(牛津版)9AUnit 6 Detective stories 同步辅导与练习(2)

发布时间:2016-3-27 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 6 Detective stories(2)

第六单元 侦探小说




A. The detective asked: “Who knows the victim?”,其中的“Who knows the victim?”就是直接引语。

B. The detective asked who knew the victim. 其中的who knew the victim就是间接引语。直接引语通常用引号(“”)括起来,间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个宾语从句。


He said, “the old woman looks very worried.”

  ① He said that the old woman looked very worried.


Mr Smith said, “Children, those workers are working.”

② Mr Smith told Children that those workers were working.



  Tom said to me, “I have left my toy at home.”

③ Tom told me that he had left his toy at home.


The victim’s mother said to the police: “I am very shocked.”

④ The victim’s mother told the police that she was very shocked.


③④两句中直接引语和间接引语的主语已经发生变化。间接引语中的主语和主句中的主语是一致的。he就是指Tom,she就是指The victim’s mother.

“I’m scared”, said the witness.

⑤ The witness said that she was scared.


  The girl said to her mother, “The music sounds beautiful.”

⑥ The girl told to her mother that the music sounded beautiful.



  “The thief is running away.” Said Mrs Ma.

⑦ Mrs Ma said the thief was running away.


  Lin Tao said to me, “My family are watching TV.”

⑧ Lin Tao told me that his family were watching TV.



⑨Detective Jones said, “I’ve finished my report.”

Detective Jones said that he had finished his report.


⑩Jack said, “We have caught the thief.”

Jack said that they had caught the thief.



○11Mr Wu said, “I read the newspaper.”

Mr Wu said that he had read the newspaper.


○12Jim said, “I saw the film.”

Jim said that he had seen the film.



○13“We will look for more clues.” Said Detective Jones.

Detective Jones said that they would look for more clues.


○14He answered, “I will catch up with others.”

He answered that he would catch up with others.


○13○14两句中直接引语中的一般将来时,改变成了间接引语中的过去将来时,表示look for和catch up with这两个动作分别发生在主句动作“said和answered”之后,因此间接引语中要用过去将来时。


  ①She said: “I will come here tonight.”

She said that she would go there that night.


②Liu Mei said, “I am writing a composition now.”

Liu Mei said that she was writing a composition then.


③Jack said to us, “These are my stamps.”

Jack told us that those were his stamps.


④Lucy said: “My sister came back two days ago.”

Lucy said that he sister had gone back two days before.


⑤Mr Hu answered, “They will arrive here tomorrow evening.”

Mr Hu answered that they would arrive there the next evening.



在直接引语中 在间接引语中

指示代词 this that

these those

地点状语 here there

动  词 come go

时间状语 now then

today that day

yesterday the day before

last week(year, ect.) the week(year, ect.) before

two days(a month, ect.) two days(a month, ect.) before

tomorrow the next(following) day

tomorrow morning the next(following) morning

next week(year, ect.) the next week(year, ect.)

【注】时间状语this afternoon在间接引语中没有改变。因为转述的是当天所说的话。这种情况下,时间状语可不作改变。如:

⑥Tom said: “I will finish the work this afternoon.”

Tom said that he would finish the work this afternoon.



  ①The teacher asked, “What are you parents?”

The teacher asked what my parents were.


②He asked, “When will you see your uncle, Liu Mei?”

He asked Liu Mei when she would see her uncle.


③I asked, “Which book is yours, Meimei?”

I asked Meimei which book was hers.


④Tom asked me, “How are you getting on with your classmates?”

Tom asked me how I was getting on with my classmates.


⑤I asked, “Who did you wait for yesterday, Tom?”

I asked Tom who he had waited for the day before.


⑥She asked, “Where are we going to meet tomorrow?”

She asked where they were going to meet the following day.


⑦He asked me, “Why were you late yesterday?”

He asked me why I had been late the day before.



  ①He asked, “Are you sure your mother will come?”

He asked if (whether) I was sure my mother would come.


②She asked, “Are you a student or a teacher?”

She asked me whether I was a student or a teacher.



③He asked, “you have a few friends in the new school, don’t you?”

He asked me whether(if) I had a few friends in the new school.



  ①He said, “Please come her earlier.”

He asked me to go there earlier.


②The teacher said, “Don’t do that again, children.”

The teacher told children not to do that again.


③The captain said, “Get everything ready in two hours.”

The captain ordered (told) us to get everything ready in two hours.





1. “Don’t you think you should pain the wall?” “Who would ?”

A. see B. look C. watch D. notice

2. Will you it again? I didn’t you.

A. speak; listen B. say; hear C. talk; hear D. tell; listen

3. “Will you show me the photo of your family?” “OK, I’ll it here next week.”

A. talk B. catch C. carry D. bring

4. left at the second crossing. You’ll find the market.

A. Turn B. Listen C. Go D. Come

5. Let’s go and those beautiful pictures over there.

A. watch B. look at C. look on D. see

6. “ you to the radio?”

“No, you can turn it off.”

A. Did; listen B. Have; heard C. Are; hearing D. Are; listening

7. We’ll have to clean the plates before Mother home.

A. will come B. will go C. comes D. go

8. “Excuse me, look at the sign NO PHOTOS!”

“Sorry, I it.”

A. don’t watch B. didn’t see C. haven’t watched D. won’t see

9. “Do you like the music The Moonlight Sonato?”

“Yes, it really beautiful.”

A. feels B. sounds C. listen D. hears

10. There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and around, but she nothing.

A. looked, saw B. saw; saw C. watched; looked D. looked; find

11. “What’s the police station’s telephone number?”

“I can’t remember. In the telephone book, please.”

A. Look it for B. Look it over C. Look it up D. Look at it

12. The window is broken. Try to who broke it.

A. find out B. find C. look D. look for

13. Please him to the nurse there, and she’ll give him some pills.

A. carry B. bring C. let D. take

14. “Excuse me, Is Li Ming in?”

“No, He the town. But he will back soon.”

A. went; come B. has been to; return

C. has gone to; come D. went; return

15. “ away this dirty shirt and me a clean one.”

“Sorry, I’m busy now.”

A. Pick; get B. Take; carry C. Bring; bring D. Take; get


  1. D notice意为“注意看”。

2. B 当表示讲具体内容时,用say, hear强调“听见”“听到”。

3. D bring强调从别处拿到说话者处。

4. A 表示“转向某一边”,要用turn。

5. B look at意为“看”“瞧”,强调动作。

6. D listen to the radio意为“收听广播”。

7. C

8. B see意为“看见”,强调看的结果。

9. B sound用作连系动词,意为“听起来”。

10. A look around是“环顾四周”,这表明是“看”,也是强调动作,所以第二空应用saw,说明什么也没有看见。

11. C look up在此表示“查阅”。

12. A find out意为“查明”“发现”,强调通过调查、询问、研究分析后获得的结果。

13. D take强调从说话者处带到别处。

14. C has gone to +地方,表示已经去“某地”的意思。表明不在说话人的地方。

15. D take away意为“拿走”,get表示“拿来”“取来”的意思。