Book 6 unit 2 poems 全单元简案Period 6 -- Exercises(新课标版高二英语选修六教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-2-12 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 2 Poems


Ⅱ.Teaching material: NSEFC Book 2A -- Unit 2

Ⅲ. Lesson type: exercises

Ⅳ. Teaching aids:

1. a projector

2. Slides

Ⅴ. Teaching Objectives:

1. To get familiar with sentence transformation

2. To gain some useful phrases

3. To cultivate their interest towards English poetry

Ⅵ. Teaching Important Point:

1. The sentence transformation between the Adverbial Clause and the past participle phrases.

2. Conclusion of the Past Participle

Ⅶ. Teaching Difficult Points: Sentence transformation

Ⅷ. Teaching Methods:

1. Analyzing method to help the students make clear about the grammar points and the exercises.

2. Performance: let the students join in the class actively and enjoy the world of English poetry

Ⅸ. Teaching Procedure:

Step 1: Daily greeting and revision (3 minutes)

Review the grammar points -- the Past Participle used as Adverbial

Step 2: Analyzing (30 minutes)
