(上海牛津版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit5 语言目标及重难点分析

发布时间:2016-6-24 编辑:互联网 手机版




(1)一般的在词尾加-s。如:like ---likes, play --- plays , look --- looks 等。

(2)以s, o, sh, ch结尾的动词,要在词尾加-es。如: do – does , go-goes , wash – washes. teach – teaches等。

(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,要变y为i,再加-es。如:fly – files , study – studies等。

(4)have 的第三人称单数形式是has。



(1)指人或事物属于某一种类。如:I’m a student.(是学生而不是其他)

(2)表类别,以个体代替整体。如:An elephant is much bigger than a tiger. 大象比老虎大多了。

(3)表示“一”的概念,但意味没有one 那样强烈。如:She has an apple every morning.她每天早晨吃一个苹果。

(4)表示单位,作“每一”讲。如:three times a day , 10 yuan a kilo

(5)指某人或某事物,但不具体说明是何人、何物。如:He lives in a village far from here.他住在一个遥远的小山村。


有些职业名称是以 –er, -r, -or, -ist, -man, -ian, -ar结尾的

(1)以-er, 或-r 结尾。如:worker工人,teacher教师,writer作家,reader读者,player选手,singer歌唱家,dancer舞蹈家,soldier士兵,engineer工程师,manager经理

(2)以-or结尾。如:inventor 发明家,doctor医生,conductor列车员,author作家,editor编辑,actor男演员,professor教授,sailor水手


(4)以 –man结尾。如:postman邮递员,policeman警察,workman劳动者,spaceman宇航员,fisherman渔夫,businessman商人


(6)以-ar 结尾。如:beggar乞丐


(1)序数词表示事物的顺序,它一般跟定冠词the一起出现在单数可数名词之前。如:the first lesson 第一课

(2)若序数词所修饰的名词被省略时,序数词可以作代词单独使用。如:The first girl is shorter than the second. 第一个女孩比第二个矮。

(3)序数词后面可跟一个基数词再跟一个复数名词。如:the first three months头三个月

(4)序数词前可以加不定冠词a/an , 表示“又一个”的意思,相当于another。如:He is a fifth student to speak. 他是第五个发言的学生。

5、There be 句型表示某处有某物。

(1)在There be 句型中,be后面的名词是句子的主语,因而be 的数应与该名词的数保持一致。后面的名词为单数可数名词或不可数名词时,be应用is;后面的名词为复数可数名词时be 应用 are 。如:There’s some milk in the glass. 杯子里有一些牛奶。There are many apples in the basket.篮子里有很多苹果。

(2)be 后面的名词为不可数名词,当该不可数名词的前面有表示量的可数名词对其进行修饰时,be 的数要与该可数名词保持一致。如:There are three bottles of milk on the table.桌子上有三瓶牛奶。

(3)当后面的名词不止一个时,be的数应按“就近”原则来确定。如:There is a table, four chairs and a small bed in the room. 房间里有一张桌子,四把椅子和一张小床。


1、There be与 have的区别

There be 结构与充当实义动词的have都可作“有”讲。have表示所有关系,即“拥有;占有”,而There be 结构表示客观上的存在,不说明所有关系。试比较:

Mrs Green has three children.(说明三个小孩归Mrs Green所有)

There are three children under the tree. (说明树下存在三个小孩)


also与 too均可用于肯定句中,但在句中所处位置不同。“also”放在be动词、助动词及情态动词之后,行为动词之前;而“too”一般放在句末。如:I like singing ,but I also like dancing.我喜欢唱歌,也喜欢跳舞。He can also swim.(He can swim ,too) 他也能游泳。

3、辨析:job 与 work

(1)job意为“工作”,“一件活儿”,是可数名词。表示各种形式的有收益的工作。如:Did you find a job? 你找到工作了吗?

(2)work 意为“工作、劳动”,是不可数名词,泛指体力和脑力劳动。如:I have a lot of work to do . 我有许多事要做。

(3)work 用作复数,意为“著作、作品”,如:the works of Lu Xun 鲁迅的作品


What job do you do ? 你是做什么工作的?

I’m a fireman. 我是消防员。

What job does your father do ? 你的父亲是做什么工作的?

He is a cook. 他是厨师。

It’s behind the garden . 它在花园的后面。

get on 上(车) get off下(车)

How long does it take you to get to school?你花多长时间到学校?

It takes me half an hour to walk there. 我花半小时(的时间)走到那儿。



1. They live on the ___________ (ninth, nineth) floor.

2. The supermarket is on __________(left , the left)of school .

3. There ___________ (is ,are ) a shop and two swimming pools in the housing estate.

4. Where does Alice ___________ (live ,live in )?

5. There is a tree __________ (in front of , in the front of ) the house.


1. do, live , where, you(?)


2. has, it ,floors, twenty (.)


3. lives, the, on , he , tenth, floor (.)


4. is , the , a , in front of , there , garden , building(.)


5. are , tennis , courts , where , the (?)



1. Turn left at the ________ (cross crossing)

2. You can get __________(on off )at the next bus stop.

3. What time does Peter__________(leave leaves ) home?

4. The bus _________(stop stops) here.

5. I get up at half _____________(past to ) five.


1. Walk _____ the road . You will see the library.

A. long B. along C. in D. at

2. We watch TV at ___________.

A. half to seven B. thirty five past seven

C. forty to seven D. a quarter to seven

3. ________the road at the __________.

A. Cross, crossing B. Cross ,cross

C. Crossing , crossing D. Crossing cross

4. Please _________ the bus one by one.

A. get at B. go on C. go at D. get on

5. --___________ do you get to school?

-- At seven thirty.

A. Where B. What C. What time D. How


1. goes Tom every shopping Saturday


2. about 3 takes hours it


3. far live I from school away


4. it does long take how


5. far from sea to here Shanghai how is by it




A: Hi. __1___ are you from? B: I’m ____2_____ Japan.

A: Which __3___ do you live in? B: Tokyo, it is the ____4____ of Japan.

A: __5__ __6__ is it from Beijing? B: It’s about 2100 kilometres _7_ _8__ Beijing.

A: That’s too far. ____9____ do you come here? B: __10_____ air.

A: _11____ ___12____ does it ___13_____ to travel from Tokyo to Beijing by air?

B: It takes about two and _14___ ___15___ hours.


A: Excuse me. __1__ is the Exhibition Centre ?

B: It’s in the middle of the city. It’s not far from here.

A: __2___ ____3___ is it ?

B: It’s about 500 meters.

A: __4__ we go ___5__ the Exhibition Centre?

B: _6___ idea. __7__ are we going to the Exhibition Centre?

A: Shall we go there __8____ bus?

B: OK . __9__ __10___ does it take us to get there by bus?

A: It takes us about ten minutes.

B: What about underground?

A: By underground it takes us five minutes.

B: Let’s go by underground.


一、1、ninth 2. the left 3. is 4. live 5. in front of

二、6. Where do you live? 7. It has twenty floors.

8. He lives on the tenth floor. 9. There is a garden in front of the building.

10. Where are the tennis courts?

三、1. crossing 2. off 3. leave 4. stops 5. past

四、1. B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.C

五、1. Tom goes shopping every Saturday.

2. It takes about 3 hours.

3. I live far away from school .

4. How long does it take?

5. How far is it from here to shanghai by sea?

六、(A) 1. Where 2. from 3. city 4. capital 5. How 6. far

7. away 8. from 9. How 10. By 11. How 12. long

13. take 14. a 15. half

(B) 1. Where 2. How 3. far 4. Shall 5. to

6. Good 7. How 8. by 9. How 10. long