高一期末复习Units 1-2(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-12-2 编辑:互联网 手机版

Step1 Dictation

argue . fond. share. lie. alone. except . communicate . in order to . care about . stay up .

Step2 Language points

1. argue with sb. about/over sth.为某事与某人争

argue for /against argument (n.)论点。辩论

2. be fond of + n.动词的-ing 形式(喜爱)

be into (对----感兴趣)

like + to do/doing“喜爱,爱好”

enjoy +doing(“喜爱”)

3. share “均分,摊分,分享,分担,共同使用”

share sth with /among /between sb. 与某人分担(分享)某物

share in sth.分享(分担)某物。

4. lie n. 谎言 v.说谎 (lied. lied .lying.lies )

tell a lie 说谎

5. alone adv. adj. (作adj. 为表语,表客观状态,无感情色彩)

lonely adj 可作定语、表语,有感情色彩。

Eg. He doesn’t feel lonely when he is alone.


6. in order to “为了”

so as to 不可放在句首

so that 引导目的状语从句,从句中通常有may can might 等。

7. such as “例如”“象…之类”表示同类事物中的几个例子,但不是全部。

for example “例如”一般只举同类中的“一两个”为例。常用“,”隔开。

Eg. He can speak five foreign language ,such as German and Japanese .

He ,for example ,is a good teacher .

He knows several languages ,for example he knows English and French .

8. so﹢主语﹢ be (情态动词或助动词) “…确实如此”

so﹢ be (情态动词或助动词)﹢ 另一主语“…也是如此”

neither/nor ﹢ be (情态动词或助动词)﹢ 另一主语 “…也不…”

9. with+复合宾语(宾语+宾补)(宾补可以是形容词,介词短语,副词短语,分词,或不定式)。

Step 3 Exercises

1. The physics teacher said the earth _____ around the sun .

A.is moving B. moved C.had moved D. moves

2 . Could you tell me why ___?

A. did she come late B. she did come late

C.she came late D.she came late for

3. Hi Jack .Will you attend tomorrow’s meeting?

Oh , I’m afraid not ,___invited to .

A. even if B. as if C. in case D. nor that

4 --- Mr Green has lost Bob’s telephone number .


A .So do I . B . So have I

C. So I do . D .So I have .

5 I’ll never understand how it _____that you were an hour late on such a short journey .

A. came about B. came across

C. came along D. came into

6. However _____, mother will wait for him to have dinner together .

A late is he B he is late

C is he late D late he is

7 .I’m ____classical music .

A.into B. like C. in D. at

8. She has a few shortcomings, but we’re all very ____her .

A..fond of B.like C. love D.enjoy

9. Swimming is always ____to Bob. I always find him ______in it .

A. interested; interested B Interesting ; interesting

B. C interested; interesting D Interesting ; interested

10. This pair of trousers is ____dirty ____my brother won’t wear it .

A so ;that B such ; that C enough; that D too; to

11. It was _____that thousands of people wanted to watch it .

A such a wonderful game B a too wonderful game

C so a wonderful game D a very wonderful game

12 ._____miss the early bus , I get up early every day .

A In order to not B In order not to

C So as not to D In order that not

13. He made many friends ____English well to make himself _____.

A learn ; understand B learning ; understand

C to learn ;understood Dlearn ; understood

14 Mr .Smith likes sports very much and ________his son .

A so does B so is C so has Dso likes

15 ---It was very hot yesterday .

----So___.And so _____today .

A it was ; it is B. was it ; it is

C it was ;is it D was it ;is it

16 –--Robert likes swimming very much ,but he isn’t good at it .

---- _____his sister Joan .

A So does B Neither is

C So it is with D Such is with

17 . The teacher had me _____ the classroom the whole afternoon yesterday .

A. cleaning B to clean

C clean D. to be cleaned

18. We had no difficulty ______his house .

A .find B to find C found D finding

19. Do it well if you do it ______.

A in all B after all C above all D at all

20 .---Have you finished designing the machine?

---_______finished but there’s still something to improve.

A. More or less B. Sooner or later

C. Less than D. More than

21.- –Please ___-who took it away .

----I have known who did it ,but I can’t _____him .

A.find out ; find B. look for ;find

C find ; find out D find out ; look for

22. When I arrived, she was beginning _______lunch.

A. make B. to make C. making D and making

23. _____number of books______ missing from the library; ______number of the missing books ______quite large.

A A; are ;the ;is B .A;is ;the ;are

C, The;is ;a;are D. A.is ;a;are

24. The farmhands were made _______long hours .

A work B to work C working D worked

25. I had been working a couple of months ________I heard a letter from Geiwen.

A when B until C that D while

26 –--Where was it ______the road accident happened yesterday .

----In front of the market .

A when B that C which D how

27 ---–I know nothing about the young ______she is from Beijing .

A except B except for

C except that D besides

28. She ____it herself .

A need not to do B needs not do

C doesn’t need to do D doesn’t needs go

29. --–Shall we go outing this weekend ?

---Oh, with all this work ____, I don’t know if I’ll have time to go out .

A to do B doing Cdone Ddo

30 There are a great many people on the playground . Some are standing still_______ others are walking about .

A where B when C while D but


1---5 DCABA 6---10 DAADA 11---15 ABCAC

16---20 CADDA 21---25 ABABA 26---30 BCCAC

Step4 Sentence patterns

1. 强调句型

it is /was ﹢被强调部分﹢that(who )﹢其他

He broke the window last night.

It was he who/that broke the window last night.

It was the window that he broke the window last night.

It was last night that he broke the window.

2. so … that 与such that …

She is so good a teacher that we all like her.

She is such a good teacher that we all like her.

It was so cold that we didn’t go out that day.

Step5 Grammar



1 “ My father bought me a dictionary last mouth ”Tom said .→

Tom said that _______

2 He asked , “How are you getting along?” →

He asked _______

3 He said: “ Do you after come here to read newspapers ?” →

He asked _______

Step6 Homework