江苏牛津版英语初一Starter 复习教案二

发布时间:2017-10-21 编辑:互联网 手机版


第三课时 Review Unit 5

教学目标:1 运用所学的句式熟练表达某一学校的介绍。

2 掌握四会单词及相应短语

3.掌握句式:There is /are…….

How many …………?

教学重点:1 熟练运用There be 句型

2能就数字用How many /How much …….? 提问。

教学难点:There be 句型

教学方法:1 就身边的物体的数量用There be 句型,,学生会更明了一些。

2. 采取一问一答式



1. Write the words and the phrases of Unit 3-4 from the memory .

2 Have a talk according to the things in the classroom .

A: Is this ……?

B: Yes , it is / No , it isn’t .

A: How many boys are there in our class ?

B: There are 28 boys .

A: There is a beautiful garden behind our school .

B: Look at the map of our school . There are six floors in this building .

2. Explain the grammar ( The plural of nouns )

A: There is a book on the desk .

B: There are two books on the desk .

A: There is a box in the bag .

B: There are two boxes in the bag .

A: There is a bus in the school .

B: There are ten buses in the school /

A: There is a library in our school .

B: There are two libraries in our school .

3. Grammar :

The plural of nouns

normal -s cup-cups

ending with s,sh,ch,x -es watch-watches

consonant +y -ies family-families

4. Practice

Give some plurals of some nouns .

5. Production

1) Read the words and phrases fluently .

2) Assign some homework

a. Written work

b. Exercise paper