Unit 3 I’d like a large pizza教案示例(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-7-19 编辑:互联网 手机版



  步骤   教师活动   学生活动

课前活动 Do some research Encourage Ss to find the materials about pizza, especially the history and the ingredients 1. search for the materials through Internet or other resources

2. classify the materials

课堂活动 Task one

Make a delicious pizza Lead-in: match the countries with the correct foods 1. show the ingredients they know to the other students

2. Groupwork: make a delicious pizza with your groupmates

3. Introduce your pizza to your classmates

Keep some of the pizzas in the front and ask Ss to vote which is their favorite pizza 1. listening: listen to the tape and do P13 1b

2. interview: suppose you are the customers and you want to order a pizza by phone, which one do you prefer to?

3. find out the favorite pizza from the final results

Task two

Make a menu for your pizza house Advice Ss to run a pizza house and make a list by themselves 1. Groupwork: talk about the food they want to sell, especially the kinds of pizzas and some drinks and dessert.

2. list all the food and drinks.

课后活动 Portfolio Show an example to the students and give some advice Make a menu after class






