初二英语第十一单元Keep Healthy

发布时间:2016-2-5 编辑:互联网 手机版





 四会: was, yesterday, ill, remember, were, hope, bring, bad, after, year, never, less, hour, sport

 三会: health, healthy, November, yourself, always, vegetable


 keep healthy             look after

 last week               yesterday morning

 in bed                be good/bad for

 eye exercises             last year

less than a week           more than two weeks

 how often               be late for

do sport


 0 I’m sorry to hear that.

 1I hope you’re better now.

 2Everyone is here, but Jim’s away.

 3You’d better finish the work today.

 4You must look after yourself and keep healthy.


 The Past Indefinite Tense 一般过去时


 am/is---was are---were


 一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,经常与一些表过去的时间状语搭配,如: yesterday, last week, last October, ago,etc. 其句型结构与一般现在是完全相同。



 everyone/everybody, everything 都有全体的意思,但是在使用时以单数对待。如:

 Everyone/everybody likes watching TV in our class. 在我们班, 大家都喜欢看电视。

 Everything grows fast in spring. 在春天,万物都生长的很快。

2.be away

 be away =be absent=not here

3. I’m sorry to hear that.


 -He broke his legs yesterday in an accident.

 -Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.



4.had better

 You’d better finish the work today. =You had better….

 had better 后直接加动词原形。译成“最好做某事”; 否定形式为:

 had better not 后加动词原形。译成“最好不做某事”如:

 He is ill. You’d better take him to hospital. He’d better not go to school.

 他生病了。 你最好带他去医院。他最好不去上学了。

 It’s cold outside. You’d better put on more clothes.

 外面很冷, 你最好多穿点衣服。

5. What did you have for breakfast?

 0句中有did时, 后面的动词为原形,如本句中的have 。


  What did she have for supper yesterday?她昨天晚饭吃了什么?

  --Did he have porridge for lunch? 他午饭吃了粥吗?

  --No, he didn’t. 不, 没有。

  1have…for (breakfast, lunch, supper) 早,午,晚餐吃的什么

6. 语音:


 注意,字母n 在[k ]音前,包括c和k 等,发音同ng.


一、语音. 找出与其他三个单词划线部分读音不同的选项

 1. A. street B. teacher C. cleaner D.health

 2. A. pass    B. after C. was D. last

 3. A. forget B.four C. morning D. short

 4. A. aunt B. thank C. ink D. uncle

 5. A. football B. look C. food D. bookshop

 6. A. reach B. chicken C. catch D. machine

 7. A. name B. knife C. know D. wrong

 8. A.out B. about C. wrong D. round

 9. A.another B. health C. throw D. three

 10. A. Monday B. today C. yesterday D. Sunday


 1.-- Were you away last week?

  --Yes, I ________(be)

 2. Jim is much _______ today than yesterday. (well)

2You’d better _______ a doctor. (see)

3_________ too much is not good for your health. (eat)

4Her mother _______ books in a bookshop. (sell)


  5______ ____the sun is bad for your eyes.

  A. read in    B.reading under   C. Reading in   D. Reading on

  6--_______ was Jim away last term?

     -- Less than two weeks.

A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much

7--My father is ill in bed.

--I’m sorry ________ that .

A. listen to B. hear C. to hear D. hearing

8--________ does the train come?

--Every ten minutes.

A. How often B. How soon C. How

12--I hope_____.

A. so. B. don’t C. it D. that

13You must look after _______ and keep healthy.

A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

14You’d better __________ him. He is not our friend.

A. not to tell B. not tell C. no tell D. no to tell


Jack’s family live in New York. He takes some Chinese lessons at his school and he is very interested in China. He thinks that China is so far from his country and is so different. He always wonders how the Chinese people live every day. Do they live the same life as his?

Last month he came to Beijing with his friends. He saw many Chinese people in the streets. They were very kind and smiling to him. So he often tried to ask them some questions in Chinese. “Excuse me, what’s this in Chinese?” or “Excuse me, can you show me the way to the nearest bus stop?” Most people answered him kindly. But sometimes some people didn’t understand what he said and could only shook their head and smiling. And sometimes it was Jack who didn’t understand what the Chinese told him and this time he also smiled and shook his head.

Any way, Jack visited many beautiful places and he was very happy. He stayed in Beijing for two weeks and then he went to Xi’an and Shanghai for another three weeks.

When he came back to New York. He told everyone about his wonderful trip to China. And he said that he would never forget it all his life.

15Jack comes from _______.

A. England B. America C. Australia D. Japan

16Jack can speak _______.

0only very little Chinese

1no Chinese

2very good Chinese

3Chinese quite well

17Jack stayed in China for ________.

0two weeks B. three weeks

C. five weeks D. another three weeks

18Jack thinks that Chinese people ________.

A. are very friendly B. aren’t very friendly

19don’t like to answer his questions

20don’t know Chinese

21How many cities did Jack visit in China?

A. only Beijing B. two cities

C. three cities D. four

22Jack thinks his trip to China is ________.

A. very nice B. very well

C. not good enough D. unhappy


Which is the best way to learn a second language? We all __1__ that we learned our own language well when we were __2___. __3___ we can learn a second language in the same way, it won’t seem so __4_____. Think of what a small child ___5_____. He listens to what people _6_____ and tries to imitate (模仿)what he __7____. When he wants something, he has to __8___ it. In fact, he ___9__ the language. He is talking in it and thinking in it all the time. If people use a second language __10__ this, they will learn it more quickly than before.

1. A. forget     B. remember     C. hope      D. understand

2. A. pupils     B. boys       C. girls      D. children

3. A. If       B. As soon as    C. Before D. After

4. A. important    B. easy       C. difficult D. weak

5. A. does      B. says       C. tries D. wants

6. A. speak     B. tell       C. say D. talk

7. A. listens to   B.hears       C. finds D. finds out

8. A. ask for    B. look for     C. get ready for D.catch up with

9. A. is inventing B. is using    C. is speaking D. is writing

10. A. with B. without C. for D. like


一、1. D   2. C   3. A   4. A   5. C   6. D   7. D   8. C   9. A   10. B

二、1.was   2. better   3. see   4. Eating   5. sells

三、1.C   2. C   3. C   4. A   5.D   6. B   7.C   8.A   9. D   10. B

四、1.B   2. D   3. C   4. A   5.C   6. A

五、1.B   2. D   3. A   4. C   5.A   6. A   7.B   8.A   9. B   10. D