.wealths:work         D.wealth;works

  导悟:D 本题要求区分wealth及work是可数名词还是不可数名词,以及它们的复数形式是什么问题。Wealth是个不可数名词,表示"财富",没有复数形式;work作"工作"讲时是个不可数名词;works作"作品"讲时,通常以复数形式出现。

[考题3][例1](NMET 2001年京、内、皖春季高考题)

If this dictionary is not yours,______can it be?

  A.what else   B.who else   C.which else's   D.who else's


1.Do you have any ______ of what life would be like if we lived on other planets? [05春季上海--46]

  A.plan      B.idea      C.impression     D.imagination

2.Beginners are expected to be familiar with the ______of the reading material before they come to the class. [05春季上海--48]

  A.condition    B.concept    C.contest      D.content

3.If you buy more than ten , they knock 20 pence off_____. [04NMET-II--31]

  A.a price     B.price     C.the price     D.price

4.The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a ____ of 60 miles. [04NMET-IV--28]

  A.length     B.distance    C.way       D.space

5.The environmentalists and wild goats' ______on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment. [04上海卷--45]

  A.escape     B.absence    C.attendance    D.appearance

6.In dealing with public relations, we should make every dffort to prevent the _____in personality. [04上海卷--52]

  A.contact     B.contrast    C.connection    D.conflict

7.Chinese arts have won the_____ of a lot of people outside China. [04上海卷--53]

  A.enjoyment   B.appreciation  C.entertainment   D.reputation

8.Don't leave maches or cigarettes on the table within______ of little children. [04湖北-21]

  A.hand      B.reach     C.space       D.distance

9.The doesn't sound very frightening, Paul . I've seen______. What did you like most about the film? [04湖南-29]

  A.better     B.worse     C.best       D.worst

10.The village is far away from here in deeded. It's_____ walk.


  A.a four hour   B.a four hour's C.a four-hours  D.a four hours'

11.---I'm sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired. ---There is no _____ for this while you are on duty. [03北京-29]

  A.reason     B.excuse     C.cause      D.explanation

12.The manager has got a good business______ so the company is doing well. [NMET 03]

  A.idea      B.sense      C.thought     D.thinking

13.The _____ is just around the corner and you won't miss it. [NMET 2001]

  A.bicycle' s shop B.bicycle shop  C.bicycles shop D.bicycles' shop

14. What he has done is far from______. [2000上海-33]

  A.satisfactory  B.satisfied    C.satisfaction  D.satisfy

15.We all know that______speak louder than words. [1999上海-24]

  A.movements    B.performance   C.operations   D.actions

16.My parents always let me have my own_____ of living. [1999上海-25]

  A.way       B.method      C.manner     D.fashion

17.The new law will come into_____ on the day it is passed [1999上海-29]   A.effect      B.use       C.service     D.existence

18.You'll find this map of great_____ in helping you to get round London. [NMET1998-21]

  A.price      B.cost       C.value      D.unefulness

19.You can take as many as you like because they are free of ______.

  A.fare      B.charge      C.money     D.pay [98上海-26]

20.A______ will be offered to information leading to the arrest of the bank robber. [1998上海-29]

  A.price     B.find       C.reward     D.profit

21.Do you know the_____ of the saying I just quoted ? [1998上海-32]

  A.sourse     B.resource     C.course     D.cause

22.If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a ______.[NMET1997--18]

  A.message    B.letter      C.sentence    D.notice

23.Those football players had no strict______ until they joined our club. [1997上海-20]

  A.practice    B.education    C.exercise    D.training

24.I'll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little ______.

  A.wait     B.time     C.patience     D.rest [NMET1996--10]

25.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of ____.[1996上海-17]

  A.energy    B.source    C.power      D.material

26.He gained his____ by printing_____of famous writers. {NMET 1995--40}

  A.wealth; work B.wealths;works C.wealths; work D.wealth;works

Unit 2答案:1-5: BDCBD 6-10: DBBBD 11-15: BBBCD 16-20: AACBC 21-25: ADDC A 26 D


1. -How long is your _____ to work, Miss Tian Lily?

 --Only about a quarter.

  A. trip     B. journey     C. travel     D. voyage

2. We live on the _____ . Who lives in the sky?

  A. earth     B. ground      C. soil      D. floor

3. I'm busy today, for I have lots of _____ to do.

  A. job      B. work       C. position    D. works

4. The dictionary is of _____ to learners of English.

  A. importance  B. important    C. very important D.very importance

5. It is a top secret. You should keep it _____ .

  A. a secret   B. secret      C. secrets     D. secreting

6. ____ car broke down on the way, but luckily they knew how to fix it.

  A. Tom's and Jane's         B. Tom's and Jane

  C. Tom and Jane's          D. Tom and Jane

7. These things must be put into ______ .

  A. products   B. product     C. production   D. producing

8. I have three ______ .

  A. sister-in-law          B. sisters-in-laws

  C. sisters-in-law          D. sister-in-laws

9. What a lot of ______ I have to finish today!

  A. works     B. work      C. job      D. workings

10. This is a ______ report.

  A. three-thousand-words       B. three-thousand-word

  C. three-thousands-words      D. three thousands-words

11. Before we moved into the new house, we bought many ___.

  A. furniture            B. furnitures

  C. pieces of furniture       D. furniture pieces

12. What ______ we have today!

  A. a fine weather          B. fine weathers

  C. fine weather           D. fine weathers

13. Yesterday he told me ______ news.

  A. a good     B. such a good   C. so good a   D. a piece of good

14. What _____ it is to jump into the water to swim in the hot weather.

  A. a fun     B. funs      C. the funs    D. fun

15. Our ______ protects us from the cold.

  A. dress     B. clothing    C. clothes    D. cloth

16. He said that two _____ would come to our village the next day.

  A. women's doctor          B. women doctors

  C. women's doctors         D. women doctor

17. In this strange village, there are many small flags on their _____ .

  A. roof     B. roofs      C. roves     D. roofes

18. We saw a lot of _____ .

  A. cow and sheep          B. cows and sheeps

  C. cows and sheep          D. cow and sheeps

19. If you need an extra bed for your guest, you can use one of _____ .

  A. my friend   B. friend     C. my friend's   D. friends

20. We can't judge her by her ______ . She might be a good guy.

  A. look      B. looks      C. handsome     D. face



  2.A 相对天天空而言,earth作"地球","大地"解。

  3.B job泛指"应做的某种具体工作",也可指"任务","职务",是可数名词;position是正式用语,在专门职业上的工作,一般为"白领阶层"的工作。

  4.A 此题考查"be of + 抽象名词"。

  5.B 在本句话中,形容词充当代词it的补足语。

  6.C 从it知,这车属于二人共同所有。

  7.C put into应接名词作宾语;product指"产品",production指"生产"。

  8.C sister为中心名词,复数加在它身上。

  9.B works表示"作品",不合题意;job要用复数形式才行;workings指"矿内巷道",不合题意。

  10.B thousand前由具体数字,不加复数;有连字号时,名词应用单数。

  11.C furniture为不可数名词,只能由many pieces of来修饰。

  12.C weather为不可数名词,不可由a修饰,也无复数形式。

  13.D news为不可数名词,只可用a piece of修饰。

  14.D fun为不可数名词,表示"有趣的人,有趣的事"。

  15.B "衣物"表示为clothing(总称)]clothes指除鞋帽之外的衣服,cloth指布匹。

  16.B woman(以及man)作定语,变成复数时,它和后面的名词都要变为复数。

  17.B roof的复数形式应为roofs。

  18.C sheep的复数形式仍然是sheep。

  19.C one of my friends是双重所有格的表示。

  20.A look指"长相、面容"。