初一英语第二十二单元What are you doing ?

发布时间:2016-12-6 编辑:互联网 手机版

章节 第二十二单元




【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ. 语音学习

1 . 字母 y 发[j]、[ai]或[i],字母组合 ay 发[ei],ey 发[e],oy 发[?i]。

2 . 句子的重音和语调

Ⅱ. 词汇学习

write , read , listen , listen to , clean , homework , do one's homework , help , now , watch , TV=television , stand , talk , open , close , work , count , wear 。

Ⅲ. 语法学习

1 . 现在进行时态的肯定式与式。

2 . 现在进行时态的疑问式 ( 一般疑问句 ) 和简略答语。

3 . 动词 - ing 形式 ( 现在分词 ) 的构成。

Ⅳ. 交际英语

1 .- Could you come here , please ? I want some help .

-Certainly ! I'm coming now , Mum / Dad !

2 . Excuse me , Mr Green .

3 . Let's go and find them .

4 . I'm talking . You aren't talking .

5 . Are you playing football ?

6 . What are the men doing ?

They are working near the house .

7 . I can't find the twins .

We must find them .

【 指点迷津 】


1 . write 写

Write your name and age on the paper , please . 请在纸上写上你的姓名和年龄。

He is writing numbers on a notebook . 他正在笔记本上写号码。

〖 点拨 〗注意 write 的过去式 wrote 。

2 . read 读,朗读

He likes reading children's books . 他喜欢看儿童读物。

〖 点拨 〗read 的过去式发音特殊 [ red ] , 与形容词read的发音一样。

3 . homework 家庭作业

He have a lot of homework to do . 我有许多作业要做。

I don't think today's homework is easy . 我想今天的作业不容易。

They are doing their homework at home . 他们正在家里做作业。

〖 点拨 〗homework 为不可数名词,没有复数形式。

4 . help 帮助,帮忙

Many thanks for your kind help . 谢谢你的帮助。

I want to get some help from you . 我想得到你的帮忙。

〖 点拨 〗help 作“帮助”解,不可数名词,作“有帮助的人或事”解时,可数。

This book is a great help to you . 这本书对你很有帮助。

5 . now 现在

Now it's your turn . 现在轮到你了。

6 . watch 观看,注视

They are watching the football game . 他们正在看足球赛。

〖 点拨 〗汉语中的“看”,在英语中有多种表达法,如:“看电视”译为 watch TV , “看球赛”,watch a ball game ; “看图片”,look at the picture ; “看电影”,see a film ; “看书”,read a book ; “看孩子”,look after the baby ;看报read a newspaper 。总之,要注意“看”字在特定的语言环境中的语义,还要注意英语中的习惯。

7 . TV = television 电视,电视机

There is a football match today . you can watch it on TV . 今天有一场足球赛,你可以在电视中看到。

〖 点拨 〗作“电视”解,不可数,作“电视机”解,可数。

8 . stand 站,立

You must stand up when the teacher comes in . 我们走进来时,你必须站起来。

〖 点拨 〗stand 的过去式是 stood 。stand up起立。

Stand up , please . 请起立 !

9 . talk 说话,谈话

They are talking in English . 他们正用英语交谈。

〖 点拨 〗talk about 谈论……。talk to sb对某人谈。talk with sb同某人交谈。

After work I talk to him about homework .

10 . open 打开

Open your book at page 87 . 把你的书翻到 87 面。

It's our mother . Open the door , please .

〖 点拨 〗open 还作形容词“开着的”。

Is the shop open at eight ?

11 . close 关,闭

Close your knife and put it into the pencil - box . 把刀子合起来,放进铅笔盒里去。

We are going to have a dictation . Close your books . 我们就要进行听写了,把书合起来。

Close the door , please . 请关门。

12 . wear 穿

She is wearing a green coat . 她穿着一件绿色的外衣。

Miss Gao wears skirt sometimes . 有时候,高小姐穿裙子。

〖 点拨 〗put on 是“穿上”、“戴上”,表示一时的动作;wear 是“穿、戴”,表示状态。be wearing 不是表示当时正在穿的动作,而是指在某一场合或某一时间穿戴的状态。wear 的过去式是wore , 过去分词是worn 。


1 . listen to… 听……

We like to listen to the news . 我们喜欢听新闻。

They are listening to Radio Beijing . 他们正在听北京电台的广播。

Children should listen to their parents . 孩子应该听父母的话。

〖 提示 〗短语中 to 为介词,其后接名词。注意下面的句子表达:

Listen to her to speak .(错)

Listen to her speaking .(对)

2 . read a book 看书

She likes the children to read books in the readingroom . 她喜欢孩子们在阅览室里看书。

He is reading a very interesting book . 他正在读一本很有趣的书。

3 . drink tea 喝茶

The old man often goes to the teahouse to drink tea . 那位老大爷经常到茶馆里喝茶。

4. mend a clock 修理表

He is mending a clock at the desk . 他正在桌旁修钟表。

- Can you mend my clock ? It's broken . 你能代替我修这只钟吗 ? 钟坏了。

- Certainly . Get it after school .

5 . do one's homework 做作业

I have no time to do my homework . 我没时间做作业。

He hasn't done his homework . 他没做作业。

当表达要做很多作业时用do a lot of homework 。

6 . watch TV 看电视

You can watch TV after supper . 晚饭后你可看电视。

7 . up the tree 沿着树向上;在树顶

The cat is running up the tree . 那只猫正沿着树往上爬。

Don't climb up the tree ! 不要爬树。

They are up the tree . 他们就在树上头。


【 学法指要 】




The students of Class Two are singing . 二班的学生正在唱歌。

She is putting on a yellow sweater . 她正在穿一件黄毛衣。

I am looking at the blackboard . 我正在看黑板。

注意动词的现在分词的变化。put - putting , cut (砍,割) - cutting , run - running 。



They aren't playing basketball . 他们不在打篮球。

She is not having breakfast . 她没在吃早饭。



Are you doing your homework now ? 你现在正在做作业吗 ?

Are you doing your homework now ? 你现在正做作业吗 ?

Is Lily coming tomorrow ? 莉莉明天会来吗 ?

〖 提示 〗此句型的否定回答为:Yes , 主语+be . 否定回答为:No . 主语+be not .


1 . stand

这个单词的意思是“站”,反义词是 sit,那么上课班长说“stand up ! ”和老师说“Sit down”,是怎么回事 ?

stand 和 sit 是两个表示可以延续的动作的词,人可以站一个小时,可以坐一个上午等等,但若想表示“起立”和“坐下”这两个瞬间发生的动作,则必须用动词词组 stand up 和 sit down 来表示。

2 . I'm listening to her . 我在听她说。

listen 是动词,意为“听”。如要表示“听某人 ( 说 ) ”,则要用 listen to + 某人,如用代词,要有宾格形式。例如:

The students are listening to their teacher in class . 学生们在课堂上听老师讲课。

Listen to me , please ! 请听我说。

3 . Could you come here , please ? I want some help . 请你上我这儿来,行吗 ? 我需要 ( 一些 ) 帮助。

( 1 ) 在日常交际中,当想要对方为你做某事,或想要对方允许你做某事时,可以用Could/Can… , please ? 句型 。could/can 的意思是“可以/行”,could 比 can 更委婉、客气。例如:

Could you give the watch to Mr Hu , please ? 请你把这块表给胡先生,行吗 ?

Could I have two bottles of orange , please ? 我要两瓶桔汁,行吗 ?

( 2 ) 肯定回答时,一般不说“Yes , …”而是说“Certainly”、“OK”等。否定回答时,说“Sorry …”。例如:

Could you come here , please ? 你可上这儿来吗 ?

Certainly . I'm coming now . 当然可以,我就来。

Could I have three bottles of milk , please ? 这可以要3瓶吗 ?

Sorry , there's only one . 对不起,只有1瓶了。

4 . She's doing her homework . 她正在做家庭作业。

do one's homework 意为“做家庭作业”。在 homework 前要用与句子主语相一致的形容词性物主代词。homework 是不可数名词,不能用复数形式。例如:

The twins are doing their homework now . 双胞胎正在做家庭作业。

5 . He's watching TV . 他正在看电视。

( 1 ) watch 用作动词时,意为“观看,注视”。“看电视”要说 watch TV , 不能用 look。

watch , look 和 see 都有“看”的含义,但用法不同。watch 意为“注视”、“观看”,在一段时间里集中注意力、留心观察。例如:

We like watching basketball match . 我们爱看篮球赛。

look 意为“看”,“望”,表示有意识的看,只强调动作。例如:

Look at the blackboard . 看黑板。

see 意为“看见”,表示看到了,强调结果。例如:

- What can you see in the picture ? 你在画中看到了什么 ?

- I can see some boats . 我看见一些小船。

Mike likes watching TV very much . 迈克非常喜欢看电视。

( 2 ) watch 用作名词时,意为“手表”。例如:

There is a watch on the floor . Whose is it ? 地上有块手表,是谁的 ?

Can you look after my watch , please ? 你照看一下我的表,行吗 ?

(3)is watching是现在进行时态“正看电视”。

6 . What are the cats doing ? 猫在干什么 ?

They're running up the tree . 它们在往树上爬。

run up 意为“向上跑”。在本句中应译为“向上爬”。如表示“向下跑”,则用 run down。

Look ! A car is running up the hill . 看,一辆小汽车正朝山上开去。

7 . Well , Lucy is wearing blue trousers and a blouse . 喔,露西穿着一件衬衫和兰裤子。

( 1 ) well 在这里是感叹词,意为“喔”“哦”。

( 2 ) wear 和 put on 都有“穿”、“戴”的意思,但它们是有区别的。

wear 表示状态,常译成“穿着”,“戴着”。

put on 表示动作,常译成“穿上”,“戴上”。


She is wearing a white skirt . 她穿着一件白裙子。

Lucy , put on your shoes . Don't take them off . 露西,穿上鞋,别脱下来。

He always wears glasses . 他总是戴着眼镜。

Tom , put on more clothes . It's very cold outside . 汤姆,多穿上点衣服,外面很冷。

8 . No sweater ? = Isn't Lucy wearing sweater ? ( 露西 ) 没穿着运动衫吗 ?

no 是限定词,可用在单数 ( 可数和不可数 ) 名词和复数名词前面,它的意思和 not one 或 not any 一样。表示即使人们期望有,事实上却相反。例如:

I can't get there - there’s no bus . 我去不了那里,因为没有汽车。

9 . Right ! Let's go and find them . 对,咱们去找他们吧。

go and find = go to find 例如:

Let's go and see him . 也可以说 Let's go to see him . 咱们去看他吧。

Let's go and play the game . 或 Let's go to play the game . ( 让 ) 咱们去做游戏吧。

【 妙文赏析 】

A Difficult Question

Four girls went to school every day by taxi .

One day one of the girls said , “ There’s a test this morning . Let’s get to school late . Then we won’t have to take the test . ”

“ What can we tell the teacher ? ” one of the girls said . “ He’ll be angry , We’ll need a good excuse . ”

The girls thought for several moments , then one of them said , “ Let’s tell him that our taxi had a flat tire . ”

“ That’s a good idea , ” the other girls said . “ We’ll tell him that . ” They arrived at school an hour later . The test was finished .

“ Why are you late ? ” the teacher asked . “ You missed the test . ”

“ Our taxi had a flat tire , ” one of the girls said .

The teacher thought for a moment , then he said , “ Sit down , one of you in each corner of the room .”

The four girls did this .

Then the teacher said , “ Write on a piece of paper the answer to this question : Which tire was flat ? ”

注释:excuse 借口:理由。several几个。moment片刻;时刻。flat 平的。tire 轮胎(英式拼法为 tyre )。flat tire 轮胎漏气。miss 错过;失却。

【 思维体操 】

1 . What is always going but never gets anywhere ?

2 . Who can stop a truck with one hand ?

3 . It's now four twenty . Miss Jackson finished her book a quarter of an hour ago . At what time did she finish it ?

答案:1 . a clock/watch 2 . A policeman 3 . 4 : 04


【 心中有数 】



( 1 ) 表示说话时在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。例如:

He is watching TV now .

We are working on a farm these days .

( 2 ) 时态构成:助动词 be ( am / is / are ) +现在分词

( 3 ) 现在分词的构成:

1 ) 一般在动词原形末尾加 - ing . 例如:asking studying

2 ) 以不发音字母 e 结尾的动词,先去掉 e , 再加 - ing。例如:writing taking

3 ) 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这一字母,再加 - ing . 例如:getting sitting beginning running putting

( 4 ) 现在分词的发音

现在分词的标志是 - ing , 读作[iú]。当一个动词以字母 r 结尾,则 r 也要发音。

注意以下三个单词的现在分词形式的发音: sing - singing play - playing study ( 学习 ) - studying 。

( 5 ) 现在分词的肯定形式、否定形式、疑问形式及其回答,所有变化都体现在助动词 be ( is / am / are ) 上。


I am working . They are writing .


I am not working . They aren't writing .


Am I working ? Yes , you are . / No , you aren't .

Are they writing ? Yes , they are . / No , they aren't .


What are you doing ? We are working .

Where is he playing basketball ?

He is playing basketball on the playground .

( 6 ) 不是所有动词都能用现在进行时态的,如:see、like、want、know 等动词往往都不用进行时态。

【 动手动脑 】


一、词形转换 ( 根据括号内要求写出单词 ) 。

1 . write ( 同音词 ) ___________ 2 . watch ( 主语第三人称单数 ) ___________

3 . open ( 反义词 ) ___________ 4 . help ( 动词 ) ___________

5 . sit ( 反义词 ) ___________ 6 . give ( 现在分词 ) ___________

7 . run ( 现在分词 ) ___________ 8 . get ( 现在分词 ) ___________

9 . make ( 现在分词 ) ___________ 10 . fly ( 现在分词 ) ___________


1 . That boy isn't ____ after the teacher .

A . read B . reads C . reading D . write

2 . Are the students ____ basketball ?

A . doing B . playing C . play D . watch

3 . The girl is doing ____ homework .

A . his B . hers C . she's D . her

4 . Don't ____ like this .

A . throwing B . throw C . reading D . writing

5 . Meimei is ____ a red coat today .

A . putting on B . wear C . wearing D . put on

6 . Kate ____ , the others ____ .

A . sings , listen B . is singing , are listening

C . sings , are listening D . is singing , listen

7 . My friends often ____ TV in the evening .

A . see B . watch C . look at D . look

8 . ____ are the students doing ? They're writing .

A . What B . How C . Where D . Who

9 . Sorry , there aren't ____ bottles of orange .

Would you like ____ bottles of milk .

A . some , any B . some , some C . any , some D . any , any

10 . Our English teacher isn't here .

Let's go ____ find her .

A . / B . but C . for D . and

11 . A : ____ the time ?

B : It's about five ____ . It's time ____ home .

A . What , o'clock , go to B . What's , clock , go to

C . What , clock , to go D . What's , o'clock , to go

12 . A : What are the ____ doing ?

B : They're ____ near the river .

A . women , working B . woman , at working

C . women , at working D . woman , working

13 . Mr Green is planting ( 种 ) a tree . ____ daughter is helping ____ .

A . He , him B . His , him C . His , her D . Her , he

14 . There are some ____ there . The teacher is putting some books in ____ .

A . box , it B . boxes , it C . boxes , them D . box , them

15 . Ann is ____ a bottle of orange to Sue . Sue is ____ good friend .

A . taking , Ann B . take , Ann's C . taking , Anns’ D . taking , Ann's

16 . ____ is this coat ? It looks like ____ .

A . Who's , your B . Who's , yours C . Whose , yours D . Whose , you

17 . Lin Tao is a new student in ____ class . Please look ____ him .

A . our , after B . us , after C . our , at D . us , at

18 . I want ____ the room . Could you please ____ me ?

A . cleaning , help B . to clean , help C . to clean , to help D . cleaning , to help


A: ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ,Wei Hua . I can't find the twins . Do you know where they are ?

B : What ( 3 ) are they wearing ?

A : Lily ( 4 ) ( 5 ) green trousers and a brown sweater .

B : What ( 6 ) Lucy ? ( 7 ) she ( 8 ) the same clothes ?

A : No . She ( 9 ) ( 10 ) blue trousers and a blouse .

答案:一、1 . right 2 . watches 3 . closed / close 4 . help 5 . stand 6 . giving 7 . running 8 . getting 9 . making 10 . flying 二、1 - 5 C B D B C 6 - 10 B B A C D 11 - 15 D A B C D 16 - 18 C A B 三、1 . Excuse 2 . me 3 . clothes 4 . is 5 . wearing 6 . about 7 . Is 8 . wearing 9 . is 10 . wearing

【 创新园地 】


1 . We meet Sandy and Sue at home . They are eating some ______ now .

2 . This big desk is for the teacher . There are ______ flowers on it .

3 . “Do you wear a pair of glasses ? ”“Yes , but ______ are they ? ”

4 . Tom is in Class Two , Grade One . I'm in it ______ .

5 . You are right . Please ______ down this new word on the blackboard .

6 . This is ______ colour TV . How many TV sets are there in the room ?

7 . “Do you know her English name ? ”“______ , we don't . ”

( 请同学们把你写好的答案反馈给我们 )


1 . meet 2 . four 3 . where 4 . too 5 . write 6 . their 7 . No

【 同步题库 】

Unit 22


1 . write ( 同音词 ) ________ 2 . wear ( 同音词 ) ________

3 . open ( 反义词 ) ________ 4 . run ( 现在分词 ) ________

5 . begin ( 现在分词 ) ________ 6 . play ( 现在分词 ) ________

7 . television ( 缩略式 ) ________ 8 . knife ( 复数 ) ________

9 . help ( 动词 ) ________ 10 . child ( 复数 ) ________


coming homework listen see help are writing going like look songs tell

A : Look ! what is Li Lei ( 1 ) on the blackboard ?

B : Let's go and have a ( 2 ) !

A : Li Lei , what ( 3 ) you writing ?

C : Xie Xiaodong is ( 4 ) to our school this afternoon . He is going to sing his new ( 5 ) . I want to ( 6 ) this to all the students . Come , I want some ( 7 ) .

A : OK . Are you going to ( 8 ) to Xie Xiaodong , Li Lei ?

C : Certainly ! I ( 9 ) him very much . And you ?

A : No . I want to do my ( 10 ) at home .


1 . The children ____ playing games there .

A . be B . is C . are D . am

2 . Lucy is doing ____ homework .

A . / B . a C . his D . her

3 . The man is ____ TV .

A . seeing B . watching C . looking D . looking like

4 . Kate is ____ English words on the blackboard .

A . thinking B . making C . writing D . saying

5 . Look ! Your father ____ an English book .

A . look B . read C . is looking D . is reading

6 . - Are you playing games ?

- No , we ____ .

A . don't B . can't C . aren't D . haven't

7 . - ____ is your mother doing ?

- She is cleaning the house now .

A . Where B . What C . When D . How

8 . The boys are playing basketball . Let's go and ____ with them .

A . play B . playing C . are playing D . to play

9 . I can't ____ my watch . Where is it ? Do you know ?

A . mend B . make C . find D . look at

10 . - Could you ____ us , please ?

- Certainly .

A . help B . helping C . to help D . are helping

11 . The girl ____ the window .

A . isn't close B . isn't closing C . aren't close D . aren't closing

12 . Wang Li and Lily are ____ a bus .

A . playing B . listening to C . thinking D . waiting for

13 . The boys are sleeping ( 睡觉 ) . Don't ____ near the room .

A . to talk B . talking C . are talking D . talk

14 . What ____ Mr Smith and his friends doing near the house ?

A . be B . is C . are D . can

15 . Listen ! The boy is ____ .

A . putting on his shoes B . sitting in a boat

C . singing in his room D . wearing a yellow sweater

16 . ____ are they doing ? They're playing football .

A . Who B . What C . Whose

17 . My brother and I ____ doing ____ homework now .

A . are , our B . am , my C . is , his

18 . There is some ____ in the glass .

A . milk B . milks C . the milk

19 . Lucy is ____ blue sweater today .

A . putting on B . wearing C . wear

20 . Let's go ____ find our English teacher .

A . but B . for C . and

21 . Joe is ____ TV in the bedroom .

A . looking at B . watching C . seeing

22 . The boy is ____ on the chair .

A . sit B . sits C . sitting

23 . Is Lily cleaning the classroom ? ____

A . Yes , she is . B . No , she is . C . Yes , she isn't .

24 . What's Ann doing ? She's ____ .

A . reading a book B . looking a book C . seeing a book

25 . The children are running ____ the trees .

A . to B . up C . on

26 . Don't ____ in class . It's not good .

A . write B . read C . talk D . work

27 . Do you like ____ TV ?

A . watching B . looking at C . seeing D . listening to

28 . Who can ____ the blackboard ? I want to write some other words on it .

A . write B . clean C . make D . mend

29 . This basket is very heavy . Please give me ____ .

A . many help B . some help C . many helps D . some helps

30 . There aren't any chairs here . You can only ____ .

A . play B . jump C . sit D . stand

31 . My sister's son is ____ a book in his room .

A . looking B . watching C . reading D . writing

32 . Please ____ the windows . The air ( 空气 ) is not good here .

A . open B . close C . make D . clean

33 . -How can I find Lucy ?

-She ____ a red and a white blouse today .

A . wear B . put on C . is putting on D . is wearing

34 . -Lily , it's 7 o'clock . It's time to go to school .

-OK . Let me ____ my hat .

A . put on B . wear C . putting on D . wearing

35 . He is very careless ( 粗心 ) . He often forgets to ____ the door .

A . open B . close C . look D . watch

36 . Look ! What ____ he ____ ?

A . do ; do B . can ; do C . is ; doing D . are ; doing

37 . -What are you doing ?

-I ____ a kite .

A . am doing B . is doing C . am making D . is making

38 . -____ they all ____ in your school ?

-Yes , they are .

A . Do ; work B . Can ; work C . Are ; work D . Are; working

39 . Our teachers give us ____ to do today .

A . some homework B . many homework

C . many homeworks D . some homeworks

40 . -Where is Xiao Dong ?

-He is doing ____ homework at home .

A . 不填 B . his C . him D . one's


A . Let's go and find them . B . What are they wearing ?

C . Excuse me . D . Yes . He is wearing a black hat .

E . What about your mother ?

A : ( 1 ) I can't find my father and mother .

B : Oh , we must find them . ( 2 )

A : Well , my father is wearing a blue coat .

B : No hat ?

A : ( 3 )

B : ( 4 )

A : She is wearing a red sweater and green trousers .

B : Right ! ( 5 )


1 . He is not ______ ( put ) his clothes away . He ______ ( put ) them on .

2 . - Is he at work ?

- Yes , he ______ ( make ) a kite .

3 . We want ______ ( mend ) the plane . Could you ______ ( help ) us ?

4 . - It's time ______ ( go ) home .

- Yes . Let's ______ ( close ) the door .

- We must ______ ( close ) the window first ( 首先 ) .



It's Sunday ( 星期日 ) today . It is a nice day . Mr Smith is with his family . There are four people in his family . They are Mr Smith , Mrs Smith , Mary and Jim . They are walking on a bridge ( 桥 ) . There are some boats in the river . Mr and Mrs Smith are looking at the bridge . Mary is not looking at the boats . She is looking at a big ship . It is going under the bridge . What is Jim doing ? Oh , he is looking at a plane . It is flying ( 飞 ) in the sky ( 天空 ) . They are having a good time .

1 . There are four people in Jim's family .

2 . Mr and Mrs Smith are sitting in a boat .

3 . A big ship is going under the bridge .

4 . Jim is not looking at the big ship .

5 . They are very happy ( 高兴 ) .


This is a picture . We can see it's Tom's family . His father is sitting in a chair . He is reading a book . His mother is cleaning the house . He and his sister are wearing new clothes and they are going shopping . They want to buy something to eat . They are very happy .

Near the window there are some flowers . Under the table there is a cat . It's playing with a ball .

根据短文判断下列句子正误 ( 正确的 T,不正确的 F ) :

1 . There are five people in Tom's family .

2 . Tom has a sister and a brother .

3 . His father is reading a book and drinking tea .

4 . Tom and his sister are going to buy something to eat .

5 . The cat is going the shop with Tom .


This is my bedroom . There are two maps on the wall . Near the window there is a desk . The chair is behind the door . Under the chair is a ball . There are some books on the desk and there is a pencil - box , too . There is a bed next to the wall . Mother is putting some flowers on the window . How beautiful they are !

1 . Whose bedroom is this ?

2 . What can you see on the wall ?

3 . Is there a ball under the chair ?

4 . Is there a pencil - box on the desk , too ?

5 . Who is putting some flowers in the room ?


There is a park ( 公园 ) near my home . People ( 人,人们 ) like to go to this park . Some of them go to the park every day . Look ! That is Mr King . He is sitting on a chair and watching the children . Some children are playing a game . Some boys are playing football . Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree . They are talking . There is a small river in the park . We can see some boats on the water . Some children are sitting in the boats with their fathers and mothers . Listen ! A girl is singing a song . This is really ( 真正地 ) a nice park . I come here every day .

1 . People near the park may ( 也许 ) to to it ____ .

A . at 9 in the morning B . at 3 in the afternoon

C . at 11 in the morning D . at 6 : 30 in the evening ( 傍晚 )

2 . There are some ____ in the park .

A . birds and cats B . chairs and boats C . balls and kites D . houses and buses

3 . Lucy is talking with ____ .

A . Mr King B . the boys C . Lily D . the birds

4 . I can see more ( 多一些 ) ____ in the park .

A . children B . men C . women D . boats

5 . What am I doing ?

A . I am watching the people in the park . B . I am playing a game .

C . I am in a boat . D . I am singing a song .

B . 填入所缺的词 ( 单词的第一个字母已给出 ) :

6 . People go to the park when ( 当……的时候 ) they are not at w______ or school .

7 . There are m______ people in the park .

8 . The children in the boats are s______ children .

9 . The twins are n______ playing games with the other children .

10 . I l______ this park , so I come here every day .


Lucy and Lily are ( 1 ) . Today we can't find ( 2 ) . We know Lucy is ( 3 ) blue trousers and a white blouse , not sweater . ( 4 ) about Lily ? She isn't wearing ( 5 ) same ( 6 ) . She's wearing green trousers , ( 7 ) a yellow sweater . We must ( 8 ) them . I think they may ( 9 ) games ( 10 ) the park .

1 . A . twin B . twins C . twines

2 . A . they B . their C . them

3 . A . putting on B . putting on C . wearing

4 . A . Which B . What C . Where

5 . A . a B . / C . the

6 . A . clothes B . dress C . sweater

7 . A . or B . but C . and

8 . A . finding B . find C . to find

9 . A . playing B . play C . plays

10 . A . to B . in C . on


1 . 他在修李平的风筝。

He ( 1 ) ( 2 ) Li Ping's kite .

2 . 我们在做作业。

We are ( 3 ) ( 4 ) homework .

3 . 看电视好吗 ?

What about ( 5 ) TV ?

九、单词拼写:根据句子意思或提示,写出完整、正确的单词,使句子意思准确 ( 单词的第一个字母已给出 ) 。

1 . Look ! Those students are c______ their classroom .

2 . A student must do his h______ carefully ( 仔细 ) .

3 . We must l______ to the teachers in class .

4 . Mr Green , can I t______ to you now ? I have something to say .

5 . He can only watch t______ on Sunday .

6 . C______ your books , please . Let's play a game .

7 . O______ the box , Kate . There is something for you .

8 . It's 12 o'clock . Who is w______ there ?

9 . That young man is w______ a book .

10 . You must r______ these texts ( 课文 ) every morning .


1 . Open your books , Please . ( 改为相反意思的句子 )

______ your books , Please .

2 . The students are listening to the teacher . ( 改为一般疑问句 )

______ ______ ______ ______ to the teacher ?

3 . Now he is watching TV at home . ( 改为否定句 )

Now he ______ ______ ______ TV at home .

4 . The cats are running up the tree . ( 对划线部分提问 )

______ ______ the cats ______ ?

5 . Liu Yan is wearing a blue sweater . ( 对划线部分提问 )

______ ______ ______ a blue sweater ?

答案:一、1. right 2. Where 3. close 4. returning 5. beginning 6. playing 7. TV 8. knives 9. helping 10. children 二、1. writing 2. look 3. are 4. coming 5. songs 6. tell 7. help 8. listen 9. like 10. homework 三、1 - 5 C D B C D 6 - 10 C B A C A 11 - 15 B D D C C 16-20 BAABC 21-25 BCAAB 26 -30 CABBD 31-35 CADAB 36-40 CCDAB 四、1 . C B 2 . D 3 . E 4 . A 五、1 . putting , is putting 2 . is making 3 . to mend , help 4 . to go , close , close 六、 (A) 1 . √ 2 . × 3 . √ 4 . √ 5 . √ (B)1 . F 2 . F 3 . F 4 . T 5 . F (C) 1. It’s my bedroom . 2. I can see two maps . 3. Yes , there is . 4. Yes , there is . 5. Mother is . (D) 1-5 DBCAA 6. work 7. many 8. small 9. not 10. like 七、1-5 BCCBC 6-10 CCBBB 八、1. is , mending 2. doing , our 3. watching 九、1. cleaning 2. homework 3. listen 4. talk 5. television 6. Close 7. Open 8. working 9. writing 10. read 十、1. Close 2. Are , the , students , listening 3. is , not , watching 4. What , are , doing 5. Who , is , wearing