Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? 教案教学设计(新课标版英语七年级)

发布时间:2016-8-18 编辑:互联网 手机版




本单元以谈论物品位置(Things around the house)为话题,要求学生学会方位介词on, in, under, behind等的用法。题材颇具现代气息,贴近学生日常生活,内容丰富,词汇量大,通过描述物品位置、找寻物品、设置理想化居室等系列活动,让学生在听、说、读、写、做中学习语言知识,培养运用语言知识的能力,激发创新精神。而本节课在这个单元中对于物品方位的初步认知和表达起着重要的作用,主要通过问答方式教授学生如何表达单复数物品简单的方位。

三、 设计理念

本节课我本着让学生通过日常生活用品的认知以及物品方位表达的学习,能够熟练掌握如何用英语表达单复数物品的简单方位,牢记新名词:table、 bed、bookcase、sofa、 chair等,掌握名词单复数及人称代词they的用法,并熟练运用介词in, on, under和方位表达法:使学生学会基本句型"Where’s my book? It’s under the chair学生通过小组学习、小组对话、讨论等一系列的课堂活动,培养学生的合作精神;同时学生通过自主学习与合作学习养成良好的学习、生活习惯,学会整齐摆放自己物品和养成良好的学习方法。在学习新单词、演示物品方位和任务的布置以及练习的展示时我采用了多媒体教学,形象生动,极大限度地调动学生学习积极性,并扩大课堂容量。同时引导学生采用小组合作与探究的学习策略,学会运用方位介词“on/in/under/”表达物品的位置。






(1)掌握有关物品的新名词:table、 bed、bookcase、sofa、 chair

(2)熟练运用介词in, on, under。










(1) 交际策略: 学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活中去;



1.方位介词in, on, under的用法。


3.新单词bed, table, bookcase….






Period One: SectionA 1a-----1c

Period Two: SectionA 2a-----2d

Period Three Grammar Focus-----3c

Period Four SectionB 1a------1e

Period Five SectionB 2a-------2c

Period Six 3a ------- Self-check和单元练习题

十、教学用具: A tape recorder powerpoint

Period 1 (Section A 1a~1c)

教师寄语:Many hands make light work.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1:Warming up: students play a chant

This is a pen. These are pens.

That is a book Those are books

It’s a key They’re keys

Step 2: New words learning(目的是检查课前预习案情况)

1.Show the students the pictures of rooms then let them read

Bedroom Bed(s) schoolbag

Sitting room Table chairs sofa

Study Table chairs books bookcase

2.students can read and write the words: where、 table、bed、chair, on、under、Bookcase、sofa




桌子_______ 床________ 椅子________ 书包________沙发________在…里面___ __书架________ 他(她,它)们_____

3、 Match the words with the pictures. (SectionA 1a)_____first the students do it by themselves,then discus in group ,finally check in class


Step 3: Presentation.

(1)Show the pictures of a box and a book teach ″in, on, under″

Present ″1. T: Where is my cat?

S: It’s here.

T: Oh, it’s on/in /under the box

(2)Then look at the picture on the screen to show the other things to make the students understand in/on/under and teach ″where’s=where is

(3)″Next look at the picture on the screen ,Show some pencils and books to the students and present ″Where are/where’re…? They’re….”(Where are=where’re)

For example:

Where are the books?

They’re on/in /under the table

Step 4: Practice(运用方位介词in、 on 、under及 where's …?/where are …?及其答语,自由交际,表述物品的正确位置)。

Teacher show many pictures to .Practice the structures

For example:

Pairwork :

1 T: Where is my schoolbag?

S: It’s on the table

2.S: Where’s my pencil?

S:It’s in the schoolbag

3.S:Where’s the…?

S:It’s …

3. T: Where are my keys ?

S: They’re on the chair(红色的地方老师要强调,单数要用is复数要用are)

Group work:

1. show the picture ,let them practise the structures

2. Look for things.The students hide and look for the things in

groups. They can give the others some clues.

For example:

This is my book.. Where’s the/my…? It’s on the desk.

These are my books . Where are the/my…? They’re on/in/under the…

Step 5 exercise(学以致用,用is/are填空 )


(1)Where _____ my schoolbag? (2) Where _____ my books?  

(3)Lily’s schoolbag ______ under the desk. (4) Tom’s books ______ on the sofa.(5)They ____ under the table. (6)It _____ a key 

Step 5 : Listening (SectionA 1b).

Listen and number the things in the pictures when you hear them.

First listen,then check and repeat.

Step 6 : Practice

Look at the picture of page19.Ask and answer in group

Step 5: chant

Where’s the book? It’s on the table.

Where’s the pen? It’s in the case.

Where’s the key? It’s under the bag.

Where are the books? They’re on the chair.

Where are the pens? They’re in the box

Where are the balls? They’re under the bed.

Step 7:Do some exercises(当堂检测)


1. My ____________ (钥匙)are on the table.  

2. -____________(在哪里)is the baseball? -I don't know.  

3. My backpack is ____________ (在……下面)the bed 


1.在床上____________ 2. 在椅子上________  3.在床下面__________ 4. 在书橱里__________ 5 在桌子上________


1. Where is my book? It's under _____ table .

A. my the B. the my C. my

2. Where ____ his keys? A. is B. are C. am D. be

3. __your bag ? At school.

A. What's B. What C. Where's D. Where



______ _______ _______ books? ______ _______ on your ______. 2、椅子在哪?桌子下。

Where are the ______ ? _______ _______ the _______.

Step 8:Summary

Words: in, on, under, where, they, chair, bed, table, sofa, bookcase.

Sentences: -Where’s my / the key? -It’s in /on/under the schoolbag

-Where are my / the books? -They’re in /on/under the table..

(where’s=where is, Where are=where’re)

Step9: Homework:

Make a survey Interview a student / a teacher and fill in the forms

Name Things Places

Lucy pen In the case

Step10: Blackboard Design

Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?

Section A 1a~1c

1 Key vocabulary: where 、 table、 bed 、 chair、 on under、bookcase、sofa

2 Target language

Where‘s the/my …? (Where‘s=Where is)

It’s/ on/in/under the ….

Where are the/my …?

They’re on/in/under the …. (They’re=They are)


