译林牛津 高一unit 1 school life-project

发布时间:2016-7-20 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 1 School Life

Project Starting a new school club

Teaching Aims: The project is designed to help students use English through doing a project by working together.

Teaching Important Points: Read the two materials about school clubs and learn how to develop after-school activities and form a school club.

Teaching Difficult Points: Encourage students to design a poster advertising a new school club.

Teaching Methods: Pair / group work, discussion.

Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Revision

Revise what learned last period and check the homework

Step2. Reading

1. Have the students read the first passage and ask them to find out as much information as they can about the radio club.

① who started the radio club

② when and why the radio club started

③ what the radio club does

every morning:

during exam time:

at the end of the school year:

when parents come:

2. Have the students read the second passage, and find out as much information as they can about the school club.

The name of the school club:

Who started the school club:

When the members of the school club meet:

What the members of the school club do:

Step3. Discussion

Ask the students to discuss what they think about the two articles and whether they would like to start a club to do something they are interested in.

Step 4. Designing a poster

Work in groups and follow the outline below to design a poster advertising a new school club.

Planning: Ask the students to work in groups of four. First let them discuss and choose what school club they would like to start in their class or school. Then fill in the blanks in this part.

Preparing: Members responsible for different tasks should make preparations and answer the questions in this part. Then the group can meet, discuss and select from the information which has been found.

Producing: Draft the poster, read it carefully and give suggestion on how to make it more attractive.

Presenting: Present their poster to the whole class by talking about their club. Display their posters in the classroom and let other students choose which club they would like to attend.

Step 5. Language points

1. much more than不仅仅,不止于

e.g. (1) She is more than a teacher.

(2) A library is more than a place where books are stored.

no more than 仅仅,只不过

not more than不多于

e.g. (1) On the ground lay a peasant boy of no more than seventeen.

(2) People present at the meeting were not more than fifty.

2. inform sb. of sth.

3. read sth. out to sb.

4. be responsible for

5. achieve one’s goals

6. consist of

7. come up with one’s own ideas

8. as…as possible

9. it’s time to do sth.

10. sign up

11. be confident about sth.

12. improve on sth.

Step 6. Homework

1. Finish the exercise B1 and B2 in Workbook (P.87)

2. Make sentences with the useful phrases.


Teaching aims: Allow the students to determine what they have achieved and what else they can do to improve their study.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Check the homework

Step 2. Do the self-assessment

The color bar with five levels shows how confident the students feel about what they have learnt.

1. Part A: Ask Ss to rank his confidence level with the following skills. Write 1 to 5 in each box. Then work out his percentage.

2. Part B: If Ss feel there are some items they are not confident of or just slightly confident about, ask and help them to make an action plan to improve on them, so they will know what to do and take some effective measures.

Step 3: Homework

1. Finish all the exercise in Workbook.

2. Revise the whole Unit and prepare for a Unit Test.