First Aid

发布时间:2016-8-23 编辑:互联网 手机版

1.Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder.




[例]The little boy reached for the apple on the table.


He was so fat that he could only get through the door sideways.他太胖了,只能 侧身通过这个大门。

2)句中的while standing on a ladder是while you are standing on a ladder的省略。在有些(时)表示时间、地点、条件等状语从句中,如谓语动词为be,而主语又和主句的主语一致,那么,从句中的主语和谓语的一部分,常可省略。

[例]Don’t listen to music while doing your homework.

2.Repeat this as often as is necessary.(=Repeat this action as many times as it is necessary.)根据需要尽量多次重复这个动作。

1)句中this指上句的…breathe into his/her mouth(向口里吹气)这个动作。often在这里作“多次”解(many times.)

2)as…as 作“像……一样地”解,引起表示比较的状语从句。在两个as的中间插入形容词或副词。在第二个as后常跟名词或代词,也可以跟从句。例如:

Jimmy is as tall as his father (is tall).


He can run as fast as I(as run)


You know as much about that as I do.关于那件事,你了解得跟我一样多。(as后跟从句)

Please come as soon as (is) possible.


最后这个例句中的as soon as is possible,和课文中的as often as is necessary 非常近似。第二个as后跟从句可以看作是省略了主语it,那as often as (it) is necessary.又如 :

In English class, we should speak English as much as (is) possible.在英语课上我们应当尽可能多说英语。

You can explain grammar points in Chinese as much as is necessary.你可以根据需要,用汉语来解释语法点。



knee ought ought to still(adj)

medical care bite mouth-to-mouth lay

burn cut(n) electric container pool

by mistake pay attention to a short while


1.injure (vt) hurt, damage



例In the railroad accident 300 people were injured.在这次火车失事中300人受伤。

Many houses were injured by the storm.许多房屋被暴风所损坏。

You have an injured look.(injured adj.受冤屈的,感情受伤害)


injure, hurt和wound都有“受伤”,“伤害”之意。但在使用时它们是有不同的,injure 指发生某些事以导致伤害,减少或减损力量,健康、完美、权利、价值、用途等,为一般用 语。hurt为injured之较不正式的代用语,特指造成对人或物实质上的损害,或身心的痛苦。另外,hurt还可用作vi.作“感到疼痛”;wound主要指切伤、割伤、刺伤,在战场上身体 受伤,有时也可以指信用、名誉、感情等受到损伤。

例 Dishonesty injures a business.欺骗有害营业。

He hurt my hand by twisting it.他扭伤了我的手。

The shell wounded him in the head.炮弹伤了他的头部。

Does your leg still hurt(=give pain)?你的腿还痛吗?

I was rather hurt by what they said about me.他们对我的批评,使我相当伤心。


(1)作为情态动词,它通常表示立即完成的必要性,常用来要求许可或给予许可。第三人称单数像其他所有情态动词一样,不带-s,不能构成动词不定式、v-ing或过去分词,构成疑问句和否定句时不用助动词do,后面跟的动词不定式不带to作为实义动词,第三人称单数现在时加-s,构成疑问句和否定句时须借助动词do(does, did),后面跟的不定式有to。


(She need do it now.是错误的,应用实义动词She needs to do now.)


例You needn’t tell Jennifer--She already knows.你不用告诉詹妮了--她已经知道了。

You mustn’t tell Margaret--I don’t want her to know.你千万别告诉玛格丽特--我不想她知道。

(4)情态动词need可用于needn’t + have +过去分词结构,用来表示“做了不必做的事情”。

例I needn’t have bought all that wine--Only three people came.其实我没必要买这么多酒--只来了三个人。


例The garden needs watering(or…to be watered).花园需要浇水了。

Your hair needs cutting(…to be cut).你该理发了。

*类似动词还有require, want,后跟v-ing作宾语时都用主动表示被动意思。

3.enough n. adj.& adv.


例Not enough is known about this subject (作主语).


He couldn’t earn enough to keep a family of four (作宾语).


Five men will be quite enough (作表语).


(2)adj 足够(的)


例We haven’t enough time (time enough) to catch the train now.我们现在赶火车的时间不够了。


enough 用作副词时,放在它所修饰的形容词、副词和过去分词之后,并与不定式或for连用。

例The situation is serious enough.局势够严重。

The boy isn’t old enough to go to school.这男孩还不到上学的年龄。

Five pounds is a good enough price for it.买这样东西5英镑的价格是完全足够了。

4.Make the person throw up.使这个人呕吐。

throw up



例After he had thrown up, he felt better.吐过之后,他感到好受一些。

He threw up his dinner.他把吃的饭呕吐了。

This man has thrown up his job.这人已辞掉他的工作了。

He had planned to go to the North for the summer but since then he had thrown it up.他曾计划到北方去消夏,但后来已放弃了这个打算。




pay attention to 注意,专心

call attention to 要求(某人)注意

draw one’s attention to.吸引某人的注意

turn (or direct) one’s attention to.使之注意

fix one’s attention on (or apon.).注意

pay attentions to.殷勤款待

例Never mind about me. Please pay attentions to the ladies.不要管我,请好好款待女士们。

Pay attention to what you’re doing.注意你所做的事。

He drew (called) my attention to a point I had overlooked.他提醒我注意我忽略了的一点。

Please direct (turn) your attention to what I’m saying.请注意我正讲的话。

We all fixed our attention on (upon) the exhibited new machines.我们所有人都被展出的新机器吸引住了。

6.should与ought to

(1)should和ought to的意思很接近。它们用来表达职责和义务,提出劝告,及一般说来我们认为人们应该去做的正确的事或好事。在多数情况下可以换用,但有些细微的差别。should主要谈的是自己的主观看法;ought to则更多反映客观情况,在谈到法律、义务和规定时使用。

例You should/ought to/try to make fewer mistakes.你应该设法少犯一些错误。

He shouldn’t/oughtn’t to/do things like that.他不应该做那种事情。

We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I don’t think we will.明天我们按理应该去看玛丽,但是我认为我们不会去。(这句用should就不对了。用should意味着主观上认为应该去看她,而后面又说不准备去做,这前后就矛盾了。)

(2)should和ought to可以用来谈论现在和将来,但不能用来谈论过去。要谈过去那些应该发生而没有发生的事,应用“should(ought to)+ have +过去分词”,或用“was to have +过去分词。”

例The plant’s dead. Maybe I should have given it more water.这棵植物死了,也许我该多浇点儿水。

We ought to have got here earlier; the train’s packed.我们本该早点到,火车太挤了。

I was to have started work last week; but I changed my mind.我本该(本打算)上星期开始工作;但我改变了主意。

7.lay vt.& vi.放,搁,摆;拟定;下蛋、产卵

~ sb. on one’s back 平放某人

例 ①Lay the table; we’ll have dinner.摆好了饭桌,我们要吃饭了。

②It’s time for us to ~ a plan.我们该设定个计划了。

③Laying eggs is the ant queen’s full-time job.产卵是蚁后的专职工作。

④The hens didn’t ~ in cold winter in the past.过去冬天里鸡不下蛋。

Note lay 还来可以译为“躺”,为“lie”的过去式,过去分词为“lain”,现在分词“lying”.

8.take it easy = take things easy 慢慢来,别着急

口辨析 easy does it 小心点,慢点

例 ①Take it easy. You’ll be better.别着急,你会好起来的。

②Take it easy. we can catch the train.慢点,我们会赶上火车的。

③Take it easy. The dictionary must be found.别着急,字典会找到的。

④Easy does it. The knife is very sharp.小心点,刀子很锋利。

⑤Easy does it. Don’t run into the car.慢点,不要撞到车上。 mistake 弄错(介词词组)

口辨析 make a mistake 犯错误;搞错(动词词组)

例①I took him for his brother by mistake.我错把他当成他弟弟了。

②He took the wrong bag by mistake.他拿错了手袋。

③You made a mistake about the time.你弄错时间了。

④We all make mistakes.我们都会犯错误。

10.aid 用法小结

aid 作动词,相当于help。“帮助;援助”


①Let’s aid each other.让我们彼此帮助吧!

②He aided me to finish the work.他帮助我完成这份工作。

③Neighbours aided him with money when he almost lost everything in the fire.当他在火灾中几乎失去一切的时候,邻居们用钱来帮助他。


④He came to my aid.

他来帮助我。(=He came to aid me.)

⑤What is the collection in aid of?所募集的款子作何用途?

注意:aid表具体意义时,常表“有用/有助之物”的意思,常和其他名词构成合成词如:he aring-aid助听器等。visual aids 视觉教具(如图片、影片、幻灯片等)

注意:do/give/offer first aid(to sb.)表“施行急救,”“进行急救”的意思。



ad〔d〕n.广告 (=advertisement)



afraid 〔'freid〕adj. 担心的;害怕的


assist 〔’? sist〕v.帮助;协助

help 〔help〕v.&n.帮助;援助


Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind, unless they hunt them for food. Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership(伙伴关系) which does good to both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the back of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but they find easy food in the parasties(寄生虫) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can manage without each other, they do better together.

Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in the corals(珊瑚) of the sea. In their skins they have tiny plants which act as “dustman”,taking some of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are even prevented from light so that they cannot live normally, or are even prevented from light so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die.

1.Some birds like to sit on a sheep because ______________.

A. they can eat its parasites

B.they depend on the sheep for existence

C. they enjoy travelling with the sheep

D. they find the position most comfortable

2.The underlined word “they” in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to ______________.

A. birds and parasites B. birds and sheep

C. parasites and sheep D. sheep, birds and parasites

3.It can be learnt from the text that the coral depends on the plant for ______________.

A. comfor B. light C. food D. oxygen

4.What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?

A. Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence.

B. Some animals and plants develop their relationship easily.

C. Some plants depend on each other for food.

D. Some animals live better together.

解析 1.这是一道细节题。答案是A。文中You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want to ride, but be cause they find easy food in the parasites on sheep.便是该题的信息。


3.这是一道判断题。从文中In their skins they have tiny plants which act as “dust man”,taking some of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animals needs to breathe.一句可以得出结论,D为该题的正确答案。


【有关"First Aid" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. Frist Aid




knee n.膝盖                        safety n.安全,保险

still adj.不动的,静止的;平静的        wire n.电线

bite(bit, bitten/bit) vt. & vi.           guard n.防护装置,警戒

咬,叮                             sideway n.岔路,旁路 adv.向

lay(laid ,laid)vt.放,搁                侧面

mouth-to-mouth adj.口对口的           firm adj.牢固的,坚定的

burn n.烧伤,灼伤                   firmly adv.牢牢地

cut n.伤口                         wherever conj.无论在哪里

electric adj.电的,用电的              stomach n.胃

container n. 容器                    injure vt.损害,伤害

pool n.池塘                        injured adj.受伤的

breathe vi.呼吸                      injury n.受伤处

within prep.在……里面,在……        poison n.毒药

之内                              quantity n.量,数量

handkerchief n.手帕                  nearby adj.附近的

wound n.创伤,伤口


first aid急救                         deal with处理,应付

ought to应该                        take it easy别着急;放心好了

medical care医疗护理                  running water流水,自来水

by mistake由失误(疏忽)所致          out of one's reach够不着

pay attention to注意,留心;关心         throw up呕吐;吐出(实物)

in a short while一会儿以后,不久         hold up举高


We must carry her to the side of the road.

You mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt.

Parents should know some first aid.

You shouldn't get up if you are badly hurt.

I ought to go home.

I have to cook supper for my grandmother.


复习情态动词must, should的用法,学习情态动词ought to的用法。




【关于“First Aid”的常见问题】

常见问题1: First Aid


He was just _______________ when there was a loud _______________ the door.

A. falling asleep…knock at B.falling behind…knock on

C. fell down…knock into D.fell over…knock off


解析:答案为A。fall asleep 入睡,fall behind 落后,fall down 倒下,fall over 摔倒。knock 可以作名词,表示“敲击”,可接介词at或on。

常见问题2: First Aid


Did you leave the door _______________?

A. opening B. locking

C. closed D. shutted



常见问题3: First Aid


_______________ the young plant, he asked me _______________ was the type of plant _______________ we had seen in the film.

A. Pointed to…that…that B.Pointing at…if…that

C. Pointing to…if that…which D.Pointed at…that…which


解析:答案为C。这是一个复合词。主句he asked me后面接if引导的宾语从句(if that…in the film)。这个宾语从句中包含一个关系代词which引导的定语从句“which we had seen in the film”,修饰先行词the type of plant。句首的-ing短语(Pointing to the young plant)作方式状语,表示伴随动作。

常见问题4: First Aid


Don't move the books on the shelf.__________them where they are.

A.Put B.Place C.Let D.leave



常见问题5: First Aid


I'm wondering how he can manage to______such with a difficult problem. with with

C.putupwith D.get alongwith


导析:deal with通常与how连用,表示“如何处理某人或某事”。put up with忍受,get alongwith与……相处、进展、均与题意不符。do with与what连用,意为“处理、对付”。答案:B

常见问题6: First Aid


Little Frantz stood there,_______lift his head.

A.daring no to B.not daring C.dared not D.not dared



常见问题7: First Aid


--Why was the road crowded?

--The traffic was________by a car accident.

A.held up B.held back C.held out D.held to


导析:hold up此处意为“使停顿、耽搁”,holdback阻止,阻塞。hold out坚持、伸出,hold to坚持(说法、看法等)、遵循。答案:A

常见问题8: First Aid


It was very kind ofyou to do the washing-up,but you_____________it

A.didn't need to B.shouldn't have done

C.needn't have done D.couldn't have done


导析:needn't have done something表示“做了没有必要做的事情,didn't need to do something则表示“过去没有必要作,实际上也没有做”。如:It was Sunday yesterday,I didn't need to go to work,so I stayed at home all day. couldn't have done something不可能已经……,shouldn't have done something本不该……实际上已经……,含有“责备的口吻”。答案:C

常见问题9: First Aid


If only he______quietly as the doctor instructed,he would not suffer so much now.

A.lies B.lay C.hadlain D.shouldlie



常见问题10: First Aid


Since you have repaired my TV set,__________is no need for me to buya new one. B.there C.this D.that


导析:There is no need for somebody to do something为一固定句型,意为“没有必要做某事”例如:Now that the problem has been settled,there is no need for us to discuss it again.答案:B

常见问题11: First Aid


If you_____any problems when you arrive at the airport,give me a ring.

A.come up with B.set about into D.put aside


导析;run into在此处意思是“遇到、碰上(meet with,come across)”,与本题题意符合。come up with提出(问题)、拿出(意见),set about开始、着手,put aside把……放在一边,不考虑。答案:C