启东中学网校高二unit 2 同步讲解(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-8-11 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. face / be faced with面对,面临

addict oneself to / be addicted to沉溺于,醉心于

adapt (oneself) to / be adapted to适应

arm sb. (oneself) with / be armed with武装,装备

injure oneself / be injured受伤

relate to / be related to和…….有关

Addicted to drinking, he can’t do his work properly.

Addicting himself to drinking, he can’t do his work properly.

Armed with sticks , he fought with the thief bravely.

Arming himself with sticks, he fought with the thief bravely.

2.. face south / the park面向

sb. face difficulties / danger / the problem / the situation面临困难等

sth ( difficulties / danger / the problem / the situation )face sb.困难等摆在某人面前

face up to勇敢面对、接受

face the music为自己的行为承担后果

in face of ( danger / enemies / difficulty)在危险等面前

She was caught cheating in the exam and she had to face the music.

She kept calm in face of danger.

This is the serious situation facing us ( that faces us) / we are facing / we are faced with.

3. rob sb. / a place of sth.

steal sth. from sb.

He was robbed of his wallet on his way home last night.

His wallet was stolen last night.

4. rather than而不是

would rather do sth. than do ….=prefer to do rather than do…..宁愿做…..而不愿做……

Rather than do….. he preferred to do…..

Rather than do…., he did…….与其…..宁愿…..

rather……than……是….而不是……; 宁可…..而不……

My shoes are comfortable rather than nice.

He walked rather than took a bus yesterday.

It was you rather than he who / that were responsible for it.

Rather than attend the boring speech, he preferred to stay at home reading.

Rather than allow the fruit to go bad, he sold it at the half price.

It was rather for your father than for you to decide.

5.suffer(Vt.) :suffer loss / defeat / disappointment / damage / cold / hunger遭受损失等

suffer(Vi.): suffer from the earthquake / war / flood

suffer from a disease / illness / cancer

suffer a lot from…….

6. begin by doing…..先说/做

begin with sth.以…..开始

to begin with一开头,在开始时;首先(多用于句首)

He began his talk by saying that he wouldn’t speak long.

Begin with this one and do the others afterwards.

We began our dinner with some cold dishes.

To begin with, we had little support.

The school was quite a small one to begin with.

To begin with, he is too young for that kind of job.

7. sth. make it difficult / important / necessary / impossible for sb. to do……使某人做某事变得困难等(it为形式宾语,for sb. to do….为真正的宾语)

make sb. do

make sb. / sth. done

make sb. sth. ( make him chairman) 选某人当…..

make it a rule to do sth.把做某事作为规定定下

make sb. / sth. + adj.

The heavy rain made it impossible for us to go for a picnic.

Their help made it possible for us to finish the task in three days.

The great noise made it difficult for me to fix my attention on my reading.

Would you speak louder to make yourself heard?

I make it a rule to do some reading before going to bed every night.

8. cause sb. sth. =cause sth. to sb.给某人带来(麻烦等)

cause sb. to do ….=make sb. do使得某人做某事

cause sth.( the accident / the fire)引起(事故等)

n. the cause of the fire / revolutionary cause

What caused you to change your mind?

I’m sorry to have caused you so much trouble.

9. be responsible to sb. 对某人负责

be responsible for (doing) sth.对于某事负有责任

A people’s government should be responsible to the people.

The pilot of the flight should be responsible for the safety of the passengers.

10. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers…….形容词(短语)作状语作状语,表示伴随、原因等:

The old man went to bed hungry last night.

He got home drunk last night.

Ripe, these apples are sweet.

Too nervous to reply, he stared at the floor.

11. send out派出;发出(送);发出(光、热等);长出嫰芽

send for派人去请/叫

send up发射(卫星等)

send away发送(物等);开除

send off 寄出;送行

send out all the invitations/ all the goods / light and heat / a message of help / new leaves

sent for the doctor / a taxi / the police send the waiter for a pack of cigarettes

send up a satellite

send away the goods / The waitress was sent away for stealing things from the customer.

12. focus on sb. / sth.

focus one’s eyes / attention on sb. ( sth.)

He sat in his seat with his eyes focused on the blackboard.

13. Nine out of ten people=nine in ten

14.have difficulty (in) doing sth. / with sth.

There is some difficulty (in) doing sth.

with difficulty

without difficulty

拓展:have trouble / a problem / a hard time / fun / pleasure / a good time / wonderful time (in) doing sth.

15. compare A with B

compare A to B

compared with / to和比起来

in comparison with和比较起来

by comparison通过比较

make a comparison作出比较

beyond comparison无法比拟

Compared with / to that one, this one is better.

She is quite tall in comparison with her sister.

This house costs much, but it’s cheaper by comparison.

16. inform sb. of sth.

inform sb. +Clause

keep sb. well informed of sth.使某人很熟悉、了解……

17. present sb. with sth. / present sth. to sb.送给,赠予,颁发,递交(某人某物)

present materials / a plan / an opportunity / a problem使呈现、出现

18. call / turn / draw / attract one’s attention to sth.

fix / focus one’s attention on……

catch one’s attention

本单元难点:rather than / make it +object complement + for sb. to do./ make ….done / 形容词(短语)作状语


A: 过去分词作定语:

(1) 前置定语:单个的过去分词或只带副词的单个过去分词作前置定语时,过去分词具有形容词的特点,侧重状态和比较永久性的特点。

a broken window / a recently-built house / carefully written articles


returned students / boiled eggs / fallen leaves / a beaten team

stolen bike / burnt buildings / armed teams / updated websites

excited students / surprised audience / puzzled expression

(2) 后置定语:分词短语要置于被修饰的名词之后,主要突出动词的特征。


the meeting held yesterday / the meeting being held now / the meeting to be held tomorrow

B: 过去分词作表语:表示主语所处的状态

He was terrified at seeing this.

The door remained unlocked.


The cup is broken.(状态)

The cup was broken by my brother.(动作)


1.I suffered a lot ______ smoking, so I gave ______ last year.

A. to; it up B. to; up it C. from; it up D. from; up it

2. ----Will you go to Mary’s birthday party?

----No, _____ invited, I can’t go to it. I’ll be too busy then.

A. if B. unless C. even if D. when

3. Do you know the _____ of the saying I just quoted?

A. source B. resource C. course D. cause

4. They ______ with each other at first sight and they _____ in love for three years.

A. fell in love; have been B. fell in love; have fallen

C. were in love; have been D. were in love; have fallen

5. They are ______ schoolmates. They are close friends.

A. more than B. no more than C. not more than D. only

6. Because Bob had stopped reading his technical journals, he was ______ of new developments in his field.

A. unknown B. similar C. familiar D. ignorant

7. Peter is my close friend, who can be _____ what he promises.

A. relied on to do B. relied to do C. relied doing D. relying to doing

8. _____such a difficult problem, he didn’t know what to do.

A. Faced B. Faced to C. Facing D. Facing with

9. -----Would you like to make comments ______ current ______?

-----Of course. I’ll be glad to.

A. on , affairs B. for, business C. with, matters D. at, things

10.Seldom _________ him recently, for you see I’m preparing for the project.

A. I meet B. do I meet C. I have meet D. have I met

11. Things that we are facing should be considered _______, so that we’ll deal with them

A. on all sides B. in order C. around the corner D. in place

12. It was Mary ______ Alice that got the first prize.

A. rather B. or rather C. rather than D. more than

13. The boy _______ a great interest in science.

A. developed B. invented C. made D. discovered

14. The little hero faced the enemy soldiers, ____________.

A. brave and calm B. bravely and calmly C. bravely and calm D. brave and calmly

15.The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself _______.

A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard

16. ________ of the noise, he shut the windows.

A. Tired B. To tire C. To be tired D. Being tired

17. Make sure _____ your luggage in the room when you leave.

A. you don’t leave B. you shouldn’t leave

C. not to forget D. you don’t forget

18. The media can often help solve problems and draw attention _____the situation _____help is needed.

A. in; that B. to; which C. in; where D. to; where

19. You can’t imagine what great trouble I have ______ I want very much.

A. to find the book B. finding the book C. found the book D. find the book

20. Compare your answers ______ these questions _____ those of your classmates.

A. to, with B. with, to C. to, to D. with, with

21. --Mum, is the pair of gloves ________ mine?

--Yes. You have to wear another pair.

A. washing B. have washed C. having washed D. being washed

22. The girl went to the cinema and ______ her homework _______.

A. made; unfinished B. left; to be unfinished C. left; unfinished D. left; finishing

23. I have lost my wallet again. It’s the third time this ______.

A. happened B. is happened C. has happened D. happens

24. ______ from his brother for a long time, the boy could hardly recognize him again.

A. Separating B. Separated C. By separating D. Being separated

Keys: 1-10 CCAAA DACAD 11-20 ACAAD AADBA 21-24 DCCB

过去分词作表语和定语专练 1. The autumn wind sent the_________ leaves on the ground_________ here and there .

A. fallen ; flying B. falling ; to fly C. fallen ; flown D. falling ; flew 2. This is the old tomb in . A. finding ; the 1990's B. found ; the 1990s C. to find ; 1990's D. to be found ; 1990s 3. She took a deep breath to calm herself , but her voice still sounded . A. excitement B. excited C. exciting D. excitedly 4. All of us were by the question by a little girl . A. puzzled ; puzzling ; rose B. puzzling ; puzzled ; raised C. puzzled ; puzzling ; raised D. puzzled ; puzzled ; lifted 5. There was an look on his face when the actress appeared . A. excited B. excite C. exciting D. excitedly 6. The teachers to the concert arrived on time . A. were invited B. having been invited C. to be invited D. invited 7. Have you checked all the machines to Africa the following month ? A. to be sent B. sent C. sending D. being send 8. The problem at the meeting now is serious to us . A. to be discussed B. being discussed C. discussed D. discussing 9. In order to learn English well , you should improve your and _______ English . A. speaking ; writing B. spoken ; written

C. spoken ; writing D. speaking ; written 10. Don't worry. It's quite safe skating on the lake.

A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. having frozen

11. Did you see the big red car in front of Mary's house ? A. park B. parked C. parking D. to park 12. He came back from his holiday with health . A. greatly improved B. greatly improve C. great improved D. great improvement

13.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ________ as the plane was making a landing.

A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating

14. Cleaning women in big cities usually get _________ by the hour.

A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay

Keys: 1-10 ABBCA DABBB 11-14 BACC