
发布时间:2016-6-16 编辑:互联网 手机版










一、 重点词汇

burn, feed ,fetch ,sow, programme ,free, operate, guide, punish, purpose ,allow, revision, surply, province, agree ,project ,abroad, company, port。

二、 重点短语

grow up, in fact, be made from ,in the past ,in order to, wash away, break the rules, by oneself ,take a look, plent of, begin…with, spend …doing…, by sea ,set up ,far away。

三、 重点句型

1.Put the little plants in the shade so that the son won’t burn them.

2.Knock them down or eat the leaves.

3.They also make sue the cows do not….

4.If not, they would have no wood at all.

5.A new car factory will be built in our town..

6.I say,let’s go out for a drive next Sunday.

7.This number will grow later to 300,000 a year.

8.Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory.


1、 shade n.荫,荫凉处take a rest under the shadesofsthestree;thesshadessofsevening/night

It’s cooler in the shade.

He slept in the shade of the trees.

The groups of trees provide some shade from the sun..

Trees give shade in the summer.


The dog saw his shadow on the grass.

Keep the box in the shade so that the sun does’t burn the little plant.

2.Burn vt. 烧、 烧掉、烧焦、烧伤、晒黑

词组burn out; burn down;burn…to the ground

We burn wood to keep warm.

The children burned his fingers badly.

get burnt被烧伤、被晒黑

Don’t stand in the sun,or you’ll get burnt.


Wood burns easily.

A bright fire is burning in the room.

The milk has burnt.

Her skin burns .easily


3.feed vt.给……东西吃、喂、养活、饲养

We have to feed 100 guests after the wedding.

The mother is feeding her baby.

He has a large family to feed.

At night he feeds ang cares for the horses ang the cows.

be well(badly)fed吃得好(不好)

I always come here when I want to be well fed.

feed sth. to sb.或feed sb.with/on sth.喂某人吃……、给某人吃……

Mother is feeding milk to her girl.

They feed the cattle with/on grass.


Please the fire some more wood.or it will die.

This little streams feed the lake.

vi.(牛、马等)吃东西 feed on(动物)以……为主食。Live on(人)以……为主食 。be fed up with厌烦、对……感到腻了,相当于be tired of。

I am fed up with this wet weather.

I won’t wait any longer---I’m fed up.

4.fact n. 事实

Facts speak louder than words.


The fact that they lost the game made no difference to me.

They were worried about the fact that you were sick.

The real danger lies in the fact that you don’t understand yourself.

in fact/in actual fact/as a matter of fact/in point of fact 事实上、实际上、其实

no one believe it,but in fact,Mary got A on her school report.

Offically he is in charge,but, as a matter of fact,his secretary does all the work.

5.operate vi.(机器)运转、(药物等)起作用


The machine does't~~ properly.

The new law does’t ~~ in our favour.


Can you ~~ the machine?

The companys ~~ three factories.

The program was ~~d by women of the area.

operate on为……做手术

the doctores will ~~ on him for his cancer.

6.free adj.空闲的、空着的、随便的、免费的、自由的

Are you free tonight?

Do you have a ~~ room for me to live in?

He’s free to enter the room.

You needn’t pay for it,it’s free.

We’re living in a ~~ country.

free of没有、免交、摆脱

Most of the roads are now free of snow.

They like living in a village,free of crowws or noise.

free of charge/cost免费、free of duty免关税的free from不受……的损害、避免、避开(痛苦、烦恼等)

The old lady is never free from pain.

He wishes to live a life entirely free from troubles.

Keep the table free from dirt by putting a cover over it.

for free免费,一般只作状语,不作表语;而。。。既可作状语又可作表语。

I got the letter for free.

They flew these singers to Europe for free.

7.punish vt.惩罚;处分;制裁

Somebody ought to ~~the thief and teach him a lesson..

Anyone who breaks the law will be ~~ed.

punish sb. for (doing) sth.因……惩罚某人

the boy was ~~ed for his being late.

8.purpose n..目的;目标

what’s your ~~in doing this?

The ~~ of the meetingis to elect a new captain.

for…purpse 为了……目的for what ~~ did they invite me to come here?

Did you come to London for business ~~s?

For/with the ~~ of doing sth为了he went to Beijing for the ~~ of seeing his family.

on purpose故意地;特意地

--I’m sorryI stepped on your toe;it was an accident.

--It was’t. You did it on ~~.

I came here on ~~ to see you.

9.supply vt.提供;供应;

同义词 :furnish;provide

supply sth to/forsb.=supply sb.with sth给某人提供……

The shool ~~ies books to the students.

=The school ~~ies the students with books

miss Wang is well~~ed with money.


The water ~~in this town is good.

They sent some medecine ~~ies to the old man.

a supply of或supplies of 大量的

Bring a large ~~of food with you.

Ther is a good ~~of books in the cupboard.

The bear has stored supllies of fat in its body.

10.certain adj.肯定的;有把握

I was ~~ that he hasd seen me.

I am not ~~ wheather he will win the game.

Be certain of/about对……有把握

Are you ~~ of that/what you said?

Be certain to do 肯定会

He is ~~ to return.

You are certain to be happy with them.

It is certain that可以肯定……,次句型中的certain不能换成sure。

It’s the almost ~~that the government will lost the the next election.


we usually begin our class with music.

He began his talk with a short story.

Begin with以……开始,先做……

I advise you begin with something easy.

The oceans begin with little drops of water.

to begin with首先,作插入语

We can’t give Mr Smith the position;to begin with,he is too young;secongly,I want my son to have the job.

12。keep…away from使……远离;使……避开

You must keep this medicine away from the child.

=This medicine must be kept from the child.

Keep everyone away from the accident.


keep watch ;keep close with ;keep back;keep in touch with ;keep one’s word/promise; keep up; keep to the right; keep to bed.

13.knock down撞到;打倒;推倒 如果后接人或物的宾格形式,要把它放在中间。

He almost knocked me down before he saw me.

Jim was knocked down by a taxi,and serious hurt.

They are going to knock down the old buildings soon.

联想:.knock at .knock into sb .knock out of .knock head叩头

14.in rows成排地(in a row成一排地)

They were standing in a row .

They sat in rows watching TV.


in line in the open air in a minute in time in trouble in hospital in bed

15.break the rules违反规则

He broke the rules of making the machinery.联想:

break a rule carry out a rule keep the rule obey the rule

16.the rest(of)剩下的、其他的,该短语做主语时,谓语动词的数要视其所指代的内容而定。

Some of the girls are dancing;the rest of them are singing.

These books are mine.The rest are yours.

Give me a glass of beer,the rest is yours.

17.agree with,agree on,agree to

agree with指同意某人的观点,后跟sb/each other/one another/wh-从句,也可指“与……一致,适应……的事物、气候”agree on表示在某一点上达成协议并取得一致意见;agree to 后接表计划、决定、提议等意义的名词,侧重于在同意的同时,准备承担相应的义务;agree to后还可跟动词原形,表“同意做某事”

what he says does’t agree with what he does.

They didn’t agree with each other on that point.

The climate there does’t agree with him.

They agreed on a date to meet again.

I wonder if all of you have agree to my plan.

We all agreed to his advice.

Finally they agreed to spent their money on the computer.

At last our monitor agreed to give us another chance.

18.stop…(from)doing阻止……做……同义词组有prevent..(from)doing;keep…from doing;discourage…fron doing

you’ll have to water the plants to stop the soil getting too dry.

A dam was built to stop the flood (from)destroyingthe crops.

We all tried to stop him smoking in bed,but he would not listen.

19.grow to增长到;发展到

The number of our school students has grown to 2000.

This small matter has grown to(=into)a serious problen.

The girl has grown to be a beatiful young lady.


grow into长成为 grow up长大 grow up into长(大)成为 grow out of从……长出来 grow out长出来

20.do a lot of walk=walk a long way走很长的路。Do+doing:当谈论需要一段的时间活动或重复进行的活动时常用do+doing,此doing前总有一个限定词。


do some reading; do some thinking and

studying ;do some washing; do some shopping; do some cooking; do some cleaning; do some sightseeing

21.take a rest;.take a restr; take a bath; take a walk ; take a trip; take a break; take a shower; take a pinic

22.no more than和not more than

no more than =not…any more than只有…仅仅…,(即only)

no more than four classes 只有四个班

not more than=at (the) most.最多…;不超过…

not more than 20 pages 最多20页


no less than=as many as至多有…;多达…

not less than=at (the) least不少于…;至少有…①


1.We’ll hold a meeting in order to explain the programme.

Put the the plant in the shade so that it won’t burn them.

(1)in order to和so as to常用来表目的,作状语。应注意:不定式的逻辑主语要与句中的主语保持一致。如:

we got up early in order to/so as to catch the first train.

{注}in order to 可放在句首, so as to则不可

in order to和 he so as to否定式在to前加not如:

Let’s hurry so as/in order not to be late for school.

比较so as to以便 ;so as …to 如此……以致于

(2)so that和in order that引导的目的状语从句,从句的谓语动词常与。can,could,may,might等情态动词连用,表示虚拟语气。如:

We got up early so that we could catch the first train.

Speak loud so that we can hear you clearly.

{注} so that还作“结果是,以致于”解,用以引导结果状语从句。

She often tell lies,so that no one believes her.

It was too cold,so thatwe could’t swim in the river.

2.Not all the parts of the car will be made in the fatory.


Not all those books are good.=All those books are not good.

I don’t like both of the novels.

All the glitters is not gold.

None,no +名词,no one,nobody,neither 等表示全部否定。

No students like this game.

Neither of you is right.


1. The cakes are delicious.He’d like to have__third one because__second one is rather too small

A.a;a B .the;the

C. a;the D. the;a

本题考查了学生 的定势思维的能力。在序数词前一般用定冠词the,表示序号排列或序号排列为多少人或物,但也常见不定冠词和序数词连用表示数量“又一个,再一个” (C)

2.The WTO can not live up its name___

does not include a country is home to one fifthof mankind.

A. as long as B.while

C.if D.even though

as long as表示仅有的条件; while表示同时或表示转折; if 表示条件;even though表示让步。 (C)

3.She reach the top of the hill and stopped__on a big rock by the side of the path.

A.to have rest B.resting

C.to rest D.rest

stop 后可接动名词作宾语,“停止做……”;也可接动词不定式作目的状语“停下来做……”;还可用语stop…(from)doing sth.“防止…做…”。选项A是完成式,表示 rest 先于谓语动词上发生,故明显错误。 (C)

4.Poal doesn’t have to be made__.He always works hard.

A. learn B.to learn

C.learned D.learning

英语中的使役动词make,let,have和感官动词see,watch,notice,oberseve,hear, feel等在主动语态中,其后作宾补的不定式要省略to.但在被动语态中,作主补的动词不定式必须保留to.另外,let和make不可接分词形式。 (B)

5.The missing boy were last seen__near the river.

A.playing B.to be playing

C.play D.to play

本题考查see sb. doing sth.和see sb. Do sth.的意义区别。前者被动语态结构为be seen doing sth(正在做某事).;后者则为 be seen to do sth.(已经做了某事) {A}

6.I agree with most of what you said,but I don’t with agree with___.

A.everything B.anything

C.something D.nothing

本题考查的是部分否定。从前文“你说的绝大部分我同意。”可推知后半句应为“但宾部以为着每一个细节我都赞同。”这是部分否定。只有总括词everything,everybody,all,both等和not连用才是部分否定。 (A)

7.Luckily,we’d brought a road map without___we would have lost our way.

A.it B.that

C.what D.which

本题考查定语从句的用法。map 是先行词,介词+which引出的定语从句。故答案为D。解此题的关键是要根据句子结构判断这是一定语从句,而不是两个并列句。此题如在map后加分号,那么分号前后是两个并列句。这时就要选择A。 (D)

8.-Have you finished your report yet?

---No.I’ll finish it __ten minutes.

A. another B. other

C.more D.less

本题考查“another+数词+复数名词”表示“另外几个……”之意。空白后没有than,不是more than或less than 结构,排除C、D。而other表示别的句意不通,排除B;“再一,另一”要用another,其后可加单数名词,也可用表示整体概念的“another+数词+复数名词”形式。或使用“数词+more+复数名词”。 ( A )



1.--Who are you waiting for?

-- _____ the man wounded in the left leg.

A. The doctor will operate on

B. Tie nurse to be looked after

C. The doctor to operate on

D. His brother got

1. It' s too late to go out now. ___, it's starting to rain.

A.Besides B. Meanwhile

C. However D. Anyhow

3. You can say "He went there _____, not _____."

A. on the car; by car

B. on foot;in his car

C.by foot; by car

D.in his car; by his foot

4.We must do something to _____ factories _____waste water into the river before it is cleaned.

A. stop; pouring . B.prevent;to pour

B. keep;pouring D.stop; to pour 5."_____ of them are not here." means "_____ of them are not here."

A. All; Some B. Both; Every

C. Both; Neither D. All; Both

6. They started early that morning in order that they_____ there before noon. A. would get B. got

C. must get D. might get

7. The task was very hard, so _____ were needed.

A. ten more men B. ten men more

C. more ten men D. men more ten

8.The baby___crying.

A.kept B.kept on

C .keeping Dkepting on

9.The train__at 8:00 o’clock.Don’t be late.

A.is about to B.leaves

C.left D.is leaving

10.Do you agree__a new plan for the holiday.

A. making B. on making

C.that make D.to make



1.She hasn’t handed in her exercise-book.

=Her exercise-book___ ___ ___in.

2.We got up early so that we could catch the first bus.

=We got up early ___ ___ ___catch the bus.

3.We must build a new biology lab next term.

=Next term a new biology lab must___ ___.

4.His father grows cabbage to feed the family.

=His father grows cabbage ___ ___he ___feed the family.

5.I bought it two weeks ago.

=I have ___it ___two weeks.

6.I say,let’s go out by car next Sunday.

=I say, let’s go out ___a ___next Sunday.

7.They supply the children with the food.

=They supply ____ ____the children.

8.Our city is in the middle of some important railways.

=Our city is___the ___of some important railways.

9.No students can do it well.

=____ ____the student can do it well.

10There is going to be a new car factory in our city.

=A new car factory ___ ___built in our city.

11.They will make not only cars.

=They will make___cars___trucks at this factory.

12.He visited his friends.

=He ___a___to his friends.


1.hasn’t been handed;2.in order/so as to;3.be built;4.sothat…can;5.haddggfor;6.for/in;drive/car;7.food to;8.at crossing;9.None of;10.will be;11.both and;12.paid visit


1.We’re afraid that some day an even bid earthouake will shake the city. ___

2.A few flowers were still remained on the trees at this time of year. ___

3.What do you think happening to him?I haven’t seen him for days. ___

4.I can’t watch much television now but IsusedStoSwatchsTVAveryday. ___

5. It’s said the weather will last hot for another two days. ____

6.They all offered me with the information I asked for. ____

7.I met a woman in the street whom I thought was tom’s mother. ____

8.Many old building were tore down to make rooms for a new highway . ____

9.It is well known that the corn is a useful plant,which grows in warm places. ____

10.How about the two of us take a ride down the highway. ____



①An apple fell to the___

②The moon travels around the ___once a month.

③Theydcame to Beijing by ______,not by


④A strong wind is blowing from the sea towards the_______.

⑤The train sinks into the_______.

⑥The old man is still woking in the ______of the corn.



①_____your books next time when you come to school.

②______her out of the room, it’s dangerous here.

③I asked him to ___me the morning paper.

④I never ___any money about.

⑤--Sorry!I haven’t my pencil-box.

--I’ll____ it for you.

⑥Little Tom always____a big schoolbag.


3.agree to; agree with; agree on; agree that

①He agreed___send me some books on computer.

②We have agreed___the date of the visit.

③The wet climate doesn’t agree__the northerners.

④Finally he agreed___he would accept the invitation.

⑤All those who agree___the plan,raise your hands.

⑥I agree___him on the matter.


2. wear;put on;have on;dress;be in;try on

①Tom always___black shoes___.

②The PLA men are___green uniforms.

③She likes to___a red flower in her hair.

④He___his coat and went to the playground.

⑤Alice was___a new dress before the mirror.

⑥Get___quickly and do morning exercises.

ANSWERS:①has;on;②in/dressed in;③wear;④put on;⑤trying on;⑥dressed

3. spend;cost;take;pay for

①It___him half an hour to finish the work everyday.

②How much did you ___the old stamp?

③It will___you $50 to fly to London.

④The car___all his savings.

⑤The money he____on the books added to 1,000 yuan

⑥I___him 1,000 dallors for his helping me out.

ANSWERS:①takes;②pay for;③cost;④cost;⑤spent;⑥paid.