unit 12 Art and literature学案(新课标版高二英语下册学案设计)

发布时间:2017-10-19 编辑:互联网 手机版

1. power n. 能力,力量;政权;权利 e.g. Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量.

e.g. The leader has the power to make a decision.

e.g. A new power station has been built. 这儿新建了一座发电站.

短语:take power/come into power上台,开始执政 out of/beyond one’s power能力所不及 do everything in one’s power to help 尽力帮助 power politics 强权政治

可数名词,“强国,有影响的人或事” the Western Powers 西方列强

2.trick n. 可数名词,“诡计,计谋” e.g. He got the money from me by a trick.

vt. trick sb into doing sth “用计诱使某人做某事” trick sb out of sth“骗某人东西”

e.g. She tricked him into marrying her.

He tricked the girl out of her money.

短语:play a trick on sb 捉弄某人 dirty trick卑劣行为 not miss a trick 对一切都了解

3.series n.“系列,连续”,单复数相同 a series of “一系列”

a series of school textbooks 一套教科书 a series of meetings 一系列会议 a series of exams 一连串考试 television series 电视连续剧 in series 连续地,顺序地

4.treat vt 1) 对待 treat ……as/like “把当作/像一样对待”

e.g. They treated me as one of the family.

2) 治疗 treat a disease/sb “治病/为某人治疗”

e.g. The doctors were not able to treat this disease.

3) 款待,请客, 常用于 treat sb to (sth)这一结构,表示“以某物款待某人”

e.g. We will treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭

treat sb like dirt/a dog 视某人如草芥 be one’s treat 由(该)某人请客

5.in trouble 处于困境中,有麻烦

e.g. You’d better ask for leave, or you may be in trouble.


与trouble 相关的常用搭配:

be a great trouble to sb 对某人来说很麻烦 ask for trouble 自找麻烦

have trouble (in) doing sth 做某事有麻烦 get into/out of trouble 陷入/摆脱困境

6. come across 1)“偶然遇到,碰到”,相当于find or meet by chance

eg. I came across him in the street yesterday.


When he ,he will .

2)“走过来” e.g. 她走过来和我交谈.

She came across to talk with me.

3)“出现于,想到”e.g. A very good idea came across his mind.


7.believe in 1)believe in sb:trust sb信任某人

e.g. 你尽可以信任他,他决不会让你失望的.

You can ,he will never let you down.

[比较] believe sb 相信某人的话

I know he is an honest man. That is why I him all the time. But I don’t .

A. believe, believe B. believe in, believe in C. believe, believe in D. believe in, believe

2)信仰,信奉 e.g. We (信仰)Marxism.

3)赞成,支持 e.g. I believe in keeping early hours. 我赞成早睡早起.

8.habit n.习惯,习性. 常可以构成以下短语:

have a habit of doing sth 有做…….的习惯 form/develop the habit of 养成…..的习惯

be in the habit of 有…..的习惯 get/fall into the habit of 染上……的习惯

get sb into the habit of 使某人染上…….的习惯 out of habit 处于习惯

9.shoulder n.肩膀

vt.肩负,承当 e.g. She shouldn’t shoulder all the blame for the mistake.

Teachers cannot be expected to all the responsibility for poor exam results.

A. give B. lead C. shoulder D. accept

[习语] shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 on one’s shoulder 在某人肩上

give sb the cold shoulder 以冷淡态度对待某人

10.whisper n. 耳语,私语 v 低声说,耳语

e.g. 别在角落里嘀嘀咕咕. Stop .

[拓展] whisper a story 低声讲故事 It is whispered that……有人私下说……

whisper to sb(about sth)对某人耳语(某事) in a whisper/in whispers 低声地

e.g. 他声音很低,所以别人听不见他说话.

He spoke , so one else could hear her.

11.with a scar on his forehead 是with的复合宾语结构,宾语补足语除介词短语外,还有形容词,副词,过去分词,不定式,---ing等.

e.g. The boy was sleepy soundly, with a smile on his face.

他被绑着双手带进来. He was brought in, with .

With a lot of difficult problem , the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled

12.as if“好像,仿佛”,引导表语从句或方式状语从句,有时还可以接不定式.引导方式状语从句时,从句谓语常用虚拟语气.

e.g. He talked as if he had been to Beijing.

It looks as if the suit was made by her mother.

He opened his mouth as if to say something.

When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it .

A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken

13.if only 在文中表示“但愿,要是…..就好了”,是对前面所述情况的一种假设,句子多用虚拟语气;它还可以表示“只要…..”,引导条件状语从句.

e.g. It’s a wonderful job. If only I could do it. 这工作棒极了,要是我能做就好了.

Look at the trouble I am in!If I your advice.

A. followed B. would follow C. had followed D. should follow

If only he comes back, we’ll setoff. 只要他一回来,我们就出发.

[知识拓展] 1).only if 表示“只有…..才”, 强调条件实现的依据.

e.g. You will be able to speak English well only if you practice constantly.

2).as long as “只要”具有很强的时间延续性,从句的动词常为延续性动词.

e.g. You may borrow the book as long as you keep it clean.


match with 与…..相配 take away带走 a series of 一系列;一连串

in trouble 处于困境中 come across 偶然遇见;碰上 believe in 信任

be about to 即将 open up 打开 turn around 转过身来