Unit 13 Albert Einstein

发布时间:2016-9-11 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 49

Step 1 Revision

1. Ask the students to tell what they did during the winter vacation.

2. Ask the students the names of as many famous scientists as they know. Collect their names on the Bb. Ask the Ss to explain to the class what each person did. Add phrases next to the scientists’ names.

Step 2 Presentation

Ask the students if they have heard of the scientist Albert Einstein. Collect as much information as possible from the students and write this information on the Bb.

Name: Albert Einstein




Scientific research:

What he got for his new discoveries:

Moved to the USA:


Doctor’s degree received:


Step 3 Listening

1. Read the introduction to the students.

2. Play the tape for the students to listen.

3. Ask the students the question: Who are the four famous people in the dialogue? (Lincoln, Marx, Bell, Einstein.)

Step 4 Dialogue

1. Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.

2. Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure the students understand it

3. Let the students to practise the dialogue in-groups of four.

4. Ask one group to act the scene in front of the class.

Step 5 Language points

1. I’m doing a word puzzle in the newspaper.

* do a word puzzle/ do a puzzle in words 猜字谜 puzzle 难题,难以解释的东西,如:

How life began is still a puzzle.

The murder case was a puzzle to the police.

* puzzle Vt. 使人迷惑不解

The murder case continued to puzzle the police.

We were all puzzled at his words.

This is a puzzling case.

Step 5 Guessing game

1. Read the instructions aloud. Demonstrate (示范) how to play this guessing game with a groups of Ss. Write the name of a famous person on a piece of paper. Fold it so that it cannot be seen. Make students to ask you questions. You are only able to answer Yes or No. Then let the students play this game in groups of four.

2. Ex.1 can be done here.

Step 6. Workbook

1. Ex.1. Do the first sentence with the whole class as a demonstration. Explain the sentence structure to them. Then pairwork. Finally check the answers with the whole class.

2. Ex.3.

Step 7 consolidation

Tell the students about a famous without mentioning his/ her name. After each sentence, pause and allow three guesses. Then say another sentence with more information about the person, and so on. When the class guess correctly, choose another person and start again.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Lesson 50

Teaching aims and demands:

1.Words and useful expressions:

scientific, darkness, shy, content, go on with, lead to, discovery, worldwide, the Nobel Prize, cheque, bookmark, human right, peace, prove, bent, work out, stick to, respect, leading, sadness, Swiss, take sides in, rule, fuel

2. Grammar: noun clauses used as subject.

3. Reading comprehension: references

Key points:

1.Words and grammar

2. Reading comprehension

3. References

Teaching methods: Reading-practice

Time arrangement:

These two lessons are to be finished in three teaching periods. In the first period, we are going to progress from Step 1~5. The students are supposed to get a gist of the text “Albert Einstein”. In the second period, we will smooth away the language difficulties, the in the third period, we finish off the rest steps of teaching.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Revise the key points of Lesson 49.

Step 2. Presentation

Talk about Albert Einstein, collect the information provided by the students and write them on the bb.

Step 3. Skimming

Read the two passages and answer the following questions:

(1) What scientific work is Einstein famous for? (physics)

(2) Where did he spend the last part of his life? (the US)

(3) What was Einstein’s discovery in the text? (light becomes bent when passing the


Step 4. Scanning

Now get the students to read the two texts more carefully, and answer the questions on P74~75 of Workbook. Do orally with the class. The italic part sentences are possible answers from the text.

1.When and where was Einstein born?

Albert Einstein was born in Germany on March 14th, 1879.

2.How did Einstein manage to study at university in Switzerland?

To earn enough money to continue his studies, he worked in Switzerland first as a teacher, then in a government office. With the pay that he received and saved, he went on with his studies at university in Switzerland.

3.Why was the period between 1905 and 1915 an important one for Einstein?

During that period, he began the research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics.

4.What was he given for his scientific research in physics in 1921?

He was given the Nobel Prize for Physics.

5.Did Einstein care for money? How do you know?

In 1933 Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA. He had been invited to teach at a university there. He accepted the job of Professor of Physics, but asked for very little money. He had never been interested in becoming rich. He once refused to speak on the radio for $ 1,000 a minute. Another time someone saw him using a cheque for $ 1,500 as a bookmark. Then he lost the book!

6.What else did he work for besides his scientific research?

Besides his work in physics, he spent a lot of time working for human rights and progress.

7.Why was he so fond of music?

It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in the world full of wars and killings.

8.What kind of person do you think Einstein was?

Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century's greatest scientist.

9.What can we learn from Albert Einstein?

His devotion to science, his simple way of life and his love for peace.

Step 5. Reading comprehension

The following statements are mainly based on the second half of the text. Tell them are true or false.

(F) 1.Einstein proved that light travelled through space in a straight line.

(T) 2.Einstein’s discovery was completely new at that time.

(T) 3.Many of the scientists did not accept Einstein's scientific ideas at first.

(F) 4.Einstein had to stop his research because he couldn't prove his ideas.

(T) 5.By 1919 he quickly became world-famous because the scientists who had been watching the stars supported his work.

(F) 6.He took Swiss nationality in 1909 in order to study there.

(T) 7.He hated war and he thought fighting and killing in wars was wrong.

(F) 8.Germany was ruled by Hitler during the First World War.

(F) 9.Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA in 1933 because he

was afraid of being killed in the war.

Step 6. Language points of the texts

1. When he was a young boy he used to ask lots of questions...


used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”,在使用时应注意两点区别:

(1) 与would的区别:

used to一般不和过去的频度状语连用,而would可以。used to既表示状态,也表示反复性的动作,而would只表示反复性的动作,如:

When I was young, I used to have a lot more free time than I do now. I used to live near my work and would always get home early. Sometimes I would do a bit of gardening or go for a long walk.我年轻时比我现在空闲得多。我过去的居所离工作地点近,因此常常早早回家。有时我干点园艺活或散散步。

注意句中的used to have和used to live表示持续的状态,不可用would,而和always及sometimes连用的would因为有表示频度的状语从而不能用used to替代。

(2) 与be used to doing sth.和be used to do sth.的区别:

be used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做某事”,be used to doing sth.意为“被用来干什么”,而used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”,如:

He used to bring me roses when he came to see me.


I'm used to doing jogging in the morning now.


Computers can be used to do a lot of work now.


2. By the time he was fourteen years old, he had learned maths all by himself. 到他14岁那年,他已自学了数学。

(1) by oneself 意为“独自”,相当于 alone。反身代词可以组成一些习语和词组,如:I'm not myself today. 我今天不舒服。The emperor wished to see the cloth for himself.皇帝想亲眼看看这种布。The door opened of itself.门自动开了。Bob has taught himself German for four years.鲍勃自学了四年德语。The little girl dare not stay at the lonely cottage by herself.那个小女孩不敢单独留在那荒凉的小房子里。

(2) by与时间名词连用时一般表示“到某时为止”,由于终点时间不同,其后所接的时态也不同。此外,状态性的动词多用一般时,而动作性的动词多用完成时,如:By the time he was fourteen years old, he knew he would become a scientist.到他14岁那年,他意识到他将成为一名科学家。By the time he was fourteen years old, he had learned two thousand words.到他14岁那年,他已学了2000个词。By the end of last year, we had set up another two branches in this area.到去年年底,我们已经在这个地区建立了两个分部。By now, several bridges have been built over the Changjiang River.到目前为止,长江上已经建了好几座桥。By the end of this century, China will have become a more powerful country in the world.到本世纪末,中国将成为世界上更强大的国家。

3. He found it hard to get along with the other boys. 他觉得很难与其它男孩相处 get along/on可以作为不及物动词词组使用,也可以加介词with后接名词,代词或名词词组,相当于一个及物动词词组。如:

How are you getting along/on? 你最近情况如何?

How is he getting along/on with his French? 他的法语进展如何?

All the students in this room are getting along/on with each other very well. 这个寝舍的同学们相处融洽。

4. All through his life Einstein was content to spend most of his time alone...

content 意为“满足的”、“满意的”、“愿意的”。content 是表语形容词,一般不作定语作用。content作表语时,后面常常接介词with或动词不定式。

Are you content with your present salary? 你对目前的薪水满意吗?

She is always content with very little. 她总是很容易满足。

I should be well content to do so. 我很乐意这样做。

content 也可以作为名词使用,但语义与形容词相差甚远,在使用时需注意区别。如:What do you think of the content of the film? 你认为这部电影的内容如何?

Can you calculate the content of the tube? 你能计算出试管的容量吗?

5. With the pay that he received and saved, he went on with his studies at university, where he received a doctor's degree in 1905. 他用自己挣来和节省的钱继续在大学学习,于1905年获得了一个博士学位。

(1) 这是一个复合句,其中包含了两个定语从句。That he received and saved修饰the pay, where he received a doctor's degree in 1905修饰university。

(2) receive 意为“受到”或“收到”,语义与accept有别,accept意为“(主动地)接受”如:I received his invitation yesterday, but I didn't accept it. 我昨天收到他的请柬,但没有接受。

(3) pay 是不可数名词,意为“薪金”或“报酬”,常用low/high修饰,如:

He gets his pay each Friday. 他每星期五领薪金。

Success is often the pay for hard work. 成功往往是勤奋的回报。

(4) receive/win/get a doctor's degree, 意为“获得博士学位”,类似的结构有 receive/win/get a master's degree/a bachelor's degree,意为“获得硕士/学士学位”。注意学位前的不定冠词,如:

Mike received a doctor's degree of/in physics in Princeton University last semester.


6. ... he began the research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics. 他开始了研究,这些研究使他在物理学领域有了新的发现。

(1) lead to 是一个活跃的词组,意为“通向”、“导致”、“使得”等等,其常见的结构是 lead to sth. 或 lead sb.to sth. 或lead sb. to do sth.。如:

(2) All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。

Hard work and proper ways will lead you to success. 勤奋的工作和正确的方法会使你成功。

What led you to believe him? 是什么使得你相信他的?

(2) research 既是动词,也是名词,意为“研究”,如:He has gone to India to do some research on the culture there. 为了研究印度文化他去了印度。

The scientists have been researching into the cause of the AIDS. 科学家们一直在研究爱滋病的病因。

7. He accepted the job of Professor of physics, but asked for very little money. 他接受了物理学教授的职位,但要求的薪水甚少。

派生词:acceptable adj. 可以接受的 acceptance n. [U] 接受;赞同

If this condition is acceptable to you, that's settled then. 如果这项条件你可以接受,那就这么定了。

Professor Smith's suggestion met with general acceptance. 史密斯教授的建议受到普遍的赞同。

8. He once refused to speak on the radio for $ 1,000 a minute. Another time someone saw him using a cheque for $ 1,500 as a bookmark.有一次,他拒绝作每分钟1,000 美元的广播讲话。还有一次,有人看见他用一张1,500美元的支票作书签。

1) for $ 1,000 a minute 意为“以每分钟1,000美元的价 格”,for在这里相当于 at the price of。又如:

The couple bought the house for $ 200,000. 这对夫妇花了20万美元买了这座房子。

They got the 51% of the shares of the company for100,000,000 dollars.


2) a cheque for 1,500注意介词for表示“代表”之意.

3) use...as... 也可以用作 use...for..., 意为“将……作为……使用”,又如:

You may use this box as/for a seat. 你可将这箱子当作座位。

4) Once... Another time... 注意上下两句中的关联结构,意为“一次……还有一次……”。 在写作时用一些关联词可使句与句之间、段落与段落之间关系紧凑。

9. Einstein lived the rest of his life quietly in the USA. 爱因斯坦在美国宁静地度过了余生。rest作为“余留者”使用时,必须与the连用。本课中便是如此。试比较:

Rest is necessary after hard work. 辛辛苦苦劳动后休息是必要的。

Pick out what is useful and throw the rest away.挑出有用的,将其余的扔掉。

John and I are going to play tennis. What are the rest of you going to do?


10. Einstein had always been fond of music and had learned music as a young boy. 爱因斯坦一直酷爱音乐,幼时曾学习过音乐。be fond of意为“非常喜欢”,如:

Many young people are fond of pop music while most old people prefer classic music.


Alice is fond of dancing and acting. She is dreaming of becoming an actress like her mother.艾丽斯喜欢舞蹈和表演。她梦想成为一名像她妈妈那样的演员。

11. Besides his work in physics, he spent a lot of time working for human rights and progress.除了物理工作,他还花费许多时间为人类权利和进步而工作。

Besides在使用时需注意与except的区别。 besides常和another, more else等词连用,表示两者相加的关系。except常和all, every, no, nothing, nobody等词连用,表示从整体中去除部分的关系。如:Besides me, two more students were chosen to take part in the competition. 除了我以外还有两位学生也被选中去参加这次竞赛。

Everybody is here except Tom. 除了汤姆大家都到了。

12. Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century's greatest scientist. 这就是爱因斯坦,一个质朴的人,(但却是)20世纪最伟大的科学家。



Such is the answer to the question. 这就是这个问题的答案。

Such are our products, much more advanced. 这就是我们的产品,先进得多了。


Grace has been to Hong Kong. So have I. 格雷斯去过香港。我也去过。

So fresh is the air at the top of Mount Tai that we can't help taking a few deep breaths.


13. Before Einstein, scientists believed that lighttravelled through space in astraight line.


1) travel, quarrel的过去式、过去分词以及现在分词既可双写“l”,也可单写“l”。而control, level, signal的过去式、过去分词以及现在分词必须双写。






2) 在space前一般不加冠词,如:

in space在太空 in outer space在太空


in the universe 在宇宙中 in heaven 在天堂 in the sky 在天空中

in nature 在大自然里 on the earth/on earth, on Mars 在地球或火星上

14. But Einstein was able to prove that light coming

from the stars was bent as it passed the sun. 但是爱因斯坦成功地证明了从恒星上传来的光线在经过太阳时被弯曲了。

1) be able to do sth. 的过去时was/were able to do sth. 常常表示“成功地做了某事”之意,相当于managed to do sth./succeeded in doing sth./did sth. successfully. 如:

The pilot was able to land his plane safely in the end. 那个飞行员最终成功地安全着陆了。We were able to beat Chicago Bulls in the second half. 我们在下半场打败了芝家哥公牛队。

2) 动词prove的结构比较多,有prove sth., prove to be, prove sth. to be, prove+adj., prove+that 名词性从句等等。如:

Einstein's theory proved (to be) correct. 爱因斯坦的理论证明是正确的。

Galileo proved that the earth moves around the sun like the other planets.


Can you prove (yourself) to be fit for the position? 你能证明自己胜任这个职位吗?

We need to prove the will before it can take effect. 遗嘱生效之前我们需要证实它。

名词:proof[C][U]证据 Is there any proof that she was on the spot when the murder took place? 有证据证明谋杀发生时她在谋杀现场吗?

15. As a result, it appeared to scientists on earth that the stars had moved. 结果,在地球上的科学家看来,似乎恒星移动了。

1) a result 用作状语,常常用逗号与其修饰的其它句子成分隔开。如:

He practised speaking and listening English for two hours every day. As a result, his

listening and speaking abilities were far better than those of his classmates.他每天听说英语两小时,结果他的听力和口语远远超过了他的同学。

2) 在本句中,appear不是不及物动词“出现”,而是系动词“似乎”、“看上去”,相当于seem,其结构也与seem相近,如:

Why do you appear/seem (to be) so pale? 你为什么显得如此苍白?

There appear/seem to have been great changes here in the past decade. 在过去的10年里,这里似乎发生了很大的变化。

It appears/seems that they are short of money now. 他们似乎缺少资金。

16. He worked out just how much the light would be bent; he could also work out how far the stars would appear to have moved. 他计算出了光线被弯曲的程度;他也能够计算出恒星看上去移动了多少。

1) work是一个活跃的动词,不仅本身有许多词义, 还可以和一些介词或副词组合成词组。除了work out以外,还有下列词组曾经出现在中学英语课本中:work on 做;制作,work hard at 致力于。本课中work out意为“解出”,但它还有一些其他的语义。如:He was working out the code messages. 他正在解密码信息。

17. But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research. 但是爱因斯坦坚持自己的意见并继续研究。

stick是多义动词,也是名词。如:We gathered some dry sticks to make a camp fire.


The old man cannot walk without a walking stick. 这位老人没有拐杖不能行走。

The man stuck his fork into a potato. 那个男人用叉子叉了一块土豆。

Stick a stamp on an envelope before you put it into the mail-box.


The key(was) stuck in the lock. 钥匙卡在锁里了。

stick 还可以和几个介词或副词构成词组,如:stick at顾虑,stick out突出,stick together彼此忠诚友爱 等等。本课中stick to是“坚持”的意思。又如:

After the marriage, the couple will stick to each other all their lives.婚礼之后,夫妇将终生厮守在一起。

They stuck to the experiment until they got the satisfactory result.他们坚持实验直到得到满意的结果。

18. From that time on Einstein was greatly respected as the leading scientist of the century.从那时起爱因斯坦被尊崇为本世纪最杰出的科学家。

1) respect常常被用作普通及物动词,或被用于respect sb. for sth.或respect sb. as sth两种结构,前者表示“因为什么而尊敬某人”,后者表示“将某人作为什么来敬重”。如:I wish people would respect my privacy. 我希望人们尊重我的隐私权。


The prime minister is held in the greatest respect. 首相备受拥戴。

2) from that time on 意为“自从那时起”,常与过去时连用。注意since that time/since then/ever since then 也表示“自从那时起”,但它们必须与完成时连用,如:

From then on, he began to read the newspapers and magazines in French.


3) leading是lead(领导)的现在分词,在句中作scientist的定语,意为“主要的”


Who is the leading actor in the film? 片子的男主角是谁?

19. He had taken Swiss nationality in 1901 and therefore did not have to join the army, as Switzerland did not take sides in the war. 他在1901年加入瑞士国籍,因此可以免于参军,因为瑞士是中立国。

1) nationality一词来自nation-national, 意为“国籍”,提问时常用what, 如:

-What's your nationality? -你是哪个国家的?

-I'm German. -我是德国人。

2) therefore是副词,意为“因此”,注意它与so有所区别,so既是连词,也是副词,而therefore是副词,在引导并列句时需加and,或者单列大写,如:

It rained yesterday, and therefore we had to put off our football match.

It rained yesterday;therefore we had to put off our football match.

It rained yesterday. Therefore we had to put off our football match.

3) take sides(with sb.)/take the side(of sb.)意为“同意、偏袒、支持(某人)”,如:

We were careful not to take sides for fear of getting into trouble.


20. What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world. 他所希望的是取消世界上所有的军队。

1) what he wanted to see 是名词性从句作主语,如:What I saw was quite different from what I had heard. 我所见到的与我所听到的大相径庭。

2) end在本句中是名词,意为“终极”,如:

The story came to an happy end. 故事的结局美满。

21. When Germany was ruled by Hitler in the early 1930's, Einstein, who was a Jew, found it impossible to continue living in Germany. 20世纪30年代早期,德国处于希特勒控制之下,作为犹太人的爱因斯坦发现不能继续在德国住下去了。

1) rule在本句中是动词,意为“统治”。rule还可以作为名词使用,意为“规则”或“统治”,如:It's against the rules to handle the ball in soccer. 在英式足球中用手传球是违反规则的。

2) in the early 1930's 意为“在20世纪30年代早期”,如果表示后期,则用in the late 1930's, 如果表示中期,则用in the middle of 1930's。在现代报刊中,常常省略定冠词the,如:in (the) 1990's(在20世纪90年代)。

3) continue living也可以写成continue to live,在语义上无明显区别。


Step 7.Note making

SB P3, Part 2. Tell the students to read the first part text and make notes.

Answers: See P3 of SB. Do orally with the class.

Step 8.reference

SB P3, Part 3. Tell the students to read the first part text and tell what the bold parts refer to. Answers: See below.

1.himself –Albert 2. it – to get along with the other boys

3.there – in Switzerland 4. that – the pay

5.Where – at university 6.one – the period between 1905 and 1915

7.which – research and studies 8.which – the peace

Step 9.Practice

SB P3, Part 4. Get the students to fill in the gaps with prepositions and adverbs. The students are told to do the work individually first and then check the answers with the class.

Answers: 1~7: out, on, to, of, with, of, up

Step 10. Language study ---- noun clauses used as subject

SB P5, Part 3~4. Study these parts with the class. After that, get the students to practice Part 5, filling the blanks with proper words and make them containing a noun clause.

Answers: 1~12: Whether, How, Who, What, Where, When, Why, Which, What, That, when; where

Step 11.Conslidation ---- Oral practice

Say something about the great scientist Albert Einstein by filling up the form:

The italic parts are the answerers and these parts will not be shown to the students until they have finished filling the form.

In 1879

Born in Germany

When he was a young boy, Used to ask lot s of questions, didn’t enjoy school, found it hard to get along with others

By the time he was 14 Learned maths all by himself

From the year he was 17 Studied in Switzerland, earned money to go no with his studies.

In 1905 Received a doctor’s degree

Between 1905~1915 Began the research and studies leading to his new discoveries

In 1918 Received world-wide praise for his research

In 1921 Won the Nobel Prize for physics; gave talks in many countries

In 1933 Left Europe for the USA; accept the job as a professor; asked for little money; never interested in becoming rich

In 1940 Took American nationality, spent time working for human rights and progress

In 1955 Died at the age of 76

Step 12. Workbook

Workbook Lesson 50~51, Ex. 2 and 3. Get the students to do the exercises and then

check the answers with the students. Answers:

Lesson 50 Ex.2

1879:He was born in Germany.

From 1895 on: He studied at university in Switzerland.

1905:He received a doctor's degree.

1921:He won the Nobel Prize for physics.

1933:He and his family left Europe for the USA.

1940:He took American nationality.

1955:He died in the USA.


1.I can do everything at home except cooking.

2.She helps with cooking and washing besides looking after the child.

3.All of us, except Wang Ling, will go to the evening party.

4.Three other people also won the prize besides Li Dong.

5.She is fond of arts and music besides sports.

6.He is all right with all his lessons except maths.

Ex.4: 1.received 2.accpted 3.accept 4.received 5.received 6.receive 7.accept

Lesson 51 Ex.2

1.whether it is worth doing or not

2.that I forgot/have forgotten her address

3.why she doesn't want to see you.

4.where he was born

5.what we always worry about/we are always worried about

6.that we can't afford (to buy) the big house

7.how we can reduce the noise

8.that they should improve their own spoken English first


1.that/which 2.who   3.where    4.whom/who  5.which/that

6.when    7.whose  8.whom/who  9.where    10.when


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 50~51 in the Foundational Ex. Book.

2) Revise the key points of these two lessons.

Lesson 52

Teaching aims and demands

1.Words and useful expressions:

advance, mathematics, education, further education, technical, course

2.Listening practice

3.Grammar: the past participle as predicative and attributive.

Key points: Useful expressions and grammar

Teaching methods: Listening - practice

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Revise the key points of Lesson 51 and 52.

Step 2. Listening

(1) Tell the students to turn to Page 145 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.

(2) Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.

(3) Check the answers with the students.

(4) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.

Step 3. Checkpoint

Go through Checkpoint 13 with students. Tell the students to make up sentences using the phrases in this checkpoint.

Step 4. Writing

SB P6, Part 2. Read this passage about Einstein’s early studies. Then fill in the gaps. Get the students to do the work individually and then check the answers with the class. Answers: By, wanted, study, do, was, to, send, able, which, received, for, how, as, job,

enough, to, on

Step 5. Workbook

Workbook Lesson 52, Ex. 1 and 2. Get the students to do the two exercises and then check the answers with the students.

Answers: Ex.1 1.go on with 2.get along with 3.lead to 4.stuck to 5.work out 6.fighting for 7.be fond of 8.took sides 9.From that time on 10.taken away

Ex.2 1.shy 2.content 3.Peace 4.prove 5.ruled 6.respect 7.advanced 8.technical 9.bookmark 10.courses


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 52 in the Foundational Ex. Book.

(1) Finish off the wb exercises in Unit 13 Revision.

Evaluation of teaching:

Lesson 50

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises. Ask the students to read and recite the dialogue.

2. Think of famous person. Ask the students to guess who he is.

Step 2 Presentation

Today we are going to read about the life and work of Albert Einstein, the famous scientist. Read the passage quickly to find the answers to two questions:

1. What scientific work is Einstein famous for?

2. Where did he spend the last part of his life?

Step 3 Reading the passage

1. Ask the students to read the passage carefully.

2. Go through Ex.1 make sure the students know what to do. Let them answer the questions, working in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.

3. Deal with any language problems.

4. Play the tape for the students to listen and follow, pay attention to the pronunciation

5. Note making. Get the students to read the passage again and complete as many of the notes as possible. Get them to compare their notes when have finished.

6. Study. Do the first one with the class. Get the students to do this individually. Check

the answers at the end.

7. Do Ex. 2.

Step 4 language points

1. All through his life Einstein was content to spend most of time alone.

* content adj. = happy, satisfied 高兴,心满意足。常用于be content to do sth.或 be content with sth.

He was content to eat some simple food.

My grandparents are content to live quietly in the country.

You should not be content with your small success.

No one is content with what he wants.

* content Vt. = make sb. happy and satisfied 使。。。满足

Simple praise is enough to content him.

John contented himself with a glass of wine for each meal.

2. He began the research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics.

* lead to 导致,造成,引起。To 是介词,后接名词、代词、或-ing形式。

The accident led to many deaths.

His carelessness led to his failure.

Too much work and too little rest leads to illness.

This kind of test is bad because it leads to incorrect learning.

* lead to 通向

The path leads to the top of the mountain.

All roads lead to Rome.

3. Einstein lived the rest of his life quietly in the USA.

* live a … life 过着某种生活。如:live a happy life, live a hard life, live a quiet life.

The parents in past lived a hard life.

My parents are used to living a quiet life in the county.

Don’t forget the past while are living a happy life.

He was taken to the USA at ten and lived all his life there.

* = live/ spend … life

4. Beside his work in physics, he spent a lot of time working for hum rights and progress.

* besides 除了。。。之外(还有),有肯定和附加的意思,相当于in addition to; expect 除。。。之外(不包括本身在内),有否定和排除的含义,表示从整体中除去一部分,着重在“不包括”(not including)的含义上。

Three girls went to the party besides Xiao Hong.

All of us passed the exam besides Alice.

We visited the Summer Palace besides the Great Wall.

All the girls went to the party except Xiao Hong.

All of us passed the exam except Alice.

We invited every boy students except Bob.

* do Ex.3.

5. It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in a world full of wars and killings.

* be full of = be filled with 充满 He brought us a basket full of fish.

People full of energy are fit the job.

His composition is full of mistakes.

Her eyes were full of tears.

5. Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century’s greatest scientist.

* such pron. 这,这些,指代上文所说的情况,谓语动词和后面的名词或代词包持一致。

Such is my wish.

Such was the situation were facing.

Such were his words. Such are the results we have got.

Step 5 consolidation

Book closed. Get the students to the facts about Einstein.

Step 6 Homework

Read the passage again. Complete as many notes as possible about Einstein. Finish off the Workbook exercise.

Lesson 51

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

3. Ask the students to read and recite the passage.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Ask the students to read the passage and answer the question: Why did Einstein leave Europe? (It was not safe to remain there.)

Step 3 Reading

1. Ask the students to read the passage carefully.

2. Ask them some questions: Does light bend or does it travel in a straight line? Did other scientists agree with Einstein at first? Why didn’t he fight in the First World War?

3. Do Ex.1.

Step 4 Language points

1. But Einstein was able to prove that light coming from the stars was bent as it passed the sun.

* coming from the stars, 分词断语作定语,相当于一定语从句,= that came from the stars. 如:

Let’s go and see the boy standing by the gate.

The woman wearing a pair of glasses is our teacher of physics.

Who is the girl speaking to the foreigner?

The big tree lying across the road was blown down yesterday.

* prove Vt.; VI.

1) show to be true 证实.证明

The solider proved his courage in the battle.

They will to you that I am not lying.

Facts have proved the shop assistant dishonest.

He proved himself to be a clever boy.

2) be found to be, turn put to be 证明是, 发现是

His advice did prove helpful.

He proved a very useful friend.

The plan proved to be very good.

This book will prove of great importance to you.

2. As a result, it appeared to scientists on earth that the stars had moved.

* It appears/ seems/ (to sb.) that-clause

It is our duty to lean the classroom.

It is nice meeting you here.

It appears that he won’t come tonight.

It appeared to me that she enjoyed the food very much.

It seemed that the manager was very angry.

3. He worked out just how much the light would be bent; he could also work out how far the stars would appear to have moved.

* work out = get the results for 算出,解出

I can not work out the problems.

Can you work out how much it costs to build the bridge?

He said he could work out this puzzle out, but he didn’t.

* appear to have done.

He appeared to have heard of the bad news.

They appeared to have done such a thing.

She appeared not to have got my letter. = It appeared that she hadn’t got my letter.

4. But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research.

* stick to = refuse to change 坚持,坚守(意见,看法),含"执意不改变"的意思.忠于.

No matter what you, I shall stick to my plan.

You have a good decision, and you should stick to it.

Do you always sick to your promise?

One should stick to his friends.

They will stick to their ideas.

* insist on = 坚持(要干某事)(to order sth. to happen); 强烈要求 (strongly demand sth. or doing sth.)

His daughter insisted on coming with him.

He insisted on paying for the meal.

I am afraid I have to insist on the return of my book at once.

5. 重要句形

* by the time

By the time you get there, it will be dark.

I’ll have finished my work by the time you come back.

By time we got there, the film had begun.

* It is said (hoped, believed, reported, supposed, announced, expected + that-clause.

It is said that a new factory will be built in our county.

It is believed that at least a score of building were damaged or destroyed.

* It appears/ seems that- clause.

It seemed that the teacher didn’t sleep well at night.

It appeared that they had visited the place.

Step 5 Interview

Part 2. Work in pairs. Ask one of the students to play the role of a journalist and the other plays Einstein. First go over the answers to the questions with the whole class.

Then do a demonstration with a good student. Finally, put the students in pairs and get them to have the interview. The students may change roles and repeat the interview.

Step 6 Noun Clauses as the Subject

1. Part 3. Language Study

2. Part 4. Work in pairs. Join the two parts to make sentences.

4. Part 5. Choose a correct word to complete each sentence.

Step 6 Workbook

1. Ex.2. Do the first three sentences with the class. Explain what kind of conjunction word, tense, phrase is needed. Pay attention to the word order as well. Then pairwork. Finally check the answers with the whole class.

2. Ex. 3. Review the Attributive Clause. Allow the students a few moments to go over the sentences individually. Then do the exercise with the class. Get them to translate the sentences into Chinese.

Step 7 Homework

Finish off the workbook exercises.

Lesson 52.

Step 1 Review

1. Ask the students to recite the passage.

2. Ask the students to make up sentences, using the phrases in the passage, such as work out, stick to.

Step 2 Listening comprehension

1. Come to the contraction. Let the students know what to do.

2. Play the tape for the students to listen.

3. Let the students to discuss their answers in pairs.

4. Play the tape again. Check the answers with the whole class.

Step 3 Writing

Read the passage about Einstein’s early studies. Then fill in the blankets.

Step 4 writing

Read out the instructions aloud and explain what to do. Let them do it in groups of four. Ask some of them to read out their writing.

Step 5 Workbook

Step 6 Homework