(上海牛津版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit6 语言目标及重难点解析

发布时间:2016-2-2 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 6 语言目标及重难点解析




(1)表示特指某人或某物。如:The book on the desk is mine. 桌上的那本书是我的。

Beijing is the capital of China . 北京是中国的首都。

(2)表示上文提到的人或事物。如:There is a cat under the tree. The cat is black and


(3)表示世界上独一无二的东西。如:the earth 地球,the sun 太阳,the moon月亮

(4)用于说话双方都知道的名词前。如:Let’s go to the zoo, shall we?我们去动物园好吗?

(5)用于作定语的序数词前。如:the first lesson第一课

(6)用于形容词前表示一类人。如:the rich 富人,the old 老人,the blind盲人

(7)用在乐器名称前。如:play the piano 弹钢琴

(8)用在表示“姓”的复数名词前,表示一家人或夫妇二人。如:The Blacks are

watching TV.布莱克一家在看电视。

(9)用于由普通名词构成的表示场所的专用名词前。如:the People’s Park 人民公园

二、Unit 6短语部分

1、make their nests 筑它们的巢

2、fly a kite 放风筝

3、lie under an umbrella 躺在伞下

4、ride their bicycle 骑自行车

5、weather report 天气预报

6、come from 来自于

7、a lot of 大量的

8、most of 多数的

9、go into 走进

10、go through 穿过

11、clean the flat 打扫公寓

12、cook rice 做饭

13、make drinks 做饮料

14、put out fires 灭火

15、grow vegetables 种菜

16、make things in factories 在工厂制造东西

17、chicken wing 鸡翅

18、construction sites 建筑工地

19、burn rubbish 焚烧垃圾

20、air pollution 空气污染

21、power stations 发电站

22、cook with 用…做饭

23、talk about 谈论


1、What’s the weather like today? 今天天气如何?

=How’s the weather today?

It’s rainy. 是有雨的。

2、How do people use water at home ? 人们在家里如何用水?

3、We use the water to cook rice. 我们用水去做饭。

4、How does it taste? 它尝起来怎么样?

5、It smells nice. 它闻起来很好。

6、I like wood better than gas. 比起煤气我更喜欢木材。

7、We cook with gas. 我们用煤气做饭。

8、where does /do … come from? …来自于哪里?

9、It comes from factory. 它来自于工厂。

10、What’s the matter? 出什么事了?

= What’s the trouble?

= What’s wrong?


1、It is cold and windy. 天气冷而且多云。


n+y → adj

sun sunny

rain rainy

cloud cloudy

snow snowy

wind windy

如:It’s windy today. There’s a strong wind.今天刮风。风很大。

2、wear意为“穿着;戴着”,用于穿衣服、鞋,戴帽子、手表、眼镜等,多指穿戴的状态。如: She is wearing a blue blouse .她穿着一件蓝衬衫。

He often wears a white shirt. 他经常穿一件白衬衫。

put on 意为“穿、穿上”,多指穿的动作。

Put on your coat . It’s cold today. 穿上你的外衣。今天外边冷。

3、scarf -复数 scarves

4、come from = be from 来自于

She comes from America . = she is from America. 她来自于美国。


make 意为“使,让”,为使役动词,主要有以下三种句型:

(1)“make + 宾语+动词原形”,使…做…。如:I couldn’t make my car start

this morning. 今天早晨我的汽车发动不起来了。

(2)“make + 宾语+形容词”,使…变得…。如:We must study hard to make our

country more beautiful. 我们必须努力学习,使我们的国家更美丽。

(3)“make + 宾语(人)+名词”,使…做…。如:My headteacher made me a

monitor. 班主任让我当班长。


(1)like…better than…意为:“与……相比,更喜欢……”。如:I like English better

than Chinese .比起语文,我更喜欢英语。He likes playing football better than playing

basketball. 比起打篮球,他更喜欢踢足球。


a. 后接名词或代词作宾语。如:Do you like fish?你喜欢鱼吗?She likes him but doesn’t love him.她喜欢他但并非爱他。

b. like doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”,强调动作的经常性。如:I like swimming.我喜欢游泳。

c. like to do sth. 意为“喜欢做某事”,强调动作的非经常性。如:I like to sleep late on Sundays. 星期日我喜欢睡懒觉。

d. like sb. to do sth.意为“喜欢某人做某事”。如:Miss Zhao likes her students in the reading room. 赵老师喜欢她的学生们在图书馆看书。


My eyes hurt . 我的眼睛疼。

同义句为:There is something wrong with my eyes.

(1)hurt (hurt, hurt)意为“伤害;伤痛”,如:He hurt his legs when he fell.他跌倒时伤了双腿。Be careful not to hurt yourself.小心别伤着。

(2)hurt 意为“受苦痛”,如:Her back hurts . 她后背痛。



1. Water________(come, comes)from the sea.

2. There_________(is , are )no big rivers in our city.

3. The __________(rain, wind)blows the clouds to the land.

4. Water comes_______(through, across)very long, wide pipes.

5. A special factory makes the water_______(to clean, clean).

6. Which season do you like ________(better, best),spring or summer?

7. We use__________(water, fire)to cook food.

8. I like______(gas, charcoal)better than wood. It’s quicker.

9. When we have a barbecue, we always cook food with_______(charcoal, electricity).

10. Her bedroom is ________(clean, cleaner)than mine.


1. people eat________(a w r )meat millions of years ago .

2. Early men found _________(i f r e )useful.

3. The mooncakes _________(a s t e t )delicious.

4. I like__________(a g s ),it is quicker.

5. Let’s have a chicken ________(i w n g ).

6. Look at the sign, it says, “Don’t__________(m s k o e )”.

7. ----What’s happening?

----My back_______(u h s r t ).

8. The air ______(t i o n u p o l l )is very serious in our city.

9. The smoke come from the construction ________(i s e t ).

10. There is a lot of ______(a c t f f i r )on the road.


1. Students go ______the gate one after another.

A. across B. cross C. through D. along

2. _____she _______ from China?

A. Does come B. Is come C. Does comes D. Is comes

3. People use water to _____at work.

A. cook rice B. clean the flat C. make drinks D. grow vegetables

4. What______ the water clean?

A. make B. makes C. take D. takes

5. What _______weather!

A. a sunny B. sunny C. a bad D. a nice


1. are, they ,there, rubbish, burning (.)


2. air, does, where, from, pollution, come(?)


3. is, clean, classroom, our, very(.)


4. with, wrong, what’s, you(?)


5. at ,smoke, the, look, the , fire, from(.)



( )1. What’s the matter?

( )2. Where does Anna come from?

( )3. Is the air in your city dirty?

( )4. What are they doing?

( )5. Do you like to cook food with gas?


一、1. comes 2. are 3. wind 4. through 5. clean

6. better 7. fire 8. gas 9. charcoal 10. cleaner

二、1. raw 2. fire 3. taste 4. gas 5. wing

6. smoke 7. hurts 8. pollution 9. site 10. traffic

三、1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. B

四、1. They are burning rubbish there.

2. Where does air pollution come from?

3. Our classroom is very clean.

4. What’s wrong with you?

5. Look at the smoke from the fire.

五、1. B 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. C