
发布时间:2017-12-12 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. in one's opinion 依某人看,在某人看来

[用法] in one's opinion 中的one’s表示不同的物主代词,如your, his, her, their

等,也可以用名词的所有格代替,如Jane’s, Mum's, my teacher’s等,它用来表示个人的看法或意见,并使自己的看法或意见听起来不那么武断,不那么绝对化。

[例] (1)In my opinion, he is wasting time. 依我看,他在浪费时间。

(2)In Charlie's opinion, Americans should eat less meat.


(3)In the opinion of most people, there will be a good harvest time this autumn. 根据多数人的看法,今年秋天会有一个好收成。

[拓展]在英语中,in my opinion也可以说in my view,还可用I think/guess/feel等,但前者更为正式些。

2. waste vt. 糟蹋,浪费,徒耗;毁坏,荒废 n. 浪费,徒耗;废物,荒地

(1)Mother told me not to waste money. 母亲告诉我别浪费金钱。

(2)She always wastes her time on trifles. 她总是在琐事上浪费时间。

(3)The fields were wasted by a long drought. 那些田地由于久旱而荒废了。

(4)It's a waste of money to buy that. 买那个东西是白浪费金钱。

(5)A lot of waste from the factory is polluting the sea.


3. pollute vt. 弄脏、污染

[例] A lot of rivers have been polluted. 许多河流已被污染。


(1) air pollution 空气污染

(2) environmental pollution 环境污染

(3)noise pollution 噪音污染

(4)water pollution 水污染

4. use n. 使用,利用,用

[搭配] It is (of) no use doing sth. = It is no use to do sth. 做……也是徒然。

be of use 有用,有效

come into use 开始使用

in use 使用之中,使用着

make(full,more)use of(充分、更多地)使用、利用

[例] (1)It's no use talking. 说是没有用的。

(2)The medicine is of great use. 这药很有效。

(3)Computers have come into use in the class. 电脑已开始应用于课堂上了。

(4)The laboratory is in use until three o'clock.


(5)You should make the best use of this chance. 你该好好利用这次机会。

(6)He make use of his free time to learn French. 他利用空余时间来学法语。

5.though adv.可是;倒是;然而


[例] (1)He said he would come, he didn't, though. 他说他会来,可是他并没有来。

(2) He has a bit cold. It's nothing serious, though.



(1) Though it was so cold, he went out without a coat.


(2)He will come back for supper,though l don’t know when.


6.discover vt.发现;看出

[例] (1)When we discover what this thing is, we must work until we succeed.


(2) We discovered his mistakes too late.我们发现他的错误太晚了。

[辨析] discover与invent



[例] (1) Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the light bulb.


(2) Paper was invented in China.纸发明于中国。

(3) Who discovered America in 1492? 是谁在1492年发现了美洲大陆的呢?


7.conduct vt.


[例](1) He conducted me around the museum. 他带领我参观了博物馆。

(2) The young man conducted the tour. 这位年轻人担任该队的导游。

(3) The concert on this evening will be conducted by a world-famous conductor.本周六的音乐会将由一位著名的世界级指挥家担任指挥。

(4) The material can conduct electricity and heat.这种材料既导电又传热。

8.charge vt.


[例](1) How much do you charge for a room with a bath?


(2)They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee.


(3)The teacher charged him with calling the roll. 老师指派他点名。

(4)Mother charged me to tell the truth and not to steal.


(5)The frightened animal charged into the toy shop.


(6)It usually takes ten hours to get the condenser fully charged.



[搭配]free of charge 免费的,免费地

in charge (of)... 负责,掌管

in (under) the charge of... 被……管理,由……管理

[例] (1)You get service free of charge. 你可得到免费的服务。

(2)She is in charge of our class. 她担任我们的班主任。

(3)The prisoner was in the charge of the guard.

= The guard was in charge of the prisoner. 囚犯由警卫看管。

9. cross n. v.


[例](1) He wrote crosses on the wrong answers.他在错误的答案上打“X”。

(2) A mule is a cross between a horse and an ass.骡是马和驴的混合种。

(3) Cross the street/river/bridge/desert穿过马路/渡河/过桥/穿过沙漠

(4) The two main roads cross in the center of the town.


10. sharp adj. adv.


[例] (1) The boy like to keep his pencil sharp.


(2) His sharp words seemed to hurt her. 他那些尖酸的话似乎伤害了她。

(3) Dogs have sharp ears. 狗具有灵敏的听觉。

(4) There is something wrong with our TV. The picture is not very sharp.


(5) He got home at seven o'clock sharp. 他七点整回到家。

11. tear n. vt. vi.



[例] (1)She shed tears when she was left alone in the room.


(2)dry (wipe away) one's tears 擦干(试)眼泪

burst into tears 突然哭起来

in tears (adj. adv. ) 含泪、流着眼泪

(3)He tore the letter into pieces. 他把那封信撕成了碎片。

(4)This paper tears easily. 这纸容易撕破。

[搭配] tear sth. into pieces 将…….撕碎

tear sth. open 将……撕(扯)开

tear sth. in half 将……撕成两半

tear sth. from (off, out of) 将……从……上撕下

tear down 扯下,拆毁

tear up 撕裂,撕毁

12. be made up of由……组成、构成

[比较] be made from 由……制成(原材料看不出)

be made of 由……制成(原材料看得出)

be made into 把……制成……

be made in 在……生长(制造)

be made up of 由……组成(构成)

[例] (1)Steel is made from iron. 钢是由铁炼成的。

(2)The bridge is made of steel. 这座桥是由钢材造的。

(3)Bamboo is made into paper. 竹子可以造纸。

(4)This kind of TV set is made in China. 这种电视机是中国制造的。

(5)The team is made up of ten people. 这个小组由十个人组成。