
发布时间:2016-7-19 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. admire vt. 钦佩,羡慕,赞美,欣赏

[搭配] admire sh./sth. 羡慕/赞赏……

admire sb. for sth. 因……而钦佩某人

admire + that从句

[举例] (1)I was admiring his new car. 我羡慕地看着他的自行车。

(2)I admire him for his honesty. 我钦佩他的诚实。

(3)Remember to admire her new dress. 记着要赞美他的新衣。

(4)We admire that she is beautiful. 我们赞美她的美丽。

2. known adj. 已知的,众所周知的,有名的

[搭配] be known as... 著称,被认为

be known for... 因...而出名

be known to... 为...所熟知

(It is (well) known that... 众所周知……

[举例](1)He is known as a good teacher. 他被认为是个好老师。

(2)The boy is known for his good handwriting. 那个男孩因为书法好而出名。

(3)The singer is well known to the younger generation.


(4) It is well known to all that Taiwan belongs to China.


3. inspire vt. 激励,鼓舞,感动,引发

[搭配] inspire sb. 激励、鼓舞某人

inspire sb. to sth. 激励某人某事

inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事

[举例] (1)We were inspired by his speech. 我们为他的演说所激励。

(2)The teacher inspired us to greater efforts. 老师激励我们更加努力。

(3)His friend's words inspired him to try again.


4. keep doing sth. 继续做某事,不断做某事

[举例](1)He kept running after her, trying to catch her.


(2)The telephone kept ringing until I answered.


[比较] keep doing sth. , keep on doing sth. , keep... doing sth. ,

keep... from doing sth.

(1) keep doing sth.与keep on doing sth.


(2)keep...doing sth.为“让……继续做某事”,而keep...from doing sth.为“不使/不让/阻止...做某事”。

[举例](1) He caught such a bad cold that he kept coughing all morning.


(2)Although it started raining, we kept on working.


(3) She kept me waiting for half an hour.她让我等了半个钟头。

(4) His advice kept me from making a serious mistake.


5. imagine v. 想像、设想、认为、感觉、猜测


[举例] (1)We all imagined her safe. 我们都料想她安然无恙。

(2)Can you imagine me swimming crossing the East Lake?


(3)I can't imagine what you mean. 我猜不出你的意思。

(4)Just imagine how happy he was! 想一想,他多么幸福啊!

(5)I couldn't imagine his saying so. 我想像不出他会那么说。


(1)I don't imagine he will attend the meeting.我猜想,他将不会来参加会议了。

(2)I don’t think he is right,is he? 我认为他是不对的,对吗?

6. Put up举起;挂起;搭起;建造;住宿、过夜

[举例] (1)He wrote a number in his exercise-book and put up his hand.


(2) Who put up the map? 谁把这张地图挂起来了?

(3)big building has been put up in my hometown.


(4) You can put up here for the night.你可在这儿过夜。

7. Lie down躺下休息,睡觉;顺从,屈服

[举例](1) She lay down on the sofa for half an hour.


(2) I hope you don't expect me just to lie down.我希望你别指望我屈服。



8.Top n。 顶部;(物的)上面

[搭配] at the top of...的顶部

at the top of one's voice高声喊(叫)

on top of... 在……顶部/上方

[举例](1) In a few minutes, the boy was at the top of the tree.


(2) The children are repeating the lessons at the top of their voices.孩子们在高声念书。

(3)If you go to Salt Lake City, you can see a monument with seagulls on top of it.


(4) The top of the mountain is covered with snow. 山顶被雪覆盖。

9. none pron. 一个人也没有;没有任何东西

[举例](1) None of us are (is) afraid of difficulties. 我们谁也不怕困难.

(2)There is none of it left. 那东西一点儿也没有剩下。


None of this money is mine. 这些钱一个也不是我的。

None of them has (have) got a bike. 他们谁都/全都没有自行车。

None of us are workers. 我们谁也不是工人。


I liked none of the books.这些书我全不喜欢.


We none of us send anything to him. 我们谁也没有送东西给他。

10.when adv.

[用法] (1)作疑问副词“什么时候;何时”;



[举例] (1) When does your mother go to work?你妈妈什么时候上班?

(2) Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a diamond necklace.


(3)When we arrived at the station, the train had left.


(4)I was walking along the road when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.


(5)We were about to start, when a strong wind came up and it began to rain.


11. regret n. v. 可惜、后悔、惋惜


(1)I felt regret at her absence. 她没来让我好失望。

(2) We heard with regret that you were not successful in your plan.


(3)I felt great regret about what I had said to him.


(3) I express my deep regret at/over your mother' s death.


[搭配] regret sth./that对……感到遗憾、悔恨、哀悼

regret doing sth. 对(已发生的事情)感到后悔、遗憾

regret to say/tell/inform.., that 对要说的事表示抱歉

It is to be regretted that... 可惜的是……,令人遗憾的是……

[举例] (1) He regretted his carelessness. 他对自己的粗心大意感到懊悔。

(2)I regret that I can't come today. 我很遗憾我今天不能来.

(3)1 regretted telling her the news. 我为告诉了她这消息而感到后悔。

(4)I regret to say that I cannot help you. 很抱歉,我不能帮你的忙。

(5)It is to be regretted that he can't attend the meeting,



[搭配] keep/hold one’s promise遵守诺言

break one's promise 违背诺言

give/make a promise 许诺

promise(sb)to do sth.答应(某人)做某事

promise(sb.)+ that从句

[举例](1) I made a promise to get him a picture book.他答应给他买一本连环画。

(2)I made a promise that if anyone set me free,1 would make him very rich.


(3) He promised me a quick answer. 他答应我从速答复。

(4) He promised me to come early.他答应我早点来。

(5)We promised him that we would buy a dictionary for him.


13.value n.价值 认评价



[举例](1) Such a magazine has little value except when you have time to kill.


(2) We must realize the value of the book.


(3) This watch is good value for your money.你这只手表钱花得值。

(4)This dictionary is of great value to students.


(5) How do you value him as a writer? 照你的评价他是个怎样的作家?

(6) I value your friendship very highly.我非常珍惜你的友情。