人教版高二unit 18 Mainly revision

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Unit 18

I. Teaching aims and demands

1. Words and expressions: fly, in order that, shout at, waiter, by accident, cigar, announcement, track, charge, extremely, determine, stupid, permit, prison, couple, district.

2. Daily English: Revise the daily English from Unit 13-17

Identifying people

Intentions & wishes

Farewells & good wishes


Prediction, conjecture & belief

3. Grammar Revise the grammars from 13-17

Noun clauses

Attributive clauses by/in which

Past participle as Attributive, Adverbial


Noun Clause as Appositive

II. Main and difficult points:

1. Reading comprehension.

2. Cultivate the ability and virtue of living alone.

III. Allocation of time: 6

Period 1 (Lesson 69 of Unit 18)

I.Aims and demands:

Learning the dialogue and get the students to play on words:

II.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

1.Check the diary.

2.Revise Daily English for each unit.

(1) What do you know about Albert Einstein?

(2) What do you call something that goes round and round the earth?

(3) What did the young lady’s uncle keep in his metal chest?

(4) Where is the saltiest lake in the world?

(5) Which is the second saltiest lake in the world?

(6) What were Jenny and Me Ge talking about at work?

Step 2 Presentation

Lay the table, play on words,

Step 3 Dialogue

1.Read the dialogue in pairs.

2.Listen to the tape and follow.

3.Show the key points:

Step 4 Practice

Have you got chicken’s legs?

I only laid the table.

How did you find the fish?

Ask students to practice the dialogue with the structure above.

Step 5 Workbook

Do exercises 1-3 in class.


1.Play on words.

2.Finish reading the two copies of the close test

3.Have a good preview of L70.

Blackboard Design:

Have you got chicken’s legs?

I only laid the table.

How did you find the fish?

Ask students to practice the dialogue with the structure above.

Period 2 ( Lesson 70 of Unit 18)

I.Aims and demands:

1.To improve the reading ability of the students and help them understand the text wholly.

2.To enrich the students' imagination and encourage them to talk.

3.To improve the students' ability of communication in English.

II.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

1. Translate some sentences into English.





There are thousands of jokes in English which have a “play on words”.

Seven days without water makes on weak.(week)

We must all hang together, or we shall all be hanged separately.

How did you find the fish?

2. Ask a pair to play on words.

3. Check the message about Ex.2

Step 2. Presentation

Divide the whole class into the several groups and give them enough time to discuss the eight questions. Then collect some reports and write down on the blackboard.


1.Where were Hank, Tina and Max traveling to?

2.Why did Hank leave his children?

3.Why did Hank spend so much time away?

4.Why couldn’t Hank get back to his seat?

5.Why couldn’t Tina find her father?

6.Where did Tina and Max go?

7.Where did Hank go?

8.What do you think the announcement was?



2.He went to the dining car to get a coffee.

3.He met another American and they spent some time talking together.

4.The door was locked because the train had been divided in two.

5.Because he was on the front part of the train, which had been separated.



8.It was possibly a warning that the train was about to be divided in two.

Step 3. Reading

Do Ex. 1 in pairs or small groups. And translate the sentences into Chinese.

Charge, get on well, announcement, book, on one’s own, absence, get in touch with, connect, further, in order that, in common.

1.They share the same interests and experiences, so they have a lot _____.(in common)

2.Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? I have an ____ to make. (announcement)

3.The teacher treats his students like his own children, so they ____. (are getting on well)

4.During the manager’s ____, his secretary was in charge of the business. (absence)

5.It is necessary for you to _____ your train ticket ahead of time. (book)

6.A ____ is the price that you have to pay for a service or for something you buy. (charge)

7.If you __someone, you go to visit them, write to them or telephone them.(get in touch with)

8.We’ll have to _____ these wires to make the radio work. (connect)

9.He has never read ____ than page 10 of each book. (further)

10.He doesn’t seem to be able to work out such a difficult maths problem ___. (on his own)

11.Before leaving, she gave me her telephone number _____ we could keep in touch with each other. (in order that)

Step 4. Reading aloud

Listen to the tape and then show the key points:

1. moving from side to side

2. he got talking to another person

3. happen to be American

4. have a lot in common = share a lot of interests

5. be up to

6. take time over a meal/a coffee/a meeting

7. be to do

8. be booked for sb.

9. put the charge on their hotel bill

10. on one’s own = alone

Step 5. Vocabulary

Get the students to do this exercises individually and then compare their notes with their partners.

Track = the lines on which a train runs

Absence = a time when someone is away or missing.

Announcement = the giving of information in public

Truth = something which is true.

Charge = the price asked or which is paid for something

Step 6. Workbook

Finish off all the exercises in workbook.

Ex. 2.

1. When she told me about her illness, I was sure she was keeping back truth.

2. To keep fit means to keep your body in good condition by doing physical exercises.

3. If you keep on doing something, you continue to do it and do not stop.

4. A; How do you keep in touch with each other?

B: By making telephone calls.

5. Do you mind if turn on the electric fan? It’s too hot today.

6. Could you please turn down the TV a bit? I can’t hear what she is saying.

7. Before you mend the gas pipe, please make sure you have turned off the gas.

8. Before you plant crops, the soil should be turned over carefully.

9. When Miss Zhou turned up at the party, everyone got very excited.

Step 7. Consolidation

Get the students to tell each other the story again in pairs. Then get pairs to tell a part of the story to the whole class.


1. Finish off all the workbook exercises

2.Write a short summary of the story.

Blackboard design:

1.moving from side to side

2.he got talking to another person

3.happen to be American

4.have a lot in common = share a lot of interests

5.be up to

6.take time over a meal/a coffee/a meeting

7.be to do

8.be booked for sb.

9.put the charge on their hotel bill

10.on one’s own = alone

No. 39

Period 3

I.Aims and demands:

Go on learning the text and show the students the language points.

II.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

1. Check the diary.

2. Ask the students to read the text and check all the exercises.

Step 2. Language points

1.have … in common with

They are brothers, but they have nothing in common.

In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop.

Real friends should have everything in common.

Mr. And Mrs. Smith own the store in common.

1. get on well with

How are you and Tom getting on?

The children get on well with each other.

I’ll try to get on well with my schoolmates.

2. leave sb./sth. +-ing

Don’t leave her waiting outside. Let her in.

Leave the piano standing in the corner.

When we entered her room, we saw her clothes that she had left lying around.

3. be up to

What is he up to now? = What is he doing now?

Go and see what those girls are up to.

Don’t trust him, he is up to some tricks.

I am sure that the boy has been up to no good.

4. before

I hadn’t waited long before he came.

They had talked only a few minutes before they found they were quite different in opinion.

5. find + object = preposition phrase

When he woke up, he found himself in hospital.

I hope to find you in better health when we meet again.

6. be to do

Here is a message for you from your head teacher: you are to go to her office after class.

Mother says you’re to wait here till she comes.

She is to be back before 11 o’clock.

The room is to be locked.

They are to go traveling in August.

We are to begin the work next month.

The train for Wuhan is to start at 10:20.

7. book

Can I book a ticket through to Beijing?

She has booked three seats on the plane.

Seats for the theater can be booked from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

8. will be arriving

I’ll be meeting Miss Black at the airport this afternoon.

He won’t be able to come, because he’ll be doing his homework.

What will you be doing at 7 o’clock this evening?

Probably I’ll be having my supper.

9. charge

What’s the charge for a room?

The charge for the taxi will be increased next month.

What / How much do they charge for the suit at the store?

The hotel charged me 50 yuan for a room for the night.

Put the charge on the bill = charge the money to one’s account.

I’ll be leaving early tomorrow morning. Will you bring me the bill tonight?

Let’s go and pay the bill for the electricity.

Step 3. Practice

Retell the text according to the phrases above


1. Do some supplementary reading

2. Write a short summary about the text.

Blackboard design:

in common

get on well with

leave sb./sth. +-ing

be up to


be to do


will be arriving



Period 4 (Lesson 71 of Unit 18)

I.Aims and demands:

1. Reading comprehension

2. Let the students know how to deal with the accidents..

II.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

1.Check the examples for each key phrase.

2.Ask the students to tell each other the story in Lesson 70 in pairs.

Step 2. Preparation for reading

Today we’re going to read a story about an interview for a job. If you want a job in a company, you usually have to go to the company for an interview. The boss of the company asks you questions about your education and your experience. You also have the chance to ask questions about the kind of work which you will do in the company if you get the job.

Ask the students about the picture:

What do you think happened in the story?

If you tell someone what you think of them, are you telling them good or bad things?

Did the man in the story get the job or not?

Step 3. Reading

(I) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions in pairs:

1. What did the writer shout at the driver of he yellow car?

Because he made him fall off his bicycle.

2. When did the writer next meet the driver?

At the interview.

3. When do you usually say ”We’ve already met, haven’t we?”

When you are introduced to someone you have met before.

4. What does he mean by the sentence “...the last time we met I did most of the talking”?

The last time we met I admitted that I talked more than you did.

5. What does he mean by the sentence “… I say to everyone that I dare tell my manager exactly what I think of him”?

When my manger does something wrong, I tell him so.

6. What types of jokes do you have in China?

7. Tell a story or a joke in English.

(II) Retell the text according to the key words on the blackboard by asking:

What did the driver of the yellow car do?

What happened to the man on the bicycle?

How did he feel?

How did he stop the driver?

How did the driver feel while he was talking to him?

Step 4. Discussion

Divide the whole class into several groups and discuss the seven questions on P35. Then retell the text.

Step 5. Practice

Part 4 for students to do individually. Then discuss with their partner.

1. The couple whose photo I took at the party were very pleased with it.

2. The district where we lived at the time had a central library.

3. Mr. Holmes, who/whom I told about my personal affairs, said that I was in great danger.

4. The gun with which M. L. king, Jr. was shot was found later in some bushes.

5. The man who lived downstairs had been the captain of a ship.

6. The camera with which I take my best photos belonged to my father.

7. The minerals which/that were found at the bottom of the Atlantic have all been examined.

8. The beach on which the man’s body was found was closed by the police.

Step 6. Workbook

Finish off all the exercises in workbook.


(1) Write a summary about the text.

(2) Finish off all the exercises in workbook.

Blackboard design

What did the driver of the yellow car do?

What happened to the man on the bicycle?

How did he feel?

How did he stop the driver?

How did the driver feel while he was talking to him?

No. 041

Period 5

I.Aims and demands:

Go on learning the text and show the students the language points.

II.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

1. Check the diary.

2. Ask the students to read the text and check all the exercises.

Step 2. Language points

1. so … that

The story was so funny it made everybody laugh.

I’m so busy with my work I have no time to write a letter.

It was so dark that I couldn’t see the face of the man clearly.

2. as honestly as I could = as + adv. + as possible

He was running as fast as he could. / as fast as possible.

You must speak English as often as you can (as fast as possible).

They did the experiment as carefully as they could (as carefully as possible).

The man shouted as loudly as he could. But still we couldn’t hear him clearly.

3.for having been so rude.

He doesn’t remember having ever promised that. = He doesn’t remember that he promised that.

Jim was punished for having killed the dog. = Jim was punished because he had killed the dog.

I was sorry for having wasted so much time. = I was sorry that I had wasted so much time.

Step 3. Practice

Ask the students work in group to discuss the text. Then divide the whole class into two parts and one side is the driver, the other side is the cyclist.


Write a short summary about the text.

Do some supplementary reading.

Blackboard design:

So that

As … as

For having done

No. 042

Period 6 (Lesson 72 of Unit 18)

I.Aims and demands:

1.Listening comprehension

2.Word study


II.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

1.Check the reading comprehension

2.Check the examples for each key phrase

Step 2. Preparation for listening

Today we’re going to listen to a story in the previous lesson. What do you think happened in the story?

Step 3 Listening

Listen to the tape and give students enough time to make notes. Then discuss their answers in pairs.

Step 4 Checkpoint

Revise the language points in checkpoints 13-17.

Step 5 Word study

Get the students to do this exercise individually, then check their answers in pairs.

Do Part 3 individually and check the answers.

Step 6 Writing

Let students work in groups and tell a funny story and decide which is the best story. Then write down the story.

Step 7 Workbook

Finish off all the exercises in workbook.

Blackboard design:

He was a minister in the church.

A minister.

About five miles from each other.

At a dinner party.

A few days later


1.Finish off all the exercises.

2.Do some reading after class

3.Make notes about what you read.

No. 043

Period 7 (Test for Unit 18)

I. Grammar:

II. Sentence structures:

make one’s mind for further study

in the charge of & in charge of

go through two world wars

be up to sb. to do

take over the house work

common knowledge

III. Close test

Ask the students to tell the general idea about the passage. Then check the answer.

IV. Reading comprehension

Ask some students to describe the articles.

V. Error correction



3.fixed phrase

4.past participle


6.personal pronouns



VI. Writing

Welcome to the Central Tower. Now let me introduce you something about it. The Central Radio & TV Tower lies in the west of Beijing. It was built in 1993 and is 405 meters high. It is a symbol of the capital Beijing, as well as a visiting place of Beijing.

It is equipped with the latest technology, such as advanced stereo FM system and TV transmission system.

You can enjoy some entertainment activities and shopping at the tower. Standing on the Tower, you can overlook the beautiful scenery of Beijing. Enjoy your tour!