NSEFC 高二英语教案学案一体化 unit 2

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Unit 2 News Media

(Teaching aims and demands)

类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目

话题 Talking about news and the media

词汇 media reliable fire face difficulty editor reason elect injure headline inform informedrelate talent talented switch interviewer present reflect effort spiritual seldom AIDS addictsocial attention tolerate affair concern telegram retire complete bore attitude disappointguard citizen polluter arm update

go up burn down relate sb/sth relate to for once be addicted to even if draw attention toon all sides change one's mind current affairs look up to fall in love with

功能 1.谈论新闻媒体(Talking about news and the media)Our readers want to know about…Which of the media is the most reliable?Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.2.表达意见(Expressing opinions)The man was careful|funny|nosy|generous|honest|clever…What do you think of…? 1 would rather choose…What's your opinion? I don't think we should choose…Why do you choose…? I don't think we should choose…Perhaps…is more important.

语法 过去分词短语作定语和表语1.能够用.ed形式描述人或物品的特性或状态;a journalist He is experienced一 ‘an experienced joumalist ,a programme It is updated一 。an updated programme1 want to write about people addicted幻drugs.2.能够用一ed形式与系动词连用,描述人或物品的特性或状态;The American audience is excited about Yao Ming ‘s performance .\.



(Passage 1)

●1 what's the basic task for a reporter?

A.To report events as what happened.

B.T0 reflect opinions according to readers’tastes.

C.To develop stories as the editors tell him or her.

D.To draw readers’attention.

●2 The first sentence in the first paragraph mean

A.more information was given to us by news

other media than that simply recorded

B.it takes newspapers and other media more efforts and time to report what happens than just record what happens

C.what newspapers and 0ther media can give us is much

more than what is simply recorded

D.recording what hapPens is much easier than.using

newspapers and other media

●3 According to the passage, the media mentioned are

A.newspapers B.TV programme C.Broadcasts

D.Both A and B

(Passage 2)

●4 what happened in the first report?

A.Some workers in the company are on strike. 。

B.A group of about 100 people made trouble for the

workers in the company.

C.Not all of the trouble--makers left peacefullv after the

police arrived.

D.Workers fought with the trouble-makers.

●5 In the 2 nd report what happened?

A.A peaceful march against pollution was put to an end

by the company.

B.The company was in trouble because of the citizens.

C.The citizens fighting against the poUution fought a-

gainst the angry men with sticks.

D.0n seeing the men with sticks sent by the company,

the citizens were timid and frightened.

●6 The company in the first report is considered__ ______

while in the second it is regarded as

A.the best;the worst B.a best;the worst

C.the richest;the poorest D.richest:poorest


●7 what topic is treated in Passage 1 7 A.How is the news made and written?

B.How does a reporter decide what to write?

C.How do newspapers help us understand the worl‘

D.Their jobs and how the news we read is made written.

●8 what’s the best title for each story in Passage 2 7

A.The most successful company/The worst compan

B.A Fight with the police/A Fight with citizens.

C.Friends or enemies?/Bad or g00d citizens?

D.Making troubles/Carrying out the right of the



9 “Behind the headlines'’

A.we can understand proves thatthe world better by reading headlines

B.the headlines must be written by talented journalis

C.publishing papers needs much and is worth doing

D.the headlines must be true

10. From two reports in Passage 2,we can infer

A.the most successful company in the first report is

ally the worst poIluter in the second one

B.the citizens against the pollution in the second report are the trouble-makers in the first report

C.police in the first report are the angry men armed with sticks to fight with the citizens in the second repcrt

D.all of the above

(answers :1.A 2.B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. B 9.C 10.D

Listening text:

Part 1:

R: reporter K: Mr Keller

R: Good morning, Mr Keller .My name is Harry Hunter and I work for the Daily Tumes .I would like to ask you a few questions about Jim Gray.

K: Good morning, Mr Hunter . What would you like to know about Mr Gray?

R: Well,I want to know if it is true that Mr Gray no longer works for your company .

K: Yes ,that’s true .Mr Gray was fired today .He has been having problems lately and it was time for him to leave .

R: I see .What kind of problems?

K: Mr Gray was too slow and it took him too long to do his job .He talked too much and was moisy and sometimes even wild .He was not serious enough .Instead of thinking about work ,he would spend too much time disturbing the other workers with questions and comments.

R: So the other workers didn’t like Mr Gray?

K: Mr Gray was very nosy, always trying to find out what other people were doing .Many people were also unhappy with Mr Gray because he was rude and said bad things about people.

R: I see .Were there any other reasons why uou fired him?

K: Yes, Mr Gray was also careless with his money .Now if you will excuse me,I have to get back to work .

R: Thank you for answering my questions.

Part 2

P: Paul W: Wendy

P: Hi, Wendy .Did you hear that Jim was fired today ?

W: Yes, I did. Isn’t it awfull I have worked with him for ten years and he is one of my best friends .I can’t believe that he was fired .

P: I don’t understand it, either. Jim faced many difficulties but wouldn’t give up .He was careful and always took the time to do a job well .

W: Even when he was very busy, Jim always found time to speak to others .He was funny and happy and liked to make others laugh .He always had a kind word for me.

P: Yes, he was always interested in other people and cared about their their life and problems .When my wife was ill ,he always asked me about her and tried to cheer me up.

W: Jim was always so generous .He was happy to spend money on good meals and gifts.

P: Yes, he was .And he was also very honest and always told people what he thought about something.

W: I suppose we won’t see him very often in the future .I’ll miss him.

P: I’ll miss him, too.

Listening text

The chief editor of a daily newspaper is having a meeting with the journalists. She is telling them what she wants them to do today.

Good morning, everybody .Listen carefully .This is what I want you to do.

Mick, Jane Sxott, the sportsman is arriving at the airport this morning .Her plane arrives at 11 .Will you be there please ?I want you to get a good photograph of her .See if you can talk to her .Ask her what her future plans are ,ok ?

Bob, the medical conference opens today at the Capital Hotel .It starets at 9 o’clock, so you ‘ll have to hurry .I want you to listen to the opening talk and make some notes .Get a photegraph too of the persom gibing the talk .

Susan ,I want you to interview someone at the Home Office .These new traffic plans are very interesting .I want you to set up an interview today .I want you to put your report in tomorrow’s paper. Get as much information as you can .Try to collect some plants or diagrams .They woll be very useful.

Language points

1. reliable可靠的;靠得住

rely on/upon依靠;指望

Is this information reliable?这条信息可靠吗?

He 1ooks a nice.reliable mall.


I rely on you to help me.我指望你帮我。

we can't rely on him/his coming on time.


Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for work


◇[考题1] Peter is my close friend,who can be______what he promises.

A.rlelied on to do

B.relied to do

C.relied on doing

D.relying to doing

[解析] 解本题的关键在判断出rely的语态及含(to)do的语法功能。从句意可知,he与rely on之间存在动宾关系,所以rely on应用被动式。后半句是表示目的的状语,to是不定式的符号。另外,B、D两项中on不可少。[答案]A

2.go up涨价;上涨;上升;升级;增长;(楼房等)盖起来。修建起来

Everything went up except salaries.


Have you seen the paper today?Up go the prices again!你看了今天的报纸吗?又涨价了!

The temperature is going up.温度正在上升。

New office buildings are going up everywhere.

到处都在建新的办公大楼。 .

◇[考题2] Although the prices of TV set are______,he managed to make the manager_____the price of that TV set.

A.going up;bring down B.gone up;go down

C.going up;brought down D.going down;bring up

[解析] 从语境看,前一空表示“上涨”,后一空表示“使……降价”才合题意,而不是相反。go up是个不及物动词,bring down是及物动词。[答案]A

3.inform vt.通知;告诉(后接名词,代词,of 引起的复合宾语、不定式及从句等)

He will inform where to go .


He informed them of his arrival .


He informed the police that some money was missing.


He is a well-informed man .


注意 : inform后不可直接用双宾语。类似用法有:

warn sb.of sth

rob sb.of sth抢劫某人某物

remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事

cure sb.of sth.治疗好某人某病

◇[考题3] (1) The manager promised to keep me_____of how our

business was going on.

A.to be informed B.on informing

c.informed D.informing (2004年湖北黄冈市交流题)

【解析】 inform如果用主动形式,则用法为inform sb.of sth但本题中“我”与inform之问存在动宾关系,“我”才是被通知的对象,所以inform要使用被动式。从句法功能可知,此处作宾语补足 语,即keep sb./sth.done。[答案] c

(2)一Keep me informed--tlle latest news.


A.by B.at C.for D.of

[解析] informed表示“被通知的”,此处作宾语补足语,是被动形式,因此本题涉及的主动形式为inform sb.of sth.,这是一个固定 搭配。[答案] D

4. reIate n把……联系起来 l

be related to与……有联系;与……有关

relation n.(=relative)关系;亲戚

I can't relate those two ideas.


I can't relate what he does to what he says.


two related questions两个相关的问题

All tllings were related to all other things.


[考题4] Can you _____what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind ?

A. connect B.keep in touch with

C.relate D.join to

[解析]四个词组含义有相同之处,但更多的是含义及用法上的各不相同.connect 表示”联系”,后多用with;keep in touch with 表示”与……联系”,指的是交流沟通方面的;join to 表示”连接”,且to 为多余.句意表示”把……相联系起来”

5. present adj.出席的;在场的;存在的;现在的



He was the only Engishman present.


Here's the doctor's present address.


Oxygen is present in the air.空气中存在着氧气。

At present we are living in Paris.


He often gave her little presents.


He presented the fund with a cheque/presented a

cheque to the fund.他把一张支票交给基金会。

She presented her case to the meeting.


◇[考题5] (1)All the people_______at the party were his supporters.(2002年北京高考题)

A.present 、B.thankful

C.interested D.important

[解析] 四个形容词的含义各不相同:“出席的、感激的、感兴趣的、重要的”。从句意看,应该表示:“出席的人都是他的支持者”。由此可以确定答案。这一类题不是考查同义词辨析,而是测试利用语境选词的能力,一般来讲,此类题不太难。[答案]A

(2)Let’s leave things as they are_______,even though we may have a change later on.

A.present B.presently

C.at present D.for the present

[解析] at present表示“现在;目前”;presently表示“不久;过了一会儿”,另外一种用法是相当于at present。但本题的语境表示“就在来说,暂时”,用for the present表示。[答案]D

6. disappoint/bore比使人失望/厌倦

disappointing /boring vt.只使人失望的/厌倦的

disappointed/bored adj.失望的/厌倦的

He was bored.The meeting was boring.


The film disappointed/bored him. 影片使他失望/厌倦。

From the disappointed 1ook,I knew he failed the test again.

◇[考题6] The 1ong speech giyen by the old professor seemed

_____and endless.He felt so_____that he nearly fell asleep.






It’s a disappointing book.这是一本令人失望的书。[答案] C

7. fall in love爱上(强调动作)

be in Iove with与……相恋;爱上(强调状态)

He fell in 1ove with its warm weather.its clear brooks and thick forest.他爱上了这里温暖的气候,清清的溪流和茂密的森林。

They have been in love with each other for 2 years.


◇[考题7] They_______in love at first sight.Now,they____in

1ove with each other for nearly a month .

A.were;fell B.fell;were C.were;were D.fell;fell

[解析] at first sight表示“见第一眼”,强调动作;for nearly amonth是表示一段时间的状语,不与短暂动作(如fall in love)连用,要与完成时连用。[答案]B

8.face此面对;面向 诚向朝;面临(困难等)。正视对付(危险、困难等)

The building faces tlle park.



I was faced with a new problem.


We must face out trouble and boar it_


That’s a flat facing the south.


◇[考题8](1)_______such a difficult problem,he didn’t know what to do. .

A.Faced B.Facing C.Faced to D.Facing witll


(2)My mum dropped me off at elementary school,leaving me alone to_______new challenges.

A.offer B.avoid C.dea1 with D.face with

[解析]offer提供,avoid逃避,依题意可排除;face=be face with除。deal with“处理,对付”,符合题意。[答案] C


He reasoned that if we started at down.we would

be there by noon.


She was reasoned into a sensible courage of action.


Tne detective tried to reason out how the thief had



Have you tried reasoning with him?


Philosophers are good at reasoning.


◇[考题9] (1)He would give no_______for his behaviour.

A.reason B.aim C.cause D.target

[解析]句意:他没有理由解释他的行为。本句中能与for搭配使用的有reason、cause、target,但cause表示客观原因;target目标;只有reason表示“理由”;aim后应与at搭配,而不是for。另外,reason做动词用时,表示“推论,推理”。[答案]A ,

(2)Be_______;you can't expect her to do all the work on her own.

A.1ogical B.honest C.reasonable D.sincere

[解析] 句意为“讲点理吧,你不能指望她一个人单独做所有这些事。”1ogical符合逻辑的,有逻辑头脑的;honest“诚实的”和sincere“真诚的”明显不合逻辑。【答案】c

10.burn down烧毁;(由于燃料烧尽而)火力减弱

The wood-shed burnt down in half an hour.


The fire is burning down,get some more coal please.火力在减弱请再拿些煤来。

Ihe room grew colder as the fire burnt down.


◇[考题10] Tne shopping center in the city_______at a result of a cigarette.which shocked the whole country. 、

A.burned down B.turned down

C.turned up D.taken in

[解析] A项表示“烧毁”,B项表示“把(声音)调小”,c项表示“把(声音)调大些”,D项表示“吸入、欺骗等”。根据题意“那个城市的购物中心被烧毁了”可以选出答案。[答案]A

11.Switch n.开关。电门转换器;转变。改变。交换位置

a light switch灯的开关

Could you switch the TV over?


Our glasses have been catched-this is mine.





switch on打开,接通

◇[考题11] Would you please_____the light? I can't see much

clearly.It is getting dark.

A.switch off B.switch on

C.turn off D.take on

[解析]从下文中的“我看得不是很清楚”以及“天在变黑”,可知“我要求你打开灯光”。“打开”有两种表达:switeh on或turn on。“关上(C、D两项)”显然有悖语境。[答案] B

12.Reflect vt.反映(某事物的性质);表现;反射;映出;反省。考虑

Her sad 1ooks reflected the nature of her thoughts.


The letter reflects her sorrow.那封信表现出她的痛苦。

Mirrors reflect light.镜子反射光。

Trees reflected in a 1ake.湖中映出的树影。

Please reflect on the matter.请仔细考虑那件事。

I reflect on possible reasons for my fai1ure.


◇[考题12] (1)Her happy look_____that she has done well in the exam.

A.presents B.reflects C.appears D.seems

[解析] A项表示“出席”,C项表示“出现”,D项表示“似乎”。依句意应选“表现出”。[答案] B

(2)Though Van Gosh formed his own painting style,we can still see the______of some famous Freneh artists on his works.

A.reflect B.application C.relation D.influence



be addicted to沉迷于……

Don't addict yourself to such fcolish things.


Many students are addicted to playing computer games.

很多学 生沉迷于玩电脑游戏。

◇ [考题13] Some students,who are addicted--the legend

Games,do not go to school at all.

A.to play B.to p1aying C.playing D.be playing

[解析]be addicted协为固定搭配“to’’为介词,后接动词ing形 式[答案]B


He ignored my advice.他忽视(不顾)我的忠告。

I can’t ignore his rudeness any 1onger.


◇[考题14] Some of the members demanded to know why they had

been kept_____the true facts until they reached the present critical stage.

A.in ignorance of B.in the light of

C.in honour of D.in view of

[解析] 句意为“一些成员要求知道为什么直到目前的关键时期他们才被告之真相。”此四个介词短语意思不同。in ignorance of(对……) 不知道(或不了解);in honour of 对。。。。。。表示敬意 ;in view of 鉴于

I said hello to her,but she ignored me completely.


15.on all sides(=on every side)在各方面。到处

On aⅡsides there was great enthusiasm over his speech.


On every side we have heard approval of his plan.


They were trapped_____with enemies on all sides.


◇[考题15] Things that we're facing should be considered____,so that we'll deal with them well.

A.on all sides B.on their side

C.on the side D.by their side

[解析】 句意为“我们面对的事情应该考虑周到,以便我们可以处理得好。’on one's side表示“支持”,on the side表示“额外地”,by one’s side表示“在某人旁边”。依据句意可选出答案。 [答案]A

16.Tolerate vt.容忍;忍受;能服用;能经受(治疗).宽恕

1 won't tolerate such behaviour./your behaving inthisway.


The noise wag more than all she could tolerate.


Luckily,my parents were tolerant of my choice of music.


◇[考题16]-They don't have the best service,but I___-it because I love their food.

A.1ike B.tolerate C.bear D.stand

[解析] 分析句意可知所填词表示“容忍,不在意”的意思,故应为tolerate,而bear表示“承担;承受……重量/负担东西”等,stand虽也有“忍受、容忍”之意,但它指人面对艰难,痛苦,侮辱等不畏缩后退,不符语境。[答案] B

17.change one's mind改变主意

1 wanted to be a teacher when I was a child.But now I have changed my mind.


He isn’t a reliable man because he often changeshis mind.


◇[考题17] Nothing can stop a_____student_____his mind to

give up his studies.

A.promised;to change B.premised;changing

C.promising;changing D.promising.to change

[解析]promising为形容词,意为“有前途的;有希望的”。由stop sb.doing sth.“阻止某人干莱事”知第二空填动词的ing形式,这句话意为“没有什么能阻止一位有前途的学生改变主意而放弃自己的学业。”


18.concern vt.与……有关;涉及;影响到;使提心。



This article concerns a man who was wrongly imprisoned.这篇文章写的是一个被误抓入狱的人。

These problems concern all of us.


More and more people concern themselves about the environmental problem.越来越多的人关心起环境问题。

Mind your own concerns.管好你自己的事。

◇[考题18] (1)Anything that_______Mr.Green interests me.

A.concerns B.matters C.importances D.subjects

[解析] 句意为“任何关于格林先生的事,我都感兴趣。”concern与……有关,关于,涉及;matter要紧,有关系;importance重要,重要性;subject主题,科目。[答案]A

(2)It’s not necessary for you t0 be____about 0thers’business.

A.concern B.concern yourself

C.concerning D.concerned

[解析] ‘‘be concerned about…”为固定搭配,表示“关心……”。B项有较大干扰性,但此空前有be动词,若无be动词,则B项正确。[答案] D

19.Complete vt.完成;结束;使……完整;齐备


The railway is not completed yet.铁路尚未完工。

We bou小t a house complete with furniture.


I need one more stamp before my collection is completed.





(2)complete 是比较正式用语,一般表示对计划.事业 .建筑等的完后跟名词或代词,不跟动名词,不定式

(3)end 是指停止,结束某一过程

The headmaster has finished speaking .

When will the railway be completed .

They ended the meeting at five .

◇[考题19] (1)All the preparations for me task_____,and we're ready to start.

A.completed B.complete ‘

C.had been comDlered D.have been completed

[解析] 由题意知现在“一切准备工作已经完成”,故用现在完成时。[答案] D

(2)She______her set for dishes by buying the cups and saucers.

A.finished B.ended C.completed D.c1osed

[解析] 仅complcted可表示“使……完整”,而其他三词均表示“结束”。[答案] c

(3)Is the story he told us a_______one?

A.end B.finish C.stop D.complete

[解析] complete有形容词“完整的”的意思,可作定语或表语,其余三词无此义。 [答案]D .

20. update vt. 更新;使现代化的;使……不过时;为……提供最新消息; 升级

An update model of this popular car .这种流行轿车的最新型号

The minister’s advises updated her on the situation.


[考题20] He is so lazy that he has not ___-__his homepaper for yuover a year .

A. updated B. out of date C. dated D. up to date

[解析]updated 表示”更新”;out of date =dated 表示”过时的”upto date 表示”时髦的,合乎潮流的”.此处应为动词”更新”

[答案] A

21. adapt to 适应

I find it difficult to adapt model of this popular car .


It is not wasy to adapt oneself to new conditions .


adapt oneself to hot weather使某人适应热天气

[考题21] Such animals as dinosaurs died out because they couldn’t ______to the sudden change of the climate

A. suit B. keep C.adapt D.swithch

[解析]表示”适应环境.气候”用固定词组”adapt to ”suit”表示”衣服.颜色,发型等适合某人”,”keep “表示”保持”;switch 表示转换,故选adapt to [答案]C


Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人。

She seldom showed her feelings.她很少表露感情。

He seldom got a chonce to lead,did he?他很少有机会读书,是吗?



◇[考题22]1 watehed the film The Lord of the King(《指环王》)last night.Seldom______such a good film.

A.I did see B.have I seen

C.have seen I D.I saw

[解析] 本题考查了倒装与时态。seldom等否定副词位于句首时,主谓部分要实行倒装,且seldom多用于完成时的句子中。[答案]B


1ook forward to盼望

look down on/upon蔑视

look back on回顾,回忆

1ook out for提防;寻找

look in on顺便看望

Schoolboys always 1ook up to great athletes.


◇[考题23]I'm 1ooking forward with keen anticipation______with you and your colleagues.

Aon work B.to work C.on working D.to working

[解析]with keen anticipation表示“带有极大的热情”,作状语用,可以从句中剔除,从而可知句中隐含的词组look forward to,其中的to为介词,不可用其他词代替,后面也要用口.-ing形式,所以A、B、C三项被排除。[答案] D

24.hurt、wound injure 、harm表示“伤害”的区别hurt伤害,可指肉体上的轻伤,也可指感情上的挫伤wound刺伤,常指在打斗中,由外来暴力造成 的刀伤、枪伤,程度较重。injure伤害,受伤,多指意外事故对肉体、健康造成的伤害hurt伤害,多指对人的肉体或精神带来的伤害,不安或不便。

Telling a lie can harm/injure a person.


◇[考题24】 Mrs.Green’s car ran into a large tree and she_______in the accident.

A.got badly hurt

Bwas lnjured badly

C.got badly wounded

D.was wounded badly

[解析] C、D两项应该被排除,因为wound多指在战斗、打斗中受的枪、刀伤,而此题指的是在意外事故(如交通事故),而且从badly可知受伤很严重(hurt不严重所以A项被排除)。副词的位置在解答本题中不起决定性作用。[答案] B



choose friends carefully.择友要谨慎。

We choose him(as)our menitor.我们选他当班长。

They elected a new mayor.他们选举了一位新市长。

Please select a few nice apples for mother.


[考题25](1)He is brave,hald-working and kind,so he was selected _______monitor of our class.

A. as a B. to be the C .a D. 不填

[解析] 本题没有直接考查select的同义词的区别,只考查了Select 的用法及后面的冠词问题。select后面可接as或to be , 但因为被当选的是这个群体(班)的惟一职务,所以名词前不用任何毫词.[答案]D

(2)一Have you________what you want to eat?

[解析】.本题实际上考查用法。前三个词中,只有choose后面可以接what从句。 [答案]A


◇[考题26] 0n New Year’s Eve,New York city holds an outdoor

______which attracts a crowd of a million or more people.

A. incident B. event C. selected D. choose

[解析] 从左栏看,简言之,incident 是小事;事件”;event 指大事affair指“日常琐事”,case指“案例”。举行户外活动庆祝新年应该是个重大事件,因此用event表示。又如:

Mind your own business .官自己的事.

He was injured in a road accident .他在一次交通事故中受伤了

The Lugouqiao incident 卢沟桥事件


have difficuly(in)doing sth.有困难做某事

with difficulty费劲地,吃力地

without difficulty不费劲地;轻易地

out ofa/the difficulty脱离困境

get/run into difficulties陷入困境

I don't have much difficulty with English grammar


There was little difficulty(in)finding him.


◇[考题27] I wonder what difficulty he had_____the plan.

A. to carry out B.carrying out C.carryied out D.with carrying out

[解析] 分析句子结构在解本题乃至本类题目时作用极大。What作为difficulty的定语,一起作had的宾语,从而构成…he had what difficulty _____the plan 句式.,由此可知它符合句型have some(great,no,little,etc)difficulty(in)doing sth.。[答案]B


for once(至少)这一次(平时不这样)

at once立即;马上

once in a while/way偶尔;隔些时候

once more/again再一次;重新

once or twice几次;一两次

once in a blue moon极少;从不

For once he was telling the truth.


He’s behaving himself for(this)once.这一次他当回了个自己(有自己的主见、作法等)。。…’

◇[考题28] 一What a mess!T0m,who did this to make the moon so dirty ?

---_______,at least ,it’s not my fault.

A. At B .Once in a while C. For once D. Once again

[解析]本题考查含once的词组的辨别。各项含义及区别见左栏本题中“因为我刚放学回来,因此至少这一次不是我的错(暗示以前是个捣蛋鬼)”。 [答案]C


make(an) effort(s)to do sth.)努力做某事

spare no effort不遗余力


without effort毫不费力地

But all tllese efforts ended in failure.


They concentrated their efforts on building the dam.


I’ll spare no effort to help you.


◇[考题29]The rescue team made every_____to find tlle missing

mountain climber.(2000年上海春季高考题)

A.force B.energy

C.effort D.possibility.

[解析] force表示“力量;权力”,energy表示“能量”;possibility表示“可能性”,均与语境体现出来的“竭尽全力去找失踪的登山者含义不符。这三个词均不可与make搭配。make every effort to do sth.为习语,表示“尽一切努力做某事”。[答案] C,极力


pay attention to注意

catch/calL/attract one's attentm。


turn one's attention to把某人的注意力转向

concentrate one's attention on /upon


draw attention to对……表示注意

[考题30]Great attention must be paid_________education, especially in tlle countryside.

A.develop B.to develop

C.to developing D.developing

[解析] 从句中的pay可知考查词组pay attention to的用法。to

是介词,后面的动词要使用-ing形式。又如:Pay attention to your spelling(注意你的拼写)。[答案]c


come into view进入视野

in one's view据某人看来

in view可以看到(反义词:out of view)

point of view(view point)观点

The lake came into view/We came in view of the lake as we turned the corner.


In view of the weather.we will cancel the outing.


◇[考题31] The____of blood always makes him feel sick.

A.sight B.1ook

C.view D.scene (北京市宣武区模拟题)

[解析] 本题测试同义词的辨析:sight指以人文景观或历史遗迹为主的可供游览的地方,另外指眼之所见的场景,强调有人、物的活动在内(符合本题“场景”);view多指在远处或高处展现在眼前的自然界 的山水风景;scene指具体的、某种周围一时的景色,以天然的景色为主;look指外表、人的神色,显然不合本题意。[答案]A

32.even if的用法及让步状语从句引导词

even if表示“即使”的意思。

Even if it rains cats and dogs,we will go to schoo1.

即使下着倾盆大雨,我也要上学。 引导让步状语从句的从属连词主要有although,though,even if,even though,as,despite,in spite of,no matter+特殊疑问词,及wherever,whatever等。

You wiIl succeed in the end even if you failed last time.


He didn't stop working though| he was i11.


Child as he is.he knows a 1ot.


Whatever(=No matter what)you say,1 won't believe you.


Despite I like the co1our.I don't like the shape.


◇[考题32](1)--She is young,she knows quite a 1ot things.

A.When B.However C.Although D.Unless

[解析]when引导时间状语从句、时态和逻辑有误;however可引导让步状语从句,但须与形容词或副词连用,意为“多么……”;unless引导条件状语从句,意思不通,这句话意思应为“尽管她很年轻,知道的事却不少。”【答案】 C

(2)______,he doesn't study well.

A.As he is clever B.Clever as he is

C.He is as clever D.As clever he is

[解析]as引导让步状语从句,表语置as之前,构成倒装语序,这是as引导让步状语从句的主要特点。这句话意为“尽管他很聪明,却不好好学习。”[答案] B

(3)Nobody believed him--what he said.

A.even if B.in spite

C.n0 matter D.contrary to

【解析] even if表示即使的意思;in spite后只有加0f才能构成短语“不管,尽管”的意思;contrary是“相反”的意思,均和句意不符。句意为“无论他说什么,没人能相信他。”[答案] C



fallen leaves落叶

people trapped in the lift 困在电梯里的人

(2)如果被修饰的词是由not any/no+thing/body/one所形成的不定代词或指示代词those等时,虽然一个单一的分词作形容词用,也要放在被修饰词之后。

1s there anything unsolved?



lost time=time which is lost


Tne dass iS broken.玻璃杯坏了。(状态)

It was broken by my sister.它是我妹妹打破的。(动作)

◇[考题33](1)tHe Olympic Games,_______ in 776BC, did not include women players until 1912.(全国高考题)

A.first playing B.tO be first played

C.first played D .t0 be first playing

[解析】 空白处相当于which was first played in 776Bc,即相当于一个非限制性定语从句。不定式作后置定语,在时态上相当于将来时, 不能表示已发生的动作;又因game与play之间存在动宾关系,所以 play要用被动形式。 [答案] c

(2)Cleaning women in big cities usually get_____by the hour. (全国高考题)

A.pay B.paying C.paid D.to pay

[解析] cleaning women与pay之间存在着动宾关系,因此本题应排除表示主动关系的A、B、D三项,从而一下子可以确定答案。get done是一种特殊的系表结构。[答案] C

(3)From his look on his face,the price of meat must have risen.v

A.disappointed B.disappointing

C.satis6ed D.satisfying

[解析] 因为“失望的”表情是由他自己发出来的,所以此处要用过去分词作定语。[答案]


1. Though they had lost their___,they knew the sunset was______beautiful

A.sights;不填;sight B.sights;a;sight

C.sight;a;sight D.sight;不填;sight

2. For miles ad miles around me,there was nothing but a 1arge blanket of water,without a boat or ship

A.in sight B.on earth C.at a distance D.in place

3. They do no______ to anyone and it is wrong to_____them.

A.hurt;harm B.wound;hurt C.harm;hurt D.harm;wound

4. The boy used to be good.We are____about why he has changed that much.

A.worried B.pleased C.disappointed D.puzzled

5. Much attention_______ pronunciation if you want to speak Enghsh well.

A.should pay to B.must be paid

C.should be paid to D.will be taken of

6. You can hardly imagine the difficulty she had--enough evidence to prove the case

A.collected B.to collect

C.collecting D.to have collected

7. In this battle,about onethousand soldiers were killed and one thousand more_______.

A.injured B.wounded C.hurt D.damaged

8. The little child______by his father left home yesterday.

A.having been punished B.to be punished

C.punished D.who has been punished

9. Swan Lake is a famous ballet in four acts,_____on a German fairy tale.

A.basing B.based

C.bases D.to base

10. An agreemem____tomorrow will do good to every one of us. .

A.to be signed B.being signed

C.signed D。having been signed

11. There are a 1ot of spelling mistakes;____it’s quite a good essay.

A.as though B.even though C.even if D.even so

12. The president said tlle report did not____his own views.

A.balance B.update C.ret]ect D.10cate

13. What____the experts lost is the interesting level of po11ution in our cities.

A.faces B.concerns C.bores D.relates

14. He fell from the tree and____so badly___that he was sent t0 a hospital immediately.

A.did;injure B.has;injured

C.was;injured D.is;injured

15. Joe seldom does her homework in the morning. .

A.So does Mary B.Mary does too

C.Nor does Mary D.Mary doesn't too

16. The Foreign office deals with international________.

A.affair B.affairs C.things D_business

17. All the preparations for the task____,and weh ready to start.

A.completed B.complete

C.had been completed D.have been completed

18. After the war ended,Washington Was____the first President of the United States.

A.elected B.picked C.tried out D.selected

19. I used to cook with electricity,but I’ve____to gas.

A.changed B.exchanged C.switched D.transformed

20. The best way to deal with an impolite person is to____him.

A.ignore B.neglect C.omit D.overlook


Many TV programs seem to be quite realistic(真实的).

()ne ] watches TV often feels that whatever happened in the film may as 2 happen to him. With only a little 3 , every marl in the street may 4 to be a thief, or a spy, or a murderer. Jane had been watching a spy 5 at a friend's home. In it a young girl had been 6 and murdered.

She felt a little 7 。 She took a train back to the center of the city. There were a lot of people 8 with her, so she felt much safer. A man sat 9 her, reading a newspaper. She thought nothing of it 10 she saw him staring at her. 11 the film and feeling uncomfortable, she got off the train and went to the bus stop. When he got on the same bus as she did, she found he was 12 her. When she got off the bus, she was getting more and more frightened 13 the street almost became empty.

She 14 as quickly as she could. She could hear footsteps behind her, but she didn't dare to look over her 15 It seemed to have been hours before she 16 the front door. She felt for her keys, but was unable to find them. The footsteps stopped behind her. She felt a 17 on her shoulder. Instead of feeling hands round her 18 , she heard a pleasant voice.

"I 19 if I frightened you. I thought I 20 you in the train, but I was not sure. "

1.A. he B. which C. who D. she

2.A. well B. soon C. though D. if

3.A. thinking B. imagination

C. consideration D. experience

4.A. seem B. appear C. turn D. come

5.A. film B. play C. TV D. show

6.A. watched B. followed C. searched D. hurt

7.A. frightened B. afraid C. excited D. surprised

8.A. talking B. sitting C. standing D. travelling

9.A. by B. opposite C. before D. behind

10.A. before B~ after C. as D. until

11.A. Seeing B. Thinking

C. Remembering D. Wondering

12.A. smiling B. staring C. glaring D. following

13.A. as B. when C. for D. and

14.A. ran B. rode C. drove D. walked

15.A. head B. arms C. shoulder D. back

16.A. closed B. opened C. entered D. reached

17.A. hand B. blow C. pressure D. hit

18.A. arms B. head C. neck D. shoulders

19.A. wondered B. regret C. sorry D. apologize

20.A. knew B. frightened

C. recognized D. noticed


As the population of the world keeps on grow, 1.-

it gets more and more difficult feed everyone. The 2.--

United States is one of the lucky country because it 3.---

grows enough food for itself and still has enough to 4。-

export to another parts of the world. One reason fo r 5._____

this is why the United States is a large country with 6._____

different kind of climate. Most of the central part 7.______

of the eotlntry is especial fit for raising grain. Wheat8._____

and corn are most important crops in this district. The 9._____

USA exports millions of tons of grain in every year 10._____


1.C 当“视力”讲时,sight是个不可数名词,无复数形式;当 “景象” 讲时,强调有人物的活动在里面,有时还可译成“奇观”,是个可数名词,但多用于a+adj.+sight句式。

2.A on earth表示“在世上;究竟”,at a distance表示“在远 处”,in place表示“在原来的位子上;适当的,合适的”,均不符合语境体现出来的“看得见;在视野之中”。

3.C do harm to为习惯用语,表示“对……有损害”。另一空暗含“伤害(自尊心,感情等)”。

4.D used to be good表示“曾经是个好孩子”,下文的changed that(=so)much表示他改变了许多,这件事使我们十分“不解;迷惑”。

5.C attention与pay之间存在动宾关系,所以pay应用被动式。pay attention to为固定词组,其中to为介词。

6.C 句中包含词组have dimculty in doing st’11.句型。

7.B battle表示“战斗;打斗”,因此在此中受伤要用wound,表示“受到刀枪伤”。



10.A tomorrow暗示“签合同”的动作发生在将来,所以要用不定式表示。又因sign与agreement之间存在动宾关系,所以用被动式。

11.D分号在此题中起着最重要的作用,因为有了相当于连词作用的分号,所以A、B、C均被排除。even so表示“即使是这样”,so代替前面的情况。



14.c 句意表示“他从树上掉下来,并且伤得如此严重,以致于被立刻送到医院里。”injure(口£.)“伤害”,由and连接的从句主语和谓语之间是被动的关系,应当用被动语态;从句 动作和主句动作是同时发生的,时态上应保持一致。


16.B 句意表示“对外办公室处理国际事务。”affairs复数形式多指重要或复杂的事务,business用来指与经济、商业有关的事务,thjngs指一般事情。

17.D all the preparations与complete之间应为被动关系,故排除A、B两项。依据we're ready to start,故排除C。


19.C 句意表示“我过去习惯用电煮饭,但现在改用煤气。”change改换,变化,指事物的变化过程,常用于change A into B/sth.changes from A to B/change to B;exehange“交换,调换”,指两事物间相互转换,如exchange A for B/exchange sth.with sth.;switcll‘‘改变、转变”,指转变位置、方向、思想、话题、方法、内容等;transforrn“改变;变化”,指事物的形状、外观、性质等变化。

20.A句意表示“对付无礼之人的最佳办法就是置之不理。”ignore多指有意忽略,或故意不理睬;neglect指对自己职责、义务、家庭等没有给予应有的重视,如neglect one's duty玩忽职守;omit指由于疏忽没注意而遗漏;everlook(监督检查时)遗漏,忽略。


1.C 2。A 3。B 4。B 5。A 6。B 7。A 8。D 9。B 10。D 11。C 12。D 13。 A 14。D 15。C 16。D 17。A 18。C 19。D 20。C


1. grow-growing 2.feed前加to 3.country-countries 4.正确

5.another-other 6.why---that 7. kind-kinds 8. especial-especially 9. most前加the 10.去掉in


Textbook Listening

Part 1①④⑥

Part 2①②③⑤⑦⑧⑨



Word study

1. (1)Was elected (2)were injured

(3)Was fired (4)to switch

(5)reflected (6)is…telated

(7)tolerate (8)present



1.Attributive:experienced talented organised

stolen addicted printed

Predicative:needed respected tolerated

2.talented journalists=journalists who are talented

an organized way=a way which is organized

stolen cultural 1elics=cultural relics which were stolen

people addicted to drugs=people who are addicted to drugs

printed articles=articles which are printed

3.(1)The telegram sent by my sister…

(2)Let’s try the bookstore opened last months.

(3)…housewives interviewed about…said…

(4)Three guns,stolen from the police station,were found

(5)…go to supermarkets crowded with shoppers.

4.(1)Three injured students were saved at 1ast.

(2)U8ed texthooks are often sold in China.

(3)His broken leg was wrapped carefully.

(4)A published novel is written by the 12-year-old girl.

(5)A newIy_built research center is for overseas students.




retire present ignore dimeuhy seldom media editor complete reflect tolerate elect AIDS citizen informed guard effort publishing injUre addict relidble relate attitude unique concern headline social fire switch disappoint spiritual affair polluter suffer face update arm


1. difficulty-difficult(口办)困难的

2. informed___information(n.)消息;信息










go up draw attention to bum down on aⅡsides for once change one's mind be addicted to current affairs suffer from

look up to even if fall in love…


1.There is a rumour that-clause.


3….it was the first time that-clause.

4.make+形式宾语it+for sb.to do sth.

5.What do you think of..?

6.1 would rather choose…

7.What's your opinion?

8.I don't think we should choose…

9.What do you choose…?

10.Maybe it would be better to choose…

11.Perhaps…is important.

12.Our readers want to know about…



(1)展示出的时态特征 。


What's tlle language spoken in Germany?德国讲什么语言?


fallen leaves=leaves that have fallen落叶

a faded rose=a rose that has faded一朵凋谢了的玫瑰

the risen sun=the sun that has risen升起的太阳



All the broken、windows have been repaired.



The bridge built 100 years ago is still in good condition.


③过去分词作定语常可扩展为一个定语从句。 。

That report about the village is the best of its kind ever written(=that has ever been written).



a three-legged desk一张三条腿的桌子



Autumn is come.=Autumn has come.


The playground lay/appoared/1OOked quite deserted(荒芜的)。

She stood there surprised at tlle bad news.

He sounded frightened.听他说话的声音,可知他被吓坏了。

[例1] (2002年春招)一How are the team playing?

-They're playing well,but one of them--hurt.

A.got B.gets c.are D.were

[解析] 本题考查主谓一致及时态的用法。因主语oneofthem为单数,故 排除c、D两项;理解句意,结合语境便知:“受伤”是发生在过去,故用一般过去时。选项A,got是连系动词,作“变得”解,表示状态的改变,后跟形容词或过去分词作表语。题干中,空后hurt是过去分词作got的表语。又如:You might get burnt and you might drop tlle pan of burning oil.[答案] A

[例2] (2001年全国高考)_____such heavy pollution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river.

A.Having suffered B.suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered

[解析] 本题检测学生在特定语境中对动词不定式和几种分词结构的判别与使用。通过分析题干句意可知,后面句子的动作发生在前面斌词suffer行为之后,因此,所设空中应该选用表示“已经完成’:状态的ing分词的完成式Having suffered(选项A)。B项为现在分词的一般形式,用来表示与句中动词同时进行或存在的情况;C项为不定式形式,表示一种趋势;以上两种情况均不合题意,故B、c两项均应舍去。题干中already也可起重要的提示与限制作用。D项表示被动含义,与句意不符,应排除,但统计数据表明,错误选项中恰好该项干扰最大。[答案]A

[例3] The job is____.None of us likes to do it.

A.tired B.tiring C.tire D.to be tired

[解析】 本题考查分词的用法。首先要掌握现在分词(doing)作表语的用法。及物动词的现在分词doing与自己的逻辑主语是主动关系。句意为“这项工作很累人,我们当中没有人喜欢做它。”[答案]B

[例4]I’m_____at your Success.

A.pleasing B.pleasant C.pleased D.please

[解析] 本题考查分词pleasing和pleased的区别。please是及物动词。句意为“我对你的成功感到非常高兴。”[答案]C

[例5]Helen isn't a____girl and she doesn't enjoy being with other people.

A.reasonable B.disable C.seeial D.reliable [解析] 从下文的“她不喜欢与其他的人在一起”,说明海伦是个比较白 闭的,不喜欢交际的(not seeial)的人,故排除“合理的”、“残疾的”及“可靠的”。[答案] C

[例6]The_____1ook on her face suggested that Michelle--the birthday gift from her boyfriend.

A.exciting;like B.excited;like

C.exciting;liked D.excited;1iked

[解析] 本题涉及到非谓语动词作定语问题以及suggest的用法问题。当表示“一张兴奋的脸孔”而不是“一张看了就兴奋的脸孔”时,用aIl excited face。当suggest作“建议”讲,其后的宾语从句应用(8hould)d0形式。[答案] D

[例7] (2004年北京春招)He looked around and caught a man_______his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A.put B.to be putting C.to put D.putting

[解析] 此题考查非谓语动词作宾语补足语的用法。catch sb.doing sth.撞上某人做某事。如:,The farmer caught the boys stealing hi8 apples.农夫发现孩子们在偷他的苹果。[答案] D

Unit 2 知识与能力同步测控题一



1.Talking to a friend over the phone,you feel that you are close to each other_____the actual distante is not short.

A.so 1ong as B.so that C.as if D.even if

2.Seeing the happy___of children playing in the park,I’m full ofjoy and confidence in the future of our country.

A.sight B.scene c.view D.sight

3.I felt somewhere____and was about to leave when something occured which_____my attention.

A.disappointed;attracted B.disappointing;attacked

C.disappointment;paid D.interested;drew

4.In preparing scientific report of laboratory experiments, you should____you finds in 1ogical order and clear language.

A.write B.raise C.present D.put

5.A sheep_____on this kind of special grass usually grows much

faster than______on ordinary.

A.fed;one B.feeds;the one

C.fed;that D.feeding;it

6.一What did you think of the concert given by the famous Hong Kong singer?

一Not so good.In fact,l______to be a great disappointment.

A.turned up B.turned in

C.turned down D.turned out

7.The librarian promised to get the book for me_____she could remember who last borrowed it.

A.ever since B.in case

C.if only D.even if

8.--How does it happen that your business goes wrong?

一But I’ve done everything that is_____by law.

A.required B.judged

C.requested D.desired

9.There appeared a_______1ook on her face on hearing the unexpected news.

A.worrying B.worried

C.worry D.worries

10.In a way I can see what you mean,even though I don't_____ your point of view.

A.permit B.share

C.recognize D.agree

11.If you had______your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made few mistakes.

A.1ooked up B.thought about

C.gone over D.gone round

12.Although I like the appearanee of the house,what really made me decide to buy it was the beantiful_____through thewindows.

A.Vision B.1ook C.picture D.view

13.--What do you think of Julia?

-She could be a very attractive girl,but she______no attention to her address. ’

A.paid B.was paying

C.pays D.had paid .

14.一You had no difficulty working out the maths problem.


A.No doubt B.Not at all ‘

C.None at all D.No problem

15.Henry can't attend the party_____at Tom's house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party____at Marie's house tomorrow.

A.held;being held B.to be held;to be held

C.to be held;held D.being held.to be held



Rupert Murdoch.the Australian-born American media ownerwas voted bost of British by the Sunday Express in London last week.

He is the most famous 16 owner in the world and 17 newspapers and TV channels across the world. 18 now he has been called the greatest 19 in Britain by one of his biggestrivals(竞争对手).

The paper,which competes for 20 with Murdoch’s own papers.called him“the man who made modern Britain”and it 21 Murdoch for his willingness to take risks. 22 said he had brought a“revolution”(革命)to television and newspaperproduction.

Rupert Murdoch was born in Melboume. 23 ,in 1931.Today he is better 24 as the owner of News Corporation Ltd.a media group that owns many different 25 of meditelevision,films ,books,and the Internet.

26 becoming the success he is today,Murdoch studied Oxford University in Britain.He returned to Australia in 1952,when he 27 The Adelaide News from his father .His life since then can be seen as a series of international jumps in which he’s 28 more and more news-papers and TV stations.

Inthe 1960s,it was The Mirror in Sydney and The Sun in London;in the 1970s,he bought the New York Post;in the 1980s, he took on Hollywood when he bought 20 Century Fox and Fox TV.At this time he also bought the Times and the Sunday Times in London.And most 29 in the 1990s,he bought star Television in Asia.

His company has also formed a joint-Venture(合资的)television company with the Chinese Governmem.Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Lld.(凤凰211视控股有限公司).It 30 Six channels--Xingkongweishi,channel[V],star Movies National Geographic.star Sports and ESPN-to millons of Chinese 31 .

0ne 32 how Murdoch could have found the time for love and relationships since he owns such a big business.In 1967,he married Alisa Tmy,whom he met 33 she wits a reporter on the Sydney Daily Mirror.The couple got 34 in 1998.The next year,he married Chinese---born Wendy Deng.Deng,Murdoch’s third wife,is 37 years younger than Muntoch and used to work 35 Star TV in Hong Kong.The 71-year-old Murdoch is now father of five children after Deng gave birdh to a baby daughter last year.

16.A.media B.TV C.radio D.newspaper

17.A.edits B.buvs C.controls D.updates

18.A.However B.Until C.And D.Since

19.A.editors B.businessmen

C.reporters D.telegraphers

20.A.readers B.media C.headlilies D.journalists

21.A.eIected B.debated C.praised D.matched

22.A.He B.It C.Evergone D.who

23.A.England B.America C.Australia D.China

24.A.known B.received C.reflected D.informed

25.A.ways B.areas C.forms D.fields

26.A.Until B.After C.Since D.Before

27.A.took out B.took up C.took over D.took in

28.A.created B.sold C.published D.bought

29.A.recently B.immediately C.newly D.early

30.A.faced B.telated C.demonstrated D.introduced

31.A.readers B.1isteners C.、riewers D.media

32.A.bores B.concerns C.knows D.wonders

33.A.while B.because C.till D.once

34.A.married B.separated

C.disappointed D.tolerated

35.A.on B.among C.for D.within




A good modem newspaper is an extraordinary piece of reading.It is remarkable first for what is contains:the range of news from local crime to international politics ,from sports to business to fashion to science ,and the range of comment and special features as well ,from editorial page to feature articles and interviews to criticism of books ,arts ,theatre and music.A newspaper is even more remarkable for the way one reads it: never completely,never straight through ,but always by jumping from here to there ,in and out glancing at one piece ,reading another article all the way throngh,reading just a few paragraphs of the next.A good modern newspaper offers a variety to attract many direm readers,but far more than any one reader is interested in.What brings this variety together in one place in its topicality(时事性),its immediate relation to what is happening in your world and your 1ocality now.But immediacy and the speed of production that goes、vith it means also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient(短暂的)value.For all these reasons,no two people really read the same paper: what each person does is to put together out of the pages of that day's paper,his own selection and sequence,his own newspape.For all these reasons,reading newspaper efficiently,which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time,demans skill,and self-awareness as you modify and apply me techniques of readjng. .

36.A modem newspaper is remarkable for all the following except its_________.

A.wide coverage B.uniform style

C.speed in reporting news D.popularity

37.According to the passage,the reason why two people really read the“same”newspaper in that______.

A.people scan for the news they are interested in

B.different people prefer different newspapers

C.people are rarely interested in the same kind of news

D.people have different views about what a good newspaper is

38.It can be concluded from the passage that newspaper readers

A.apply reading techniques skillfully

B.jump from one newspaper to another

C.appreciate the variety of a newspaper

D.usually read a newspaper selectively

39.A good newspaper offers'a variety”to readers because____.

A.it tries to serve different readers

B.it has to cover things that happen in a certain locaIity

C.readers are difficuIt to please

D.readers like to read differet newspapers

40.The best title for this passage would be“______”.

A.The importance of newspaper Topicality

B.The Chacteristics of a Good Newspaper

C.The Variety of a Good New$paper

D.Some Suggestions on How to Read a Newspaper


The fonowlng is about the BBC and some other broadecasting

Stations in Britain.


┃station Broadcasting time Type of programmes


┃ BBC RADIO 1 24 hours a day Pop and light music ;


BBC RADIO 2 24hours a day Pop and liaght music;sports

BBC RADIO 3 7a.m to about midnight serious music cultural programmes ;science talk

BBC RADIO 4 6 A.M to about midnight The main news about mid night service .

The BBC has local radio stations, such as Radio Wales which broadcasts some programmes in the Welsh language.The BBC has local radio stations which bring local newsAnd storied of local interest , such as Radio Lodon

Commercial radio has stations but it has many local ones;London has two –the London Broadcasting Company (LBC)And Capital Radio.

There is advertising on commercial radio but not on the BBC.

41.On which radio call you hear a commercial?

A.Radio 3. B.Radio 4.

C.Capital Radio. D。Radio London.

42.You need to listen to______for a programme on outer space .

A.Radio 2 B.Radio 3

C.Radio Wales D.LBC


This is not the world we know.The World is contrlled by computers.Men and women can be seen,but they are following the 0rders given to them by machines.The machines were designed by mad scientists. but at some point even the mad scientists were taken by their superinventions.

Does this scenario sound familiar? You have probably read something like it in magazines or science fiction books,or seen it in a science fiction film.Why is the tlleme so popular? 0ne of the reasons is undoubtedly that it reflects the fears of many people;fear of the unknown,fear of what is not understood or,at 1east,fear of something that is only partially comprehended. This fear is perhaps not very different from the way witches and black cats were feared in tlle Middle Ages.

The fact is that every day it seems that computers take contro1 of another area of our 1ives.Some factory jobs fire now done b