八年级英语下19课教案 (冀教版英语八年级)

发布时间:2016-4-5 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching Analysis

1. Teaching Aims

Knowledge Section:

Master the following words:technology, keyboard, industry

Common Expression:How does the Internet help you?

Skill Section :

Continue to build up the ability in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating.

Affect Section::

Get students to know how to use Adverbial Clause with “if” correctly.

2. Teaching Focus

Vocabulary and patterns in this lesson

3. Difficult points

Adverbial Clause with “if”

Teaching Aids

Multimedia, radio-tape

Teaching Procedures

Step I Class Opening (1minute)

1. Greeting

T: Good morning, class! How are you today?

Ss: Good morning! Fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine, too. Free Talk

T: What’s the date today?

S1:It’s April 2.

T: What day is it today?

S2: It’s Wednesday.

T: What do you often do after school?

S3: I often play games on the Internet.…

T: Today we will learn about Internet.


Step II New Concepts (20 minutes)

Lead-in (2 minutes)

Ask and Answer:

T: What can you do on the computer?

(The teacher presents the pictures to help students to answer the question.)

S1: I like to watch TV.

S2: I like to read.


The teacher writes “I like ” on the blackboard, and lets students answer the questions with the help of pictures on the PPT.

1.New words(2 minutes)

T: Before we know about what Jenny, Danny, Brian do on the Internet, let’s learn some new words.

The teacher lets students read the new words and give them time to recite.

2. Listen (2 minutes)

T: Ms. Cox wants to know how the Internet help her students, Now listen and try to finish Exercise 1 on Page 51. Tick the things they do on the Internet.

3.Read the text by yourselves, please, and try to answer the following question. Ask for help if necessary. (6 minutes)

How does the Internet help Jenny Danny Brian ?


4. Language points(4 minutes)

T: 1.How does the Internet help you, class?讲how的三种用法。How are you doing with your new boss? 情况如何How big is your classroom? 多么,多少How big the room is! How fast he runs!多么,何等。

2. Adverbial Clause with “if”


Step III Group Work (5 minutes)

Work in pairs . Make up a dialogue.

A: How does the Internet help you?

B: I like to… Do you use the Internet to play games, find friends, learn online,

shop online…?

A:Yes ,I do.

[设计思路:组织分享,体验展示。用How does the Internet help you?编对话,要求使用不同的人称回答。让学生应用新知,创新体验,合作小组分享体验成果。]

Step IV Practice (5 minutes)

The teacher show the exercise on the blackboard.

Students do the exercises and check with the help of the teacher.


Now do you know how the Internet helps us? If you need a computer, what kind of computer will you buy? Desktop or tablet ?

Step V Class Closing (2 minutes )

Let’s see our homework for today.

(1) Write: What things do your classmates do on the Internet?

(2) Write: If I have a tablet , I will…
