
发布时间:2016-3-25 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. _____________________ 辩论 2. _______________________ 环境

3. _____________________ 减少 4. _______________________ 未经处理的

5. _____________________ 胃 6. _______________________ 生态的

7. _____________________ 建立 8._______________________ v. 破坏

9. _____________________ 努力 10. _____________各种各样 ____________v.

11. ____________________ 设备 12. ______________________ n.农业

13. ____________________ 措施 14. ______________________ n. 组织

15._____________________ 管理 16._______________________ adj.经济的

17._____________________ 明显地 18. ______________________ 技术员

19._____________________ 强有力地 20. ______________________ 有益的


1. They made a clear _________ (state) that nobody is to enter the lab without permission.

2. After a short ______________ (inspect) of the ruins in Yushu County, Premier Wen Jiabao held a meeting immediately.

3. Unfortunately, the fire caused the ______________(destroy) of the books in his father’s study.

4. The expert told us that personal contact was ____________ (benefit) to the promotion of understanding.

5. When shopping, what is your regular practice _______(concern)the terms of payment.

6. It’s reported that there is a 30% ___________ (decrease) in the unemployment rate in that city.

7. Please remain _____________ (seat); the winner of the price will be announced soon.

8. This kind of animal __________ (lay) its eggs in water.


1. ___________________ 忧虑 2.____________________ 与.....有关

3. ___________________ 采取行动 4.____________________ 集中, 关注

5. ___________________ 导致 6. ____________________ 消除

7. ___________________ 另外 8. ____________________ 用尽

9. ____________________ 依靠 10. ___________________ 储备有....

11. ____________________ 在进行中 12. ___________________ 认为是

13. ____________________ 只要 14. ___________________ 为...所在地

15. __________________________________________ 随着工农业的发展


1. debate n. vt.&vi. open the debate __________ beyond debate _________

1)______________________(经过长久的争论), he was chosen captain of our school football.

2)The government ___________the education laws.(政府正在讨论教育法规)

______________________ 与某人讨论某事

考虑做....../ 是否做..... debate ______________/________________

He ______________(他正在考虑去....还是...)go for a walk or to visit a friend.

2. lay vt. & vi. 1)产卵,下蛋 2)铺设,摆放 3)安排,拟定

那个下了蛋的母鸡正躺在地上休息。 ___________________________

_______________(铺设了一条新的铁路)between Beijing and Tibet already.

The government ___________________ (制定了一些制度)to decrease the loss the financial crisis has brought.

lay stress/emphasis on sth. ____________ lay the blame on ____________

lay sth. aside ________________ 一个下岗工人_________________


lay→_______→_______→__________ (摆放)

lie→_______→_______→__________ (躺,位于)

lie→_______→_______→__________ (说谎)


①She ______ the baby down gently on the bed.

②The little girl ____on the grass _____that she had ____the book on the table.

③The hens began ______eggs in October.

④He ______his failure to his lack of experience.

3. approach vt. & vi. ______________ n.___________________

①_________________________(随着12月25日的临近,…), people began to

jump into the Christmas rush.

②Sometimes we can use __________________________ the same problem.


③_____________________________(学英语最好的方法)is to practice more.

辨析: approach/way/method/means

①He adopted a different __________ to the problem.

②Driving a car is a popular ___________ of transportation.

③There are various _____________ of payment.

④She had a strange __________to make us happy in her class.

4. expand vt. & vi. _______________________

①He is thinking of __________________ in South Africa.(扩展他的生意)


辨析: expand/enlarge/spread

①Metals _________when they are heated.

②I want to _________ the lawn.

③Bad news faster than good news.

5. appreciate vt. _____________ n. 欣赏 _______________ adj. 欣赏的,感激的

① by his employer.


② (你无法欣赏中文诗) if you don’t understand its rhythm and cultural background.

appreciate sth. /doing sth..= ___________________ ; ~ it if……


I really ________________________/ ___________________________.

_________________________________________ 请你把音乐声调小点儿好吗?

6. raise vt.

________________________________________ 将一艘沉船吊到海面上来

____________________抚养孩子 __________________ 提出一个新问题

raise some money for the quake relief _______________________

rise vi. ________________/ ________________ / ____________

①He __________________________________ gladly.(起身欢迎我)

②The smoke from our fire ________________(升起)in the still air.

arise vt.&vi.(pt.___________ pp. ___________) 发生,出现 arise from(= _________________)

①He______________ (他提高了噪音) to make himself heard.

②His voice _________________________________ 他的噪音由于生气而提高。

③The accident ________________________________ his drunk driving.

7. decrease vt. 降低,(使)减少 反义词:______________________

n. 减少,减少的数量

①The population of the village __________________________________


②There ___________________in the annual birth rate _______________.


8. beneficial adj. n.____________ v.________________

vt.&vi. 对……有益 得益于……

The plants benefited from the rain. =

n. for the benefit of sb.

be of benefit to...(= )



9. concern vt. n. _____________ adj. ___________ prop. ___________

a concerned look all the people concerned

a book (与孩子教育相关的)

The boy’s poor health _________________ his parents.

be concerned _________/ ____________________________sth. (与......有关/关心)

①I am not concerned the matter any longer.(我不再与此事有关。)

②She felt (非常担心) her child’s safety.

用concern 适当形式填空。

1)The letter is chiefly with export goods.

2)The news your brother.

3)He is for her safety.

4)We read stories visitors from other space.

5) (就我而言), you may do whatever you like.

10. prohibit vt. 禁止,阻止

禁止某人干某事 / / / /

We must take measures (防止大气污染)

11. rely on 依赖,信任 近义词组:___________ rely on it that….

_________________________________________________ 依赖某人做某事

You ______________________ he won’t let out the secret. 你可以放心,他不会泄露秘密的。

_____________________________________finish the task today. 我相信你今天能完成任务。

12. cut back on

①In a gesture to keep healthy, I had to _____________________________________(少抽烟)

② With Father laid off, my family ________________________________(必须削减开支)。


1. The world’s population has grown to more than six times (1800年的人口)。

①Our new square is _________________________________ the old one. (老广场的两倍大)。

②We have _____________________________( 比你多五倍的书)。

2. But I _________ agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.

Jimmy, ____________________________________ (下次务必再细心些)。

3. My suggestion is _____________________________ (我们必须缩减生产规模)。

4. (很显然) you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.

课 堂 检 测


1. Much to the couple’s comfort, their income is now double it was five years ago.

A. that B. than C. which D. what

2. The government has announced plans to cut back defense spending 10% next year.

A. upon; to B. on; by C. of; by D. for; to

3. -I’m still working on my project.

-Oh, you’ll miss the deadline. Time is .

A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing

4. His long absence from school our fears about his safety.

A. added B. improved C. raised D. attached

5. The experts is ________ the work finished last week.

A.assessing B.assuring C.assigning D.assembling



I think the key __________________the problem is to cooperate rather than quarrel.


We still have a _________________ to solve all the problems __________ the pollution.


_____________________ he is guilty according to the evidence.


_________________in the park is _____________________________.

5.This plan sounds a good idea, but _______________ (得拭目以待)whether it works.


, we had to walk home.

7. 要是他明天不来怎么办?(what if)

8. 要是你能帮我解决这个技术问题,我将非常感谢。

I would appreciate .