Unit 3 American English

发布时间:2016-11-6 编辑:互联网 手机版

1.I know only a little English.

a little, little; a few, few

only a little; only a few

quite a little: quite a few

2.I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English.

have (much, some little, no) difficulty in doing sth.

Mr.Smith didn't have much difficulty in understanding Chinese.

There is (/was)…difficulty in doing sth.

Everyone knew Mr. Black, so there was no difficulty in finding him.

I found the house with(without) difficulty.

do sth. with difficulty, do sth. without difficulty

3.… you're doing fine.


I hope it will be fine tomorrow.(晴朗)

She's really a fine artist.(美好,优秀)

“ How's your wife?" “ She's fine, thank you."(身体情况好)


He's doing fine in school(in his new business)(好,顺利)

The machine works fine if you oil it.

4.When do you take your next exams?

① exam=examination take/have an exam (学生)参加考试

give (students) an exam (老师)考学生

hold an examination 举行考试 pass an examination 考试合格

fail (in) an examination 考试不及格


=When will you take your next exams?

在简单句中并不常用一般现在时表示将来。如果将来的事件已经是“列入日程”或者说是按计划或时刻表将要发生的事,则可用一般现在时表示将来,但也仅限于少数动词。如: begin, get, go, leave, start, take .

When does the winter holiday begin?

What time does the train leave for Shanghai?

The plane takes off at 9:30 A.M.

5.Pardon? =I beg your pardon?

(=I didn't hear what you said and would you like to repeat it.)

6.Do you have any plans?

have a plan make a plan

Every student has made plans for the new term.

I have a plan for learning English.

7.find(找到); find out(经过打听询问之后)搞清楚,弄明白

①I lost my watch this morning. I've been looking for it ever since, but I haven't yet found it.

②I'll try and find out who did this.

We must find out the truth of the matter. (我们必须弄清这件事的真相。)

8.know , know about hear , hear about

speak , speak about learn , learn about

I don't know him but I know sth. about him.

I have never heard about that man.

9.Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America,…

more or less: almost, nearly; about, not exactly

(1) The work is more or less finished.( 差不多 )

(2) The trip will take ten days, more or less.

(3) I hope my advice will be more or less helpful to you.

(4) All the passengers were _____ __ ____ wounded in the accident.

(5) Our working condition has ____ __ _____improved.

10.for example

A lot of people here, for example, John would have coffee.

follow (copy) the example of 学习…的榜样(照…的样子)

I'll show you how to hit the ball and then you must copy /follow my example.

Tom worked hard and set a good example to his classmates.

Take my sister for example, she is an excellent singer.

11.How did these differences come about?

come about: happen

How did this accident come about?

They didn't know how the change had come about.

come across: meet or discover, esp. by chance

I came across this book in an old bookstore last month.

come from Where do you come from?

come in first (second, etc.)得第一(二…)名

In the race this horse came in first.

come at The bear came at the man

come to ( oneself )

When he came to ( himself ), the wounded soldier found himself lying under the tree.

come out

(1) The stars came out as soon as it was dark.

(2) That magazine comes out once a week.

(3) I think the roses will come out next week.

come true I’m sure that your wishes will come true one day.

12.At first, the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain,…


The shop stayed open till six o'clock.

The temperature has stayed hot this week.

He stayed up late last night.

②the same as / the same … as “和…一样”

Jenny looks the same as before.

Do you think his jacket is the same as mine?

The English teacher is about the same age as my father.

Don’t make the same mistake as you did last time.

Please meet me at the same place as you did yesterday.

in the same way at the same time

--- Merry Christmas! --- The same to you.

-- Let me help you carry the box upstairs, will you?

-- I can do it by myself. Thank you all the same.

just the same.

Though the child isn’t clever, we love him all the same.

○3 This is the language used in that country.

Last week they bought a color TV set ____ ( make ) in Japan.

Have you ever heard this song _____( sing ) in English?

13.Sometimes the English(spoken in America or Canada or Australia) changed; … 有的时候,美国、加拿大或澳大利亚所说的英语发生了变化。

(Beijing today is more beautiful than the Beijing 10 years ago.)

For example,300 years ago, the English talked about "fall". 美国人把“秋天”说成“fall”。

…just as the British did 300 years ago.



the English,(=the English people)

the French,(=the French people)

the Chinese, …

the Japanese, …

The British drink a great dead of tea.

14.But Americans still talk about fall just as people do in some parts of western England.

… just as the British did 300 years ago.


要的重复。 Let’s study as Mary does.

②just as:正好,恰似

She loves singing just as her mother did.

Jack didn't feel just as his wife did.

Leave everything just as you find it.

15.A great many words and expressions have come into the language from American English.有许多新的词语已经从美国英语进入到英国的语言中来了。○1 many, a great many, a good many, a great number of , a large number of books

○2 much, a great deal of , an amount of water

○3 a lot of , lots of , plenty of ,

a quantity of , quantities of books / water

16.way of life 生活方式

Do you think my way of life would suit you?

①We'd better stop and ask somebody the way.

②By the way, have you seen Jack recently?

③He went to Canada by way of(取道)Japan.

④I have a long way to go(还要走很远的路,还要作很大的努力)

⑤Please do not talk in that way.

⑥The child lost his way in the city.

⑦Let me lead the way to the dining-room.

⑧I came across Tom on the way back home.

17.and so on 等等

We study Chinese, maths, English, history, chemistry, physics,

geography and so on.

18.American English has changed over the centuries ,too.



Over the years he's become more and more careful.

Can you stay over Sunday?

Some rubbish rots away over a long time.

19.…but they also brought in some words from their own language.

Tea was brought in, but no one touched it.

20.In China about seven people in ten speak putonghua.

seven people out of every ten, seven-tenth of the people

21. … people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.

She said that she had some difficulty with pronunciation.

She said that she had some difficulty in pronouncing this word.

22.… but slowly the language began to change from one part of the world to another.

…while the language in England changed.

Please change these sentences from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.

change n.

Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years.

Here’s your change.

I am tired of looking at television every night. Let’s go to a movie for a change.

change v.

She has changed her mind.

He has changed a lot since he came here.

Let’s change the topic.

Shall I change seats with you?

You’d better change that shirt for a larger one.

I’d like to change my pen for your pencil.

The scientist tried to change iron into gold.

The fairy changed the stone into a table.

He changed trains at St. Paul.

23.I practised writing them for homework.有些及物动词只能接动名词

作宾语.如: mind, finish, enjoy, practise, suggest ,….

Have you finished _______( write ) the letter?

Would you mind _________(open ) the window?

I enjoy __________ ( read ) English stories.

Mary suggested _________ ( give ) the students more time.

We should practice ________ ( speak ) English every day.

The doctor advise the old man to give up ______( smoke ).