
发布时间:2016-1-8 编辑:互联网 手机版


一、 neither ... nor ... 既不......也不......


This bridge is neither too long nor too short.这座桥既不太长也不太短。

Neither Li Ping nor his parents have been to Beijing.李平和他的父母都没有去过北京。

【知识串联】1.either ... or ... 或者......或者......,也连接两个并列内容,作主语时谓语动词仍根据就近一致的原则。如:

Either you or Li Ping has to stay here.或者你或者李平得留下。

2.both ... and ... 既......又......,连接两个并列内容,作主语时谓语用复数。如:

He is both clever and diligent. 他既聪明又勤奋。

Both she and her sister are very beautiful.她和她妹妹都很漂亮。

二、 There is a difference between ... and ... 两者之间有区别。

【考点说明】句中a不可丢掉;between ... and ...表示在二者之间。

There is a difference between this word and that one.这个单词和那个单词之间存在区别。

Is there a difference between this picture and that one?这幅画和那幅画之间有区别吗?

【知识串联】tell the difference between ... and ... 讲出两者之间的区别

I can't tell the difference between this sentence and that one.我讲不出这个句子和那个句子之间的区别。

三、 speak highly of高度评价......


He spoke highly of her honesty.他对她的诚实颇有好评。

【知识串联】(1)think highly of高度评价

His plan was thought highly of.人们对他的计划评价很高。

(2)think well of对......评价很高

Mr Smith thinks well of Shanghai city.史密斯先生对上海市评价很高。

(3)sing high praise for高度评价

Mr Li sang high praise for her invention. 李先生高度评价了她的发明。

四、 What a pity!真可惜!


-I failed to pass the exam. 我没有通过这次考试。

-What a pity!真可惜!

【知识串联】What a shame!真不像话!该句型为批评对方的所作所为超出常理时的用语。

What a shame! Spoke in class again.真不像话!又在课堂上讲话了。

五、 It seems that ... 似乎......


It seems that he has known the news. 他似乎已经知道了这个消息。

It seems that she is a spy.她似乎是个间谍。

【知识串联】seem to do似乎

He seems to be a soldier.他似乎是一名战士。

She seems to be sad.她似乎很难过。

六、 dive deep into深深潜入


The fisherman dived deep into the water to catch fish.渔夫深深潜进水里捉鱼。

【知识串联】make a dive for向......猛冲

The thief made a dive for the door, but the desk was in his way.小偷想夺门而逃,但桌子挡住了他的去路。



【考点一】That's my football. I want to ______.

A. get it back B. get it away

C. get back it D. get off it

【思路解析】此题的意思是"那是我的足球,我想拿回它"。答案为A。get back是动副型短语,其后的宾语如果是代词,一定要用宾格放在两个词之间,如果是名词,放在两个词中间或者 back之后都可。

【考点二】Have you been to the West Lake________?

A. before B. ago C. in the past D. by


【考点三】________students in my school like playing football.

A. The number of B. A number

C. The number D. A number of

【思路解析】答案为D。a number of和the number of后都要接名词或代词的复数形式。选项A作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式,而句中的谓语动词like是复数形式,A也可排除。

【考点四】 It is________wonderful film that everyone enjoys it very much.

A. such B. such a C. so D. so a


【知识拓展】such作为形容词,其后既可接可数名词的单数,也可接不可数名词,若名词前有many,much,little,few等形容词时就不能用such,而要用so。"such+a(an)+形容词+名词"结构可以与"so+形容词+ a(an)+名词"结构互换,但必须注意不定冠词a(an)的位置。

【考点五】 Don't come________I call you.

A. if B. when C. unless D. even

【思路解析】根据句意"如果我没有给你打电话就别来。" 故答案为C。


【考点六】China is a country______a long history.

A. have B. has C. and D. with

【思路解析】答案为D。意思是"中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。"with短语作country 的后置定语。

【考点七】I don't like chicken______fish,________I like beef.

A. or, or B. and, or C. or, but D. but, or

【思路解析】该题考查and, or, but 三个连词在用法上的差异。前一句是否定句,在否定句中连接两个并列成分要用or,因此选项B、D被排除,根据全句意思"我不喜欢鸡和鱼,而喜欢牛肉。" 第二空应填表示转折意义的词,故本题答案为C。