New Standard English 7B Unit 3,Module12 教案(外研版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-8-13 编辑:互联网 手机版

一、Teaching materials:

Unit 3 Language in use (Module 12 A holiday journey)

二、Targets for this period:

To summarize and consolidate the irregular verbs in past simple tense

To Wh-questions should be emphasized

三、Key points:

The past form of verbs must be practiced well.

四、Teaching methods:

Interactive approach and bottom-up approach

五、Teaching aids

OHP, handouts

六、Teaching arrangements:

Step One Practice

To fill in the blank with the correct forms of the verbs

For example: My grandma was (be) born 70 years ago.

1. My grandpa was (be ) born a year later.

2. They started (start) school when they were (be) five.

3. They went (go) to school in different towns.

4. My grandpa met (meet) my grandma when they were (be) young.

5. He married (marry) her two years later.

6. They had (have) two children .

7. The family came (come) to this town in the summer of 1970 because my grandpa got (get) a job here.

8. They bought (buy) a house one year later.

Step Two To match the words in Box1 with those in Box2 (Activity Three)

buy presents go swimming do some sightseeing have a good time meet at the airport read the newspaper see a friend send emails swim in the sea take photos write a postcard

Step Three To write six things you did on last holiday (Activity Five)

e.g: On my last holiday, I bought some presents for my friends.

Step Four To write questions (Activity Four)

e.g. Where / you go on holiday? ----- Where did you go on holiday?

1. What / you do? ----- What did you do?

2. When / you go? ----- When did you go?

3. How long / you stay? ----- How long did you stay?

4. you / have a nice time? ----- Did you have a nice time?

Step Five To work in pairs (Activity One)

Last summer, you were on holiday, now answer some questions about your holidays.

e.g. where / go A: Where did you go? B: I went to ……

1. who / go with 2. what / do 3. when / go 4. how long / stay

Step Six To work in pairs (Activity Two)

Work with a new partner. Ask and answer about your first partner.

e.g. where / go A: Where did he / she go? B: He / She went to ……

1. who / go with 2. what / do 3. when / go 4. how long / stay

Step Seven Students read aloud an interesting holiday (Around the world)

phrases: have a holiday go on a boat do a lot of shopping buy sth for sb

Step Eight Additional practice

1. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1). I took (take) a taxi to school yesterday.

2). I went (go) for a walk but my mother didn’t come with me.

3). Lucy wrote (write) a letter to her friend three days ago.

4). Last Sunday, Peter saw (see) Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

2. 按要求改句子。

1). We visited Beijing last summer. (对画线部分提问)

Where did you visit last summer?

2). She did her homework at home yesterday evening. (改为否定句)

She didn’t do her homework at home yesterday evening.

3). He had to stay here for two hours. (对画线部分提问)

How long did he have to stay here?

3. 翻译下列句子

1). 6月3号下午4点,他们到了那儿。

They got there at 4:00 in the afternoon on June 4.

2). 昨天上午你购物了吗?

Did you do some shopping yesterday morning?

3). 上周六我给朋友买了些了礼物。

I bought some presents for my friends last Saturday.

4). 你什么时候去的机场?

When did you go to the airport?

5). 他去哪里了。

Where did he go?

4. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。

It snowed (snow) yesterday. Tony and his friends went (go) to the park. They saw (see) the white trees, white houses and white road. They began (begin) to make (make) a big snowman on the road. They put (put) a carrot in the snowman’s head. That was (is) the snowman’s nose. They put (put) two small black balls in his face. They were (are) the snowman’s eyes. They began (begin) to sing (sing) and dance (dance) near the snowman. They felt (feel) very happy.

Step Nine To write an email to your friends about your holiday (Module Task)


I was on holiday in…, I went there with…, I got there by…, I did lots of things there, I …….


1. To review Module 11 & 12

2. To finish M12, 典中点 & 轻巧夺冠