SEFCB1 lesson22

发布时间:2016-4-16 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 22

Teaching Aims :

1. Learn and master the following :

1) Four skills "

job , least , at least , supply , port , by sea , plenty ,plenty of , certain .

2) Language Points

agree on / to / with , start , supply sth , to sb . / supply sb , with sth , Not all ---

2. Improve the students ' s ability of reading comprehension .

Teaching Important Points:

now to improve the students ' ability of reading comprehension .

Teaching Difficult Points

Teach the students to understand and use correctly the partical negation

structure below :

Not all ---

Teaching Methods;

1. Question - and - answer activity to help the Ss to go through with the learning passages ,

2. Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.

3. Fast reading to find out the detailed information about the text .

Teaching Aids :

1. a tape recorder . 2. a projector . 3. the blackboard .

Step I Greeting .

Greet the whole class as usual

Step II Revision .

Ask some Ss to read their writings about planting trees to check their homework in Lesson 21.

Step III . Preparation for reading .

T: Yesterday we learned a notice , which talks about visiting a car factory . Today we are going to learn about a new car factory . Open your books , please . Turn to page 22. Now look at the picture first . What can you see in the picture ? ( Teacher goes up to a student .)

Xiao Chen , can you describe it ?

S: Yes , In the picture there are some trucks , some big houses . Maybe they are workshops . And there are many people .

T: Yes . It is only a new factory , The factory remains to be further developed , Now I want to know sth else . In China , where can you find car factories ?

Ss: Beijing , Changchun , Shanghai , Shenzhen ---

T: Yes , What kinds of car do you know ?

Ss: Santana , Audi , Red Flag , Beijing Jeep , Honda , Toyota ---

T: OK . You know , Beijing, Shanghai , and Changchun are the major bases of automobile industry in aur country , For example , " Red Flag " brand first - class sedan is symbol of our national industry .

Step IV . Reading .

T: Now let' s learn the new words . Please read after the tape .

( Show the new words on the screen and then give brief introduction to the Ss when necessary .)

job [b] n. least [li:st] n. supply [s’plаi] vt.

project [’prekt] n. port [p:t] n. abroad [’br:d] adv.

plenty [‘plenti] n. school-leaver [‘sku:li:v] n. certain [‘s:tn] adj.

( After that , teacher begins to train Ss ' ability of reading comprehension.)

T: OK. Please look at the question at the top of the text . I give you five minutes to read the text quickly and silently . Try to remember the information . Then I'll ask you to answer the question .

( After a while , teacher checks the answer.)

T : Now , the time is up , Who can answer the question ? ( Teacher asks someone to answer, then discuss the answer with the whole class )

Suggested answer :

The city will become rich , New business will be started . It will mean a great many jobs .Schools will become better . Perhaps it will bring other new projects , like hospital .

T: Just now ., maybe you find some sentences in the text are difficult , to understand . Now I give you an explanation . Look at the screen .

( Show the following on the screen .)

words .

agree vt. He agreed to send me some money .

I agree that your suggestion is quite good.

vi. He has agreed to our plan for the holiday .

I really can' t agree with you .

We agreed on the date for the meeting .

start vt. The children started singing / to sing an English song.

His parents are going to start a shop .

vi . I usually start for school at seven.

Phrases :

at least : He is at least over sixty .

at most : It isn' t expensive . It cost you 3 yuan at most .

supply sth to sb : The car factory supplies cars to all parts of the country .

supply sb , with sth : The school supplies the children with the books.

Sentence Patterns

者 部分否定 全部否定

者 both --- not

not --- both

(并非两者都) neither= not --- either

( 两者都不)

上 all --- not

not --- all

( = some )( 并非所有都)

every --- not

not --- every

(= some few)( 并非每一个都)

the whole --- not

not --- the whole

( 并非全部) no --- any


( 没有一个, 没有任何)

no one

no body



例 句 Both are not correct .

= Not both are correct


All my friends do not smoke.

= Not all my friends smoke. 我的朋友并非个个都抽烟. Neither is correct


None of my friends smoke.


( Bb : agree , start , at least / most , supply sth , to sb , supply sb , with th , not all --- )

( After that , teacher lets the Ss read the text again , then answer some detailed questions in the

T : OK . You are now familiar with the usages of these words and sentences . Please read the text again . This time you should pay more attention to some detailed information . And then we'll do an exercise.

( Show the exercise on the screen.)

Read the text again , then fill in the blanks with the right words according to the text

1. A new _______ factory will be set up in the writer' s _________ .

2. A new company has been started between _____ and ______ .

3. A new building will start very soon and the _______ will be finished ______ five years .

4. The factory will produce _______ cars at the ______ , and later ,it'll make more than _______ a year ,

5. The cars will be taken to different places of the country , by _____ or by ______.

6. More new ______ will supply parts of the car ______ lights and _____

7. The new car factory will bring more _______ and ______ to the province.

Suggested answers :

1. car , city 2. China , France . 3. project , in . 4. 150.000, beginning ,300.000.

5. railway / train , ship . 6. factories / companies , like , windows . 7. jobs , projects

Step V . Listening and consolidation .

( Play the tape and let the Ss listen and follow , After that teacher may say the following .)

T: Now I ask you some questions , What is the good news for the people of this city ? Please tell me sth. about the new factory .

( Teacher asks some Ss to answer them )

Step VI . Homework

1. After class read the text again and again .

2. Complete the workbook exercise 2 and 3.

Suggested answers :

2 . 1. A great many jobs will be supplied for more school - leavers .

2. A lot of cars and trucks will also be supplied to people all over China .

3. At least 30.000 houses will be built for the workers ,

4. New roads will be built at the same time .

5. New companies will produce telephones and computers .

6. School-leavers will find more and better jobs .

7. It will bring a lot of new projects to the province .

8. Other factories will supply certain parts of the cars , like the lights and the windows .

3, 1. along , between 2. by . of 3. over 4. in 5. from , in , of 6. like

7. at 8. at 9 . by / with

Step VII . The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard :

Lesson 22

Words Phrases

agree at least ( most )

start supply sth to sb ,

supply sb , with sth .

Sentence Pattern

Not all ---

Step VIII . Record After Teaching: