仁爱英语八年级上Unit 1 Topic 2导学案 (仁爱版英语八年级)

发布时间:2017-12-26 编辑:互联网 手机版

Section A

一. 写出下面动词的过去式

can--- fall--- go--- practice--- make--- throw---

pass--- try--- put--- manage--- take--- clean---

二. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译

do me a favor___________ one of …___________ fall ill________ be glad to…___________

right away________ throw bottles around_____________ make your bed_________________

Would you mind…?_____________ pass me some water____________ try it again_________

play the piano so loudly__________________ go to the Capital Stadium__________________

more quietly_________ take the No. 2 Bus far from here_______________

三. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结

1. Michael, could you please do me a favor? 译:________________________________

点拨:Could you please do…? = Will you (please) do…? 请…好吗?(注:could不是过去式)


(1) Could you please________________________? (2) Will you________________________?

拓展:Would you mind doing…? 你介意…吗?(也是一种委婉地请求允许的句子)


点拨:do me a favor = help me = give me a hand (英语中帮忙的表达方式很多吧)

试一试吧!请帮Jim帮个忙好吗? (1)._____________________________________

(2).________________________________ (3).____________________________________

2. But one of my teammates fell ill. 译:__________________________________

点拨:one of + 可数名词复数,…中之一,当它做主语时,谓语动词用单数

如:One of my friends is a boy. One of his sisters likes music.

试一试吧!他的一个同学是美国人。 One of his classmates _____ American.

他的一个同学来自美国。 One of his classmates _______ from America.

点拨:fall ill 生病(强调动作) be ill生病(强调状态)

对比: He is ill in bed now. 译:__________________________________

Don’t eat too much, or(否则) you will fall ill. 译:__________________________________

3. ---Will you join us? ---I’d be glad to. 译:__________________________________


注意:I’d be glad to. = I would be glad to. (注:此处to不能省略)


4. Would you mind doing…? (观察并总结)

Would you mind teaching me? Not at all. 译:__________________________________

Would you mind passing me some water? Of course not. 译:__________________________

Would you mind if I try it again? Certainly not. 译:_________________________________

Would you mind making your bed? Sorry. I’ll do it right away.


Would you mind not throwing bottles around? I’m sorry about that. I won’t do it again.


Would you mind not playing the piano so loudly? I’m sorry about that. I’ll play it more quietly.


点拨:Would you mind … ? = Do you mind …?

Do you mind if I open the window? 译:____________________________________________

点拨:if --- 如果,假如; 后接条件从句,不能省略。

If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we are going to play table tennis. 译:________________________


5. That’s very kind of you. 译:__________________________________

举一反三:That’s very friendly of him. 译:__________________________________

他们真是太可爱了。 译:__________________________________

6. …but I can manage it myself. 译:__________________________________

点拨:manage 管理,设法对付,通过努力完成某事

Can you manage another piece of bread? 译:__________________________________

manage to do… 设法做…


Section B

一. 写出下面动词的过去式

miss--- say--- shout--- fight--- do--- believe---

have--- win--- open--- serve--- turn--- keep--- hear---

二. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译

so careless____________ miss a good chance_______________ shout at me__________________

be angry with______________ do his best________________ say sorry to…_________________

next time____________ keep trying______________ with the help of…_____________________

serve the food______________ turn down the music______________ in a minute_____________

keep me waiting a long time_________________ be ready soon____________ at once_________

never mind____________ take a seat_____________ buy you a new one____________________

be late for class_____________ lose your book____________ break your pen________________

三. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结

1. What do you mean by saying that? 译:_________________________________________

点拨:mean---意思,意味 by---通过(方式), 是介词, 后面的动词要用________形式。

举一反三:What do you mean by giving it to me? 译:____________________________________


2. I didn’t want to miss the goal, either. 译:____________________________________________


试一试吧! He likes rowing, I like rowing,________.

They aren’t going to take part in the meet, we aren’t, __________.

3.Please don’t fight. 译:____________________________ 这是个 ________ 句。

点拨:fight---打架(名词+动词) They had a fight just now. 译:____________________________

拓展:fight with sb. = have a fight with sb. 和…打架

试一试吧! Tom和Jim昨天打了一架。

(1)___________________________________ (2)________________________________________


(1)___________________________________ (2)________________________________________

4. I’m very sorry for what I said. 译:___________________________________________

点拨:for---因为 what---所…的

举一反三:He is sorry for what he did. 译:___________________________________________

Mum is excited for what Tom did. 译:_______________________________________

5. We believe you will do better next time. 译:__________________________________________

思考:(1) 在We believe后面省略了一个词,它是________, 引导后面出现的从句。

(2) We believe的语气还可以换成:We are sure; _____________; _____________等等。

6. Keep trying! 译:____________________________ 这是个 ________ 句。

点拨:keep---保存,保持 keep doing sth. 一直做…

举一反三:Tom keeps running every morning. 译:___________________________________


7. We are sure to win next time. 译:____________________________________

点拨:sure---确信的,有把握的 be sure to do… 有把握去做…

举一反三:We are sure to learn English well. 译:___________________________________


拓展:be sure to do…还可以转换成be sure that + 从句(that在句子中不译,用于引导句子)

如:We are sure to win next time. = We are sure that we will win.

试一试吧!We are sure to learn English well. = _________________________________________

思考:Everyone was sure that Michael would do better.可以转换成be sure to do…吗?

8. You often keep me waiting a long time. 译:______________________________________

点拨:keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事 对比:keep doing sth. 一直(保持)做某事

举一反三: Don’t keep me waiting too long. 译:______________________________________

The heavy rain kept us staying at home the whole day. 译:________________________________


9. Kangkang was angry with Michael. 译:_______________________________________

点拨: be angry with… 生…的气


10. I can’t hear clearly on the phone. 译:_______________________________________

点拨:clearly--- 清楚地,清晰地 on the phone--- 在电话中

举一反三:I can hear Mary crying on the phone. 译:_____________________________________

11. I have another one. 译:____________________________



I had a big apple just now, but I would like another one. 译:_______________________________


1. He did his best. (否定句) _______________________________

2. We believe you’ll do better next time. (否定句) _______________________________________

3. Keep trying. (否定句) _____________________

4. I didn’t call you last night.(用be going to结构替换)___________________________________

5. I’m so sorry for losing your book.(划线提问)_________________________________________

Section C

一. 写出下面动词的过去式

win--- has--- travel--- enjoy--- invent--- take---

can--- put--- throw--- follow--- become--- score---

二. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译

your plans for this year______________ enjoy playing table tennis_______________________

in different countries________________ have a very exciting life________________________

but very tiring as well_______________ how to score in the game________________________

make the basketball game rules_____________________ indoors and outdoors_______________

one of the most popular sports______________________ at that time_____________________

have a history of over a century_____________________ invent an indoor game_______________

even in bad weather_________________ put the ball into the other side’s basket_______________

throw it with one hand or both hands________________________ follow the rules_____________

become more and more popular______________________ so that_____________

三. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结

1. ---You have a very exciting life now. ---Exciting? Yes, but very tiring as well.


点拨:as well---也,又 位于句末,其用法与too相似

试一试,请用too / also / as well / either填空

(1).He doesn’t know her. I don’t know her,__________.

(2).His father speaks English, he speaks English ____________.

(3).I can play the piano. You can ______ play it.

(4).We are good at swimming. They do well in it, ________.

思考:exciting( )---excited( ) tiring( )---tired( )


试一试,请用exciting / excited tiring / tired填空

(1).Liu Xiang won a gold medal in 2004 Olympics. We Chinese are very _____________.

(2).They watched a very ____________ basketball game yesterday evening.

(3).The ____________ meet lasted 2 hours. The students were very ____________.

2. He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play even in bad weather.


点拨:so that---以便,为了(引导目的状语从句) even---甚至

举一反三:They practice basketball every day so that they can win in the basketball game.



3. Do you know how to score in the game? 译:_________________________________________

举一反三:Please tell me when to leave? 译:________________________________________

Do you know where to go? 译:________________________________________

我不知道做什么? 译:________________________________________

4. Now basketball is becoming more and more popular all over the world.


举一反三:more and more interesting _______________ 越来越令人激动___________________

Section D

一. 写出下面动词的过去式

get--- build--- feel--- love--- see--- drink---

eat--- run--- build--- look---

二. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译

a 15-year-old boy_______________ one year ago_____________ get tired_____________

look really fit and active_______________ have a 1.5-mile run_____________ instead of________

build me up____________ feel well___________ the boys’ 800-meter race____________________

三. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结

1. I am a 15-year-old boy. 译:__________________________________


举一反三:a 100-meter-long bridge_________________ a 5-meter-wide classroom_____________

一个七天的假期_________________________ 一个八岁的女孩__________________________

2. However, one year ago I was fat. 译:__________________________________

思考:but, while, however都有“可是,但是,然而”等转折之意,如何区分?

(1).He is fat, but he can jump high. 译:________________________________________

(2).He likes blue, while I like green. 译:________________________________________

(3).It is late, however, we must go out to look for the boy. 译:______________________________

3. Healthy eating habits and running help to build me up. 译:______________________________


举一反三:Sleeping helps to build babies up. 译:_______________________________________


4. I have great fun running. 译:________________________________________

点拨:have great fun doing… ---非常快乐地做…


四. 补全对话

A:Hello! ____________________________________

B:Yes, this is Mr. Zhang.

A:This is Wang Li here. ___________________________________

B:Sure. What is it?

A:My computer doesn’t work. __________________________________________

B:Of course not. By the way, ___________________________________________

A:It’s in my office.


A: You need to take No.5 bus. I’ll wait for you at the bus stop.

B: OK. I’ll be there soon.