SEFCB1 lesson11

发布时间:2016-11-3 编辑:互联网 手机版


Lesson 10

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following :

Four skills : British , however , a great many store

, and so on , the same as , more or less

2. Train students ' ability of reading comprehension

Teaching Important Points :

After learning the text " American English " , let the

students know something about the differences between British

English and American English and the development of English .

Teaching Difficult Points :

how to use " however " and " but "

Teaching Methods :

Method of discussion . talking method and direct method.

Teaching Aids :

1. a recorder 2. a projector

Teaching Procedures :

Step I Revision

T: Good morning , class.

S: Good morning , teacher .

T: Sit down , please , In the last period , we' ve learned

a dialogue between Yang Mei and her teacher Sara . Who can retell

the dialogue in the third person form ? OK , He Hong . please try .

( After that teacher asks again . )

T: Anyone else ?

( Let two students retell the dialogue and a few do the

second exercise on Page 67.)

Step II . Preparation for reading

T: Today we are going to learn sth , more about English .

English is a young language .It grew from other languages , such as

German an French . People began to write it down only about six

hundred years age . It is the international business language ,

However , English is not exactly the same in different countries .

American people speak English , but it is a little different from

British English . In this period , we are going to read about those

differences . Please close your books and listen to the tape

carefully . Then think over the questions on the screen .

Step III . Reading

( Teacher plays the tape and then shows some questions

on the screen . )

T: Now please look at some questions on the screen .

1. Do you think that people from Britain and American

can understand each other ? Why do you think so ?

2. Is there any difference in written English in the two

countries ?

3. Can you give some examples to show spelling English ?

4. What differences are there in spoken English in the

two countries ?

5. Where did the word " fall " ( meaning " autumn " )

first come from ?

6. Where did the expression " way of life " come from ?

7. How did the differences between British and American

English come about ?

8. In which countries is English used as the official

language ?

9. Which do you prefer , American English or British

English ? Why ?

( After that , teacher may ask Ss to begin discussing

. )

Step IV . Discussion :

( Discuss the answers to the questions above with the

whole class , While discussing them , deal with the language points

. )

T: Now please answer the questions on the screen . You may

look at your books while answering if you think it is necessary .

Any volunteers ?

Suggested answers :

1. Yes , Though there are many spelling differences ,

people from the two countries don' t have much difficulty in

understanding each other because written English is more or less the

same in Both Britain and America .

2. Yes , In written English there are some spelling

differences between British English and American English , And in

some cases. different words are used for the same thing .

3. Yes , I can , For example , the words " colour , center

and travelled " in British English are spelt " color , center and

traveled " in American English .

4. Some words are pronounced differently in the two

countries . For example , Americans say dance . In America they

pronounce not ;in southern England they say , and so on .

5. The word " fall " first came from England

6. The expression " way of life " came from America ,

7. There is no quick answer to this question , When people

from England travelled to other countries , they took the English

language with them . At first, the language stayed the same as the

language used in England , but slowly the language began to change

from one part of the world to another , At last the English language

became two variants --------- British English and American English.

8;. In England . America , Canada , Australia and New

Zealand English to British English because American English is

easier to under . stand / I prefer British English to American

English because British English sounds more beautiful .

( Discuss the answers with the whole class and deal with

language problems . Show them on the screen .)

1. more or less ------ about , not exactly , almost , nearly

It' s more or less an hour' s walk from here . more or


The work is more or less finished .

2. however adv. -----in spite of this , nevertheless

It' s raining hard , However . I think we should go out


He hasn't arrived . He may , however , come later.

The students thought they had done everything as the

teacher did.

They were mistaken , however.

3. come about ------ happen , take place

Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel comes about


When John woke up , he was in the hospital , but he

didn't know how that had come about .

4. At first , the language stayed the same as the language

used in Britain , but slowly the language began to change from one

part of the world to another.

1) stay vi ------ keep , remain

e.g. The door stayed open all the day ;

The temperature has stayed hot this


2) the same as ---

e.g. My dictionary is the same as yours .

We will do the same experiment as they

did yesterday.

5. --- the language began to change from one part of the

world to another : The form of English spoken in one area of the

world becomes different from the forms of English spoken in other

areas .

6. a great / a good many ------- a very large number of

e.g. Tom has a great many friends at school . A

great many of them like American English better than British


7. way of life : how we live

8. and so on : and various other things

e.g. He went to buy some books , pencils and so

on .

Step V. Reading

T: Now listen to the tape again. Pay attention to the

stress and intonation . After that , please read the text aloud.

Step VI . Workbook

T: Please stop reading. Open your books, Turn to P. 68.

Let' s do Ex. 2. and Ex . 3 . Do them in pairs first . Then we'll

check the answers.

Suggested answers :

Ex. 2


China ChineseChinese Beijing

BritainEnglishmen / women EnglishLondon

USAAmericans EnglishWashington . D.C

Australia AustraliansEnglishCanberra

Japan Japanese Japanese Tokyo

FranceFrenchmen / womenFrenchParis

Russia Russians Russian Moscow

Canada CanadiansEnglish / French Ottawa

Ex . 3 1.

British EnglishAmerican English

clour color

favourite favorite

centre center


travelled traveled

2. ask dance not box wheel what address

3. fall , mail , gas , movie , store

Step VII . Sum up :

Toda , we' ve learned Lesson Ten . American English (1) ,

We' ve learned the differences between America English and British

English . Their differences Lie in three : one is in written English

. e.g. Br.E colour, centre, travelled while AmE, color , center

, traveled ; one is in spoken English , e.g. Br.E. dance

[da:ns] . not [nt] Ame dance not .; the

third is in words and expressions . Br. E movie , gas , store ,

mail , right away . I guess while Am. E , film , petrol , shop ,

post , at once . I think . The cause of making these differences is

that people travelled from one part to another.

( Write parts of them on the Bb.)

Step VIII . Homework .

1. Revise the text of this lesson.

2. Make sentences with the words and expressions of ,

Lesson 10.

Step IX . The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Lesson 10

The differences between American English and British


In written English: ( in spelling ) Br.E

Am. E

In spoken English: ( in pronunciation) colour ,

centry Color , center

Words : traveled


Expressions : dance


autumn, film,

petrol0 at once fall , movie ,gas fall , movie ,

different from

gas right away different then

Step X . Record after teaching.