
发布时间:2017-10-15 编辑:互联网 手机版


Unit Topic Functional Items Structure Reading Writing

Unit 1 That must be a record! Records, adventures & hobbies Measuring & comparing Review the Subject The Guinness Book of World Records

Are you Xperienced? A from

Unit 2 Crossing limits Exploration Judging situations & making decisions Review the Predicate Reaching out across the ocean

Going high: the pioneers of the third pole A persuasive essay

Unit 3 The land down under Australia Expressing prohibitions and warnings Review the Predictative The portrait of a nation

Australia A description of animals

Unit Green worlds Botany Expressing procedures Review the Object The birth of a science

Wildlife and garden roses A description of plants

Unit 5 Getting the message Advertising & advertisements Making complaints

Expressing emotions

Expressing & evaluating different views Review the Object Complement Advertising

Words that sell An advertisement

Unit 6 Going West Perseverance & success Talking about ability Review the Attribute Going west

Heroes of north A story

Unit 7 A Christmas Carol Literature: Drama Talking about attitudes and motivation

Giving advice Review the Adverbial A Christmas Carol A play review

Unit 8 Learning a foreign language Learning skills Talking about attitudes and motivation

Giving advice Review the Subjunctive Mood (1) Learning a foreign language: twice as hard?

Studying abroad A personal essay

Unit 9 Health care Health care Talking about society & values

Expressing opinions Review the Subjunctive Mood (2) A helping hand

The little mould that could An article for a journal

Unit 10 American literature American Literature Predicting & describing a story Review all the verb tenses A sacrifice for love A book review

Unit 11 Key to success Social behaviour & relations Talking about teamwork and success Integrative language practice Making the team work A letter

Unit 12. Education Education Talking about study methods and styles

Making comparisons Integrative language practice Education for all

How we learn An essay

Unit 13. The mystery of the Moonstone Literature Talking about mysteries

Giving advice Integrative language practice The Moonstone

Solving the mystery of the Moonstone A letter

Unit 14 Zoology Zoology Debating Integrative language practice The language of honey-bees

Monkey business An argumentative essay

Unit 15 Popular youth culture Youth Culture Talking about youth culture and interests of young people Integrative language practice Young volunteers

Denim jeans A report

Unit 16 Finding jobs Jobs & career Talking about likes & dislikes

Expressing wishes & expectations Integrative language practice Football: a good career choice?

Why do you think you would be good at this job? A personal statement