<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 17

发布时间:2016-9-3 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 65

1. Do you know our manager is going to have a new factory built? 你认为我们经理会打算建一座新工厂吗? have a new factory built 建一座新工厂 have sth done 这个句式有两层意思. 1). 让别人做某事; 使事得以做成; 2). 主语意外遭受损失; 例如: I had a tooth filled yesterday. 我昨天去补了一颗牙. I had my hair cut yesterday. 我昨天理了发. Peter had his right leg broken while playing football. 彼得踢足球时伤了右腿.

2. People have been talking of it a lot recently. 对这件事人们一直谈论很多呢. have been talking现在完成进行时 其结构是 “have been + v-ing ”, 这个动作到现在可能还在进行. 例如: Where have you been? What have you been doing? 你到哪儿去了? 干什么了? I have been sitting in the next room all afternoon. 整个下午我一直坐在隔壁房子里. Children have been watching TV after school. 孩子们放学后一直在看电视. talk to sb. 同某人谈话; talk with sb. 同某人交谈; talk over sth. 商量某事

3. I simply don’t know. 我对此简直是一无所知. simply adv. 简直, 完全; 仅仅, 只不过. 例如: You house is simply lovely. 你的房子真是太漂亮了. I simply can’t accept your apology. 我绝对不可能接受你的道歉. It is simply a matter of course. 这不过是理所当然的事.

4. Right now we can’t produce goods quickly enough for all our customers. 目前我们无法给所有的主顾迅速交货. goods 货物; 商品; 财产(可动产); 不与数词连用, 做主语时谓语动词用复数. 例如: The goods arrived in good order. 那些货物运到时完好无损. Half his goods were stolen. 他货物的一半遭窃了. goods无单数形式, 可受many, these的修饰.

5. The majority of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the area. 大多数市民都要求鼓励在本地区建立新的产业. majority大多数; 大半. 单数形式复数意义. 后面常接 “of +名词” 结构, 这时谓语应由名词决定单数或复数. 例如: The majority of doctors believe that smoking is harmful to health. 绝大多数医生认为吸烟有害. The majority of Chinese people have TV sets. 绝大多数中国人有电视机.The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 绝大部分的损坏很容易修复. A majority of the stock is held by the company. 该公司持有半数以上的股份. ***当我们把多数看成一个整体与少数相对比时, 谓语用单数. 再如: Who says the majority is always able to impose its will on the minority? 谁说大多数人总是能将意思强加于少数人呢? minority少数; 少数民族(可加s)

6. New jobs are needed because a number of people are out of work. 新的工作岗位是需要的, 因为许多人都失业了. out of work失业 = out of job ; out of breath气喘吁吁; out of order出毛病了= out of control; out of practice荒疏了; out of patience不耐烦了.

7. But some people don’t want good farmland to be built on. 但有些人不愿把良田用来盖厂房. want sth to be done 例如: I want the talk to be listened to. 我要让大家听一下这个报告.

8. I think our manager will persuade the government to let him build a new factory. 我想经理会说服政府部门让他盖新厂房的. persuade vt. 说服, 劝说 persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth. 劝服某人干某事 例如: We persuaded him to go back to work./ into going back to work . 我们劝服了他回去上班了. 表示 “劝说了” 用advise sb. to do sth. / try to persuade sb. to do sth. 例如: Mr. Li advised me to go to Tibet for holidays.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 17

Lesson 66

1. Throughout the world, computers will be used more and more in the future. 将来全世界会越来越多地使用计算机. throughout the world = all over the world全世界, throughout prep.

既可以表示地点范围, 也可以表示时间; 而all over只能表示地点范围. 例如: He looked for you all over / throughout the building / school. 他在学校内到处找你. It attracted the attention of the people all over / throughout the world.它引起了全世界人民的关注. We laughed throughout the film. adv. 到处;始终;例如:They painted the house throughout.他们把房子内外刷了个遍. He remained silent throughout. 他始终保持沉默.

2. Computers control the watering of the plants as well as the light and the temperature. 计算机既控制作物的灌溉, 还控制光照和温度. as well as 与 not only…but also…; 区别:as well as 所连接两个并列成分时强调前者,not only…but also…所连接两个并列成分时强调后者. 试翻译下列句子: He can speak English as well as Chinese. 他不仅会说汉语而且会说英语 He can not only speak English, but also Chinese. 当as well as连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与第一个主语保持一致. The teacher as well as the students thinks highly of the boy’s handwriting. 不仅仅是学生们而且那位老师对这个男孩儿的书法评价很高. 再如:He as well as I agree with you. 我和他都同意你的意见. We shall travel by night as well as by day. 我们将日夜兼程. as well 也,相当于too. 比较:She is not only good at maths, she is good at English as well. Her brother was in paris last winter, too. ***too前有逗号.

3. Instead of going to the bank, they will use a computer and a telephone to change money and to pay their electricity bills and so on. 人们不用上银行, 只要用计算机和电话机就可以换钱, 付电费, 等等. instead of 短语介词;(代替)后接名词,代词宾格,动名词,表示被取代的内容. 例如:As he was ill. I went to the meeting instead of him. 因为他病了,我替他去开的会. I’ll go there on foot instead of by bus. 我将步行而不是坐汽车去那儿.

4. lights will go off if no one is in the room. 如果房子里没有人, 电灯就会熄灭. go off 中断,熄灭,离开,发酸. 例如:She went off to fetch a drink.她离开去取饮料去了. The milk has gone off. 牛奶坏了.

5. In the fields of education, health and research, computer will continue to play an important part. 在教育, 卫生和科研领域里, 计算机将会继续发挥重要作用. in the fields of…在……领域里; 例如:With the help of satellites, people have done much research in many fields of science. 借助于人造卫星,人们在许多科学领域进行了大量的研究. on the field 在场地上;在运动场上; in the field 在地里;例句:They are working in the field.他们在地里干活. They are playing volleyball on the field near the woods. 他们在树林子附近的空地上打排球.

6. Computer programs for storing whole texts are already well developed. 存储整本档案的计算机程序已经研制完备. text 文本 program 程序 programmer 程序编制员 programme 节目,规划,大纲;The cinema changes its programme weekly on Friday. 这家电影院每周五更换节目单. The hospital building programme has been delayed by lack of money. 由于缺乏资金医院的工程进度被耽搁了.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 17

Lesson 67

1. At present, many people in western countries spend too much money on new possessions that they do not need, such as lots of new clothes. 目前西方国家的许多人花费太多的钱来购置不必要的新物品, 例如大量的新衣服. at present; 现在 in the past; 过去 in the future ; 未来 例如: In the past, people had candles to light their houses. 过去, 人们家里点蜡烛照明.

No one knows what will happen in the future. 没人知道将来会发生什么事.

2. This is a waste of money, energy and materials, and also causes pollution. 这是金钱,能源和材料的浪费, 并且造成污染. possession 所有物, 财产(用复数形式); 所有, 占有, 拥有(不可数名词); 句式: have possession of… = be in the possession of…拥有……; take possession of占有, 占领; in sb’s possession / in the possession of sb. ……属于某人所有;

例如: He is a man of great possessions. 他是个大富豪. The jewels are in the possession of my mother.= My mother has possession of the jewels. 那些宝石为我母亲所拥有. The treasure came into my possession. 那些财宝归我所有了. The army took possession of the enemy’s position. 部队占领了敌人的阵地. waste n. 不可数名词, 用much 修饰, 但表示某方面的浪费时, 可在其前面加上a, 例如: It is a waste of time to do it. 做这件事是浪费时间. This simply means a waste of labour. 这简直是白费力气.

3. Many people, both young and old, are against this expensive way of life. 许多人, 包括年轻的和年老的, 都反对这种大手大脚的生活方式. be against 反对; 反义词组为 be for; 例如: We are for peace and against the wars. 我们热爱和平反对战争.

4. They believe that the basic needs of the world’s population should be satisfied first, like food and medical care. 他们认为全世界居民的基本需要, 像食品和医疗, 应该首先得到满足. need 需要的东西 (用复数形式) 例如: He always looks after the needs of others and forgets himself. 他总是关心别人的需要, 而忘了他自己. satisfy vt 满足; 使满意; 句式: sth. satisfy sb. 例如: The answer did not satisfy us. 这个回答没有使我们满意. 如果要表达某人对……感到满意, 要用be satisfied with sb./ sth. 例如: The judge was satisfied with what the Arab had said. 法官对那位阿拉伯人所说的话感到满意. satisfying 令人满意的 例如: That certainly seems a satisfying explanation. 那看起来的确是一个令人满意的解释.

5. Take health for example. 以医疗卫生为例. take sth. for example. 以……为例; take …

for…. 把……作为……; 误认为; 例如: At first, we took it for a dog. 起初, 我们以为那

是一条狗. Do you take me for a fool? 你把我当着傻瓜?

6. It would more practical. 可能会更加实际一些. practical adj. 实用的, 可行的, 实际的, 实践的. 例如: The machine is too expensive to be practical. 这种机器太贵且不实用. She is a teacher with practical experience. 她是一个有实际经验的老师. practical questions

7. Meanwhile, they will do their best to produce more energy from the wind and sun. 同时, 他们还得竭尽全力来开发风能和太阳能. meanwhile adv. 其间, 同时 例如: My sister went shopping. Meanwhile, I cleaned the room. 我姐姐去商店买东西了, 其间, 我打扫了房间. Some students are playing on the playground; meanwhile, others are doing their homework in the classroom. 有些学生在操场上玩, 与此同时, 另一些学生在教室内做作业.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 17

Lesson 68

Language study:

本单元学习同位语从句. 一个简单句在连词的引导下, 在句中充当同位语成分, 就叫做同位语从句, 它一般跟在某些抽象名词之后. 同位语从句用于对名词作进一步的解释, 说明名词的具体内容. 能接同位语从句常见的名词有:

belief相信; fact事实; doubt怀疑; hope希望; idea想法; news消息; thought思想;

possibility可能; reason理由; answer回答; problem问题; conclusion结论; information

信息; knowledge知识; opinion观点; principle原则; truth真理; promise许诺; report

报告; decision决定; discovery发现; explanation解释; law法律等.

suggestion建议; order命令; demand命令; wish希望等也可接同位语从句, 从句中时态

用 “should + 动词原形” (虚拟语气). 同位语从句一般由that引导, 或用连接副词when,

where, how, why等引导. 例如:

1. I have no idea when she will be back.

2. The possiblity that people would have to share rooms was not mentioned .

3. You have no idea how worried I was.

4. They didn’t tell me the plan where we should go.

5. We must face the fact that we have no money.

6. The suggestion that the new rule should be adopted came from the chairman.

7. We heard the news that our team had won.

8. There is the problem where we can get the machine needed.

9. It is the question how he did it.

10. The fact that the money has gone does not mean it was stolen.

有时同位语从句并不紧跟在它说明的名词之后, 而是被其它词隔开了. 如:

1. Word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.

2. He got a message from Mr. Smith that the manager couldn’t come that afternoon.


1). 定语从句中的关系代词that 在从句中充当主语或宾语; 同位语从句中that是连词, 不充当句子成分.

2). 同位语从句中的连词that 一般不能省略; 而定语从句中的关系代词that 充当从句的宾语时可以省略.

3). 定语从句是形容词性的, 其功能是修饰先行词, 对先行词加以限定, 描述它的性质或

特征. 同位语从句是名词性的, 其功能是对名词作补充说明. 例如:

1. We expressed the hope that they had expressed. (定语从句)

2. We expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.( 同位语从句)

3. I have heard the news that he visited our factory. ( 同位语从句)

4. I have heard the news that he told you the other day. (定语从句)
