Unit6 I’m going to study computer science第1课时Section A集中识词 学案设计(人教版英语八年级)

发布时间:2016-11-2 编辑:互联网 手机版

Section A集中识词

【学习目标】:1. 掌握重点单词的用法

2. 掌握重点句型:--What do you want to do when you grow up?

--I want to be …

【学习重点】:be going to 结构表示将来的打算

【课前预习】:看单词表,完成P41-P43词汇: (每个两遍)

1.医生 2. 工程师 3. 小提琴手

4.飞行员 5.钢琴家 6. 科学家

7.计算机管理员 8.厨师 9.驾驶员

10. 学院,大学,高等专科 ______ 11教育 ________________

12.药,医学 ________ 13.大学(综合性),高等学府 _______

14.伦敦 __________________ 15. 邮寄,发送 ___________________

16. 文章,论文 17. 长大 成长

18. 确信;对…有把握 19. 确保,查明


1.grow .生长;种植。 过去式 词组 grow up 意思 ____________,

Eg.a.她在保定长大。 She Baoding.

b.布朗太太种了很多蔬菜。Mrs Brown _____ ___ ____ ____

c.当你长大时,你想要成为什么(职业)?What do you want when you ?

2. send v. 派;送。过去式_______ :send…to…意为“把……送到;把……派到”;作“寄出”讲时其反义词是个get/receive“收到”。

Eg: a. 我要写些文章寄到报纸杂志上去发表。

I am going to write articles and __ ___ them ___ ___ magazines and newspapers.

b. He sent his three sons to the same school. 中文: _____________________

c. 谁送你来这的? Who _________ you here ?

3. cook n. ,v. ; cooker 固定搭配 “做饭”do some

1) My brother is . “我哥哥是个厨师”

2)My mother often for me. “我妈经常给我做饭”

3)I like these beautiful . “我喜欢这些厨具”

4)一位厨师正在用厨具煮米饭。A is some rice with the now.

4.medicine 药,医学 ,为不可数名词,–adj. 医学的;

“吃药”---通常用take,不用eat, take some medicine “吃药”

1)我将在大学学习医学. I am going to study at a .

2)请在饭前吃药。Please before meals.

5.university 一所综合性大学 ; college “学院;大学” 通常指“专科学校”



I have two brothers .One studies in Peking ________ ,the other studies in a ___ of foreign languages.


1. When I got home, my mother was c____________ in the kitchen(厨房).

2. Tom's mother is a d_____________ .She works in a hospital.

3.Mike's father is an_____________(工程师).

4. He likes playing the violin, and he is a v_____________

5. Take the m_________________ three times a day.

6. If you study hard, you can go to a u________________.

7.Can you write some______________(文章) for the magazine?


( )1.I’m going to take _______ lessons every day. A.act B. sction C.acting D.actor

( )2.He is going to ________ a teacher. A.as B.do C. act D.be

( )3.Are you _________ actor? A. a B. an C.the D./

( )4.-_____are you going to do?-I'm going to fly a kite.

A.Where B.What C.How D.Why

( )5.He often practices basketball. A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play

( )6.Are you going to be pilot or engineer when you grow up?

A.a/ a B. a / an C. an/ a D.an / an

( )7.An must take lessons.

A.actor/ actor B. actor/ acting C.acting/ actor D. acting/ act

( )8.Lucy,what is your brother going to be ____ he grows up? A.what B.where C.how D.when

( )9.--__a volunteer is great. --I think so. Some of us want _ volunteers(志愿者) for the London Olympics.

A. Being, being B. To be, being C. Being, to be D. To be, to be

( )10. I spent a lot of time ________English last weekend.

A. to practice speaking B. practicing to speak C. practicing speaking

III. 根据汉语提示完成句子。

1.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are great (飞行员).

2.His cousin is going to be a computer ___ (program).

3.Tom wants to do some ___ (cook) for his father.

4.He is a ___ (科学家) of experience(经验).

5.His dreams of one day becoming a famous ___ (violin)

6. I want________ _ (be) a teacher in the future.

7. Helen is good at________ __ (sing) English songs.


1.I left(忘记) my raincoat ____ ____ .But I can’t remember.

2.As a ____ ,he must take flying lessons much.

3.His brother is an _____ . He knows a lot.

4.The trees near the river ____ very quickly this year.

5.An actor should take ____ lessons often.


The Browns are 1 Smiths’ neighbors. Mr Brown’s name is John. But when his neighbors talk about him, they 2 him”Mr Going-to-do”. Do you know why? Mr Brown always says he 3 do something, but he 4 does it. Every Saturday Mr Brown 5 to the Smiths’ back door and talks to Mr Smith . He always says he 6 do something,

“I’m going to clean my house today” he says, or “I’m going to wash my car tomorrow, ” or “These trees in front of my house are 7 big, so I’m going to 8 them down next week. ” Mr Smith usually says,” Are you, John?” He knows his neighbor is not going to clean his house , or wash his car, or cut down any trees. Then he says, “Well, excuse me, John. I’m going to do some work in the house. ” And he does . Mr and Mrs Smith often 9 to their only child Dick, “Are you going to do something ? Then do it. Don’t be 10 Mr Going to do ”.

( )1.A.the B. a C. one D./

( )2.A.speak B. tell C. say D.call

( )3.A.be going to B. is going to C. am going to D. are going to

( )4.A.usually B. never C.often D. sometimes

( )5.A.is going B. get C.goes D.comes on

( )6.A.wants B. likes C.is going to D.would like

( )7.A.very B. too C. quite D.so

( )8.A.pull B.push C. cut D. sit

( )9.A.speaks B. say C. tell D. talks

( )10.A./ B.that C. another D.as