九下Lesson 1 Poetry, Please Lesson 2 Poems About Nature 学案 (冀教版英语九年级)

发布时间:2016-11-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 1 Poetry, Please

Lesson 2 Poems About Nature



1.poem (可数名词) poetry(不可数名词)-a book of poetry 诗集

2. decide to do sth=make up one`s mind to do sth

3. nature(形容词)natural

4.know… by heart = learn…by heart(背诵; 记住)

5. be related to...与…有关; 与…有关联

6.hear from(收到某人的来信)

7.wake up (醒来)wake-woke-woken

8.a description of (一个关于….的描述)

9.look/feel/smell/sound/taste like+名词/代词/动名词13.hear sb. do sth(听到某人做某事)

14. for example(例如)16. be like

二.预习早知道 A. 写出下列各词。

1.happy(反义词;名词) ______ ________2.noise(形容词)________ 3.shut(过去式)_________ 4.clear(副词)_______ 5.brave(副词)__________ 6.gold(形容词)_______7.soft(副词)________

8.warm(名词)__________9. write(过去分词) ____________ 10.describe(名词)_____________

11.decide(名词) 12.nature(形容词)___ 13.run(现在分词)___

14.clear(副词)_____ 15. leaf(复数)______ 16.imagine(名词)___ _

17.fun(形容词)____ 18.sun(形容词)___ __


1. How______________(勇敢)the young man is!

2. Du Fu wrote many________________(诗) in his life.

3. We haven’t _______(决定) where to spend our holiday.

4. You must learn the poem by__________(心) before nine o’clock.

5.How ___________(柔和) the sun is kissing the earth.

6.Your radio is too_____________(吵闹). Would you please turn it down?

7.You can write a poem to e your feelings.

8.I wish you every h 。 .

三.读课文回答问题。 根据第一课对话内容判断正误。

( )1.Brian has already finished his poem.

( )2. Jenny hasn`t decided what to write about.

( )3.Danny learns his poem by heart.

( )4. Danny`s poem is about the donut.

( )5.Jenny is going to write a discription of her favourite place.


1.---Have you found your bike _______? ---Yes, I’ve ______ found it.

A. already; already B. yet ; yet C. already ;yet D. yet ; already

2 He has already seen the film. (一般疑问句及否定句)

_____ he seen the film ________? He _______seen the film _________.

3.I ____ just ______ (finish) my homework.

4.My father ____________(work) at this factory for five years.

5.Jim _________(make) many friends since he ________(come) to China.

6.His grandfather died in 2002.(同义句) His grandfather has ______ _______ _______ 2002.

7.He asked where he could put the books. = He asked where _______ ________the books.

8.I can’t decide which sweater I will buy. = I can’t decide which sweater _______ _________.

9.I don’t know what I should do next. = I don’t know what ________ ____________next.

10.The two watches are both very nice. I can’t decide _______.

A. to choose which B. choose which C. which choose D. which to choose

11. I’m badly ill. I need _______(go) and see a doctor.

12. The flowers need ____________ (water), or they will die.

13.It’s sunny today. You _______ take an umbrella with you.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. needn’t

14.---Must I stay here? ---No, you _______.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. needn’t

15. Don’t make any ______. The room is ________.( noise)

16.There is much ________ in the classroom.= The classroom is too _________.(noise)

17. The boy decided ____________(not become) a sailor after he graduated.

18. Please write a _____________(describe) of your favourite animal.

19. The __________(happy) is always around you.

20. I ______ just __________(finish) my poem.

21. You can express _________(you) by ________(write) a letter.

22. Where can we put these tree _________(leaf)?

23. She is __________(relate) to me by marriage(婚姻).

24 Don’t you think it is too _________(noise) here?

25. Would you mind my _________(open) the window? 26. She looks __________(worry).

27.We have fun (learn). 28 What ________you _______(do) just now?

29.Your soup smells . A.terrible B.terribly C.badly D.well

30.He made up his mind to give up smoking.(同义句)

He up smoking.

31.I saw her. She was writing a letter at that moment. (合并为简单句)

I saw___ ___ a letter at that moment.

32. “ Don’t play with fire” Father said to me. (改为间接引语)

Father told me___ ____play with fire.

33.This box is 30 kgs. That one is 30 kgs.( 合并成一句) This box is____ ____ ___that one.

34.How do you like the film?(同义句) _____do you____ ____the film?

35.Don’t smoke here. (补全应答) ____, I_____.


think of be related to learn…by heart look like hear from

1. They are twins. They_________each other.

2. Hi, Danny. What made you ________ the sad news again?

3. If you read the poem again and again, you will _______ it __________.

4. I haven’t ________ my parents for a long time. I miss them very much.

5. The accident ___________ you. You should remember the safety rule.