Unit 15 Destinations

发布时间:2017-10-24 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and expressions: every now and then get tired of feast….

2.Train Ss’ reading ability

3. Get Ss to learn about some big cities in the world

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn to use the following useful phrases every now and then get tired of feast….

2. Train Ss’ reading ability

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help Ss understand the text exactly

Teaching Methods:

1.fast reading to get a general idea of the text

2.Careful reading to get the detailed information

3. Asking –and- answering to help Ss understand the text exactly

4. Pair or group work to make every student work in class

Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Location: Along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil’s second lagest city

Attractions: Beaches (Copacabana ), stores, Malls churches, theme parks, cafes&restaurants

Scenery: Beautiful beaches, modern malls, old buildingsand churches,tall office buildings

When to visit: June or July,but also March ( Carnival )

Step 2 Fast Reading

Q1: Of the two places introduced, which is a summer resort to us, and which is a winter resort? Rio de Janeiro /summer; Kitzbuhel/winter

Q2: What is Carnival in Rio de Janeiro? Carnival is a four-day festival to celebrate the sun

Q3: Where is Alps? Alps stands around Kitzbuhel in southern Austria,in Europe

Step 3 Careful Reading


Para1 Rio de Janeiro Kitzbuhel

Wanderlust: the urge/itch to travel


Location along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil in South America

People Cariocas: big hearts/friendliness

Places worth visiting modern malls, theme parks ,beautiful beaches, downtown Rio

cultural/historical commercial

(old buildings/churches) (dance halls/talloffice buildings)


Q1: Which of the following is true?

A. Copacabana is close to a century old.

B. All beaches are not far away from downtown Rio.

C.To take a bus back to downtown Rio is not a good idea after a long time in the sun on the beach of Princess of the Sea

Q2: The best time to visit Rio de Janeiro is _______.___is also good because of ____.

A. in June and July because it is the summer time in Rio; March; Carnival

B. in June and July because it is winter in Rio;March; a festival in celebration of the sun.

C. in June and July because it is cold in Rio; March; a famous festival


Q1: What can tourists do in Kitzbuhel?

go skiing; try downhill slopes; watch downhill race; enjoy a variety of entertainment take a walk around

Q2: What kind of place is Kitzbuhel? a paradise for skiers;good weather and breath-taking scenery ; a lively mix of old village culture and the excitement of an international tourist area.

Step 4 A comparison of the two cities

Items Rio de Janeiro Kitzbuhel

Country Brazil Austria

Location On the coast of Atlantic Ocean In southern Austria

People Big hearts and friendliness Friendliness

Attractions Downtown Rio, Copacabana, World-class ski resort, old

Carnival Village culture

Best time to visit June or July winter

Step 5 Answer the following questions:

1.What is wanderlust? It is the urge to explore the world, or to travel.

2.Where is Rio de Janeiro? It is on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil.

3.What does Cariocas mean? It refers to the people of Rio.

4.What is the best way to see downtown of Rio De Janeiro and what can you see? On foot. You can see old and modern buildings which tell you Rio is an important commercial city.

5.Where is Kitzbuhel? It is located in southern Austria.

6.What is Kitzbuhel famous for? Good weather, breathtaking scenery and world-class ski resort.

7.What else can you do in Kitzbuhel besides skiing? It offers a wide variety of entertainment and you can experience old village culture mixed with the excitement of international tourist area.

8.What is Rio de Janeiro famous for?

Rio de Janeiro is famous for its modern malls,theme parks and beautiful beaches.

9.What does the word “Cariocas” mean?

“Cariocas”means the people of Rio de Janeiro.

10.Why do people visit Kitzbuhel?

People visit Kitzbuhel because it is a world-class ski resort,a paradise for skiers

Step 6 Re-read the text carefully and further understand it(Can you explain the following in English)

1.Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.

It means that Kitzbuhel is a wonderful place for people who ski.

2.A walk through downtown is a history lesson.

Walking through downtown can help to learn about the history of Rio from what you see.

3.…a feast for the eyes.

A lively mix of old village culture and excitement of an international tourist area.

4.Should you have enough energy left,…

If you should have enough energy left,…

Step 7 Post-reading:

Area Key information in the text

Food Only mention some cafes, restaurants

Transportation Walking in downtown can be great fun.

Attractions Theme parks, museums, historical sites, shopping malls, important buildings

Scenery Beaches.

Step 8 Language points

1.Every now and then,we get the itch to travel.我们时不时会有去旅行的强烈渴望。


Many people have an itch for excitement.

They have an itch to travel abroad.

2.Should you feel the urge to pack your bags and explore what the world has to offer,you may want to consider one of the destinations below.如果你感到有迫切的愿望去打好行李,探索世界所能提供给你的事物。你可能会考虑下列目的地中的一个

1)Should 用于条件句,表示可能性,“万一”前省略if.

Should you run into Sunny,tell her she owes me a letter.

Should you have any difficulty in getting tickets,ring this number.


2)what the world has to offer作expore 的宾语,其中what作has 的宾语,to offer 作what 的定语。

如:the world has what to offer.

3.Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s second largest city, stretches itself lazily along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.


stretch v. 变长,拉紧,伸开,张开,延伸。例如:In some tropical regions small boats used to be made of skins stretched over a wooden frame.


He stretched his legs in front of him.他往前伸腿。

4.A trip to Rio will also give you a glimpse of the happy lifestyle of the cariocas-the people of Rio-who are known for their big hearts and friendliness.一趟里约之旅还会给你带来里约热内卢人愉悦生活的一瞥,他们以宽阔的胸怀和友好的态度而著称于世。

5.Copacabana, also known as the “Princess of the Sea” , has just celebrated its one hundredth birthday and is more beautiful than ever.


hundredth 第一百个(序数词)。例如:

In order to celebrate the one hundredth birthday of our school, every class will hold a party.




first 第一 second 第二 third 第三 twenty-first 第二十一

6.Located in Southern Austria, Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.坐落在奥地利南部的基茨比厄尔是滑雪者的乐园。

located in Southern Austria,是过去分词短语在这儿作状语,表示地点。过去分词除了作状语以外,还可以作定语、表语、补语。例如:Moved by what she said, he could hardly calm down.由于被她那些话所感动他很难平静下来。

He promised to keep me informed of how project was getting along.


He suggested that the murderer referred to be sentenced to death at once.


7.Even though the altitude of the city and its surrounding alps isn’t enough to guarantee snow,the good weather and breath-taking scenery make Kitzbuhel a world-class skiresort.尽管这座城市的海拔高度和周围的高山不足以保证降雪,晴好的天气和令人叹为观止的景色,使得基茨比厄尔成为世界级的滑雪胜地。

8.Should you have enough energy left after a day on the slopes,you can take a dip in the pool,work out at the gym or go dancing in one of the city’s many hotels and clubs.如果在山坡上玩了一天后,你还有足够的精力。就可以去游泳池里泡泡,去体育馆里锻炼一下,或者到城里找个宾馆或俱乐部去跳舞。

take a dip=have/go for a dip短时的游泳或洗澡

work out 进行锻炼,训练

Integrating Skills

Teaching aims:

Get the students to be familiar with some travel tips.

Enable the students to write a travel brochure about their hometown.

Help the students to consolidate their reading skills like skimming for main ideas.

Step 1 Warming up (listening):

1).What are they talking about? They are talking about what they will do during the summer’s break( vocation).

2). Why does the man probably go to the beach? It would be nice to get away

from this cold weather and just lie down in the sun and relax after working so hard.

Step 2 Background knowledge:

1) Why do so many people like to travel? enrich one’s mind

…broaden one’s view(widen one’s vision)…become knowledgeable

…make friends …improve one’s life quality

2) While going on a trip,what kind of places would people usually like to go to?


beautiful scenery cultural sites historical sites

cities countries seas mountains

The West Lake Niagara Waterfalls

3) If you are offered an opportunity to go on a trip, what place would you like to go to? And why? Venus Sydney

I suggest that you should…

5) I will travel abroad, what should I get ready?

What travel tips and practical advice are suggested before going on a trip to a faraway destination? First,find out more about the destination you have chosen. Second, consider when and how you want to travel. Third, have a good preparation of the trip, e.g. make a list of what you want to bring (such as visa, credit card, cheque, foreign currency and backpack and so on) before you start packing.

Step 3 Scanning :

1.) Why is it necessary to find out more about the destination before you go on a trip? It is not only a good way to save money and avoid problems, it can also be a lot of fun. For example,…

2.) Why do travel agents play an important role in your trip? Travel agents can help you to find out about package trips that include hotel costs,tours and entrance tickets and choose between different alternatives, they may also help you with travel documents such as passports and visas.

3.)As far as money matters are concerned, what are mentioned in the paragraph? Credit card, cash, cheque, foreign currency.

4)Why is it suggested that you never change money on the street or with strangers? Because you may be cheated.

5) How to pack your things before the trip? Make a list of what you want to bring before you start packing. Seasoned travellers have learnt what they must bring. Travel light if possible and bring a smaller bag or backpack .

6) Which travel tip do you think is the most useful? Why? In my opinion,it just depends. If you want to go abroad, the most useful and important is visa and passport, which you can’t go without. But if you go sightseeing in your home country, money matters like credit cards, cheques and cash are useful, without which you can do nothing.

Step 4 Post –reading

1.Dialogue-making: Work in pairs. Imagine that your friend has just returned from abroad, and you want very much to know about his(her) trips to these exotic places. Your friend will tell you what should be well prepared before going on a trip and also something about the transportation, accommodation, his impression of the place and so on.

A: So you’ve come back

from abroad…


2. Writing(your homework): Imagine some foreign guests will pay a visit to Taizhou for the first time.You are asked to write a travel brochure in which you describe the place, suggest activities and provide travel tips.

Step 5 Language points

1.Most hotels have websites where you can view rooms and rates and find answers to your questions.

大多数宾馆都有自己的网站,你可以比较一下房间和价格并从中找到有关问题的答案。view vt. 观看;仔细看,认为;把……看作是。例如:

Several possible buyers have come to view the house.


The plan was viewed favorably.


view n.视野;景色;风景;


The house has a view over the sea.


2.Experienced travelers may prefer to make their own arrangements, but the advice of a travel agent is always helpful.


prefer vt. 宁愿(选择),更喜欢。例如:

I should prefer you not to stay (that you did not stay) there too long.


Do you prefer coffee or tea?你喜欢咖啡还是茶?

prefer to do … rather than do …“与……相比更喜欢做……

例如:He preferred to stay at home today rather than go to the cinema.


3.seasoned adj. 训练有素的,有经验的。例如:

Seasoned soldiers know what to do in this kind of situation.在这种情况下,训练有素的士兵是知道如何去做的。seasoned 常作定语。

例如:a seasoned sailor 有经验的水手

Rewrite the following sentences

1.He was very brave.He went into the cave alone to look for his friend.

Being very brave,he went into the cave alone to look for his friend.

2.She was quite ill.She could not visit her friend in England.

Being quite ill, she could not visit her friend in England.

3.He is an experienced traveller.

He knows how to plan a trip.

Being an experienced traveller,he knows how to plan a trip.

4.The girls who are attending the sick all come from the countryside.

The girls attending the sick all come from the countryside.

5.When he heard the music,he began to miss his hometown.

Hearing the music,he began to miss his hometown.

6.When they saw the flame on top of the mountain,they knew that another war would begin soon.

Seeing the flame on top of the mountain, they knew that another war would begin soon.

7.While he was driving to the airport,he hit a boy on a bike.

While driving to the airport,he hit a boy on a bike.

8.After he got married,he lived separately from his parents.

After getting married, he lived separately from his parents.