Unit20 The world s population

发布时间:2016-10-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

1. 本单元主要谈论世界人口问题。人口问题是当今世界最重要的问题之一。让学生了解其重要性,从而培养学生关心世界、关心未来的高尚情操。

2. 学习过去将来时态在宾语从句中的运用。

3. 学习数词及其读法。



on the earth, hour after hour, mouth, grow ( grew, grown), beginning, at the beginning of, by.


1.What’ s the population of… ?

2.It’ s about 1. 2 billion.

3.What does…mean?

4.That means…



理解过去将来时在宾语从句中的运用和was/were going to的用法。



1. 过去将来时态

1)过去将来时由“助动词would+动词原形”构成。would常简缩为’d,如:I'd , you'd ,

he 'd等;would not常简缩为wouldn't。

27. 过去将来时的用法


I didn't know if he would come.

He wasn't sure whether she would go with him.

Mr Hu said he would go to Beijing for summer holiday.

过去将来时态也可用“was/were going to +动词原形”来表示,例如:

Li Lei said he was going to college after he left middle school.

I wasn't sure if he was going to speak at the meeting.

He didn't say when he was coming.

2. Numbers数及其读法

3,333,333,333 33亿3千3百 33万3千3百33


1) 1,000以上的大数,要使用计数逗点“,”,即从个位开始,每隔三位加一逗点,第一个逗点前是thousand(千),第二个逗点前是million(百万),第三个逗点前是thousand million(英国读法)或billion(美国读法)(十亿)。

2) 分段以后,各段就都成了101-999等三位数了。读的时候十位数(或个位数)的前面一般要加and(也可不加)。因此,333,333,333就可读作:

333,000,000 three hundred (and) thirty-three million

333,000 three hundred (and) thirty-three thousand

333 three hundred and thirty three

3) 英语没有单独表示“万”和“亿”的词,以“ten thousand”表示“一万”,“几十thousand”表示“几万”,“几百thousand”表示“几十万”。从“ten million”表示“一千 万”,“几十million”表示“几千万”,以“a hundred million”表示“一亿”,几百 “million”表示“几亿”。

例如:5,893,421,678 58亿9千3百42万1千6百78 读作:

five billion , eight hundred and ninety-three million , four hundred and twenty -one thousand , six hundred and seventy-eight。





e.g:two hundred, three thousand.hundred, thousand. 等不加“s”

e.g:234: two hundred and thirty - four.

2, 345:two thousand three hundred and forty - five

2, 345, 678: two million, three hundred and forty - five thousand, six hundred and seventy- eight.





或 was/were + going to do.

e.g:He said that he would come next week.

He told me that he was going to see his parents.

3.What’ s the population of China?中国有多少人口?



e.g:China has the largest population in the world.



e.g:How many pepole are there in China?中国有多少人?

4.There will be standing room only on the earth.




e. g: Can you make room for me?你能给我留点地吗?

5.So it goes on, hour after hour.



e.g:day after day一天又一天地。

year after day一年又一年。

time after time一次又一次。

go on:表“继续”,可接to do或doing.

Let’ s go on working. 让我们继续干吧。

After a short rest, we go on learning lesson two. 休息了一会儿,我们又继续学第二课。

6.develop: v. 发展



e.g:China is a developing country, while America is a developed country. 中国是发展中国家,而美国是发达国家。

还可用more/less修饰developed, 表达“较发达/不太发达”

7.A UN repost says that the world population will pass six billion by the end of the twentieth century.



e. g: I have learned 500 words by the end of last month.



population , billion , increase , wonder , size , produce , mouth , multiply , challenge , grow , beginning , century , square , hardly , room , space , by , cost , worth , second hand , used , result , price , search , internet , download , information , chart , path , plan

slow down/slow up使慢下来,减缓population increase人口增长hour after hour一小时接一小时地produce food生产粮食multiply…by…把……和……相乘grow faster and faster增长得越来越快at the beginning of在……初期/开始的时候standing room only只有立足之地as little as 少则as much as多则prefer…rather than 喜欢……胜过worth more than two million Yuan值两百多万元for holiday度假be busy doing sth. 忙于做search the internet网上查找资料/查英特网become interested in对……产生兴趣download the information从网上下载信息make a chart画一幅航线图start with从……开始end with在……结束travel path=the path of travel旅程/旅游线路


1. What's the population of Germany?德国有多少人口?或德国的人口是多少?

回答是:The population of Germany is about eighty-two million.


How many people are there in Germany?

回答是:There are about eighty-two million people in Germany.

the population of Germany德国的人口。


the world's population=the population of the world世界人口

2. I don't know if it will increase. 我不知道它(人口)是否还会增长。



The driver increased speed. 那司机增加了速度。

The population of China has greatly increased in the last few years. 几年来中国人口增加了许多。

Our difficulties are increasing. 我们的困难在增加。


例如:the population increase人口的增长

3. I wonder if that's a lot of people for the size of the country. 我不知这个国家是否能容纳这么多人口。

① wonder=want to know极想知道/不知道,对……感到奇怪/怀疑

例如:I wonder who he is , where he came from and why he come. 我不知道他是谁,从 哪里来,来干什么。

I wonder if you would mind helping me. 不知你是否能帮帮我的忙。

② for the size of the country 对国家的领土而言

size规模、尺寸、大小the size of the country国家的大小/领土

4. What can be done to slow down the population increase?能采取什么措施来减缓人口的增长呢?

slow down减缓、减慢,使慢下来=slow up


Slow down before you reach the crossroad. 在你到达十字路口以前应该减速。

All this conversation slows down the action of the play. 所有这些对话使剧情缓慢。

5. Standing room only. 只有立足之地。



例如:The house has three rooms. 这幢房子有3个房间。

6. During that time the population of the world increased by 259. 一分钟内世界人口增加259人。

① during that time , that time指上句中的one minute

② by 259 , “by” means “to the extent of”到……程度

7. So it goes , hour after hour. 像这样一小时接一小时地增长下去

hour after hour一小时接一小时的

又如:day after day一天又一天

8. In one day people have to produce food for over 370,000 more mouths. 每天 ,人们必须为所增长的37万人生产粮食。

① produce food 生产粮食

② for over 370,000 more mouths 为(每天)增加的37万张嘴/个人

9. Multiple this by 365. 用这个数(370,000) 乘以365.


例如:multiply five by three 以3乘5

multiply five and three 把5和3相乘

10. The increasing population may be the greatest challenge of the world today.


11. The world's population is growing faster and faster. 世界人口增长得越来越快。

faster and faster越来越快。


例如:He studies harder and harder. 他学习越来越努力。

The weather gets warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和

Our life is becoming better and better. 我们的生活变得越来越好。

两个多音节的形容词或副词的比较级用and连接时的结构为more and more+多音节的形容词或副词。

例如:Our country is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的国家变得越来越美丽。

12. At the beginning of the twentieth century , the world's population was about 1,700 million. 二十世纪初,世界人口大约是17亿。

① at the beginning of在……初,在……开始的时间

② the twentieth century 二十世纪,须用序数词而不用基数词,并加定冠词。

century(=a hundred years)“世纪,百年”是可数名词。

例如:the fifties of the 19th century 十九世纪五十年代

13. People say that by the year 2010 , it may be seven billion. 据说到2010年时,可能会有七十亿。

“by” means “not later than” ,到……之前,不迟于

14. That means that in about 600 years , there will be standing room only on the earth. 那就是说,大约过600年以后,地球上只有立足之地了。

in…years/months /weeks /days在……年(月、周、日)以后,用于将来时态

例如:He will be back in two weeks. 他两周之后回来。

辨析:after…years/months /weeks/days在……年(月、周、日)以后,相当于……years/ months/ weeks/ days later ,用于一般过去时态。

例如:He went to Wuhan last Monday. After two days(Two days later) he come back. 上周一他去了武汉,两周后他回来了。

15. Each person will have between one half to one square metres of space to live in. 每个人将会只有0. 5到1平方米的地方住。


例如:There isn't enough space in this classroom for thirty desks. 这个教室容纳不下三十张桌子。

Do you have enough space to work in?你有足够的地方工作吗?

16. The population of the more developed countries. 比较发达国家的人口。

the more developed countries比较发达国家

the less developed countries不太发达国家

the developed countries发达国家

the developing countries发展中国家

17. When their car becomes old , they prefer to buy a new one rather than repair it. 当他们的车旧了以后,他们喜欢去买一辆新的,而不愿意去修它。

prefer过去式和过去分词以及-ing形式要双写最后那个字母,preferred , preferring。

prefer…rather than…喜欢……胜过

例如:He prefers to write his letter rather than dictate them. 他喜欢自己写信,而不愿口授令人笔录。


例如:I prefer walking to cycling. 我喜欢步行胜过骑自行车。

He prefers bananas to apples. 他喜欢香蕉胜过苹果。

18. How much does a car cost in China?在中国一辆小汽车值多少钱?


例如:The house cost him £3,000. 此屋花了他三千磅。

The dress cost me ¥ 200. 这条裙子花了我二百元人民币。

19. It can cost as little as 50,000 yuan and as much as 300,000 yuan. 可能少则五万元,多则三十万元。

as little as和……一样少,少则……

as much as 和……一样多,多则……

20. That's worth more than two million yuan in China. 那在中国要值两百多万元(人民币)。

worth 值,相等于……之价值

例如:I paid only £300 for this used car but it's worth much more.


be worth doing 值得做……

例如:This book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得读。

He says life wouldn't be worth living without friendship. 他常说无友谊人生没有活下去的价值。

21. As he was busy searching the internet , he became interested in how different countries were. 当他忙于在网上查找资料时,他对各国的不同之处产生了兴趣。

①be busy doing sth = be busy with sth/doing sth 忙于做某事

如: He is busy doing his homework = He is busy with his homework. 他忙于做作业。

② search the internet在网上查找资料,搜寻网络信息

③ become /be interested in 对……产生/感兴趣= show interest in

例如:He became interested in science when he was only a child. 当他是一个小孩时就对科学产生了兴趣。

She is very interested in English. 她对英语很感兴趣。= She shows great interest in English.

22. He wanted to start with the smallest country and end with the largest one.


start with 以/从……开始/开头

end with 到/在……结束/结尾

例如:The word “population” begins with “p” and ends with “n”.


23. Help him make a better travel plan. 帮他订一个更好的旅行计划。

make a plan 或make plans订/作计划

例如:They are busy making plans for their summer holidays. 他们正忙于订








on the earth hour after hour mouth grow(grew ,grown) beginning at the beginning of by

L. 78


population billion India century following

L. 78

三 会

UN=the United Nations

L. 78



What's the population of. . . ?It's about 1. 2 billion. What does . . . mean? That means. . .

L. 79







1. 选择填空:

the population of Germany?

A. How much is B. How many are

C. What is D. what are

解析:此题要考查学生初步了解对人口提问所用的疑问句,掌握population的用法,population是不可数名词,意为“人口”,用作主语时动词须用单数形式。 对population提问时不用how much和how many要用what。故此题应选C,表示人口多用“large”,表示人口少用small。

例如:China has the largest population in the world. 中国的人口在世界上最多。

2. 译:一周之后我将来拜访你。

错译:I will come to visit you after a week.

正确翻译:I will come to visit you in a week.

解析:将来时态一段一问之后用in+一段时间表示。如:in two hours ,in three months , in a year. 而after a week用于一般过去时态中,相当于a week later 。



The police 1 a report that six men had stopped a truck. It was carrying two bags 2 something important. The six men had gone when the policed arrived. After locking for three hours , the police found the truck and the driver's hands 3 behind his car. The bad man had put 4 round his mouth so that he would not shout. The police climbed into the back of the truck and freed(松绑) the driver. They asked him what had happened.

“I was stopped soon 5 I left the bank ,” the driver said , “six men stopped me and made me 6 the river. `If you shout' , one of them said ,‘we will cut you 7 pieces! ’When I got to the river , they tied me up. Then they 8 me into the back of the truck. There were two bags in it and they took one of them. ”

“ 9 money was there in the bag?” a policeman asked.

“There was not any money in it at all. ” the driver laughed. “Only some letters , the money was in this one. I was 10 it for three hours!”

( )1. A. heard from B. received C. could receive D. gave

( )2. A. fill with B. filled C. full of D. full

( )3. A. were tired B. tying C. were held D. held

( )4. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything

( )5. A. before B. after C. if D. until

( )6. A. to drive B. to drive to C. drive D. drive for

( )7. A. like B. as C. in D. into

( )8. A. would throw B. wanted to throw C. threw D. carry

( )9. A. How many B. How much C. Whose D. Which

( )10. A. sitting on B. sitting in C. sitting D. sitting down


1. B. 由于A中hear from后要接人既hear from sb。此短语是在介绍一个事情故不能加情态动词,所以C不对,D词义不对。

2. C. full of something important整个短语作定语修饰bags。A是动词词组不能作定语,B中改为filled with才对。

3. A. were tired behind his back. 被绑在背后(被动语态)。

4. A. 某件东西,肯定句用something , nothing含否定意义既没有东西,anything,用于疑问句和否定句中,everything意为“一切东西”。

5. B. after 在……之后,soon after 相当于as soon as 一……就……

6. C. make sb. do sth. ,故A、B不对,“开往”应为drive to

7. D. cut … into pieces. 固定搭配,意为“把……切成一块一块地”

8. C. 此短文讲述的是过去的一件事,说明当时的事实,故用threw。

9. B. money为不可数名词,故用how much提问。

10. A. sit 为不及物动词,“坐在……上面”应用“sit on”

【有关"Unit 20 The world s population" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. The World's Population


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

population , billion , India , following , grow , beginning , century . UN , at the beginning of , the more developed countries , the less developed countries , the developing countries , in the year 2000 , hour after hour , on the earth

Ⅱ. 句型结构

What's the population of Germany ?

By what year will the world's population reach 6 billion ?

I didn't know that China's population would grow so fast .

We never asked what would happen to the world .

Ⅲ. 课文学习






教学设计2. 初三第二十单元



1)Make sure that it is straight.

2)Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight.

3)The ground must be just right---neither too wet nor too dry.

4)It’s best to plant trees in spring.

5)It’s ten metres long/wide/deep/high.

6)There are twenty more trees to be planted.


1)-Will you help me plant this tree,please?

-Of course. What do you want me to do?

2)Is it straight? More or less.

3)That’s done. What’s the next?

4)The more, the better.




【关于“Unit 20 The world s population”的常见问题】

常见问题1: Unit20 The world s population



A: Have you read today's newspaper?

B: No , I haven't. Is there any important news?

A: There's a report about the population of our country. It says China had got another 16,000,000 people in 1990.

B: Oh , the population is 1 2 and 3 .

A: If the population 4 on increasing like this , it will be the biggest 5 in our country.

B: Of course it will. China has the 6 population in the world. The babies 7 in one year are almost as 8 as the population of Australia.

A: I'm afraid there will be standing 9 only in our country someday.

B: But. if every family has only one 10 , things will turn for the better.


解答:1. increasing或growing 2、3. faster 4. goes 5. problem 6. largest 7. born (后置定语) 8. many(前面说的是babies , 故用many) 9. room 10. Child

常见问题2: Unit20 The world s population


Sorry ,I can't answer your question I know about the news.

A. a little B. little C. few D. a few



常见问题3: Unit20 The world s population


I found the bottle in room.

A. Mary and Kate B. Mary's and Kate's

C. Mary's and Kate D. Mary and Kate's
