<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 20

发布时间:2016-5-9 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 77

1. Sun Yao meets a tourist outside a hotel in Beijing. 孙遥在北京一家宾馆外遇见了一位游客. meet vt. 碰见; 接人/车; 接触; meet with sb. 邂逅/与某人会唔. meet with sth. 遭遇到…例如: Her hand met mine. 她的手碰到了我的手. The president met with Dr. Smith at breakfast. 早餐时总裁会见了史密斯博士. I met with Wu Min in Xian. 我在西安遇到了吴民. You will probably meet with many difficulties. 你将可能会遇见许多困难.

2. Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine. 希望明天是晴天. 1). 句中的hopefully adv. 有希望地. 常用于句首, 表示将来的状况. 例如: Hopefully we will win. 希望我们能获胜. Hopefully our guests will be here by 11:00. 希望客人们在十一点钟前来到.*** 有一类副词, 表示说话人的观点, 常常独立用于句首. 如: frankly; personally; luckily; obviously; generally; actually; fortunately. 例如: Fortunately, no one was hurt. 幸运的是, 没有人受伤. Frankly, I’m not satisfied with your studies. 坦率地说, 我对你的学习不满意. Obviously, he needs help. 很显然, 他需要帮助. 2). turn out 证明是; 最后情况是…例如: Everything turned out well. 结果一切都很好. It turned out that he was right. 结果证明了他是对的. The boy turned out successful after all. 这个男孩终于还是成功了. 此外turn out 还有 “生产; 出来” 之意. 如: The works turns out 500 trucks every day. 那家工厂每天生产500辆汽车. A lot of people turned out to see the fireworks last night. 昨晚许多人出来观看焰火.

3. I’ve always dreamt of coming to China, and now my dream has come true. 我一直向往到中国来, 现在我的心愿实现了. 1). dream v 梦想 n 梦; 心愿. dream of 向往; 渴望; 梦想. 例如: I never dreamt that I’d see you again. 没想到又见到你了. He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist. 他梦想有一天能成为一个小提琴家. Her dream of becoming an engineer came true at last. 她当工程师的愿望终于实现了 .2). come true really hap- pen 变成现实.

4. How do you manage in your wheelchair? 你坐轮椅怎样在中国旅行的呢? manage vi. 能办到; 设法解决;vt. 设法完成/解决(某件困难的事) 例如: Can I carry the box for you? No, thanks, I can manage. 我替你拎箱子行吧? 不用啦, 谢谢你. 我自己来. How did you manage without a job? 没有工作你是怎样维持生活的呢? He managed to escape from the fire. 他设法从大火中逃了出来. manage 与try 的区别. manage 设法完成了 try设法去完成, 多半表示完不成. 试比较: He tried to work out the problem, but failed. 他试着解答这道难题, 但没解出来. He managed to work out the problem. 他设法算出了这道难题.

5. I seldom have any difficulties. 我很少遇到困难. seldom adv. 很少; 不常. (含否定意义). 例如: I’ve seldom seen such a big apple. 我很少见到这么大的苹果. They seldom go out for dinner. 他们很少到外面就餐. ***Mary seldom hears from him, does she? seldom 句子后接反意疑问句时, 用肯定式. 类似的词还有hardly; rarely; never; little等.

6. …even though I can’t see everything. 即使我不能看到一切,…. even though 即使; 尽管. 引导让步状语从句. 例如: We like English even though it is rather difficult. 我们喜欢英语, 尽管它对我们来说相当难. 它与even if 的区别在于even if 所引导的句子不一定是事实. 例如: She loves him even if he is poor. 那怕他贫穷她也爱他. (实际上他并不穷)


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 20

Lesson 78

1. In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor. 在英国一所大学的报告厅内坐着一位教授. 这是一个倒装句, 主语放在最后. 再如: Next to the hole was a nail, to which a bell rope was fastened. 洞口旁边钉着一枚钉子, 铃绳就系在钉子上. By the window stood an old man. 靠着窗户坐着一位老人.

2. That is because this professor has a disease which prevents him from speaking, 这位教授得了一种病, 使他不能讲话了. 1). disease 与illness 的区别. disease 病毒性疾病 illness 一般性疾病 例如: The doctor’s business is to prevent and cure disease. 医生的职责是防治疾病. I was laid up for six weeks with a very serious illness. 我因患重病卧床六个礼拜. 2). prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人干某事; (主动语态中from 可以省略) 例如: Illness prevented the scientist from carrying on his experiment. 疾病使那位科学家不能进行实验. Senses prevented him doing such a foolish thing. 理智促使他不做那样的蠢事. Nothing can prevent her doing so. 什么都无法阻止他那样做. 以上句子中的prevent可换成stop, 意思不变. ***keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人干某事 == keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直干某事; 比较: The church bells keep me from sleeping. 教堂里的钟声使我无法入睡. Don’t keep your car running too fast. 别让你的车开得太快.

3. Not only does he have to type out the answer on a computer, but he also gets the computer to translate it into sounds. 他不仅要把答语在计算机上打出来, 而且还要让计算机把答语转变为声音. 倒装句: 把谓语的一部分或全部放在主语前面. 含有否定意义的副词never; not; little; seldom; hardly; not only放在句首时, 常用倒装句型. 例如: Not a single mistake did he make. 他一点错误也没有出. Not only did he say so, but he did so. 他不仅这样说了, 也这样做了.

4. Although he had a disease of the brain which was getting worse, he decided to continue with his research and his writing. 虽然他患有日益严重的脑病, 但他决定继续从事研究和写作. continue with sth. 继续着某事, 例如: Please continue with your discussion 请继续讨论. It’s late in the night; the teacher continues with his work. 已经是深夜了, 老师还在继续工作. continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. 继续干某事; 例句: You can continue to use / using the lab after class. 下课后你可以继续使用实验室. continue sth. 继续某事, They decided to continue their struggle. 他们决定继续斗争. We can’t continue our journey tomorrow, as there will be a storm. 因为明天有暴风雨, 我们不能继续旅行了.

5. In 1988 his book “A Brief History of Time” became a best-seller. 一九八八年, 他的那本<<关于时间的历史>>的书成了畅销品. best-seller 畅销货 sell v 卖 seller 卖方; 出售的东西; sellsman / sellsgirl 售货员; sellmanship 推销术. sale n 出售

6. History is full of other examples of successful people with disabilities. 历史上作出成就的残疾人不胜枚举. full adj. 满的 full of sth. fill vt. 装满 例如: he received baskets full of cards, letters and telegrams of congratulation. 他收到了满满几篮子贺信, 贺卡和贺电. He filled the glass with water. 他把杯子装满水. ***The glass was filled with water. = The glass was full of water. 杯子里装满了水. (这两个句子都表示状态)


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 20

Lesson 79

1. Some people have the wrong attitude towards people with disabilities, considering them to be stupid. 有些人对待残疾人的态度不对, 认为他们愚蠢. attitude n. 态度; 看法, 后常接to; towards或on. 例如: I dislike her unfriendly attitude. 我讨厌她那不友好的态度. What is her attitude to school? 她对待学习的态度怎么样? I realized that all my attitudes on these matters were completely wrong. 我认识到我对这些问题的所有看法都完全错了.

2. As a matter of fact, many people have a disability. 事实上, 许多人身体都有某种缺陷. as a matter of fact = in fact 事实上; 实际上. 例如: He appears to be strong and healthy, but as a matter of fact, he suffers a very weak heart. 他外表显得很健康, 实际上, 他的心脏很衰弱. He told us he’d seen it, but as a matter of fact he wasn’t really there. 他告诉我们他曾目睹那件事, 但实际上他并不曾到过现场.

3. it is possible that one day we will end up with a disability. 很可能某一天我们终究会变成残疾. end up with 以……结束; begin / start with 以……开始; 例如: The birthday party started with a song of “Happy Birthday to You”, and ended up with the song of “Auld Lang Syne”. 生日聚会以<<祝你生日快乐>>开始, 以<<友谊地久天长>>结束. We ended the dinner up with fruit and coffee. 我们最后以水果和咖啡结束了晚餐.

4. It is often thought that disabilities are total. 人们常常认为残疾就是完全残废. total adj. 全部的; 完全的. (做定语) 例如: The total number of people present is 258. 全部出席人数是258人. What is the total cost of these books ? 这些书的全部成本是多少?

5. People would often be referred to as deaf or blind. 有些人常常被称之为 “聋子”, “瞎子”. refer to 涉及; 提到; 针对; 有关; 提交; 查资料; 参考; 把…归功于. 例如: the question referred to 所谈到的问题; The new law does not refer to farm land. 新法律与耕地无关. The shop referred the complaint to the manufacturers. 商店把投诉转交给制造商. refer to the diction- ary 查字典; The teacher referred him to chapter V. 老师叫他参阅第五章. He referred his success to the good teaching he had had. 他把他的成功归于他以前所受的良好教育. refer to sb. as …. 称…….为……. We would often refer to some people as “deaf” or “blind”. 我们常常会把一些称之为 “聋子”或“哑巴”.

6. What needs to be done to make life easier for people with disabilities? 需要做些什么才能使残疾人的生活过得舒适些呢? 当主语是物时, need 后面接动名词主动形式或动词不定式被动形式. 例如: The house needs to be cleaned / cleaning. 这房子需要打扫. 再如: Theses trees and flowers need to be watered / watering. 这些树木花卉需要浇水. 如果主语是人, need后面接动词不定式. 但如果人也是该动作的逻辑宾语, 则need后面接动名词主动形式或动词不定式被动形式. 请对比: The old man needs to buy a walking stick. 那位老人需要买一根手杖. The old man needs to be looked after / looking after. 那位老人需要被照料.

7. But the truth is that everyone should take care of disabled people, not just the government. 其实人人都应当关心残疾人, 而不只是政府. The truth is that….= The fact is that…. 例如: I didn’t ring him up, the truth is that I forgot. 我没有给他打电话, 实在是忘记了.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 20

Lesson 80

Grammar Study : The Inversion

倒装指的是把谓语放在主语之前. 倒装的原因, 一是语法结构的需要, 再则是为了加强语气. 倒装分为部分倒装(将助动词或情态动词移前)和全部倒装. 我们应掌握下列句型:

1). only 所修饰的副词, 介词短语或状语从句位于句首时, 要部分倒装. 例如:

Only in this way can you solve the problem. Only by this means can we kill the pests.

Only then / at the age of 18 / when I left school did I realize that English is very important.

但如果only修饰的是主语, 则不要倒装. 如: Only Mr. Li went there.

2). 含有否定意义的副词或连词, 如never, not, little, seldom, not only, hardly…when…, not until, no sooner… than…, neither, never, before 等, 放在句首时, 要部分倒装. 例如: Not a single mistake did he make. Seldom does she show her feelings before me.

Never shall I forget it. Not only is she very beautiful, but she is also very learned.

Hardly had I reached the bus stop when the bus started. Never before has our country

become as strong as it is today. Not until lately have I known she is Li Mei’s sister.

3). 在以here, there, out, in, up, down, away等副词开头的句子里, 要完全倒装. 例如:

There goes the bell. Here comes the bus. Out rushed the children.

Away went the boy. Here is a letter for you. Down fell the bird with a gunshot.

但是当主语是人称代词时则不能倒装. 请注意下面的句子中的主语谓语顺序.

There she comes. Here you are. Away he went. Up it flew.

4). 把so放在句首, 表示前面所说的肯定情况也适应于另一人或物.

其句型是: So + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 例如:

You can drive a car. So can I . He has been to Peking. So have you.

She is a teacher. So am I. I saw the film last week. So did she.

4). 把neither / nor放在句首, 表示前面所说的否定情况也适应于另一人或物.

其句型是: Neither / Nor + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 例如:

I have never been there, neither has he. The first one isn’t good, neither is the second.

I didn’t read the notice on the blackboard, nor did he .

5). There be 结构使用倒装形式. 例如:

In China there are about 50 million people with disabilities.

There are many different kinds of moon cakes on the table.

6). 用于so…that…或 such… that…表示程度的状语从句中. so 或such 放句首. 例如:

So simple did it seem that we were sure to learn it in no time.

So excited was she at the news that she couldn’t say a word.

7). 直接引语的一部分或全部放在句首时, 主句的主谓结构倒装. 例如:

“Everybody must bring a 2B pencil with you tomorrow.” said the teacher.

“What the child said is true.” said the father. “What does it mean?” asked the boy.

但如果表示说话的人是代词时就不用倒装语序. 例如:

“Shall we have an examination tomorrow?” she asked.
