高二上unit 2 语言点教案(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-1-24 编辑:互联网 手机版

Warming up, listening and speaking

1. Which of the news media above is the most reliable? 以上的新闻媒体中哪一种最可靠?

reliable adj. 可信赖的; 可依靠的; 确定的

They are reliable friends. 他们是可信赖的朋友。

Is the source of the information reliable? 那个消息的来源可靠吗?

[链接] reliably adv. 可靠地;确实地 reliability n. 可靠性;可信赖性

rely on / upon = depend on 依赖,依靠

2. The man was fired. 那个人被解雇了。


(1) 解雇,开除

The company fired him for not coming to work on time. 那个公司因他不按时上班解雇了他。

(2) 发射 He fired his gun at the big snake. 他开枪打那条大蛇。

(3) 激发(人、感情等),使充满热情

The story fired his imagination. 这个故事激发了他的想象力。

3. The man faced difficulties.

(1) face v.t. 面临(困难等),应付, 面对;(危险、困难等)迫近

e.g. We must face our trouble and bear it. 我们必须正视我们的困难并勇于承受。

[短语] be faced with 面临,面对 face up to面对;承担

face the music接受(不愉快的后果或情况)

e.g. I was faced with a new problem.

She couldn’t face up to the fact that she was no longer young. 她无法面对自己不再年轻的现实。

The boy was caught cheating in the examination and had to face the music. 那个男孩被发现考试作弊,不得不接受惩罚。

(2) difficulty表示“难,困难”时用作不可数名词,表示“难题,难事”时用作可数名词。

e.g. She learned to speak English without difficulty. 她毫无困难地学会了讲英语。

We will face many difficulties in the future. 将来我们要面临许多难题。

4. The man was generous.

generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;宽容的;豁达的;丰富的,丰盛的

e.g. He is generous with his money. 他出手大方。

He gave me a generous lunch. 他请我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。

[链接] generous adv. 慷慨地 generosity n. 慷慨大方

5. Below is a list of ten things that happened today. 以下列出了今天发生的十件事。

本句为倒装句,正常语序应为:A list of ten things that happened today is below.

below看作副词,表示方位,当表示方位的状语或表语位于句首时,句子采用全部倒装的结构,即把谓语动词的所有组成部分都移到主语之前。这类作状语或表语的词常见的有:away, down, in, off, out, over, up, above, below, here, there及介词短语与分词。

Here is a seat for you.这儿有你的一个座位。

There goes the bell!铃响了。

Written on the blackboard are the names of those who were late yesterday.黑板上写着昨天迟到的人的名字。

6. France elected a new president.

elect v.t. 选举,推选

e.g. They elected a president. / They elected him as President. 他们选举了总统。/ 他们选举他为总统。


e.g. Our classmates elected him as/to be our monitor.

They elected the old man to be chairman of the club.他们推选那位老人为俱乐部主席。

[辨析] elect, pick out, choose


e.g. Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the U.S.A.罗斯福四次当选为美国总统。


e.g. We had to choose between leaving early and paying for a taxi.我们不得不在早点动身和雇计程车中间作出选择。

There are ten to choose from.

pick out比较通俗,指按个人喜好或希望进行挑选,多用于有行的东西。

e.g. She picked out a scarf to wear with the dress.她挑选了一条围巾以配上她穿的衣服。

7. rob rob sb. / a place of sth. 抢劫某人(某地方)的东西

① steal sth. from sb. / a place 偷某人或某地的东西

② pick one’s pocket 扒窃

pick pocket 扒手

8. Food prices are going up. 食品价格在上涨。

go up上升,增长,提高

e.g. The temperature has gone up.

The lift went up to the fourth floor. 电梯升到了四楼。

反义词组:go down

9. A house in your city burnt down. Nobody was injured.你们镇上一座房子被烧毁。无人员伤亡。

(1) burn down 烧毁;使烧毁【强调破坏性】;(由于燃料烧尽)火力减弱

These houses were burnt down to the ground. 这些房子被烧毁。

The fire is burning down, get some more coal please.

[比较] burn up烧尽,烧光【强调动作的结果】;(火,炉等)烧起来,旺起来

e.g. Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up.

(2) injure vt. 使受伤;损害,伤害(感情)

e.g. The boy injured his leg.

In the accident his back was seriously injured.

I hope I didn’t injure her feeling.

[辨析] injure, wound, hurt, harm的区别:


e.g. In the traffic accident, two were killed and three get injured.在交通事故中,两人遇难,三人受伤。

He was so injured in his pride that he stayed at home all day without meeting anyone.他的自尊受到了如此的伤害以至于他成天待在家里,不见外人。


e.g. The soldier was badly wounded in the head.这个士兵头部受了重伤。

The bullet wounded his arm.子弹打伤了他的胳膊。


e.g. Luckily no one was seriously hurt in the car accident.

The girl fell off her bike, and one of her legs hurt.


e.g. There was a fire in our street, but no one was harmed.

Getting up early won’t harm you! 早起对你没有害处。


10. Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.报纸和其他媒介并不仅仅记录已发生的事情。

more than不仅仅;极为,非常;多于;难以;不能

① He is more intelligent than his brother. 他比他哥哥更聪明。(用于比较级)

② I like football more than swimming. 我喜爱足球胜过游泳。

③ I'm afraid I've eaten more than enough. 我怕我是吃得过多了。

④ The boy more than smiled but laughed. 这男孩不仅是微笑,而是放声大笑了。

⑤ That is more than I can tell. 那是怎么回事我实在难说。

⑥ Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens. 报纸和其它传媒不仅仅是记录发生的事。

⑦ More than 100 people attended the dinner party.

⑧ The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe. 杭州景色之美,是语言所不能描述的。

⑨ He is more than selfish. =very selfish.

① more than + 数词,表示“以上,多于”

② more than + 名词,表示“不只,不仅仅,不同于”

③ more than + 动词,表示“十分,极大地,远远地”

④ more than + 形容词或副词,意为“非常,更加”

⑤ more than … can / could 意为“不能”

11. Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report and how to report them.经验丰富的编辑和记者对于该报道什么事件以及如何报道作出明智的决定。

(1) 句中的experienced(富有经验的)和informed(见识广的,有知识的) 都是动词的过去分词作定词,修饰动词。单个的过去分词作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词前面。

e.g. a fallen tree一棵倒下的树 a broken chair一把破椅子 stolen cultural relics被盗的文物

(2) informed adj. 明智的,有知识的,了解情况的

e.g. He is a well-informed man.他是个消息灵通的人。


① inform sb of/about sth. 告知某人某事

② inform sb. that…/wh-…告知某人

③ inform sb.+疑问词+ to do sth.

④ Informed adj. 见多识广的

⑤ Keep sb informed of/about sth

Information u

e.g. The singer informed us of their arrival.歌手们把他们到来的消息告诉了我们。

The nurse informed me that visiting hours were over.护士告诉我探病时间已经结束了。

Who informed you when to start? 是谁告诉你们出发时间的?

12. They also make sure that readers can relate to the stories.他们还要确保报道的内容与读者的生活密切相关。

relate v.i. & v.t (和~)相关;涉及;把~与~关联起来

① relate vt.把…联系起来

② relate … with / to.. 把…联系起来

③ relate to 与…有关, 涉及

be related to sb. 有亲威关系

e.g. It is difficult to relate the two cases. 很难把两个案子联系起来。

We should learn to relate the results to the causes.我们应该学会把结果与原因联系起来看问题。

Light industry is closely related to the people’s life.轻工业与人们的生活有密切的关系。

13.The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than the interviewers in order to let us know about their work and how the news we read in made.两位记者同意交换角色,作一次受访者而不是采访者,让我们了解他们的工作,了解我们读到的新闻是怎样制作和编写出来的。

(1) switch v. 转换,改变

e.g. He is always switching jobs. 他总变换工作。

He switched the recorder to the “off” position.他将录音机拧到“关”的位置。

(2) for once 就这(那)一次

e.g. For once they broke the rule.这一次,他们违规了。

For once our manager came late. 我们的经理这次来晚了。

He beat me for once.他只有一次赢了我。

Once: (conj) 一……就;一旦.兼有as soon as 和if 的双重含义,从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时,主句常用将来时.

Eg: Once he arrives, we can start the meeting. 他一到我们就开会.

Once seen, it will never be forgotten. 一旦看到,它就不会忘记.


Eg: I’ve only met him once. 我只见过他一次.

(2) rather than的特点是连接前后两个平行结构,即要求前后成分要一致。

e.g. He decided to write to rather than (to) phone.他决定写信而不打电话了。

I’d like to go there in autumn rather than in summer.我愿意秋天去那里而不愿意夏天去。

He was engaging in writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper.他正忙着写信而不是看报纸。

14. After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.采访后,记者一定要提交出组织严密的材料,并确保文章的真实反映事实和舆论。

(1) present(1) vt. 提出;呈现;送给;递交

present sth to sb 把某物赠送或呈现给某人

present sb to sb (向地位较高的人)介绍(引见)某人

Eg: He presented his views and sat down.他陈述了自己的观点后坐下了.

(2) adj. 在场的,现在的

 Eg: Every member of the class was present.班里每个学生都到了.

(3) n.现在;礼物

e.g. When will you present your report?你什么时候提出报告?

The government presented cars to the hospitals. 政府向医院赠送了一些车。

Allow me to present Mr. Brown to you. 请允许我把布朗先生介绍给你。

I live in the present, not the past.我活在现在,不是过去.

(3) reflect vt. 反映;表现;反射;映出

e.g. This letter is sure to reflect our real opinion.这封信会反映出我们的真实意见。

Her face was reflected in the mirror.她的脸映现在镜子里。

Mirrors reflect light.镜子能反射光线。

15. My favourite article is the one I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China.我最喜欢的文章是我写的一篇关于如何努力把被盗的文物带回中国。

(1) 本句中的one是代词,用来指代article。one常用来代替前文提到的一种可数的事物。

e.g. I haven’t a pen. Can you lend me one?


e.g. On the desk there is a red pencil and two black ones.

(2)effort n. [U,C]努力;艰难的尝试;努力的结果

e.g. He did it without effort.他毫不费力地完成那件事

[短语] make an effort努力,尽力 spare no effort不遗余力

16. I want to write about people you seldom read about, for example people who have AIDS or who are addicted to drugs.我想报道那些你们很少能了解的人,如艾滋病患者或者是染上毒瘾的人。

(1) seldom adv. 很少;不常;难得

[扩展] 表示否定意义的状语位于句首时,句子通常采用倒装句。

e.g. Seldom does he quarrel with others.

Never did I dream of seeing him in America.

Never before have so many people come to see him.

Not a single word did she say.

(2)be / get / become addicted to sth. / doing sth.对~成瘾/成癖

e.g. It doesn’t take long to become addicted to these drugs.服用这些毒品不要多长时间就会上瘾。

It’s a pity that her child has got addicted to smoking.真可怜,她的孩子抽烟上瘾了。

Some children are addicted to computer games / TV.(喻)一些孩子玩电脑游戏/看电视上了瘾。

He is addicted to practicing Chinese Gongfu.他醉心于练习中国功夫。

17. We shouldn’t ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories.即使人们对一些现象很难接受,我们也不应该无视眼前发生的事情。

(1) ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视

e.g. You shouldn’t ignore your father’s advice.你不该无视父亲的忠告。

I tried to tell her but she ignored me.我打算告诉她,可是她不理睬我。

Ignorance n. ignorant adj be ignorant of sth=don’t know about sth

(2) even if / even though即使,尽管

e.g. The young man didn’t lose heart even if he had failed many times in finding a job.这个年轻人没有放弃,尽管他多次未能找到工作。

18. The media can often help solve problems and draw attentions to situations where help is needed.媒介常可帮助解决难题,使人们关注需要得到帮助的情况。

draw attention to关注某事 draw / attract one’s attention引起某人的注意

e.g. This article will draw attention to farmers and agriculture.这篇文章奖让人关注农民和农业问题。

The fallen leaves drew /attracted the worker’s attention.这些落叶引起了那个工人的注意。

He drew my attention to a mistake in my homework.他要我注意作业中的一处错误。

focus one’s attention on 把注意力集中在……

(注)attention 是不可数名词,常被much, little, no等词修饰.

attentive (adj) attentively(adv)

Eg: The teacher was pleased to have such attentive students.


19. The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.结果会使人们更好地了解世界地各个方面,给人们带来一个人人受到尊重,不同观念得到包容地未来世界。

(1) on all sides(=on every side) 在各方面,四面八方

e.g. They were trapped with enemies on all sides.他们四面楚歌。

The enemy were attacking on all sides.敌人从四面八方发起进攻。

side by side并肩,并排,紧贴

take sides (with somebody)支持某方

(4) tolerate v.t. 容忍,忍受,允许

e.g. I can’s tolerate that loud music / that kind of behavior.我无法忍受那么响的音乐/那种行径。

Cheating on exams cant’ be tolerated. 考试作弊是不能容忍的。

tolerance n 容忍,宽容 tolerant adj. 容忍的,宽容的

20. I would not believe it, but I might check other sources and maybe change my mind.

change one’s mind改变主意

e.g. Since getting to know him better, I have changed my mind about him.更深入地了解以后,我改变了我对他地看法。

[相关短语] bear / keep in mind 记住 call/bring to mind 使人想起 out of one’s mind 精神错乱,发狂 never mind 不要紧,没关系 have sth. in mind 记得某事,想起某事

21.Famous people are often asked for their opinions on current affairs.名人经常接受采访、被问及对时事地看法

current affairs 当前的事件;时事


e.g. The minister deals with important affairs of State.这位大臣处理重要的国务。

current adj. 此刻的,现时的,当前的

e.g. current fashions时装 current events时事

22.be concerned with/about sth 关于,有关

be concerned about/ for sth 担心某事

as/so far as somebody/something is concerned 就某人/某事而言

be concerned that…(=be worried/ anxious….) 担心

concerning( prep. =about) 关于

23. Nine out of ten women who were interviewed about the product said they liked it.

nine out of ten(=nine in ten)十之八九,百分之九十

e.g. Nine out of ten people will not agree with you. 也可以说

Four out of the ten children there can go to school.在那里十个孩子中只有四个可以上学。

24. And I like the way the fans look up to them.

look up to尊敬,敬仰(反义:look down on轻视,看不起)

e.g. The young should look up to the old.年轻人应该尊敬老人。

25. Americans will fall in love with this game too.

fall in love with爱上(表示动作,不延续)

e.g. I fell in love with her at first sight.我对她一见钟情。

She fell in love with the house as soon as she saw it.

[比较] be in love (with) 相爱,喜欢(表示延续状态)

e.g. If you’re really in love with art, you don’t mind hard work.

Homework: Do exercises on page 13 / 91

Integrating Skills

26. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory…

brave and strong是形容词作状语,形容词或形容词短语作状语,通常说明主语行为的原因、方式、伴随状况等。

e.g. Cold and hungry, he decided to stop and have a rest. (表原因)又冷又饿,他决定停下来休息一会儿。

Ripe, the oranges taste sweet.(表方式)这些橘子熟了,味道甜美。

27. The peaceful meeting ended when the company sent out a group of angry men armed with sticks to fight with the citizens.

arm v.t. 武装,用武器装备

e.g. The robber was armed.那个强盗有武器。

The soldiers were armed to teeth.士兵们武装到牙齿

28 I’m sure they won’t feel disappointed.

disappoint v.t. 使失望 disappointing adj. 令人失望的 disappointed adj. 失望的

e.g. The book disappointed me.这本书令我失望。

The news was really disappointing.那个消息真令人感到失望。

Are you very disappointed about losing the game?你是不是因为比赛输了而感到很失望?


The Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative过去分词作定语和表语



(1) 在句中的位置


a broken heart一颗破碎的心 a lost dog丧家之犬 a risen sun已升起的太阳

an organized trip有组织的旅行 a broken glass被打破的玻璃杯

a trip organized by the league由共青团组织的旅行

a glass broken by the boy被这个男孩打破的玻璃杯

The excited people rushed out of the building.

They found a damaged car at the gate of the park.

(2) 所表示的时间


The letter posted yesterday will soon reach him.他很快就能收到昨天寄出的信了。

Have you read the books written by the young writer?你读过那位年轻作家写的小说吗?

(3) 语法功能


The stolen bike belongs to Jack.被偷的自行车是杰克的。

The bike which had been stolen belongs to Jack.

The lecture given by Professor Zhang is about environment protection.张教授所做的报告是关于环境保护的。

The lecture which was given by Professor Zhang is about the environment protection.

2. 过去分词作表语

(1) 过去分词作表语时,多表示主语所处的状态。

The door remained locked.门仍然锁着。

She looked disappointed.她看上去挺失望。

He seemed quite delighted at the good news.听到这个好消息,他似乎很开心。

(2) 常见作表语的过去分词有:upset, disappointed, drunk, amused, frightened, married, excited, experienced, interested, confused, pleased, puzzled, satisfied, tired, worried等。

(3) 有些过去分词作表语时,构成的谓语很接近被动结构。

Everything is settled down.一切都解决了。

Thank heavens! The boy is saved.谢天谢地,孩子得救了。

The town is surrounded on three sides by mountains.这座小镇三面环山。