人教版高三教学案一体化Unit 9 Health Care

发布时间:2016-2-19 编辑:互联网 手机版

Period 1 New Words

Teaching aims:

1. Get ss to pronounce the new words correctly and fluently

2. Learn the usages of some new words .

3. Try to grasp the new words and their usages.

Previewing work:

1 Change the forms of words below

sink(v)sink devotion(v)devote unfortunate(adv) unfortunately

risky(n)risk fee(pl) fees pressure (v) press

significance (adj)significant prosperity (v)prosper (adj)prosperous

2. Translation

借款__________解雇__________诊所____________ 保险费_________

查阅___________ 根本的__________ 数据________ 事件_________


Teaching procedures :

1 .abuse

abuse one’s power/position 滥用

abuse people 责骂

Don’t abuse your eyes. 滥用

He could not abuse their trust.辜负

Stop abusing the child. 虐待

(c /u ) There is no freedom that is not open to abuse


social abuse 弊端 personal abuse人身攻击

child abuse虐待

2 laid-off (adj) a laid-off worker

lay off (vt)

20% of the workers in this factory have been laid off.

Just lay off me ,will you?请不要老缠着我,好吗?

Lay off my books.别动我书。

The doctor advised him to lay off smoking and alcohol.

    lay down one’s arms 放下/life 牺牲 /new railways 铺设/a plan 制定

lay out a map摊开 / the house 设计

lay up some money存

He was laid up with a bad cold.他因重伤风而躺在床上

lay on the telephone 装 /water and gas提供

3 consult

consult doctors看 / a lawyer about her divorce 请教/a dictionary for the word 查找/ the wishes(benefits)考虑,顾及

consult with sb about/on 商议,磋商

4.insurance (U)

sell insurance保险 work in insurance保险业

insurance against 预防措施 insurance on the house 保险费

5. allowance (C)

a weekly allowance补贴 baggage allowance限额

make an allowance of 20 percent 折扣

(U) the allowance of a claim 承认

the allowance of segregation容忍

(Vt) 定量供应 /发津贴给 /把物品定量发给

6.sink (vi)

The sun was sinking in the west.

The ship sank.下沉,落,没

His feet sank in the mud .陷

sink to /into /on

She fainted and sank to the ground .昏倒在地

He sank back into the chair. 筋皮力尽地倒在椅子上。

The wind /fire has sunk down


He is sinking fast.衰弱;消沉

(vt) sink a well

sink a large sum of money into buying a house 投资于.

They sank their differences and joined hands in.


7.pressure (C,U)

under the pressure of the snow

Low air pressure often brings rain.

high /low blood pressure

Is he suffering from pressure of work?

escape the pressures of city life

(U)pressure for money / financial pressure put pressure on sb to do sth 劝说/强迫---做---

They put pressure on me to sell my precious land.

bring pressure to bear on /upon sb 对---施加压力

The government brought pressure to bear on the farmers .

under pressure

(Vt) pressure sb into doing sth迫使,对---施加压力

He pressured his son into telling the fact .

8 prosperity

The country’s prosperity was due to the discovery of oil .

Our country is trying to make people live in prosperity.

(Vt) prosper prosper the family

(adj) prosperous

9 significance (n) significant (adj)

The meeting was of no significance.

All this had great political significance.

She did not understand the significance of my nod .

Completing the sentences :

1. Hearing that her husband’s disease was a hopeless case , the woman couldn’t help crying in despair.

2. Parents in low-income families suffer from too much living pressure.

3. If you get seriously ill and don’t know what the disease is , you should consult a doctor.

4. Unfortunately , Wang Lin got a serious disease.

5. Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin is of great significance in our fight against diseases.

Write the word according to the explanation

6. the money one earns income

7. a large basin in a kitchen used for washing sink

8. a container used for storing food jar

9. a person whose job is making and repairing wooden things carpenter

10. a long seat made of wood , stone or metal bench

11. to use sth in the wrong way abuse

12. a person who prepares or sells medicines chemist

13. a person who makes clothes tailor

Period 2 A helping hand

Teaching aims:

1.Try to understand the text A helping hand

2.Master the language points in the text

3.Improve the ability of reading comprehension

Teaching procedures:

Task 1 Fast reading in five minutes

True or false:

1. The situation for Wang Lin who was diagnosed with tuberculosis seemed hopeless. T

2. A health care project prevented Wang’s disease from ruining his health. T

3. Wang Lin had had insurance before his disease happened .F

4. Only one new health care model for China is being developed all over the country. F

5. 22 million Chinese were living in want but government allowance only covers health care. F

6. Most family with low income live in poverty due to disease.F

7. Health care rather than other measures help to fight poverty.

8. Another great challenge for the government is to stop AIDS.F

9. A responsible society should make sure that no weakest member is left behind.T

10. Government can meet all the needs to improve the whole society. F

11. The writer is active and optimistic about the health care programme . T

Task2 Careful reading

1.Topic sentence The situation seemed hopless.

Situation : Wang Lin (weak,pain ,laid-off ,)

His wife (only 300 yuan )

His son ( a bank loan )

The treatment cost thousands of yuan

2.Key words a health care project

Results : receive treatment in time ---- return and look for a job-----

get insurance

3.Key words the project

aimed at ---encourage ---- reduce ----the largest programme----being tested ---helped ----working with ---- to explore and develop

4-5.Relation between disease and poverty

small allowance ----poor health care ---serious sickness ---live in poverty ---receive allowance from government-----

6.Two aspects to fight poverty :

health care and medical insurance

7.Key words stop / prevent

8.Key word responsibilities

for weakest members /prosperity/development

9.Key word efforts

reduce /help /provide

Task 3 Try to understand the whole text and recite the passage according to the analysis above.

Period 3 Language points

Aims :

1. Read the text again and underline the useful phrases and sentences

2. Understand and grasp the expressions


Task 1 Revision

Get ss to tell something about health care in China

Task 2 Read the text to underline some useful expressions

Important words and phrases

1.be diagnosed with

2.suffer from constant pain in his chest

3. at half the cost or less

4. depend on /thanks to

5. aim at /belong to

6. be designed to

7. so far /occupy an important position

8. provide easy access to sth

9. live on money/live in poverty

10. be forced into poverty

11. as was the case with sb

12. as well as /care for

13. leave behind /meet all the needs

14. To make matters worse , he also had a son in college who had taken a bank loan to pay for his studies.

15. He was able to receive treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his family.

16. A total of 15 billion yuan was spent on supporting those who were unable to make a living.

17. For laid-off workers in poor areas ,disease puts extra pressure on the family.

18. The government’s efforts to fight poverty and improve health care cover several aspects, reducing poverty, helping sick people get treated properly and providing medical insurance for the poor.

Task 3 Read the useful expressions above and try to put them into use.

Period 4 Grammar

Review the Subjunctive Mood (2)

Aim: Enable ss to review the Subjunctive Mood further


1. 用在表命令,建议,要求等动词后的宾语从句中。动词为suggest ,demand repuest ,desire, order ,propose ,insist, advise 等,从句中用(should) do/be 。

I insisted he go to see a doctor , but he insisted nothing was wrong with him.

A group was formed to demand that the bus company (should ) change its unfair practices.

The docter ordered that the patient (should )be sent to hospital without delay.

2用在wish后的宾语从句中,表示“真希望;但愿 ;要是---就好了”。 wish 后有三种情况:(1)wish(ed) +sb +did (were) sth表现在(2) wish(ed) +sb +had done /could(would/might) have done 表过去(3)wish (ed) +sb +could/might do sth 表将来

I wish I were a bird and could fly freely.

I wish I had met that film star yesterday.

I wish it were not raining now.

How he wished you had come to the party yesterday!

3用在It is desired / ordered/ decided / requested / suggested/ proposed/ necessary/ strange /important / a pity / natural 等之后的主语从句中,其谓语动词形式为( should)+ do 或者用 should have done 表已经发生。

It’s requested that the play should be put on again.

It’s necessary that he be sent there at once.

It is strange that he should have left without saying goodbye.

4 用在suggestion / order / advice/ demand/ proposal/ request/ plan/ idea 等之后的表语从句和同位语从句中. 其谓语动词形式为 ( should ) +动词原形.

His suggestion is that they be sent to the poor area at once.

He gives the order that we should remember all the grammar .

5 It’s (about/high) time (that) sb did sth /should do sth

It’s time I went and picked up my little girl from school.

It’s time we should have breakfast.

6 as if ( as though ) ,even if (even though)后从句虚拟语气动词形式为(1)表现在用did 或were (2)表过去用 had done

He sings as if he were a singer.

The two strangers are talking warmly as though they had been friends for years.

Even if he were ere , he could not solve the problem.

7 用于If only 引导的感叹句中 ,表示“但愿 ;要是---就好了”

If only I were a flying bird ! = How I wish I were a flying bird!

If only I had seen the film! = How I wish I had seen the film!

8 在含有If it were not for 或 If it had not been for条件句的虚拟语气中

If it were not for the rain , the crops would die.

If it had not been for your help ,we couldn’t have finished the work ahead of time.

= But for your help,

=Without your help.

=Had it not been for your help,

9 用在would rather that sb did sth /had done sth 的虚拟语气中

I would rather they didn’t hear of the news.

I would rather you had paid the money.

Choose the best answer

----Do you want him to lend you some money?

---- I wish he _____B______.

A should B would C will D had

Jane’s pale face suggested that she___B______ ill ,and her parents suggested that she ________ a medical examination.

A be ;should have B was; have

C should be; had D was; has

It’s about time that you ___D_______ the truth.

A tell B have told C will tell D told

Isn’t it strange that the lazy boy ___A______ passed the exam.

A should have B has C might have D would have

It is important that the students ___D_____ every words correctly.

A should pronounce B pronounce C pronounced D A or B

The old professor gave orders that the experiment __C____ before 6.

A was finished B will finish C be finished D shall be finished

His only requirement was that the system of our company ___C____.

A was adjusted B had beenadjusted

C should be adjusted D would be adjusted

The Frenchman speaks English as if he ___B____ an American.

A is B were C should be D had been

Period 5 Integrating Skills


1. Get ss to review the text Health Care

2. Enable ss to improve the ability of reading comprehension

3. Learn the text The Little Mould That Could


Task 1 Listening and following

Listen to the tape carefully and follow it to know the outline of the text.

Task 2 Reading aloud

Read the passage aloud and try to understand the main idea of the whole passage,

then finish the exercises below:

1. Before the discovery of penicillin ,medical treatments were________C____.

A expensive B effective C dangerous D simple

2. Penicillin was discovered in _______B_______.

A 1914 B 1928 C 1929 D 1945

3. When Fleming saw the mould growing in the jar he was surprised because _D___.

A moulds did not usually grow in the jars

B he was not looking for it

C the moukd had stopped growing

D the mould had killed the bacteria

4. When Fleming reported his discovery, other scientists _______B___.

A did not believe him B did not care

C did not understand him C did not agree with him

5. Penicillin saved many lives in ____B______.

A World War I B World War II C France D England

6. The discovery of penicillin has led to all of the following except ____C_____.

A new treatments B safer hospitals

C fewer diseases D better health care

Task 3 Read the text again and underline some useful phrases and expressions

1 suffer deadly infections as a result of operations

2 be considered incurable

3 on a bench by the sink

4 belong to /be excited about

5 be designed to / by then

6 so far /occupy an important position

7 live on money/live in poverty

8 as well as /care for /treat the wounded

9 receive the Nobel Prize

10 be serious about

11 In fact , even a small cut vould cause an infection that would kill the patient.

12 The story is a story of hard work and a happy accident.

13 It was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.

14 Despite their lack of interest, he kept trying to develop the chemical so that it would be safe and effective .

15 When asked about his discovery ,he said :One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.

Task 4 Work in pairs Which of the characteristics below do you think helped Alexander Fleming discover penicillin ?Expain your choices.

devotion to duty full of confidence

carefulness perseverance

sacrifice aggressive

intelligence sympathy

observation interest

willingness sense of responsibility

Unit 9 语基督查

I 英文-----中文

outbreak loan clinic

chemist resident vow

transfer mould lid


II 中文-----英文

滥用 abuse 解雇 lay off 令人绝望的hopeless

津贴 allowance 查阅 consult 根本的fundamental

有进取心的aggressive 繁荣 prosperity

量入为出 make ends meet

III 课文词组

被诊断出 be diagnosed with

使---更糟糕 make matters worse

阻止 prevent----- from doing sth 由于 thanks to

占有重要位置 occupy an important position

严重关注 be serious about

IV 缺词填空

1 The project is designed to give low-income families a montnly allowance.

2.To reduce poverty,medical insurance must be considered as one ofthe fundamental needs for poor people in a welfare state.

3.Advances in science and technolgy are of great significance in the battle against new diseases.

4.What we need is not a plumber ,but a carpenter because oyr wooden floor is worn out.

5.Fleming’s devotion to his research led to the discovery of penicillin,which helped save the lives of many soldiers during World War II