启东中学网校高二unit 4 同步讲解(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-8-17 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. intend to do / doing

intend sb. to do / for sth.

( be intended to do / for sth.)

had intended to do / intended to have done

intend that…..

have (no) intention of doing….

intended trip

I intend you to take over the business.

I had intended to call on you, but I had to do some extra work.

The park is intended for the recreation of the people.

2. go / run mad

send / drive sb. mad

be mad at / with sb.

be mad about =be crazy about

3. lonely / alone

He lives alone but he doesn’t feel lonely.

The old couple live in a lonely village.

all alone= all by oneself

leave / let sb. alone

let alone

Man alone has the gift of speech.

拓展:be sound / fast asleep ; be wide awake; be much alike

4. call up sb. = ring sb. up = make a call (phone) to sb.

He was called up in the war.(征招入役)

The picture called up memories of my childhood.(使想起)

call in叫进来

call off取消

call for

call on sb.

call at a place

I’ll call for you at 2 p.m. this afternoon.

The work calls for patience.

I’ve to go to the post office to call for my parcel.

5. stand out突出,引人注目

stand out as作为……很突出

stand out from远远超过

stand out against在…..衬托下很注目、鲜艳

His red hair made him stand out in the crowd.

He stood out as a football player.

The church stood out clearly against the sky.

Does your work stand out from that of the others?

stand for 代表,象征;主张

stand up to勇敢面对

stand by站在一旁;支持某人;袖手旁观

Our flag stands for our country.

We want to know what he stands for.

Don’t just stand by. Can’t you lend me a hand ?

No matter what happens, I’ll stand by you.

6. 表语倒装:

Happy will be those who help others.

Waiting together with him was his father.

Gone are the days when we had to depend on foreign oil.

Inside the pyramid were bodies of ancient kings and queens.


By his side sat his faithful dog.

I reached a big tree soon, under which lay an old man.

I had a photo taken where stood the tower.

7. lead to =result in = cause =contribute to

result from由…..引起

Eating too much sugar can contribute to health problem.

Hard work leads to success while laziness leads to failure.

His carelessness resulted in the accident.

=The accident resulted from his carelessness.

8. late : be late / come late / late in spring / his late (前任的,已故的)wife

later: three days later


latest: the latest news / invention / magazine

latter: the latter one ( the former one)

9. No matter + what / who / which / how / when / where…., …….=Whatever / whoever / whichever / however / whenever / wherever…….引导让步状语从句

Whatever / whoever / whomever/ whichever / however / whenever/ wherever引导名词性从句及方式时间地点状语从句

No matter what you do (=whatever you do), you must do it well.

No matter where you go( wherever you go) , please keep in touch with us.

No matter how late he came back ( however late he came back), his mother always waited for him to have dinner.

You can take whichever you like.

You can take whichever seat you like.

You can give the gift to whoever comes in first.

You can give the gift to whoever / whomever you like best.

You can go however you like

We should go wherever we are most needed.

10. gone / lost / missing

be gone / find sth. gone 作表语或宾补

be lost / the lost papers / be lost in thought / be lost in the crowd / lose oneself (get lost)作表语、定语或补语

the missing child / He has a finger missing.(缺掉的) / be missing作表语、补语或定语

It’s no use thinking of one’s lost youth.

We got lost / lost ourselves. in the woods.

11. next to

(1)= almost ,常用于带有否定意思的词前

It’s next to impossible to cure her illness.

I know next to nothing about chemistry.

(2)+ n. / pron. 靠近,次于

The bookstore is just next to the bank.

It’s the largest city next to London.

Next to playing football, I like playing chess most.

12. collect stamps

collect oneself / one’s thoughts使自己镇定下来;整理思路

collect sb.接某人

collect sth.去某物

collect / raise money集资,捐钱

n. collection he has a large collection of precious paintings.

13. change A into / to B把A变成B

change A for B把A换成B

change buses

for a change换换

find ….changed

get changed换衣服;变了

Can you change the fifty-yuan note into five ten cents for me, please?

This shirt is a bit too small. Can you change it for a bigger one?

14. recommend sb. sth. = recommend sth. to sb.

recommend sb. for (a job)

recommend sth. for ( a certain use)

recommend sb. as…

recommend doing

recommend sb. to do

recommend that……(should) do….

Would you recommend a good dictionary to me?

They recommend him for the job. / I recommend these pills for your cough.

I recommend him as your driver.

The doctor recommended him to take a good rest.

The teacher recommend that we should read this novel.

15. be absent from ( the meeting / class ) / be absent in….

in / during one’s absence from / in Shanghai

absent-minded / absence of mind

I’ll take your place in your absence =in the absence of you.

He acted as chairman during my absence.

That he was absent from the meeting made us surprised.=

His absence from the meeting made us surprised.

Mary is absent in Shanghai.

16. introduce A to B / introduce oneself ( to sb.)

introduce sth. to / into把…..引入

introduce sb. to sth.使某人了解、熟悉

make a self-introduction to sb.

the introduction to the book这本书的序言

a letter of introduction

Allow me to introduce you to my friend.

Coffee was introduced into / to England from America.

My cousin introduced me to jazz music.

17. light up a cigarette

The night sky was lit up with fireworks.

His eyes / faces lit up at the news

His coming into the room lit up her face.

a lighted candle / a burning candle

18. send for the doctor / more beer

send out invitations / a message for help / light and heat / new leaves

send up satellites

send sb. away / send away the goods

send off the parcel / send sb. off (=see sb. off)

The servant was sent away for stealing things from the house.

19. apart from (1) besides (2) except for

tell them apart把他们区分开

take sth. apart把某物拆开

Apart from the cost, the dress doesn’t suit me.

We had a pleasant time, apart from the weather.

20. contribute money / books / clothing to……捐钱、衣物等

contribute a lot to society作贡献

contribute essays to the paper报刊等投稿

make great contributions to ( education / society / literature)

contribute to=lead to

He contributed a lot of money to the church.

Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford ( to our school).

It’s an honour to be invited to contribute to your magazine.


21. When he was asked how he got along with his work, he kept silent.

= (When) Asked how he got along with his work, kept silent.

表示时间的连词: when , while, once, until

表示条件的连词: unless, once, if

表示让步的连词: even if ( though), (al) though, 疑问词+ever

表示方式的连词: as , as if (though)

When he was asked how he broke into the room, he kept silent.

=When asked how he broke into the room, he kept silent.

If we had been given enough time, we could have done better.

=If given enough time, we could have done better.

Though he was frightened by the fire, he stood out bravely.

=Though frightened by the fire, he stood out bravely.

He didn’t do the experiment as he was told to.

=he didn’t do the experiment as told to.

He stopped as if he wanted to see if someone was following him.

=He stopped as if to see if someone was following him.

He looked around as if he was looking for sth.

=He looked around as if looking for sth.

However frequently his works are performed , they are always popular among the audience.

=However frequently performed, his works are always popular.

Once the book is printed, the book will be popular.

=Once printed, the book will be popular.

过去分词作宾补,根据动作发生的时间,可有下面两种形式:done , having been done:

Having been told many times, he still couldn’t answer the question.

Asked the question, he lowered his head.


He was standing against the wall, (with) his hands crossed behind his head.



1. The road is designed for only motor vehicles, so once _____, bicycles are not allowed to go along it.

A. opens B. having opened C. opening D. opened

2. As we joined the big crowd I ______ from my friends.

A. got lost B. got missing C. got separated D. got spared

3. -----She thought he was a dull and selfish person.

----__________, either.

A. His impression of her was no better

B. Her impression of him was no better

C. His impression of her was no worse

D. Her impression of her was no worse

4. I have often heard this song ______, but I have never heard you _______ it.

A. to be sung ; to sing B. being sung; sang

C. sung; sing D. sang; singing

5. __________ the room, the nurse found the tape-recorder _______.

A. Entering; stealing B. Entering; gone

C. To have entered; being stolen D. Having entered; to be stolen

6. It’s time for supper now. Please _____ your books _______ so that we can use the table for supper.

A. give ….away B. put….off C. set….aside D. pass …..by

7. ______ it ______ or not, I will go to attend the conference on time.

A. if; rains B. Whether; rains C. If; will rain D. Whether; will rain

8. -----Tom is very stupid. He fails in every exam.

----In my opinion, he’s _____ than stupid.

A. lazier B. much lazier C. more lazy D. lazier rather

9. -----Mind your behavior in public, or we’ll have our _____ruined.

-----Oh, no one sees.

A. figures B. names C. bodies D. images

10. Among mystery writers, Agatha Christie _______as a real master.

A. stands for B. stands by C. stands up D. stands out

11. All things ________, the planned trip will have to be called off.

A. considered B. be considered C. considering D. having considered

12. Generally speaking, _____ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken

13. You should follow these sentence _____ to make twenty new sentences.

A. patterns B. appearances C. signs D. symbols

14. His speech at the meeting ______ my memories of the past.

A. called in B. called for C. called up D. called on

15. It is well known that the _____ of air can make a man die.

A. presence B. absence C. short D. plenty

16. I was deeply struck by their happy _____ in face of all kinds of difficulties.

A. position B. situation C. atmosphere D. space

17. I can’t think how he can _____ the time.

A. get over B. get rid of C. get out D. get through

18. As we all know, the People’s Republic of China _________in 1949.

A. came into being B. was put into practice C. was put to use D. was existed

19.Every one of us should _____ a part of our food and money to the people trapped in the terrible flood.

A. contribute B. equip C. share D. collect

20.She _____ the phone book for his telephone number.

A. looked up B. referred to C. picked out D. put away

22. We are all trying to avoid _____ the name of her son, who died ______a traffic accident weeks ago.

A. mention; from B. to mention; of C. mentioning; of D. mentioning; from

23. _________ into Chinese, the novel is well accepted.

A. Having been translated B. Translated C. Translating D. Being translated

24. -----You have eaten ______ nothing. What’s wrong?

----I’m not feeling well.

A. next to B. close to C. up to D. as to

25. Two speakers walked out of the hall, ______ happily with the teacher and ______ by a group of students.

A. talking; followed B. talking; following C. talked; followed D. to talk; to be followed

26. ________ from the moon, our earth, with water ______ 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”.

A. Seen; covered B. Seeing; covered C. Seen; covering D. To see; to cover

27. Though ______ of danger, he still went skating on such thin ice.

A. warning B. warned C. being warned D. having warned

28. ______ after a long walk, he called and said he couldn’t come to our party.

a) Worn out B. To wear out C. Wearing out D. Having wore out

29. My father seemed to be in no ________ to look at my school report.

A. feeling b. attitude C. emotion D. mood

30. I can ______ him to you for the job. He is a very good worker.

A. suggest B. advise C. recommend D. propose

31. The room was furnished in different ______ of gray and yellow.

A. shades B. shelter C. shadow D. shape

32. ______ in this way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing.

A. To look at B. Looking at C. Looked at D. To be looked at

33. _______ on the ground _____ a boy of six together with an old man.

A. Lying ; is B. Laying ; is C. Lain; are D. Lied; are