<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit2Lesson 7

发布时间:2016-9-13 编辑:互联网 手机版

1. In July they set sail again and headed south and west in search of a new land. 七月,他们再度启航,向南然后向西行驶,以寻找新的陆地。1). set sail = start the voyage扬帆启航; e.g. The ship set sail for Europe. 轮船起航去欧洲。Early in the morning, they set sail westward. 清晨,他们启程向西行驶。2). head vi. 向……前进; 后接for或forward; e.g. Endeavor headed east toward the Pacific. “奋力号”向东驶向太平洋。 The soldiers were heading northward. 战士们正在向北行进。 vt. 当……首领;居……之首;He joined a revolution- ary organization headed by comrade Li Dazao. 他加入李大钊同志领导的革命组织。in search of = searching for 寻找;追求;e.g. We arrived at the island in search of the unknown plant. 我们达到了那个岛屿,寻找那种不知名的植物。

2. Other sailors had already charted parts of the west and north coasts of Australia and the island of Tasmania in the south, but Cook was the first to map the east coast. 别的水手以前就绘制了澳大利亚西海岸的部分地图,并且把南边的塔斯马尼亚岛的地图也绘制出来了,而库克则是第一个绘制东海岸地图的人。chart n. vt. = map n. vt. 地图; 绘制地图;制定……计划;chart parts of the …coasts 绘制……的地图;制定……;map the east coast 绘制东海岸的地图;e.g. The pilot is charting the plane’s course. 飞行员正在制定飞机的航线。The expedition will map the South Pole. 探险队将绘制南极的地图。**** 名词与动词的转换: e.g. boat 小船 -> 划船; name 名字 -> 起名; face 面孔->面对;trade 贸易 -> 做买卖;

3. There the expedition almost ended in disaster . 在那儿探险队险遭灭顶之灾。end in… 以……结束;e.g. The war ended in the failure of the south. 战争以南方失败而告终。

4. The ship struck a coral bed, which tore a large hole in the side of the ship. 船撞到了珊瑚礁上,在船的一边撞了一个大窟窿。strike (struck; struck / stricken.) 撞击;打击; 给予……感觉;造成……印象; e.g. Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 All the visitors were deeply struck by the beauty of the West Lake. 所有的游客都被西湖的美景深深地吸引住了。 The old man was almost stricken to death by the bad news. 这个坏消息给了老人以致命的打击。 2). tear (tore; torn.) 撕;扯; e.g. He tore the letter into pieces. 他把信撕成碎片。 tear sth. up 把……撕碎;

5. But Cook ordered the crew to throw over the side of the ship guns, iron balls, pots and chains and even stores to raise the boat in the water. 库克命令船员把船上的枪支,铁制炮弹,坛子和铁链,甚至连库存物质全部都扔出船外,以便使船体在水中上浮。1). the crew 全体水手;指整体时,谓语动词用单数,指每个成员时,谓语动词用复数。e.g. The crew were all tired. 船员们个个都筋疲力尽。 The crew was made of able men. 船员们都是很能干的人。2). throw sth.


over the side of the ship 把扔到船外;3). to raise the boat in water 使船体在水中上浮;raise vt. 使……上升;引起;e.g. They raised the price of the rice. 他们提高了大米的价格。 She raised her eyes and stared at them. 她抬头盯着他们瞧。The story raised a good laughter. 这个故事引起一阵大笑。 提出;raise a question / suggestion 提出问题 / 建议。饲养;喂养;The family raised a large dog. 那一家养了一只大狗。

6. Then they beached the ship on the shore where they were able to repair the damage. 然后他们驾船冲向海滩,在那儿他们修好了破损的地方。 beach n. 海滩;vt. 使……靠岸; 使……搁浅; e.g. They managed to beach the ship to the shore.他们设法使船靠岸。The storm beached several ships. 暴风雨使一些船只搁浅。

7. 动名词的用法:

A). 动名词做主语表示一般或抽象的多次性的行为。另外,在It is no use / no good

/ not any use / not any good / useless / a waste of time 等句型中用动名词做主语。e.g. Collecting information is very important to business men. It is no use crying . It is no use arguing with him. It is no good doing so.

B). 动名词做宾语是高考的重要考点。我们必须注意以下四点:

1). 记住下列只能接动名词做宾语的单词,这些动词不能接动词不定式做宾语。mind 介意;risk冒险;resist 抵御;practise 练习;miss 错过;imagine 设想;stop 停止;suggest 建议;enjoy 欣赏;finish 结束;delay 耽搁;escape 避免;excuse 谅解;escape 逃脱;dislike 不喜欢;forgive 宽恕;advise 劝告;appreciate 感激;deny 否认;mention 提及;consider 考虑;can’t help 忍不住;can’t stand 无法忍受;insist on 坚持要求;be used to习惯于;be worth 值得;feel like 想要。e.g. They often practise speaking English among themselves. I would appreciate your calling back this afternoon. You’d better put off having the meeting till next month.

2). forget, mean, regret, remember, try 后面既能接动名词也能接动词不定式,但是意义上有区别。试比较:I mean to come early. Missing the train means waiting for another hour. I regret telling you the news. I regret to tell you a piece of bad news. I forgot to bring my homework with me. I forgot having given him an apple, so I gave him another.

3). Allow, advise, forbid, permit, encourage 跟动名词做宾语,跟动词不定式做宾语补足语。试比较: We allow smoking in our country, but we don’t allow middle school students to smoke. 吸烟在我们国家里是允许的,但是不允许中学生吸烟。 I would advise taking the car there, but I wouldn’t advise you to drive the car there. 我建议坐车去那儿,但我不主张你开车去那儿。

4). 动词want, need, require 表示 “需要”,后接动名词的主动形式,表示被动内容 = 动词不定式的被动形式。e.g. These windows want / need / require cleaning. = These windows want / need / require to be cleaned. 这些窗户需要擦洗。
