(湘教版)初二英语Unit3 Topic 3 The movie is so wonderful

发布时间:2016-6-5 编辑:互联网 手机版

Section C

1. This was called a “holy day” in England.


was called被称作……因此这个句子是一个含有被动语态的句子,被动语态应是动作的承受者在前,含有be动词句子的被动语态结构为:主+ be +动词的过去分词。

如:This story is written by Lu Xun. 这个故事是鲁迅写的。

The school was set up in 1999.这所学校建立于1999年。

2. In the early 1800s 译为19世纪早期

如:In the 2000s 21世纪

3. But many workers played games and had fun on that day.


have fun过得高兴,过得愉快,相当于have a good time

have a great time, have a wonderful time, enjoy oneself.


如:I had fun on Sunday.我星期天玩得高兴。

I had fun in the park.我在公园里玩得高兴。

have fun doing sth.从做某事中获得乐趣

have great fun doing sth.或have a lot fun doing sth.获得很大乐趣

如:The students have great fun learning English.


4. They didn’t go to work on Monday mornings because they felt too tired.


on Monday mornings. 在每个星期一早上,相当于every Monday morning.

如:Saturdays = every Saturday

5. At one o’clock everyone stopped working.


stop doing sth.停止做某事(停下动名词的动作)

stop to do sth.停下来去做某事(停下其他事情,去做不定式的工作)

如:He stopped smoking.他停止(不再)吸烟。

He stopped to smoke.他停下(停下手中的工作)来吸烟。

6. This was the beginning of the weekend idea in England.


weekend相当于Saturday and Sunday.


the beginning of …表示……的开始/开端

如:Sunday is the beginning of a week. 星期日是一周的开始。

This is the beginning of the tour.


7. Didn’t rest on Sundays, and then felt too tired to work on Monday mornings.





It’s never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。

(2)too…to表示否定意义时,可用not…enough to …或so…that +否定句改写。

如:He is too young to go to school. 他太小了不能去上学。

= He isn’t old enough to go to school.(此句中的形容词用too结构中的反义词)

= He is so young that he can’t go to school.

8. People are busy on workdays.人们在工作日很忙。

workdays相当于from Monday to Friday.一周五天工作日


如:I’m busy doing my homework. 我忙于做我的家庭作业。

I’m busy with my homework. 我忙于我的家庭作业。

Section D

1. Bring examples of your hobbies to school.






Please bring your book to school.


Please take your books away.


Please take your book to school.

(2)表示带某人去某地时,二者可以互换,take / bring sb. to +地点

如:I’ll take / bring my son to the park this Saturday.


2. Show your hobbies to your group mates.


(1)your group mates你小组的伙伴


如:an apple tree two apple trees

单数 单数

a woman teacher 但是two women teachers

单数 复数

a man driver two men drivers

单数 复数


show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物

Please show me your homework.


Please show your homework to me.


Grammar Focus: 语法聚焦


1. 过去进行时表示过去某一时刻正在进行或发生的动作,也可以表示过去一段时间内的活动或那个阶段正在进行的动作。如:

He was watching TV at 8:00 yesterday.


He was writing a book last month.


2. 过去进行时是由be(was / were)+ 动词ing形式构成的。

肯定式:主+ was / were +现在分词+……

否定式:主+ wasn’t / weren’t +现在分词+……

一般疑问句:Was / Were +主语+现在分词+……?

肯定回答:Yes, 主+ was / were.

否定回答:No, 主+ wasn’t / weren’t.

如:She was listening to music this time yesterday.

She wasn’t listening to music this time yesterday.

Was she listening to music this time yesterday?

Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.

3. 过去进行时和一般过去时所表示的含义是有区别的,过去时强调过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,过去进行时强调过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。

如:I did my homework last night.


I was doing my homework last night.




I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. You should help your mother do some _________ (clean)

2. I was _________ (take) a shower when you telephoned me.

3. You must remember _________ (finish) your homework.

4. He had to stop _________ (smoke) because he was ill.

5. The music sounds so _________ (please).

6. He is having a lot fun _________ (hike)

7. Why _________ we _________ (not go) boating this Sunday?

8. Do you know the boy _________ (call) Jim?

9. He is better than me at _________ (swim)

10. It’s not good for animals _________ (stay) in cages.

II. 单项选择

1. You must stop _________, my father is sleeping.

A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. talks

2. -Could you please tell John to come to my office?


A. Yes, I could B. I’ll be glad

C. Thank you D. I’ll be glad to

3. You shouldn’t be angry _________ your parents.

A. with B. by C. for D. of

4. Please don’t forget _________ to me, will you?

A. to write B. writing C. write D. writes

5. She is _________ tired _________ carry the heavy box.

A. so, that B. very, to C. quite, to D. too, to

6. Everyone is busy _________ ready for the exam.

A. get B. getting C. to get D. with

7. My school is two kilometres _________ my home.

A. far from B. away from C. far away D. for away from

8. Why not come _________ earlier?

A. little B. more C. very D. a little

9. I have many books _________.

A. for reading B. to read C. must read D. read

10. -Who will teach _________ English?

-I’m not sure. Maybe Mr. Wu _________.

A. us, will B. we, teach C. our, will D. ours, teaches

III. 完形填空

One cold morning, an old woman had to ______1______ her doctor. When he came, she ______2______ him that her right leg hurt, and that sometimes she could ______3______ walk. She asked him what was ______4______, as she had ______5______ got such feeling. The doctor looked her over carefully, then he said, “You are in a good. ______6______ for a woman of your age. I think the trouble in your right leg is just a matter of old age catching up with you. We get all kinds of illness ______7______ we get older. The trouble will almost certainly ______8______ in spring.” “I don’t think so, doctor.” She said. “My left leg is ______9______, and it is ______10______ age as my right.”

( )1. A. send for B. be sent for C. go to D. send to

( )2. A. asked B. said C. told D. spoke

( )3. A. almost B. nearly C. badly D. hardly

( )4. A. trouble B. wrong C. matter D. problem

( )5. A. ever before B. never before C. ever ago D. never ago

( )6. A. time B. lucky C. healthy D. health

( )7. A. as B. during C. before D. until

( )8. A. start B. begin C. end D. come

( )9. A. good B. nice C. kind D. well

( )10. A. the same B. as C. so D. the different


I. 1. cleaning 2. taking 3. to finish 4. smoking

5. pleasant 6. hiking 7. don’t, go 8. called

9. swimming 10. to stay

II. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D

6. B 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. A

III. 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B

6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A