初二冀教版Units 1-4 动词大补贴

发布时间:2017-12-22 编辑:互联网 手机版


(一) invite

invite 是动词"邀请,招待"的意思。它的用法很简单,请大家记住它的两个句型,多加运用就可熟练掌握了。

⑴ invite sb. to do sth. (这个句型中的to是不定式符号)

He invited me to have dinner with his family. 他邀请我与他的家人共进晚餐。

⑵ invite sb. to + n. (这个句型中的to是介词)

Thanks a lot for inviting me to the party. 非常感谢您邀请我参加这次聚会。

(二) start


作"着手,开始"讲时,start 的用法与begin相同。"开始做某事"既可表达为:start to do sth.又可表达为:start doing sth.


He started to write. 或He started writing.


特别赠送:⑴from start to finish 从头到尾,自始至终

⑵ get off to a good start 成功的开始,有良好的开端

(三) stop



比如:①The snow has stopped. 雪已停了。(作不及物动词)

②He stopped the car and waited. 他把车停下来并等待着。(作及物动词)

重点句型:①stop doing sth. 停止做某事(指完全停止,不再去做)

Tony stopped talking and listened to the teacher carefully. 托尼停止了讲话,认真听老师讲课。

②stop to do sth. 停止,做某事(指停止做某件事,而去做另外一件事)

Tony stopped to listen to the teacher carefully. 托尼停下来,认真去听老师讲课。


句型:stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

如:She tried to stop the baby (from) crying. 她尽力不让这个婴儿哭闹。

stop 还可作名词,以下有三个含有 stop的常用语,我们一起来分享:

come to a stop 停止,终止

stop up 熬夜,晚睡觉

stop-watch 秒表,跑表

(四) wonder


We wonder what happened to him. 我们想知道他究竟发生了什么事。

wonder作名词用,译为:a.惊讶,惊叹 b.奇迹,奇观

比如:①She looked around in wonder. 她惊讶地四下环顾。

②The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the world.


(五) wait

wait 为动词,译为"等待,等候"

① wait for sb. 等待某人

He waited for Jenny last night, but she didn't come. 他昨晚等珍妮了,但她没有来。

②wait to do sth. 等着去做某事

They are waiting to see you. 他们正等着见你。

③ wait for sb.∕sth. to do sth. 等着某人或某物去做某事

My mother is waiting for me to have lunch. 我妈妈正等着我吃午饭。

We are waiting for the song to stop. 我们正等着歌曲停下来。


① can't wait to do sth. 迫不及待地去做某事

I can't wait to open the box. 我迫不及待地把盒子打开。

② wait and see 等着瞧,观望

There is nothing to do now. We will just have to wait and see. 现在什么也干不了。我们只有等等看。

(六) keep

keep 在我们课本中是动词,汉语意思为"阻止,保留"。比如:

① You are half an hour late, what kept you? 你晚了半小时,是什么使你耽搁了?

② I will keep the letters in my book. 我将把这些信夹在我的书里保留。

另外,作动词用时,keep 还有三个常用的意思:

① 保持,继续

keep doing sth. 一直不断地做某事

She kept crying this morning. What's wrong with her? 今天上午她一直都在哭。她怎么了?

② 饲养(动物)

My uncle keeps cows on the farm. 我叔叔在农场饲养奶牛。

③ 记(日记)

Mary keeps a diary. 玛丽每天都写日记。


keep time 守时 keep an eye on 留神照看

keep something to oneself 对某事保密

keep 只能作动词用吗?No!它还可作名词,请大家记住一个有趣的含义:"生活费"。