模块3 unit2 学案 (译林牛津版英语高一)

发布时间:2016-2-2 编辑:互联网 手机版


课 题 M3U2 Words 主备人 王月琴 审核人 雍伟全

班 级 高一( ) 姓 名 学 号




1.throughout prep.可指时间上从头到尾= all through; 也可指地点上遍及各处= all over.

① The frog sleeps throughout the winter(= all through). ________________________

② We hope there is no war throughout the world (= all over).

throughout adv. ,一直, 始终;各处,各方面

The girl remained silent throughout. ________________________

2. confusing adj. 令人迷惑的,令人不解的

The instructions on the box are very confusing. 盒子上的说明含混不清

⑴ 辨析Confusing/confused

⑵confuse v. ① 使迷惑,使糊涂The difficult question confused him.

② 误认为甲是乙,混淆, ___________________________

⑶ confusion n.困惑。不确定,混淆,混乱。

He looked at me___ ________ and didn’t answer the question.他困惑地看着我,….

Eg: ( ) ________ by his sudden appearance, I had no idea what to do with it.

A. Confusing B. Confuse C. Confused D. To confuse

3. be made up of =consist of(无被动)= be composed of由… 组成,由… 构成

The apartment _______________________ two rooms and a kitchen. = consists of

知识拓展 : ①写出make up在下面各句中的含义:

The whole story was made up.__________

It took her an hour to make up for the party._________

Women make up 45% of the workforce._______

We still need 100 dollars to make up the sum they asked for.__________

Hard word can make up for the lack of intelligence._____________

Have you made up with Patty yet? ____________

②consist in在于,存在于His adoptation by his classmates consists in his honesty.

③consist with 与…一致, 相符。Theory should consist with practice.

Eg: 1( )The team _____ four Europeans and two Americans.

A. consists of B. made up C. makes up D. consist

2.( ) The Group of Eight (G8)_________ the eight richest countries in the world.

A .is consisted of B .is made up C .consists in D. consists of

4. create vt.创造,创作,创建

All men are created equal. _______________________

Shakespeare created many famous characters. 莎士比亚创作了许多著名的人物。

*creation n.创造,创建,创作 (尤其指的是艺术作品)

creature 生物,动物 creator 创作者 the creator of Mickey Mouse

5. pick up 在下面句中的含义为:

(1) He picked up the phone and asked for the number of the headmaster’s office. _________

(2) Shall I pick you up at the station? ____________

(3) I believe things will pick up soon. ____________

(4) Young children soon pick up words that they hear the elders use. ____________

(5) pick up BBC __________ (6) pick up speed ____________

Eg: ( ) She________ Japanese when he was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.

A picked out B made out C made up D picked up.

6. contribute to对…有贡献,有助于; 捐献, 给…投稿,导致

Proper diet and exercise contribute to his good health. ______________________________

He has contributed all his money to building a primary school for poor children in this area.

She regularly contributes to the college magazine. ________________________________

*contribution n. 贡献 捐献(物),投稿,投送的稿件 make (great) contributions to

Eg ( ) Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from B. contribute to C. attend to D. devote to

7. Conquer.vt (武力)征服, 攻克; 克服, 战胜, 改正(恶习)等; vi.得胜

conquer bad habits.__________________ Man can conquer nature._________________

To conquer or to die.________________________________

Conquest n .征服. Norman Conquest n. 〈史〉诺曼底人(对英格兰)的军事征服

8.take control of控制,取得对…的控制。

The English conquered America and took control of it. 英国征服了美国并控制了它。

(1). in control of 控制住, 管理. 处于统治地位 / in the control of 被…. 控制

He never loses his temper and is always in control of himself.

(2). lose control of 失控

I_________________________and hit him. 我失去了自控力,打了他。

(3)out of control失控The car went out of control and _________. 汽车失控,撞毁了。

(4)have control over 控制,管制

(5)bring sth under control 使….在控制之下。

The fire lasted four hours before the firemen got it under control.

(6)beyond one’s control 失去控制

The situation is beyond the manager’s control and now he is in great trouble.

Eg: ( ) The plane was ______ and crashed.

A. lost control B. under control C. out of control. D. in good control.

9. replace vt. (1)取代,代替 =______________________=____________________

George has replaced Edward ____the captain of the team. 乔治已取代了爱德华当上队长。

(2)更换,替换, 常与介词 with 或by 连用,构成短语 replace…with/by…用…取代…

We have replace the old adding machine ____________________________.


(3)把什么放回原处,相当于 put ….back. He replaced the book on the shelf.

Eg: ( ) When you have finished the book, please ______ it on the shelf.

A. replace B take place C take place of D in place of

10. Despite prep. 尽管

____________ the bad weather, they started as planned.不顾恶劣的天气,他们计划出发。

Eg: ______the great efforts we had made three years before, we failed to carry our plans.

A. While B Although C Even if D. Despite

11. raise vt.

(1)饲养家禽,抚养(子女)种植They raise horses/ wheat _________________________

(2)举起,抬高He raised his voice in anger. __________________________

(3)召集,筹集They want to raise money for the Hope Project _______________________

(4)提出(问题建议等),相当于put forward。raise a question/suggestion.

辨析 rise/ raise___________________________________________________________

Eg1. :( ) It’s hot today, the temperature has ________to 38 ℃

A raised B. risen C lifted D rised.

2. ( ) They have ________ up to 20,000 yuan for the Hope Project

A rose B rised C. raised D risen.

3. ( ) The question ____ by our monitor just now at the meeting is worth _____ about.

A. raised; thought B. to raise; to think C. to be raised; thinking D. raised; thinking

True or false:

Prices have been risen up. _____________

The sun raises in the east and sets in the west. ___________

Jack was raised by his aunt after his parents passed away. ___________

12. adopt vt. (1) 采用,采纳,采取

Toward this we must adopt a critical attitude. 对此我们应采取批判态度。

Finally they____________________________. 最后他们采纳了我们的建议。

(2) 正式批准,接受

The people’s congress adopted the budget. 人民代表大会通过了预算。

(3) 收养

*adoption n.收养,采取。 an adopted son 养子, adoptive parents 养父母。

*adapt ① 使适应adapt (sb/oneself) ____ sth/doing sth.

adapt one’s thinking to the new condition ____________________________

② 改写 be adapted from _______________________

Eg: ( ) As new students, these newcomers are finding it hard to ______ to our new school’s life. A. apply B. adapt C. admit D. adopt

13. undergo vt.

(1) 经历,经受。to pass through; experience

The company has undergone______________________________________.


(2) 忍受;遭受:to endure; suffer. 遭巨大的苦难undergo great hardship.

The patient must undergo an operation right away. _______________________________


1. The sick old man lay in bed _(贯穿) the winter.

2. It is said that the situation in Iraq is out of (控制) now.

3. The instructions on the box are very . (令人迷惑)

4. G8 is an international organization c of eight richest countries in the world.

5. the scientist made great c (贡献) to the space development.

6. China’s fast d attracts the eyes from the whole world.

7. I have to prepare food for nine people . (包括)

8. Is English the (官方) language of Singapore?

9. Our teacher sets very high s of work in his class.

10.Through his own struggle for many years, he finally stepped into the (上层) society.


巩固复习以上所学内容。 预习课文


课 题 M3U2 Reading 主备人 吕小芳 审核人 雍伟全

班 级 高一( ) 姓 名 学 号


Step Ⅱ: Discussion

1) How do people communicate in our daily life?

2) What do you know about English?

Step Ⅲ: Reading Strategy

Go through the reading strategy and analyze how to read a history article.

StepⅣ:Fast reading

1) What is the article about?

2) What are the three kind of English discussed in the article?

3) Is English still changing?

StepⅤ:Detail Reading

1) Try to finish part C1

2) Why can similar pairs of words be found in the English language?

3) Which king of England used English for all official occasions?

4) When did modern English appera?

Read the text again and try to fill in the form:

Time Events

Before the middle of the 5th century

After the middle of the 5th century

At the end of the 9th century

By the 10th century

In 1066

By the latter half of the 14th century

In 1399

During the Renaissance in the 16th century

StepⅥ: Fill in the blanks with the following words and dates from the passage.

10th century French European 5th century

Angles Celtic 1066

1) The original language spoken in Britain was___________.

2) Three groups of people came to Britain from the ____________ mainland.

3) Before the middle of the _______________, people in Britain did not speak English.

4) The _________, the saxons and the Jutes spoke languages that made up Anglo-saxons.

5) Normans spoke ____________.

6) The Normans entered England in __________.

7) By the __________, old English was the official language of England.


完成同步导学146页 阅读理解练习



课 题 M3U 2 language points 主备人 雍伟全 审核人 雍伟全

班 级 高一( ) 姓 名 学 号

Step 1 Discussion of the language items

1. be made up of

make up 化妆,编造,弥补

be made up of 由……构成

be made of 由……制造

be made from

She quickly made herself up and went out for the party. __________

Don’t believe him. He made the whole story up. __________

I must make up the lost time by extra work. __________

1) My favorite salad ______________ lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber.

2) She ______________a story to comfort her little daughter.

3) Nylon _____________ air, coal and water.

4) The audience ________________very young children.

5) The toy cost a dollar and Ted only had fifty cents, so Father ____________ the difference.

6) Society______________people with widely differing abilities.

2.pick out

1) Let me pick out some good ones for you. ___________

2) The house is easily picked out for it has a large blue door.________

(1)He ______some French while he was on a business trip in Paris.

(2)We'll send the ambulance to ______the patient.

(3)It's easy to ______her friend in a crowd because he is very tall.

A. made out B. pick up C. pick out D. picked up

3. invade

1) vt./vi. 侵入,侵略

The Normans invaded England in 1066.__________________________

2) ___________

In summer tourists invade the mountain village.

3) (疾病等)___________

Bird flu invaded the country.

4. control 控制;管理;克制;抑制 Some phrases:

in control of… in the control of… be/ come/ bring/get under control

under the control of… be/get out of control lose control of…

The boy is no longer ___________________ his parents.

Police at present _________________ the crowd. They asked for help.

With the help of firefighters, they got the fire _________________.

Mum was angry to see her children __________________.

Who do you let be _________________your class while you’re out?

5. have an impact on

impact ___________(中文),与________连用。(= influence/ effect)

构成短语 have /make an impact on sth.= have a great effect on sth 对….有影响

Those TV programmes _______________________________________


The book __________________________ its readers.


6. result in V.

1) 结果;导致 (lead to)



2) result from (because of, due to)

His failure _________________________


His success ________ working hard.

Too much cigarettes _________his deaths.

He had to take a taxi to work ___________ the bad weather.

A. result in B. as a result of C. results from D. as a result

Step 2 Consolidation

Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions learned in the text.

1. As they had no children of their own, they a_____________an orphan.

2. This is a c ___________ word because it has two meanings.

3. I’m giving a lecture on recent poetry i___________ war poetry.

4. I hope you can r____________things exactly as they were before.

5. I hope that I shall never again have to u___________such an pleasant experience.

6. She r___________ her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.

7. T________________ the summer and autumn he continued to go to the office on foot.

8. The research team c____________ of two Chinese experts and three American experts.


课 题 M3U2 Wordpower 主备人 朱纹明 审核人 雍伟全

班 级 高一( ) 姓 名 学 号

一. 课前预习

1.Read P 26-27,translate following phrases.

(1)和某人谈一谈 __________________ (2) 丢弃,仍掉______________

(3) 解决,整理___________________ (4) 许多钱__________________

(5) 采取行动解决问题_______________ (6) 联合国___________________

(7) 我很遗憾地通知你________________(8) 另外____________________

(9)立刻,马上________________(10) 把我的想法考虑在内_____________

2.To judge which is the better(best) expression:

①.(To a professor you first meet)

A. ----- Hi, Bob. Fancy meeting you here. (Too familiar and informal.)

B. ----- Good morning, Mr. Mosley. How are you?

.② (To a close friend)

A----- Mr. Wells, would you be kind enough to pass me the salt? (There is no need to be so formal.)

B----- Could you possibly pass me the salt? (There is no need to be so formal.)

C----- Pass me the salt, Jack.


Formal English Informal English

a large amount/number of a lot of

arrange sort out



I regret to inform you…


in addition plus

It is my hope…




speak to

take my concerns into consideration

二. 课内合作

4.Practice--Use the informal English to replace the formal English.

1. There are a large number of people there.__________________

2. There are many children playing on the ground._____________

3. He speaks French in addition to English.___________________

4. I regret to inform you that this sports meet will be put off.____________

5. Don’t discard banana’s skins everywhere._________________

6. The girl relied only with a smile._________________________

Step III Countries and Languages ( Group work )

1. 1. What does “UN” stand for?

2.How many languages are spoken in the world today?( About 6,ooo)

3. How many countries are there in the “UN”? What are they?

4.Ask students to fill in the blanks of the following diagram about country, official language(s), people and capital, this help students enlarge their vocabulary.

country official language(s) people Capital

Australia English Canberra

Greece Greek Athens

Spain Spanish Madrid

Egypt Arabic Egyptian Cairo

Russia Russian Russian Moscow

France French

Mexico Spanish Mexican Mexico City

Japan Japanese

Italy Italian Italian




课 题 M3U2 Grammar 主备人 万兴安 审核人 雍伟全

班 级 高一( ) 姓 名 学 号


1、 请同学们读课文一遍,找出所有的从句,并标明名称。



1. who, whom, whose, what, which引导的名词性从句。

连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which等在从句中既起连接作用,同时又担当___语、____语、____语、____语等成分。




2. where, when, how, why引导的名词性从句:

连接副词where, when, how, why等在从句中既是连接词,又做____语。

She always thinks of how she can work well.


What I am anxious to know is when we can visit the museum.


3. whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever引导的名词性从句。


Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.


I’ll take whichever book interests me.


(辨析) 连接代词whoever在宾语从句中做____语,whomever在宾语从句中做____语。






★1.doubt (怀疑)的肯定句接__/______引导的宾语从句,但否定句和疑问句接______引导的宾语从句。



doubt 常构成以下结构:

sb doubt if/whether… sb don’t/doesn’t doubt that… There is no doubt that….

★ 2.宾语从句的否定转移

当主语是第一人称,谓语动词是think, consider, believe, suppose, expect, fancy等动词后的宾语从句,如有否定意思,一般要把否定词前移到______的谓语上,从句的谓语用肯定的形式。将下列句子改成反意疑问句:

I don’t think he can do it better than me,______________?

I don’t believe they have finished their work yet._______________?




He suggested that we (should) have a further discussion about the final decision.


She insisted(坚决要求)that they (should) show her their passports.



How I wish I had learned more!


He wishes he would have another chance to go abroad.


★ 表语从句:



★ 同位语从句:


This is our only request that this (should)be settled as soon as possible.

The usage of It


1.It is necessary (for sb) to do sth.此句型中的真正主语是______________,主句中的形容词通常是表示重要性、紧迫性、频繁程度、难易、安全等情况的形容词,常见的形容词有:

①important, necessary, natural

②easy, safe, common, normal, hard, difficult, dangerous, unusual, rare, impossible, pleasant




2.It’s kind (of sb) to do sth. 该句型中的不定式如果需要逻辑主语,则需要前置介词_________,而句型中的形容词必须是表示逻辑主语特征的形容词。常见的有:bad, brave, careless, clever, cruel, foolish, honest, horrible, kind, lazy, modest, naughty, nice, polite, rude, silly, stupid, wise, wrong. 这个句型可以改写为:sb. is kind to do sth.

其他形容词一般用______。如:It’s necessary for him to come so early.



3.It takes sb…to do sth.“做…要花某人…”,其中it是____主语,代替后面的不定式(to do sth),句型中的sb.也可以______。



4.It’s no good (use) doing sth.该句型中的真正主语是_______短语,主句中的表语可以是no good, no use, no value, no importance…

It’s no use (useless)crying over the spilt milk.________________________

5.It doesn’t matter whether(if)…不论(是否)…没关系…



6.It happens(seems, appears)that…

It happens that I had seen this problem in some book.


7.It’s said(reported, learned…) that…“据说”

该句型常见动词: say, hope, think, suppose, expect, report, know, believe, decide, ect.

It’s believed that China will become one of the strongest countries in the world.


8.It’s a pity(a shame/ a fact…) that…



9.It is suggested(ordered…)that…


10.It’s up to sb. to do sth. 该句型中up后的to是____词。

It is up to parents to teach their children manners.


Does it matter much that they won’t come tomorrow?

★★It 用于强调句型:


疑问句:Is/Was it +强调部分+that(指人时可以用who/whom)+其他部分)

2.特殊疑问词+is/ was+ that +其他成分


3.It is/was not until…that…(对not until强调)



1. 主语+某些动词(find/think/make/consider/feel等)+形容词或名词+that从句。


2. 某些表示喜,怒,哀,乐的动词,如like,enjoy,love,dislike,hate,appreciate等往往不能直接接宾语从句,而用it做形式宾语。


3. that 引导的宾语从句一般不能直接作____词的宾语。而用it做形式宾语。

You may depend on it that we shall always help you。


1. It is the first time (that)+have done…

2.It was the first time (that)+had done…

3.It is(high) time(that)+did(should do)…

4. It is (has been)…since…did…




完成同步导学 P68和P69页的选择题。




课 题 M3U2 Project 主备人 朱 婧 审核人 雍伟全

班 级 高一( ) 姓 名 学 号


1. When did Chinese writing begin?


2. Who first invented Chinese writing?



Read the text quickly and try to find out the answers to the questions

1) How are Chinese words formed?


2) What were the first real Chinese characters?


3) Do the pictographs show how they should be pronunced?


4) When did Chinese government introduce simplified Chinese character?


Try to translate the following phrases into English

1.和…不同______________________ 2. 组合不同的文字___________________

3.数千年前______________________ 4.总而言之__________________________

5.表达观点______________________ 6. 中国政府_________________________


Language points

1. Chinese words are often formed by combining different,…

Combine: 中文意思______________ 词性________________

Try to translate the following sentences

1) 他成功的兼顾了家庭和事业


2) 这三个国家联合起来反对他们的敌人



2. He saw the footprints of birds and animals in the snow and realized that each one was different.


Try to translate the following sentences.

1) 他们每一个都在等待校长。


2) 每一本书都值得一读。_________________________________________________


3.This became one peak and three lines and eventually turned into

turn into:中文意思:_____________________

1) 所有的大楼都已经变成了医院____________________________________________


turninto___________________ turn on ___________________________

turn off____________________________ turn up __________________________

turn down__________________________ turn over_________________________

turn to_____________________________ turn out__________________________

4.Not all characters are used to describe objects.


Try to translate another three sentences into English.

1) 所有的学生都去参加了讲座。


2) 不是所有的学生都去参加了讲座。


3) 所有的学生都没去参加讲座。



5.Which are opposites of each other.


1) They have opposite views on the question.


2) There was a garden on the opposite side of the street.


3) Black is the opposite of white.


4) They sat opposite on the lawn.



