译林牛津 高一words for unit two

发布时间:2016-2-9 编辑:互联网 手机版

Uint two Growing Pains

New words:

1. act

cn. ① 行动,行为(指一次性的行为)

an act of kindness = a kind act善举 Saving a child from the fire is really a brave act.

② (戏剧的)一幕

The act ended and the lights were turned on.幕终灯亮 Act III,Sceneii 第三幕第二场

vi. 行动,行为,表现

e.g. It’s time to act. He acted quickly and put out the fire.

vt/vi 演(角色);演出

Who acts Hamlet? He has acted on TV many times.

act as... 担任…职务(=work as/serve as…)

I acted as a simultaneous interpreter我担任同步翻译

action n. active/inactive adj. activity n. actor/actress n. actual adj. actually ad.

2.vacation cn./un. (Am. Eng.)=holiday(s) (Bri. Eng)

a summer vacation/holiday

take a ten days’ vacation 请十天的假

on vacation = on holiday[形][副]在度假

e.g.The president is on vacation. 董事长在度假

They have gone to France on vacation.他们去法国度假了。

3. surprise

vt. 使吃惊。(make someboday surprised)

e.g. You always surprise me. Let’s surprise Mom with a present.

She will be much surprised by our visit.

un. 吃惊,惊讶(抽象名词)

e.g. Did he show any surprise at the news?听到这个消息他有没有感到惊讶?

There was a look of surprise on his face.

cn. 惊人的事情或人,意外地事

e.g. His success was a great surprise to me.

a surprise visit 突然造访 in surprise [副]吃惊地

to one’s surprise = to the surprise of sb. [副]令某人惊讶的是

e.g. To my (great) surprise, she was the mother of two children.

When he entered the lecture hall, all the people looked at him in surprise.

surprise adj. surprising adj. surprisingly ad.

4. supposed

①vt. 以为,猜想

suppose (that) … (有时不接that从句,而接so)

e.g. John supposed that she was a teacher.约翰以为她是一位老师。

---Will she come with us?

---Yes, I suppose so./ No, I suppose not.=I don’t suppose so.

②suppose+名词(人)+(to be)+形/名 “认为某人是”

e.g. All of his friends will suppose her (to be) his wife.

= All of his friends will suppose that she was his wife.

③ sb. be supposed to do 应该…,应当。(表示(主语)被要求、期望干某事)

e.g. You are not supposed to be sitting in this section; it is for children and women.

Children are not supposed to play football in the street.

④ suppose =supposing=if 作为连词,引导条件状语从句。常译为“倘若”“假使”(从句常用一般时态表将来时)

e.g. Supposing it rains, what will you do?

Suppose you had one million dollars, what would you do?

5. bend (过去式和过去分词bent,现在分词bending)

①vt/vi 弯曲,使弯曲

bend +名词

The superman bent an iron bar into the shape of S.

bend one’s arm/knee/head


The road bends to the left and then goes straight.

The trees bent before the strong wind.这些树因强风而弯曲。


bend+副词(常与over, down连用)

I bent (over) to pick up a book from the floor. The tall man bent down to get into the room.

bend down with age 因年老驼背 bend to sth.屈服于… (=give in to sth.)

6. do with sth.

do with sth.处理某事,与what连用 ;deal with sth.常与how连用。

I don’t know what to do with the computer.

= I don’t know how to deal with the computer.

=I don’t know what I can/should do with the computer.

= I don’t know how I can/should deal with the computer.

7. explain vt/vi 说明,解释

①explain sth. to sb.= explain to sb. sth.

e.g. I was asked to explain the meaning of the sentence.

He explained the outline of his plan to us.

②explain (to sb.) that…/ wh-…

e.g. Can you explain to me how to bake(烤) a cake?

He explained that he couldn’t come because he was ill.

He explained why he was late.

explanation n.

8. leave vt. 使…处于某种状态;听任

①leave sb./sth. +adj./-ed/-ing /prep-phrase(介词短语)

Don’t leave the door open.不要让门开着

They went to the cinema and left the kid alone at home.

Terror left her speechless.她恐惧得说不出话来。

Don’t leave your work halfdone/unfinished.工作不要半途而废。

She left her baby crying.她使孩子哭个不停。

Better leave it unsaid.(谚语)话还是不讲出来的好。

②leave +名+ 副

Leave them as they are .那些东西就保留现状吧。

Always leave things where you can find them again.(地点状语从句)把东西放在能找到的地方

9. charge


charge sth(钱) for sth.

e.g. They will charge at least $600 for moving the piano.

charge sb sth(钱) for sth.

e.g. I only charge you 200RMB for this meal.

My best friend once run a restaurant in the city, and every time I had meal there, he never charged.(vi)

② vt控诉,告发

charge sb. with sth. / charge sb. that…控告某人…罪

e.g. They charged him with theft.他们控告他盗窃罪

He was charged with bribery.他被控告收取贿赂

③vt 将(电池)充电,装弹于(枪,炮)

The cellphone is fully charged.手机充满电了。

④un 掌管,责任,负责;索价

free of charge [adj][ad.]免费的(地)

e.g. You can get service free of charge.你可得到免费的服务。

have/take charge of …负责,担任…

in charge of负责,管理 in the charge of sb.=in one’s charge由某人照料、管理

e.g. He is in charge of your class.他担任我们的班主任。

Our class is in the charge of our class teacher.我们班由班主任管理。



trust +名词

You shouldn’t trust the man.你不该信任那个人。

trust +名(人)to do sth.放心托付某人做某事。

You might trust her to do the work.

trust +that…相信,确信,认为

I trust (that) you will enjoy your trip.

②un. 信赖,信任(in名)

have /place/ hold trust in sb./sth. 信任某人

e.g. Please put/have/hold trust in her.请信任她。

I have no trust in him.我不信任他。

We have trust in his success. =Our trust is that he succeed.我们确信他会成功。

11. behavior

① behave vi. 行为,举止,为人处事

behave +副

e.g. She behaved well.= She is a well-behaved girl她举止得当;(她接人待物很好。)

behave like a gentleman/lady举止像绅士/淑女

behave badly行为不良

②vi/vt. 行为检点,守规矩


e.g. The boy behaved(himself)all day.那男孩每天都很守规矩

well-behaved adj.有教养的 ill-behaved adj.没教养的

③ behavior un.行为,举止,态度

e.g. Her behavior was praiseworthy.她的行为值得褒奖。

rude behavior粗鲁的行为

12. punish

vt. punish sb for sth. 因某事而惩罚某人

e.g. The teacher punished him for cheating in the exam.

Drunken driving should be punished severely by law.酒后驾车应该依法受到严惩。

punishment un./cn. 惩罚

e.g. escape punishment=escape being punished逃过惩罚(免于受罚)

A good judge will try to make the punishment fit the crime.


punished adj.受罚的 unpunished adj. 未受惩罚的

13.fault & mistake


①cn. (性格上的)缺点,毛病,缺陷(=shortcoming)

e.g. Her greatest fault is that she talks too much.

Everyone has faults每个人都有缺点

②cn. 错误

e.g. a fault in/of grammar语法上的错误

③un. 过错,过失

e.g. – Whose fault is it that we’re late?

- It‘s not my fault.不是我的过错。


①cn. 错误,过失,误解

e.g. a spelling mistake拼写错误It’s a mistake这是一个误会

make a mistake 犯错

by mistake [副]弄错

e.g. I got on the wrong bus by mistake.


mistake+ 名词

e.g. I mistake his meaning / what he meant.我误解了他的意思

mistake the date/address弄错日期/地址

mistake sth/sb. for sth./sb.把…错当作…

e.g. People often mistake him for a famous singer.

mistake sympathy for love误将同情当爱情

mistaken adj. 误解的,弄错的

be mistaken about sb./sth.误解某人/某事

e.g. If I am not mistaken, he is the man we saw on the bus.


14.go out

① vi.外出,到外面

My parents wouldn’t let me go out at night.我父母不允许我夜间外出

② vi (火,灯)熄灭

Suddenly all the lights went out突然灯全熄灭了

③ go out of …从(某场所)出去

The police asked the thief to go out of the shop where he was caught stealing.

15. scene


the scene of the murder凶杀案现场

the scene of the traffic accident车祸的现场

come on the scene 到场

②cn.风景,景色 (scenery表示“风景”为不可数名词)

The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene.港湾中的船只构成里美丽的风景



16. hard

①ad. “努力地”,“辛苦地”,“猛烈地” (比较hardly)

e.g. Work hard and you will succeed sooner or later.

It was raining hard.

He can hardly read or write 他不识字

She hardly knew how ill she was.她几乎不知道她病得多么厉害

②adj. “硬心肠的”;“辛苦的”;“猛烈的”;“酷烈的”;“苛刻的,严厉的”

e.g. He is hard-hearted.他铁石心肠

That’s a hard work. 那时一个辛苦的工作

That was a hard blow for her.那对她来说是一个沉重的打击。

It was a hard winter.那时一个严冬

be hard on sb. “对某人苛刻,严厉”

e.g. Don’t be so hard on such a little child.

17. now that conj.是引导原因状语从句的连词,意为“既然”,表原因语气比because 弱,引导的从句常放句首,that 可以省略。

e.g. Now(that)everyone is here, let’s begin the meeting.

Now (that) you mention it, I do remember.你这么一说我确实想起来了

Now (that) you are grown up, you must stop this childish behavior.


18. grown-up


e.g. The child behaved like a grown up.这孩子做起事来像大人。


his grown-up son他成年的儿子(做定语)

Try to behave in a more grown-up way要尽量表现得成熟些