Unit 14 Shopping

发布时间:2017-12-27 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching Aims:

1.Master the useful expressions about shopping.

2. Learn the new grammar: the Past Perfect Tense.

3. Learn the use of “so + adj/adv + that…


Properties: Recorder, overhead projector; pictures and some real objects

Language focus:

Useful expressions: be excited, be worn out;

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Showing aims:

1. Master some useful expressions.

2. Learn the grammar: the Past Perfect Tense.

3. Learn some dialogues.

4. I don’t think I will take it.

5. A big set.

Ⅱ. Revision

1.Check homework.

2.Revise Get the Ss to revise the names of clothes by showing the SS pictures . Ask : What is this? What is made of/ from? then Ss practise “ ask and answer” in pairs. using the Passive Voice and choose several pairs to perform their dialogues. Get the Ss to make up a dialogue in pairs and then share the dialogue in class.

Ⅲ.Leading in:

Get the Ss to look at the pictures, they are all advertisements of the shops. There are all kinds of clothing. Say: Today I want to buy a new pair of shoes. Do you know why?

Because my shoes are old enough, they are worn out. I can’t wear them to school or any other place. Show an old pair of shoes to the class to help them to understand the dialogue.


Say: I want to buy some new shoes. I’ll go to the shop.

What ideas would you like to give me?

Get the SS to listen to the tape, try to find the answers.

Play the tape for the class to listen and find the best answers by themselves. Check the answers with the whole class. Make sure they can answer correctly. See if the SS can make sentences with them. Play the tape again for the Ss to repeat.

Ask the students to make up a similar dialogue, and share with the class.

ⅤRead and say:

Just get the SS to to understand the reading, do not pay more attention to the new knowledge. Look at the books, read the dialogue with the whole class.


Get the SS to practise Part 2.. Get the SS to make a new dialogue with the sentences in the box., ask the class to read it by themselves. Choose some of the SS to read in class.


1) Do Exx 1 orally in pairs. Have the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Check the answers with the

2) Do Exx 3 in the exercise books. Have the ss do it by themselves, then discuss in pairs.



Finish the exercises in the workbook..

Make up a new dialogue.

Ask the Ss to write a passage about how to do some shopping.

Lesson 54.

Properties: Recorder, overhead projector; pictures and some real objects

Language focus:

Useful expressions: on line, make a decision, go over; places of interest;

Differences between search and search for;

As well ; too, also, and either;

Make a good decision.

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Showing aims:

1. Understanding Objectives.

2. Learn some useful expressions.

Ⅱ. Revision:

1.Check homework.

Revise Lesson 53. Practise the dialogues of Lesson 53 in front of the class.

Revise the Past future Tense. Have the Ss make sentences in groups of four, then get some groups to give out their ideas.

Ⅲ. Presentation:

Ask the SS to look at the pictures and describe it in English. Do Ex 1. in the Wb, Let the SS discuss it first. Then open the workbook, look at Ex. 1. Read through the questions first, let the SS read the passage quickly and answer the questions in the Workbook orally. After that, give them correct instructions. Ask them to find the answers in pairs.

Ask: What did Sato Miyoko decide to buy on line?

Play the tape, get the SS to listen and read after the tape sentence by sentence.

Then ask two or three Ss to read the passage for the class.

Ⅳ. Teaching Language Focus:

Explain some useful expressions in the passage. Let the SS understand them.

on line, make a decision, go over; places of interest;

Differences between search and search for;

As well ; too, also, and either;

Make a good decision.

Ⅴ. Read:

Speech cassette. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and try to find the answers to the questions. Check the answers with the class.

Books open. Get the Ss to read the passage in pairs. Give them a few minutes for them to discuss, then ask some of the SS to give their reports to share with the class.


Have the ss make sentences with the useful expressions, See if they use them freely.

Then play the tape again for the Ss to repeat.

Ask the SS to listen carefully. Then stop the tape while the SS are listening, and ask them to go on reading. It can test the SS’ abilities to follow the passage as it is read on the tape.

Read the passage individually and help them to retell the story.


Do Exx 2 orally in class. Write down the answers as quickly as they can. Have the Ss read the dialogue in pairs, then check in class. And write down their own ideas in the exercise books.

The answers are:trip; camera, searched; made; offer, at, order; clicked, appeared, typed; filled, came, up, received, ordered; remember, forever;

Do Ex 4. in class. The answers are: had left, had ordered; had bought; had finished;

Had seen; had been.

Ⅷ. Summary.


Finish off the exercises in the workbook..

Write a short passage about a visit on holiday.

Lesson 55.

Properties: Recorder, overhead projector; pictures and some real objects

Language focus:

1.The Past Perfect Tense.

2.so that…; so…that…

3. cost, srend on sth; / in doing sth; take,

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Showing aims:

1.Master some useful expressions.

2.Go on revising the grammar: the Past Perfect Tense

Ⅱ. Revision:

1.Check homework;

2.Revise the passage of Lesson54. First get the Ss to ask and answer some questions about the passage, see if they can understand the passage correctly. Get one of them to retell it. Try to use the drills freely:

Have the SS to make some sentences to master the Past Perfect Tense. Make up some sentences.

Ask some SS to read their sentences. Then ask some of them to read them out to the SS.


Look at the picture and say:

1. Miyoko bought a camera so that she could take pictures in Beijing.

2. Tom got up early so that he could catch the early bus.

Get the SS to pay attention to the structure. Let them make up some sentences with so that…

Ask the SS to tell the structure. Point out the position of so that in the middle of the sentence again. Make sure they can tell the difference between so that and so… that…

Ⅳ. Practice:

Do Ex 1. in the workbook. Read through the phrases in the boxes, and make up true sentences by themselves. Divide the class into small groups. Have the ss to share their sentences in groups. Ask some of them to share with the whole class. Pay attention to the positions of so that.

Pay attention to the phrases: go over; make a mistake; get wet in the rain.

Ⅴ. Presentation:

Make up some examples:

1. I’m so angry that I can’t say a word.

2. The teacher spoke so fast that we couldn’t understand him.

3. The question is so difficult that nobody in our class can answer it.

4. The car cost so much that she couldn’t afford it.

5. The box is so heavy that we can not carry it.

Get them to repeat the sentences. Point out the use of so…that..Then help the SS change the sentences into the Active Voice and make sure they can understand the difference between the so that, and so… that…

Ⅵ. Practice:

Get the SS to finish sentences using the words in the box. Do Ex 2 and 3. First do the first one as an example, then let the SS work in pairs to make up sentences. Collect some examples from the whole class.


1.Do Exx 1 orally with the whole class. Discuss the answers with the partner, and finish the dialogue. Have two students read the dialogue in pairs, then check the answers in class.

2. Do Exx 2 as homework., then write down the sentences.

3. Do Ex 3. Ask the SS to match the sentences quickly.Ⅹ. Summary.


Finish the exercises in the workbook..


Properties: Recorder, overhead projector; pictures and some real objects

Language focus:

Checkpoint 14.

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Showing aims:

1. Train the SS’ listening ability.

2.Revise all the contents of Unit 14.

3.To train their writing abilities.

4.Go through Checkpoint14.

5.Write a short passage to train the SS’ writing abilities.

Ⅱ. Revision:

1.Check homework.

2. Revise the Past Perfect Tense Have the Ss make sentences using the Past Perfect Tense and get the ss to discuss in groups. Make sure the Ss can use the the Past Perfect Tense


Listening cassette. Go through the Ex1and 2 in WB with the Ss. Play the tape for the ss to listen and finish Ex 1 in WB . Play the tape again, Get the SS to check their answers. Then check with the whole class. Make sure that they can understand.

Ex2. in the Wb. Listening cassette. Get the ss to listen and repeat after the tape.


Listen to the dialogues, then repeat after the tape. Get the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs. Then get them to act it out in class.

Ⅴ.Read and act

Let the SS open the books and read the passage more carefully and answer the questions. Then check the answers with the SS. Play the tape for the sS to listen and repeat, then read it in pairs. Explain some language points. Ask the SS to practise this dialogue in pairs without looking at the books.

Ⅵ. .Presentation:

Part 3. Get the SS to write down their answers into the table and report to the class.

Checkpoint 14.

Go through Checkpoint 14 with the Ss. Solve any problems that the Ss may have. Make sentences with the useful expressions, and make sure that the Ss can use them freely. Get the Ss to go over the grammar notes.

Ⅷ. Workbook:

1) Do Exx 3 orally in class. Do it in Ex book. Pay attention to the stress.



Finish off the exercises in the workbook..