语法讲解教案 宾语补足语 (译林牛津版英语高二)

发布时间:2016-6-15 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. Firs let’s translate some phrases:

1)推选他做班长(队长,主席,总统,国王)make(elect ,choose )him monitor(captain,chairman, president, King)

2)把每天锻炼作为一个规定 make it a rule to exercise every day

3)称这个地方为金三角call the place the GoldenTriangle

4)称它为古英语/不明飞行物call it Old English/ a UFO

5)觉得做某事是快乐的事feel / find / think it a pleasure/ fun to do sth

6)认为帮助别人是我的职责think it my duty to help others

7)认为撒谎是一种耻辱think it a shame to tell lies

8)把门漆成更鲜艳的颜色paint the door a brighter color

Summary: 名词作宾语补足语, 即: 主+谓+宾+宾补(名词),宾语和宾语补足语之间有一种逻辑上的主系表结构关系。能接这种宾语补足语的动词常见的有:

call / name / consider / believe / think / find / feel / imagine/ elect / make / choose etc.


1) 当名词表示某人的职务、头衔时,作宾语补足语的名词前面通常不用冠词,如:

appoint him minister to a foreign country

2) 作宾语补足语的名词通常与宾语在数上保持一致。如:

make Joe his assistant / make Joe and Sue his assistants

3) 可用it作形式宾语

find / feel / think it +n find it my duty / fun / a pleasure to do sth.

2. Second , introduce other patterns.

S+ V+ O+ Object complement.(adj/ adv.),其中的形容词可分为两类。一类形容词表示宾语所处的状态,如find sb open/ find sth rough; 还有一类形容词表示宾语的特征或心理状态,如:find sb disappointing, find sb interested in sth, find sb deeply moved

1) 证明他是错的 prove him (to be ) wrong 使我们保持暖和 keep us warm

2) 把衣服弄脏 get the clothes dirty 让门开着 keep / leave the door open

3) 认为最好你和我们在一起think it best for you to stay with us

4) 使某人不安 make sb uneasy 发现盒子是空的find the box empty

5) 觉得有必要说出真相feel / find it necessary to tell the truth

6) 使人发疯 drive sb mad/ crazy 祝愿人人无灾无难wish nobody ill

7) 发现她不在家find her out / not in 把某人留下leave sb behind

8) 发现新工作乏味find the new job boring 觉得这本书值得一读think the book worth reading

9) 把门漆成黄色paint the door yellow 发现他是一个令人失望的人find him disappointing

10) 觉得他对我的工作满意find him pleased with my work

Attention :


find/ feel / think / make / get / keep / consider / drive / prove / wish / paint etc.


find him away from home / find him out / find him in / find him abroad

2).可用it 形式宾语

feel it necessary to make everything clear

3.非谓语动词作宾补 S + V + O + Object complement ( to do / doing / done )


常接带to 的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:

ask/ advise / allow / permit/ forbid/ force / expect / want / wish / cause / warn / tell / order / would like / remind /like sb (not )to do

1) 请他们来帮你ask them to help you 想要我早点儿到want me to come early

2) 盼望我们赢 expect us to win 吩咐仆人们打开窗子order his servants to open the windows

3) 喜欢他的太太穿着漂亮like his wife to dress well 告诉他不要迟到tell him not to come late


hear/ listen to / let / make / have / see / notice / watch / look at / catch sight of / observe ect.

让他写文章 have him write the article 注意到他进来并上了楼梯notice him come in and go upstairs

听见他播放CD hear him put on his CD 觉得房子晃动过 feel the house shake

Attention :

1) 动词原形作宾补,改为被动时,要加to,let 和have不用被动。be made to do / be listened to to do


He is said to study abroad soon.

He is said to have studied abroad, but I can’t remember which country he studied in .

He is said to be studying abroad, but I don’t know which country he is studying in .

Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computer .

A .to have invented B .inventing C .to invent D .having invented


1)看见飞船在窗外飞 see a spaceship flying out of the window

2)让我等了很久keep me waiting for long 3)发现他在桌旁工作find him working at the desk

4)闻到某物烧焦了smell sth burning 5)留下我在外面等着leave me waiting outside

6)看见银行在被抢see a bank being robbed

7. 看见雨披挂在门后面see the raincoat hanging behind the door

Summary :

1) 这类动词常见的有:keep / find / leave / hear / see / smell / watch / get / send etc.

2) 有些感官动词(see, hear, feel , watch )用动原作宾补表动作的全过程,用现分表示动作正在进行。


get sb to do sth. 让某人去做 get sb laughing/ talking / get the clock going 让某人------起来

(sb)send sb to do sth 派某人去做 (sth ) send sb doing 使某人------

The question sent me thinking deeply. The telephone sent him hurrying home.


过去分词作宾补表示宾语与宾语补足语之间存在着被动关系,能接过去分词作宾补的动词常见的有:get/ have / make / hear / see / watch / notice etc.其中感官动词表示宾语被动接受某动作,如:get her three sons killed ,notice him knocked down by a car---而使役动词表示使或让某人做某事。如:get the car repaired / have the luggage weighed ---.注意不及物动词的过去分词作宾补时,只表示动作已完成,不表示被动的意思。如:She found her wallet gone.

1.) He saw many trees cut (cut )down . They got their village surrounded (surround)with trees.

2.) He left the door unlocked (unlock)when he was away.

3.) They foreigner had to make himself understood (understand) by gestures.

4.) He often kept the door closed (close) when she left the room.

5.) Nobody noticed her wallet cut (cut) open. Don’t let the source of water polluted (polluted).

6.) Just now they saw the old houses pulled (pull) down.

1. 请人理发have one’s hair cut 2. 听人说意大利语 hear Italian spoken

3. 让眼睛闭着keep one’s eyes shut 4. 留下作品未完成 leave one’s works unfinished

5. 让我们得到水的供应 keep us supplied with water 6. 看到计划被执行see the plan carried out

7. 发现他坐在后面/ 他失踪了find him seated at the back / find him lost / missing

8. 使自己被明白 make oneself understood 让这个案件得到调查have the case looked into

9. 尽快把信寄出去have the letter posted as soon as possible


find sb in the hospital/ put one’s books in good order

find the trees in place / place her in a difficult situation / allow her into the room

bring sth under control


regard him as our best friend / recognize him as the best leader

6.注意介词with 的复合结构(即介词with+宾语+宾语补足语)

with the boy leading the way / with the water covering the surface of the earth

with the surface covered with water / with his son disappointing

with everything he needed bought / with two exams to worry about

with many problems to settle / with time going by

with the production up by 10%

1. The salesman scolded the girl caught ___________(steal) and let her off.

A .to have stolen B .to be stealing C .to steal D .stealing

2. Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had _______ went wrong again.

A .it B .it repaired C .repaired D .to be repaired

3.The chairman thought _____ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.

A .that B .it C .this D .him

4.With more forests _____________, huge quantities of good soil are being washed away.

A .is being destroyed B .is destroying C .are being destroyed D .being destroyed

5.You should understand the traffic by now. I have had it _______________ often enough.

A .explaining B .to explain C .explain D .explained

6.The flu is believed__________ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. A .causing B .being caused C .to be caused D .be have caused

7.The students expected ______ to be more reviewing classes before the final exams.

A .there B .it C .that D .one

8. When he returned years later, he found his hometown _____________completely.

A .to change B .change C .changing D .change

9.Peter wanted his TV ____ , but his wife would rather have it ____________.

A .fixed, thrown B .to be fixed, be thrown C .fixed, throwing D .fixing, throwing

10.With ______leaves ______ in the earth every year, the soil becomes richer and richer.

A .falling, burying B .fallen, buried C .fallen, burying D falling, buried