高中二年级英语学案Units 1-2 (B2)(人教版高二英语上册学案设计)

发布时间:2016-9-28 编辑:互联网 手机版



1. observe

(1). observe后可接名词作宾语, 也可接that从句, 它还是个感官动词, 可以说observe sb do/doing sth, 被动结构为be observed to do. 例如:

As a child, he liked to observe the behaviour of insects.

他小时候喜欢观察昆虫的习性. (接名词)

I spent some time observing their customs.

我花了一些时间观察它们的生活习惯. (接名词)

She observed a man walking/walk on the opposite side of the way.

她看到一个人在路那边走着. (接复合宾语)

They were observed entering the hall.

有人看见他们走进大厅去了. (接现在分词)

The woman was observed to follow him closely.

有人看到那女子紧跟着他. (被动语态中接带to的不定式)

He observed someone open the door.

他看见有人开门. (接复合宾语)

The boy observed what is going on between them.

这男孩子注意到他们之间发生的情况. (接从句)

(2). 在正式文体中, observe还有 “遵守; 应祝”的意思. 例如:

We must observe these principles in our action.


Do you observe Christmas in you country?


(3).习语: the observed of all observers众矢之的

(4).近义词: watch v.观察

2. seek

(1). seek可用作及物动词, 也可用作不及物动词. 用作不及物动词时, 后常接介词for或after. 例如:

Most men seek wealth; all men seek happiness.

大多数人寻求财富; 每个人都追求幸福.

He seeks your advice.


Young people like to seek (after/for) success in life.


The explanation is not far to seek.


(2). 习语: seek out搜出; 挑出.

seek help求助

seek one’s fortune碰运气

seek one’s home回家

seek one’s bed就寝

seek after/ for探索

seek through找遍

(3). 近义词: explore v. 探索

3. addict

(1). addict是名词, 表示因吸毒或饮酒等 “有瘾的人”, 或对某事有强烈兴趣的人, 是可数名词.


Many heroin addicts have contracted ALDS.


His brother is a football addict


(2). Addicted[ ]是其形容词, 常用于be addicted to sth结构中, 表示 “沉溺于……”. 在句中作表语, 不能作定语修饰名词.


He was addicted to drug.


Her sister is addicted to TV soap operas.



(1) concern作动词, 表示 “担心”的意思时, 常与about/for连用, 也可以跟that从句.


I was much concerned about her.


We’re all concerned for her safety.


I’m concerned that they may have got lost.


(2). concern作名词, 意思是 “关怀; 关心”.


He didn’t show much concern about it


(3)习语: be concerned with与……有牵连

be concerned about/for 关心; 担心


1.instead of, in place of和in spite of的区别

(1). instead of是短语介词, 表示 “代替”的意义时, 还含有 “对比”的意思, 译成汉语时, “代替”两词不一定译出. instead of常常和in place of互相使用, 其后常可用名词, 代词, 动名词.


If you have no time, I’ll go instead of/in place of you.

如果你没有时间, 我愿替你去.

We use plastics instead of/in place of iron.


(2).有时候instead of还能起连词作用, 常译为 “反而; 而不”.


Things will be better instead of worse.


(3). in spite of是 “不管; 不顾; 尽管” 的意思, 后跟名词或名词短语.


In spite of all his efforts he failed

他已竭尽全力, 但仍然失败了.

They went out in spite of rain

尽管下着雨, 他们还是出去了.

observe, notice, look, see, watch, stare, glare和glance的区别

(1). observe是及物动词, 意为watch carefully, see and notice, 表示 “观察; 注意地看; 仔细地看”等意思.


I spent some time observing their customs.


(2). notice也是及物动词, 意为pay attention (to) with wyes, 表示 “注意到”的意思.


I noticed him enter the office.


(3). look; watch; try to see指有意识地使视线对着某物, 强调动作. look是不及物动词, 如跟宾语, 要和at连用, 强调注意的是其后的宾语.


The old lady was looking at him from head to foot.


I am looking at the boy.


(4). see强调结果, 意为 “看见; 看到” (notice sb/sth with one’s eyes); 强调结果.


I looked but saw nothing.

我看了, 但什么也没看见.

(5). watch侧重所看事物的变化, 移动和发展(to look at something which is happening), 指有意识地以期待, 警觉等心情看上一段时间, 强调注意的是它后面的宾语.


We watched that boy swim.


I am watching the boy.



(6). stare指 “睁大眼睛出神地看, 注视” (look at someone or something with wide open eyes for a long time) ,这种注视出于惊讶, 好奇, 恐惧, 有时是粗鲁无礼, 与at连用.


The little boy stared at the stranger for a few minutes before answering his questions.

这个小男孩惊讶地睁大眼睛望了那个陌生人好几分钟, 才回答他的问题

(7). glare指 “怒视” (to look angrily), 强调敌对或威胁的态度, 与at连用.


He glared at the naughty children.


(8). glance指 “瞥视, 匆匆一看” (take a quick look), 与at连用.


She glanced shyly at him out of the corner of her eyes.


3.辨析more than, no more than, more… than, not more than


1.The speed is more than 80 miles per hour.

2.The villagers were more than glad to help those tourists.

3.All his education added up to no more than one year.

4.There were not more than a hundred people at the meeting.

5.She is more thoughtless than stupid.

Key:1.时速超过了80英里。(more than 多于,超过)

2. 乡亲们很愿意帮助那些游客。(more than 不只是)

3. 他所受的教育加起来不到一年。(no more than 仅仅,只有,少于)

4. 大概不到一百人参加了会议。(not more than 不超过,不多于)

5. 与其说她笨,倒不如说她粗心大意。( more... than 与其说...倒不如说...)


1.There did not seem much point in working on my PhD ---- I did not expect to survive that long.

There is no point (in) doing sth. “做某事没有作用或意义”, 类似的句型有: There is no sense (in) doing sth.


There seems little point protesting; it won’t help.

There was no sense in making a child suffer like that.

2.What if…如果…将会怎样; 即使…又有什么要紧。


What if he finds out that you have lost her book?

What if…还可以用来表示建议、邀请、要求等。例如:

What if you go instead of me?

3.Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report, how to report them, and why.

What events to report 是“疑问词+不定式”结构,在句中作宾语。此结构中的不定式与前面的疑问代词有动宾关系,但不定式要用主动形式。


I really don’t know what to write at the moment.

4.The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.

Leading to…. 是现在分词短语作状语,表示结果。


Her father died in 1979, leaving her with four younger sisters.





1.作主语:What does it mean to be a scientist?

2.作宾语:People who listen to Hawking’s lecture find it difficult to understand him.

3.作表语:Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

4.作宾语补足语: He told me to bring some books for you.

5.作定语:The doctor told him he might not have more than twelve months to live.

6.作结果状语:Readers were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about this work in a way that ordinary people could understand.

7.目的状语:In order to get married, I needed a job, and in order to get a job, I needed a PhD.

8.某些固定的形容词搭配用于口语中,例如:Glad to meet you. Sorry to trouble you.



I don’t know what to say/what I should say. Could you tell me when to start/when I should start?





a broken glass, the used books, in an organized way, experienced editor

Chen wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics to China.

I want to wrote about people addicted to drugs/who are addicted to drugs.



Do you live in the building built last year?

I will live in the building being built now.

The building to be built will be for teaching.



fallen leaves, falling leaves, fading flowers, faded flowers, boiling water, boiled water


We were all surprised at his arrival.

This cup is broken.

My sister feels very interested in cooking.



This snake is so frightening that the bravest boys are frightened at it.

He is interested in this interesting game.

This climbing is tiring and they are all tired now.



This cup is broken.

This cup was broken by a careless boy.

He is well educated.

He was well educated in a famous college.

【考点透视 考例精析】

[考例1] _______ more about university courses, call (920) 746-3789.

A.To find out B.Finding out C.Find out D.Having found out

[点拨] 选A。动词不定式作目的状语。To find out more about university course表示拨打这个电话的目的。

[考例2] I'm going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything ________?

A.to be buying B.to buy C.for buying D.bought

[点拨] 选B。动词不定式作定语。意思是:你有什么要买的东西吗?

[考例3] The weather ______ to be very good, which was more than we could expected.

A.made out B.turned out C.went out D.carried out

[点拨] 选B。make out 起草, 辨认出,理解; turn out 结果是,证明是,生产; go out 外出,熄灭,不流行;carry out 完成,执行,实行。

[考例4] ______ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A.To face B.Having faced C.Faced D.Facing

[点拨] 选C。face 作动词用意为“面临、面对”,常用于face sth 或be faced with sth.两种结构。这里face与主语Arnold有被动关系,要用过去分词作状语。



1.Medicine should not be left w_____ reach of small children.

2. In the accident the man suffered serious i_____ in both his head and legs.

3.Oh, your nose is b_________. Use a clean towel to stop it.

4. The nose is the o________ of smelling and the ears for hearing.

5.The factory are p________ our rivers with chemical waste.

6.The patient is receiving chemical t__________ because he has lung cancer.

7.He took a friendly ______ (态度)to us.

8.The police still do not have _________ (精确的)information on the number of people injured in the train accident.

9.Please state your name, address and _________(职业)in this form.

10.He felt a little bit ________ (内疚)after breaking his promise.


1. They are now in great need of help. So your support will certainly make a ______.

A.deal B.decision C.point D. difference

2.The climbers are ______after the long and hard trip. They need rest and food badly.

A. used up B.made up C.given out D.run out

3. It has been raining every day so far. I hope tomorrow will ______fine.

A. turn to B.turn up C.turn into D. turn out

4. Children are naturally ______about everything around them.

A. curious B.worried C.interested D.serious

5. ______ no doubt ______he can win the game this time.

A.There’s; that B.There’s; whether C.It’s; that D.It’s; whether

6. To our delight she quickly adapted herself ______ the situation.

A. with B. of C.to D.into

7. He ______badly injured in the accident and was taken to hospital immediately.

A. made B.got C.received D.suffered

8.In order to keep their trade ______, they would have to buy less goods in the United States.

A. balanced B.balancing C.to balance D.being balanced

9.The old lady ______making clothes for her neighbor’s children.

A.engaged to B.was engaged to C.engaged in D.was engaged in

10. I never dreamed of there ______such a quiet place in the noisy city.

A.was B. had been C.being D.to be



In Britain, people have different attitudes to the police. Most people generally 1 them and the job they do – although there are certain people who do not believe that the police 2 have the power that do.

What does a policeman actually do? It is not 3 job to describe. After all, a policeman has a number of jobs in 4 . A policeman often has to control traffic, either 5 foot in the center of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed, in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend all, or a lot of, his time 6 up and down main roads and motorways. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving, stop 7 motorists and help when there is an accident.

A policeman has to help keep the 8 , too. If there is a fight or some other disturbance, we 9 the police to come and restore order. And they often have to 10 situation at great risk to their own 11 .

We expect the police to solve crimes, of course, so an ordinary policeman, 12 he is not a detective (侦探), will often have to help 13 and arrest criminals.

And 14 do we call when there is an emergency – an air crash, a 15 , a road accident, or a robbery? We call the police. 16 policeman has to be 17 to face any unpleasant emergency that may happen in the 18 world.

The police do an absolutely necessary job, they do it 19 well and I support them, but I do not envy policemen, I do not think that I could 20 do the job of a policeman.

1. A.dislike B.join C.appreciate D. admire

2. A.should B. would C.could D.must

3. A.a funny B. a pleasant C. an interesting D. an easy

4. A.it B. one C. his D. them

5. A.on B. by C. under D. with

6. A.walking B. driving C. wandering D. searching

7. A.resting B. tired C.speeding D. drunken

8. A.peace B. silence C. situation D.condition

9. A.wait for B. call C.think of D. expect

10. A.turn to B. avoid C. deal with D.treat

11. A.safety B. families C. future D.friends

12. A.although B. as if C. however D.even if

13.A.get rid of B. question C. look for D.sentence

14. A.how B.where C. what D.who

15.A.power failure B. fire C. thunder storm D.thief

16. A.Yet B. Then C.As D.So

17.A.provided B. promised C.prepared D.presented

18.A.future B. modern C.real D.whole

19.A.extremely B.specially C.surprisingly D.particularly

20.A.hardly B. forever C.ever D.never



Units 1-2 (B2)


一、1.within; 2.injuries; 3.bleeding; 4.organ; 5.polluting/ poisoning; 6.treatment; 7.attitude; 8. accurate; 9.occupation; 10.guilty

二、 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C


1-5 CADBA 6-10 BCADC 11-15 ADCDB 16-20 DCBAC

1.C 根据下文作者的观点可以排除A、B项,作者非常“欣赏”警察的工作,而不是“羡慕”。

2.A should此处的意思是“应该”,此句的意思是“有一些人认为警察不应该有他们所拥有的权力”。

3.D 根据下文的描述,警察的工作种类很多,又充满危险,所以选an easy。

4.B 根据下文的叙述,警察要做的工作有很多,所以“ a number of jobs in one”。 这里的jobs的意思是“pieces of work, tasks(多种工作,任务)”。

5.A 此处“on foot”为固定词组。

6.B 在motorway上不能步行,只能开车,所以要用driving。

7.C 此处“speeding motorists”指的是超速行驶的机动车辆。选项“drunken”的意思是“喝醉酒的”,警察不可能一下子就判断出来哪个司机是喝醉酒的。

8.A 下文“there is a fight”告诉我们,警察的任务是要维护和平。

9. D此题考察动词及词组的意义。 wait for 意思是“等待某人”;call意思是“打电话”; expect somebody to do something表示“期待某人做某事”;think of意思是“想起,想到”。D项最符合文中的意思“一旦有打架或者骚乱,人们就期待警察出现并维护秩序。”

10.C 面对的情况是需要处理的,所以选择词组deal with;动词treat的意思是“对待、治疗”。

11.A 警察在工作时会有危险,对他们的安全造成威胁。所以此处选safety。

12.D 这里的“although、 even if”都可以引导让步状语从句,但是even if是一种不是事实的假设,而although与主句的关系为转折,此处警察不是侦探,所以选even if。

13.C 此题考察词组的意义区别。look for表示“寻找”;get rid of表示“摆脱,除掉”;question意思是“质问”;sentence作为动词意思是“判处,宣判”。此处的意思是“警察寻找并追捕犯罪分子。

14.D 根据下文的“we call the police”,选择疑问词who,指人。

15.B 根据前文的emergency(紧急情况),可以看出只有选项a fire(火灾)属于“紧急情况”。

16.D 由前文可以知道,当我们面对紧急情况时总是会找警察,所以按照意思顺下来,就应该用so表示“因此,结果 …”。

17.C 根据上文,面对emergency,警察随时随地都要“prepared”。另外,要注意词组“be prepared do to something”。

18.B  in the modern world:在现代社会里。

19.A “extremely”在此处意思是“非常,极端”,此处是赞扬警察的工作非常好。

20.C 本句的否定前移了。当主句主语为第一人称、动词为think等词时,常用此否定前移结构,翻译成汉语应该是“我认为我不 …”。A、D项都是否定词,与not构成双重否定,意思不对;forever不合此语境。