SBI Lesson 37 Dialogue

发布时间:2016-2-13 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching Plan for SBI Lesson 37 Dialogue

Wencheng Middle School Zhao Limin

Teaching materials: Lesson 37 Dialogue

Type of lesson: Dialogue

Teaching tools: A recorder

Aims & requirements:

1. Teach the dialogue about “sports”.

2. The students are required to master the four-skill words and expressions.

3. The students are required to be familiar with the three-skill and two-skill words and expressions.

4. The students should be able to make up their own dialogues according to the dialogue they have learnt.

( T: teacher Ss: student S1: Student 1 Bb: blackboard )

Teaching Process:

Step I. Organization and Free talk ( 3’)

Step II.Presentation ( 10’)

T: Do you have sports at school? What sports do you have?

S1:Yes. I often play basketball at school.

S2:I usually play ping-pong at school.

T: How many P.E. classes do you have each week?

Ss: Three.

T: Do you like football?

S3:Yes. I like it very much.

T: Do you like horse-riding/ shooting?

S4: Yes.

T: What sports do you like best?

S5: I like volleyball best.

T: Which do you prefer,football or basketball?

S6: I prefer football to basketball.

T: How about running? Do you like it?

S7: I like it very much.

T: Did you take part in the school sports-meet this term?

S8: Yes. I took part in it and got good scores.

T: How do you like the sports-meet/the Olympic Games?

(Help the class answer: It’s/They’re/Both of them are exciting.)

T: Are you good at baskball/football/volleyball?

S9: Yes. I’m quite good at it.

S10: No. I’m not very good at it.

T: Are you on the school team?

S11: No,I’m not.

S12: Yes, I’m on the school team.

T: Do you know any other sports?

Ss: Yes.

(Collect the Ss’ answers on the Bb:jumping, swimming, boating, skating, sailing, wrestling, mountain-climbing, etc. Then go on with the discussion, using the structure:Which sport do you prefer, shooting or sailing? etc.)

StepIII.Dialogue (10’)

(Speech Cassette Lesson 37. SB Lesson 37,Part 1.)

T: Books closed. Listen to the tape of the dialogue,and find out: Which sport does A prefer? What about B?

( Play the tape for the Ss to find the answer.)

T: (After listening) Which sport does A prefer?

S12: A prefers horse-riding.

T: What about B?

S13: B prefers shooting.

T: OK. Now listen to the tape again. This time,please listen and repeat, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

(Play the tape again for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then divide the class into halves. Tape again. One half should repeat A’s words,the other half should repeat B’s words. Get the Ss to tell what A and B said. Then open the books. Let the Ss practise the dialogue several minutes. Then get some pairs to act it out.)

Step IV. Practice ( 7’)

T: Now,I’d like you to make up your own dialogues referring to the

information presented on the Bb.

( Let the Ss prepare the dialogue for several minutes. Then ask some pairs to come to the front of the class and act out their dialogues.)


Lesson 37

1. have sports

2. horse-riding

3. shooting

4. Which do you prefer,…or…?

5. I prefer…to…

6. What/How about…?

7. exciting

8. Are you good at…?

9. Are you on the school team?











