
发布时间:2016-6-8 编辑:互联网 手机版

1. cut down 砍倒,减少,降低,缩短

The little boy cut down the young tree with an axe.

The doctor told me to cut down smoking and drinking.


cut something from something 切下,割下

cut something away 切除,剪去

cut up 切碎

cut off切断,停止

e.g. They cut all the dead branches from the tree.

While we were cooking, the gas was suddenly cut off.

1. no longer 和no more

(1) no longer 侧重于“时间”,no more侧重于“数量,程度”等。

e.g. There is no more bread.

He is no longer young.

(2) no longer侧重于现在与过去的比较,no more指今后如何,把现在和将来进行对比。

e.g. I am sorry I can wait no longer.

I shall go there no longer.

(3) no longer可以和延续性动词连用,而no more只和非延续性动词连用,而且表示“不再”含义时,no more不用在句子中间。

2.die out 死绝;消失,消灭

That custom died out years ago.


The lights died out suddenly.


die of/from/by 因……而死

die of hunger/an illness 饿(病)死

die away(声音、光线、风等)渐弱,渐息

She died of cancer/old age.


die from overwork/a wound操劳过度(受伤)而死

[辨析]die of指死于疾病、衰老、饥饿等;die from则指由于外伤或不注意的原因而死亡,但from常以of代替。


die young/happy英年早逝(含笑九泉)

be dying for(口语)渴望……,很想……

He was dying for a drink. 他很渴望喝点酒。

3. adapt v. 使……适应,使……适合

adapt sth. to sth. 使…….适应…….

e.g. He couldn’t adapt his way of life to the company.


adapt sth. for sth. 修改某事

I adapted the garage for use as a workshop.


It is hard to adapt this story for children/the film.


adapt oneself to适应……

He is quick to adapt(himself)to new circumstances.


adapted adj.适合……的;改编成……的

This book is adapted to children.


The play is adapted from a novel.


4.first of all,at first,above all

(1)first of all首先,第一(常可单独使用)

e.g.First of all,we must check the number.


(2)at first(=at the beginning)起初,开始(与later“以后”相对)

e.g.At first I thought ill of him.


(3)above all首先,最重要的是(most important of all)

e.g.We must work hard,and above all we must believe that each of us is able to do something well.


5. the other day,some day,one day,another day

(1)the other day“几天前”(a few days ago)指过去,只能用于过去时态。

e.g.The other day I met Mary in the street.


(2)some day“总有一天,某一天”指将来,通常只用于一般将来时或过去将来时,可与one day替换。

e.g.We are going to visit the museum some day/one day next week.


(3)one day“某一天,有一天”,可指过去的某一天,也可指将来的某一天(指将来的某一天可与some day互换。)

e.g.One day you will be punished.


One day I saw a beggar walking along the street.


(4)another day “改天”,指将来的一天。

e.g.I will see you again another day.


6. endanger vt. cause danger to sb. or sth.

put in danger危害,危及,使处于危险中

e.g. Smoking endangers your health.

The oil spill endangered thousands of birds.

The giant panda is an endangered species.

比较:(1) in danger“在危险中,处于危险之中”,常与be连用,强调主语处于某种危险之中。

e.g. The old man was knocked down by the motorbike.He was in danger.


(2) in danger of“有……的危险”,后接动名词或动名词短语。

e.g. Some birds are in danger of dying away.


The man was in danger of losing his life.


(3) out of danger“脱离危险”,常与be连用。

e.g. He is out of danger now.


(4) dangerous adj. 危险的 (指对别人构成威胁的)

e.g. It is dangerous to swim in the river.

7. devote vt.奉献

devote sth. / oneself to 致力于,把……奉献给

e.g. He has devoted his whole life to science.他把一生都奉献给了科学事业。

I don’t think it worthwhile to devote so much time to discussing the matter.


He devoted himself to the training of his students.

I don’t think we should devote any time to this question.

形容词devoted 意思有两种

(1) 忠实的,慈爱的,恩爱的

(2) 献身……的,专心于……的,专用于…….的,热心的

e.g. a devoted son, mother, father

The newly married couple next door to us are devoted to sports.

The magazine is devoted to science.

7. keep on doing 继续做某事

keep sb. / sth. doing 让某人/某物继续做某事

keep sb. from (doing ) sth.阻止某人做某事

=stop / prevent sb. (from) (doing ) sth.

keep from doing 避免做某事

e.g. I hope I am not keeping you from your work.

They don’t keep anything from each other.

She kept me waiting for half an hour.

The telephone kept ringing until I answered it.

You should try to keep from sitting up late at night.

8. waste n. 浪费,废物 v.浪费 adj. 没用的,废弃的

e.g. a waste of time (energy)

Don’t waste time talking with her.

Waste time (money ) on sth./ in (doing) sth.